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  1. kitcik

    28mm Victorian Steampunk but also Roads and Rivers (useable for fantasy) KS

    This Kickstarter is from a great company, Renaissance Miniatures (I am not affiliated). Here is the current KS: Here is their website...
  2. kitcik

    Modular Prepainted Terrain system (w/ liquid glass rivers!)

    This is a pretty cool, modular terrain system for outdoor stuff: forests, hills / elevation, roads, rivers.
  3. kitcik

    Polyhedral metal dice with cool designs & colors - last day!

    Almost all stretch goals met. Very friendly sponsor. Roman Numeral style is awesome!
  4. kitcik

    A couple of cool UK ones going on: dungeon accessories & colored polyhedral metal dice

    The first is at 12x goal already and has tons of freebies. A great source of dungeon accessories: The second is closing in on the funding goal and has some cool & reachable stretch goals, like Roman...
  5. kitcik

    D&D with checkpoints?!

    1) No risk no reward. If you can't really lose, you can't really win either. 2) I can play DIablo online. 3) If anyone in the world can risk everything at all times with no worries, it will be a screwed up world. 4) Why don't the BBEGs come back? If they do, what's the point of adventuring? 5)...
  6. kitcik

    So that's it for 4th edition I guess?

    4E, don't let the door hit you on the way out... Chiming in late here, but that is my 2 cents.
  7. kitcik

    so how often do you go above 10th level?

    I have been playing D&D for 34 years and have been in many campaigns. Only one failed to get to 10th level, and that was due to a falling out between two groups of players which ended the campaign prematurely.
  8. kitcik

    Please Share Your Favorite Over-the-Top Cutscene

    Everyone has heard of "suicide by cop" where a sick individual decides to try to get a cop to shoot them to death. Well, way back in an old AD&D 1E campaign, we had a high level wizard PC who was royally PO'd at the party and DM and decided to "suicide by demon prince." The character did an...
  9. kitcik

    Caring for your books

    I don't mind the "happily worn" look, so I just try to avoid using them as coasters or napkins (or letting my players do so).
  10. kitcik

    D&D 5E Automatic Damage Is Still a Problem

    If you have two 20th level wizards facing off in 3/3.5, isn't one of them likely to win the battle in round 1? Why should 1st level be any different? Beware those of arcane might!
  11. kitcik

    Must have book per edition

    OD&D - Eldritch Wizardry, cuz of the babe on the cover.
  12. kitcik

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Daze Question

    The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. Socrates
  13. kitcik

    Optimal number of players?

    I agree with what most people have said - 4 is a great number - edition matters (older edition --> more) - game matters - group matters And I will add (or emphasize, if I missed it in someone's post): DM MATTERS! Some DM's can not only handle larger groups, but can use the larger size to...
  14. kitcik

    What if everyone was a monk?

    You would be known as Particle_Bored. (sorry, I couldn't help myself)
  15. kitcik

    What if everyone was a monk?

    Excellent thread title Let me come back to this in a second. Umm... equivalent monk abilities for spellcaster abilities? This is where you went off the rails. Anyway, coming back to the question at hand, I think that most monsters are less dependent on spells than PCs, so you would have...
  16. kitcik

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Daze Question

    Why not? FoM This spell enables you or a creature you touch to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell, even under the influence of magic that usually impedes movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web. Dazed The creature is unable to act normally.
  17. kitcik

    Seeking Geograpy help

    Here is one portion of the pass.
  18. kitcik

    The Crown of Endless Sorrows

    So I was walking down the street one day after (high) school (like 30 years ago) with some friends, when we came upon a bunhc of protesters in front of a movie theter showing "The Gods Must Be Crazy." None of us had ever heard of the movie, let alone why anyone would be protesting it...
  19. kitcik

    The Crown of Endless Sorrows

    The Crown of Ironic Joys or something
  20. kitcik

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5E build questions (Sorc/Warblade/JPM/Spellsword)

    If you want a powerful build, you should not lose caster levels by taking warblade levels, there are better gish builds (google "gish handbook"). If you want a sorcerer / warblade, then go for it! I would not worry much about Int as the warblades Int-based abilities are not the schnizel. I...