Search results

  1. Razjah

    Looking for a tabletop RPG to capture a certain 'grim Slavic' vibe

    Burning Wheel, especially if you use the Codex for corruption or other magic. Magic takes time, taxes you, research is hard and long, combat is deadly. Using the Dresden Files RPG with some core tweaks can work great. Changing the setting impacts very little mechanically. Lower the thresholds...
  2. Razjah

    Structuring a Quest Based Sandbox

    Have you seen Matt Colville's advice on sandboxing? The biggest thing I have done in past games set up like this is to apply pressure. Let player know there are consequences. The faun may take the daughter into the feywild and if she eats there, she will remained trapped by the faerie courts...
  3. Razjah

    D&D 5E Experiences with a PC garrote weapon?

    So your player wants to be able to use a garrote to dispatch enemies, correct? Is there anything else they want to do with this weapon? It isn't something you can easily use in a cinematic/heroic D&D fight. If the player wants a means to silently remove an enemy, why not just tie it to the...
  4. Razjah

    Low Fantasy - Best Systems?

    A few people have mentioned some of the ones I would recommend: Burning Wheel Shadow of the Demon Lord Forbidden Lands Savage Worlds E6 Style D&D/PF Romance of the Perilous Land is very Authurian but would probably do what you are looking for as well.
  5. Razjah

    Sharing Information

    I have seen it happen a lot. If the group is cool with secrets, then go about the secret keeping (detailed notes help). But it should be part of your group's social contract and it's worth taking a moment to discuss. The GM taking aside a player can then be a really dramatic and memorable...
  6. Razjah

    What do you want to do better as a GM?

    Sorry the holidays were exhausting at work. Forbidden Lands is an rpg by Free League. They made Mutant Year Zero, Tale from the Loop, the new Alien RPG. Forbidden Lands is a survival fantasy game, where the PCs are striving into wilderness to find treasure and eventually build their own...
  7. Razjah

    What do you want to do better as a GM?

    I need to have them roll for circles more to help with this. But the NPC problem came up in Forbidden Lands too. I'm not sure if it's chop busting or me being worse than I thought.
  8. Razjah

    What do you want to do better as a GM?

    I want to get better at a few things: -Foreshadowing. I just want to improve at foreshadowing things which can help set mood better, drop hints, and add more mystery. -Having more likable NPCs, my players seem to find most of my NPCs annoying. If I don't role play their personality then my...
  9. Razjah

    Mouse Guard/Torchbearer question, Are there any premade aids for these games? Goals, Beliefs...etc

    BWHQ shut down their forums. Twitter and some other places can still provide help. I don't have any TB experience. But in Mouse Guard the missions drive pretty much everything. The goals follow missions, beliefs inform play. MG beliefs are usually a little simpler than BW (again, no TB...
  10. Razjah

    What games, homebrews or advise does anyone have on making running the game more of a Co-op experience.

    People have already suggested all the games I would recommend. Burning Wheel (and Mouse Guard), FATE (particularly FATE Core over some older versions), and the PbtA games (Apocalypse World, Dungeon World). Any of these should help you find what you are looking for. It's pretty interesting and...
  11. Razjah

    What is distinctive about fantasy RPGing? Or sci fi?

    For me, one of the most distinctive elements of fantasy games is how a few can make a huge difference. Even in a more Conan-esque game without wild magic and saving the world, the PCs can accomplish far more than "regular" folk. In high fantasy you save the world, in heroic fantasy you can save...
  12. Razjah

    What games are the best organized / easy to understand ?

    I don't know any d20 system game that the books actually explain how to play well. Actually, 4th edition did a good job of explaining how adventuring works, structuring an adventure, and the like. Every other edition I've played lacks some basics. I'll second the PbtA games. Dungeon World is...
  13. Razjah

    D&D 5E - Players Wanted - South NJ USA (Hammonton)

    Unfortunately, I can't really game on Saturdays with my work. I hope you can find some more players.
  14. Razjah

    D&D 5E - Players Wanted - South NJ USA (Hammonton)

    What part of south NJ? I'm in Lakewood, pretty central. Also what day are you gaming?
  15. Razjah

    Best Graphic Design / Layout

    I'm a huge fan of good indexes, Burning Wheel's layout works great for me but the index lets me find everything I need fast. The 4e rules compendium layout is a little boring, but it works well for that book.
  16. Razjah

    Power Creep

    This is awfully close to E6. All levels cap at 6. So taking down a 10th level dragon means getting help, researching this species of dragon's weaknesses, finding the ingredients to make a necessary balm to apply to weapons to fight it. Fighting the tarrasque wouldn't be a battle. It would be a...
  17. Razjah

    What's Your Favorite House Rule?

    This sounds really cool! I think that there is the possibility for the item to last way longer and to burn up much faster. Plus it needs to be tracked much less than 50 charges getting used for cure light wounds 10 times on the fighter, 7 on the ranger, 2 on the wizard, and 3 on the rogue. You...
  18. Razjah

    Campaign Set in a Magic School

    I think using aspects of the university in The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man's Fear would be beneficial. Mostly young adults and adults; different classes; a local mundane location to blow off steam. Then mix in more D&D style magic. Bardic and Druidic mages and lessons. PCs could be TAs and...
  19. Razjah

    Weapon for Wereshark?

    EDIT: Sorry I forgot which forum I was under, PF material won't help. But maybe adapt it for the wereshark. Or have a loop at the end of a spear, drop the spear, shift forms, catch the rope in shark mouth, swim away. I'm not near my books, but the PFSRD says that shifting between human and...
  20. Razjah

    Pathfinder 1E Jousting in Oppara

    Is this part purely a race or are you expecting the riders to attack each other? I'm asking because you have the different combat performance options- or is this for other parts of the tournament? The race, the combat on foot, the joust.