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New Druid Build....Now with the Magician!

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i like it A LOT. I am even more flattered that you previously said that my Berserker class would be holding a position in your campaign world (even as a PrC, and not a base class, as i had intended) given the flair and flavour of this class. The amount of detail you have put into this is amazing! I am so dissapointed that i have to go to work now, but i will be responding to this thread ASAP.

RC, very good work, and very cool class! keep it up!

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
RC, the link to your Druid PDF doesn't seem to be working for me. Can you please email it to me? I'd love to take a look.


Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
I really like it. It is quite flavorful. The faction abilities make it unique. I disagree with letting the druid multiclass into itself to gain more faction abilities. IMO the character should have to pick one faction and stick with it. In the Dragon Magazine there are subclass options, but once the player has chosen a subclass, she isn't allowed to multiclass into another sublass of the same general class dor the reason of not doubling any powers that they already have. It is something I agree with. You might want to rethink it.

Also, I'm not sure if you have seen my take on the Druid for my homebrew. It might inspire you.


First Post
Raven Crowking said:
Thank you.

My goal, as I hope is apparent, is to create a far more folkloric/literate campaign setting than the standard video-game one that the core rules propose. Which is why I liked your Berserker class build. Care to see my magician?

*claws at computer screen* please i wanna see this magician!!!!

I completely agree with you in wanting to create a campaign with more myth and folklore influences in it that just "high fantasy" (take this in whatever way you will). Tolkien helps a lot with this, but most medieval fantasy is (EDIT: Contemporary Medieval Fantasy), as you stated, like a video game.

Don't get me wrong here, i like playing in FR to ahve a "fun campaign" (read: basically a campaign in which everything dosnt have to make sense; high magic; and that video game-y feel to it). My campaign setting (which we are currently not playing in :( , due to my need to develop it a bit more) is inspired by 1) Tolkien and 2) real life folklore, history, myth, legends, etc. More or less, it is in that order.

For example, in real life, goblins are basically fairies of a sort, but in middle-earth (and D&D, although i dont like WotC's take) they are a human-ish race of backstabbers that hate dwarves blah blah blah. Furthermore, in standard D&D, goblins and orcs are different races, in middle earth they are the same race, adn there werent any bugbears or hobgoblins. To sum all that up, IMC, goblins and orcs are the same race, there are no hobgoblins or bugbears and they still hate dwarves. So my campaign is like middle-earth and earths folklore put together, to make a completely new hybrid of the two. It sounds like you are doing something very similar RC; and i like what i have heard thus far; please keep the submissions coming.

BTW, i really like the way you present your veiws in regards to medieval fantasy. if you need an ear for any ideas, dont be afraid to drop them at my feet :D esp. ones that are inspired by real life folklore and mythology. Dammit, do i love finding ideas in those!

email: Nyaricus -at- hotmail -dot- com

tty soon
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another question, have you seen my feedback about the druid in that Shaman (name: Shamans?) thread? It is completely inspired by the celtic druid, who was a magicain of sorts, judge, healer, and spiritual guide. You may want to take a look at the feth fiada, which i want to use instead of the wideshape ability (which has no basis in druidism; more in berserker society > which reminds me that i need to post those PrC's . . .) Anyways, if you do want the basis for a "true" druid, you may want to check it out. You could still add in faction info easily enough, etc.

Anyways, just a thought . . . :D

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