(Record) Character Tracking and Interface Thread


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LPNN Participants:

Vargo/Vargo’s Wolf

WereRat encounter: 320 xp per PC
Loot: TBD
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First Post
Adventure: R1: Hired Hands (completed)

Tor, played by Patlin
Ragnikyr, played by Roger
Kerrz, played by Kerrz
Gideon, played by IcyCool
Valen, played by LogicsFate

XP Awards
Tor: 2258
Ragnikyr: 1258
Valen: 1125
Gideon: 1358
Kerrz: 250

Adventure: R2: Rats In A Maze (completed)

Tor, played by Patlin
Gideon Redcloak, played by IcyCool
Babette Delecroix, played by Heckler
Fimble McGee, played by Rae ArdGaoth
Metrius Pinch, played by wmasters
Kith Ra Ei, played by HugeOgre

XP Awards
Tor: 5860
Gideon: 5235
Babette: 4285
Fimble: 4285
Metrius: 1310
Kith: 0

DM Awards
19 for R2: Rats In A Maze
-10 for adding 1500 xp to Lucien Rayes
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Previous adventures: [sblock=Wreck ashore]Adventure: wreck ashore. Started 8-19-2005, finished 11-27-2005

Hulgyr, orc fighter 1
Roddick the longing, elf barbarian 1
Wilhelm Irontower, human cleric of Ayratha 1.
Eroin of the Ironwood Hand elf monk 1

XP: 150 each for a constrictor snake.
50 xp for an encounter with an angry lizardman.
60 xp for the men encontered in the marshes.
300 xp for two panthers (leopards)
50 xp for getting vital infomation.
75 xp for a patrol of two pirates.
150 xp for a dwarf and two sidekicks.
300 xp for the final battle.

Time bonus: 3 months x 50 xp/level = 150 xp.

Individual rewards: Hulgyr and Wilhelm get a roleplaying bonus of 300 xp

10 gold coins
2 masterwork crossbows and 2 masterwork scimitars, plus 4 unidentified potions (two of them already used)
Two masterwork crossbows, two masterwork scimitars and two more potions (both them already used)
(Potions left are 1 Mage armor potion, 1 Cure light wounds potion)
A masterwork falchion and composite longbow
A total of 4852,5 gold coins as a reward for completing the job and bringing back part of the stolen goods.[/sblock]

[sblock=Thirst for power]Adventure: Thirst for power. Started 5-27-06


Azaroth VanHaydren, human sorcerer/fighter 2/1
Banion Lorish, halfling soulknife 3 (leveled to 4 while in the adventure)
Beamer Glimmereye, halfling sorcerer 3 (leveled to 4 while in the adventure)
Draig Underfellow, dwarf ranger 1 (leveled to 2 while in the adventure)

General XP rewards:
420XP for a morning of intense roleplaying, plus time bonus (at 8/23) (150 Draig, 450 Beamer and Banion)

Individual rewards:
Draig: 650, 1450, 100.
Beamer:600, 150, 1400,200.
Banion:300, 50, 1500, 300,200.
Azaroth:600 (note: this is the only reward Azaroth gets, as he left the adventure at this point)


1000 gp paid as an advancement (spent in 1 CLW wand and 5 CLW potions)
A wand of Scorching ray with 21 charges, one +1 short sword, one masterwork sword[/sblock]

Total DM points: 6
Current DM points: 2
Spent 4 Dm points increasing Nodis' XP total.
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[Tomb of Chaos] - started 11/09/05, completed 12/31/06 12 DM Points awarded
  • Persephone - human Sorceror 4/Human Paragon 2, played by Manzanita - 10099XP
  • Nars Blackbeard - dwarven Rogue 5/Fighter 1, played by SlagMortar - 9248XP
  • Nezrak Duskstar - gray elven Wizard 5, played by Xael - 8665XP
  • Sir Ishmael of the Wooden Sword - deep halfling Paladin 2/Sorceror 1/Fighter 2/Dragon Disciple 1, played by nimisgod - 9593XP
  • Rodimus - half-orc Monk 6, played by Dalamar - 9119XP
  • Gorefoot - gnome halfling Barbarian 2/Ranger 3, played by IcyCool - 8888XP
  • Loot
  • XP

[The Secret of Gemhold] - started 01/29/07, completed 02/07/09 25 DM Points awarded

[L1: Strange Doings] - started 10/31/06, taken over from LiquidBlue 01/29/07, completed 09/24/07 8 DM Points awarded
  • Razin Smith - human Fighter 1, played by JonnyFive - 900XP
  • Manon Lazarus - human Rogue 1, played by corcio - 900XP
  • Ximix - high elf Cleric of Gliran 1, played by Ximix - 2100XP
  • Jallembo - human Rogue 1, played by Amaury - 2100XP
  • Garrit Kelspire - half-orc Paladin of Hyrag 2, played by Animus - 2400XP
  • Loot
  • XP

[DM Points Log]
  • 12 DM Points gained for E1: Tomb of Chaos
  • 11 DM Points spent on Tenebrynn
  • 8 DM Points gained for L1: Strange Doings
  • 3 DM Points spent on Eternity
  • 5 DM Points spend on Eternity
  • 1 DM Point spent on Tenebrynn
  • 25 DM Points gained for E2: The Secret of Gemhold
  • Current Total: 25

[Erekose's NPCs (public)]
  • Tharivian Atterwood - LN half-elf Wizard 4; Location: Orussus, Sage's Guild; Occupation: Sage.
  • Lorien Stemraen - N doppleganger; Location: unknown; Occupation: Librarian.
  • Novrne - CG cursed human Rogue 5 (Undead); Location: Orussus, Sage's Guild; Occupation: none.
  • Chaos, aka Lord Toth Nekamek - CE babau demon; Location: unknown; Occupation: reincarnated despot.
  • The Queen of the Forest
  • Celebriant, nomad leader
  • Min and Dar, gnome miners
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First Post
DM Credits:
Wizards and Cook: 1
Di Senzio Trounement: 52

DM Credits Spent:
2 (2007-12-14: XP for Ridik at level 4)
6 (2007-12-17: Gold for Opale at level 7)
19 (2008-02-05: XP for Opale at level 7)
14 (2010-04-23: XP for Rinaldo at level 11)

DM Credits left: 8

Wizard and Cook

Started: 05-14-2006
Finished: 06-15-2006

Jik'tu : Orc Cleric of Tarusk 1, played by DerHauptman
Eskon : Human Paladin of Hyrag 1, played by Lot
Cepheus : Gnome Rogue 1 , played by BigB


di Senzio's Tournament

Arena - Backstage
Arena - Tribune
Clerk Ward
Merchant's Avenue
Road to Fallon
Red Dragon Place


Started: 06-09-2006
Finished: In progression

Cepheus : Gnome Rogue 1 , played by BigB
Deos : Human Wizard 1/Cleric 1, played by IcyCool
Garrit : Half-Orc Paladin 1, played by Animus
Jik'tu : Orc Cleric of Tarusk 1, played by DerHauptman
Khairi : human Figther 1, played by BigB
Nirassa : Katara Sorcerer 1, played by Animus
Octavio : human Rogue 1, played by Heckler
Quozen : elven Monk 1, played by InVinoVeritas
Semabin : Human Fighter 3, played by Knight Otu
Thamian : grey elf Wizard 1, played by Endovior
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El Jefe

First Post
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LEW Judge
Exploring the Hase-Suna Complex

Filalia, grey elf wizard 1 (Question) : 1075 XP pre-crash, abandoned
Zurd, half-orc paragon 1 / sorceror 1 (DerHauptman) : 1075 pre-crash + 1925 = 3000 XP (abandoned)
Lokin Barnwill, human fighter 2 (Lot) : 1000 pre-crash + 2250 + 250 = 3500 XP
Payne, human rogue 2 (TwistedMindInc) : 1075 pre-crash + 2400 + 250 = 3725 XP
Kol Axbjorn, maenad barbarian 2 (hero4hire) : 1075 pre-crash + 2400 + 250 = 3725 XP
Kyle Widebelly, dwarf cleric 2 (D20Dazza) : joined the party in the middle, 1350 XP, abandoned

Treasure: 1305.4 GP each for Payne, Lokin, Kol including
Payne: jewelled MW dagger (dagger worth 302 GP, topaz worth 400 GP, together worth 725 GP) at half cost (362.5 GP), 942.9 GP cash
Lokin: +1 heavy steel shield (market price 1170 GP) at half cost (585 GP), 715.4 GP cash
Kol: +1 greataxe (market price 2320 GP) at half-cost (1160 GP), 145.4 GP cash.

IVV1: The Forgotten Map
(taken over from InVinoVeritas)
Total awards to the characters completing the adventure
Oskar Ungart 900 XP, 1000 GP
Vindala Bluestone 1240 XP, 1000 GP
Karl Rutherford 1290 XP, 1000 GP
Babette Delacroix 1440 XP

Sinister Spire
(taken over from BigB)
Total awards to the characters (only after Orsal took over the DM seat)
Lookspring: 2650 XP, 542+826.67 = 1368.67 GP
Phoenix: 2650 XP, 542+826.67 = 1368.67 GP
Rowan: 2650 XP, 542+826.67 = 1368.67 GP
Eanos: 6750 XP, 9.5+826.67 = 836.17 GP
Semabin: 6300 XP, 9.5+826.67 = 836.17 GP
Pendrake: 5900 XP, 9.5+826.67 = 836.17 GP

DM Credits

16 credits for Exploring the Hase-Suna Complex, awarded by Manzanita
2 credits for The Forgotten Map, awarded by Trouvere
10 credits for Sinister Spire (Group 1), awarded by Boddynock
8 credits for Sinister Spire (Group 2), awarded by Boddynock
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First Post
Adventures DM'ed by BigB

[sblock=A Sailor Talks Too Much]
Location: Docks District Orussus

DM Credits:2
Used:2 14June2007 on Cepheus for 200gp

Verrick by LiquidBlue Elan Ranger 1
Phoenix by Phoenix8008 Soulknife 1
Lookspring by SelcSilverhand Ranger 2
Pinky by LiL'Hauptman Rogue 1
Ray by DerHauptman Rogue 1

Started 9/15/2006[/sblock]

[sblock=Rich beyond dreams]
Location: Uncharted Island

DM Credits:13 Awarded by Orsal
DM Credits Used: 4 Ceph 800exp @4th level(gives him enough exp to make 5th level).

Verrick by LiquidBlue Elan Ranger 1
Phoenix by Phoenix8008 Soulknife 1
Lookspring by SelcSilverhand Ranger 2
Pinky by LiL'Hauptman Rogue 1
Ray by DerHauptman Rogue 1

Started 11/27/2006

[sblock=experience awards]
12-26-06 Verrick 500exp
Pinkie 500exp
Ray 500exp
Lookspring 500exp
Phoenix 500exp

In january Verrick, Ray, and Pinkie dropped out of adventure.

2-15-07 Lookspring 500exp
Phoenix 500exp

2-16-07 3 large pearls to the group

3-20-07 Lookspring 700exp
Phoenix 700exp

3-27-07 Lookspring 180exp 3 MW light crossbows, 3 MW hand axes,
Phoenix 180exp 3 chunks of gold (75gp value)

5-30-07 31 gp, 47 cp, 9 MW light crossbows, 9 MW hand axes

6-1-07 Lookspring 773 exp
Phoenix 773 exp

6-25-07 pile of gold nuggets

6-26-07 Lookspring 337 exp
Phoenix 337 exp

8-18-07 469 experience each for the encounter and 100 exp each for roleplay throughout adventure to this point. Total 569 for Lookspring and 569 for Phoenix.

8-30-07 100exp for Lookspring and 100exp for Phoenix 1 wooden box inlaid with gold depicting the village and villagers filled with small pearls

10-1-07 740 exp each for encounter with Hydra and Bear.

10-12-07 200 exp each for encounter with wolves.

12-3-07 100 exp each for encounter with sailors on return to Orussus. 1800 exp for Phoenix and Lookspring for time award.

12-14-07 100exp to Lookspring, Phoenix and Rowan for roleplay in court + 50 exp to Lookspring for negotiations during court and securing powerful allies to the group.

Jace, Quozen, Hasin and Droggle help Phoenix, Lookspring and Rowan escape a trap at court 200 exp each + 50 experience each for roleplay

Items found looting:

3 coin bags total: 20 gp 32 sp

Chain shirt on ground - they are not cheap after all
3 mdm short swords
3 spears stacked in corner

total exp as of 12-21-07 Lookspring 6549 exp
Phoenix 6499 exp
Rowan 100 exp
Jace 250 exp
Quozen 250 exp
Hasin 250 exp
Droggle 250 exp



[sblock=The Sinister Spire (in progress-Orsal Judging)]
Location Uncharted Island
Started 12-17-07

Lookspring played by SelcSilverhand
Phoenix played by Phoenix8008
Rowan played by Manzanita

joined 3/4/2009
Pendrake played by Scott DeWar
Michael Grannion played by ajanders
Semabin ai Harudan played by Knight Otu
Eanos played by jkason

[sblock=experience awards]
3/5/08 - Lookspring,Phoenix,Rowan - 2245 exp each for defeating the 3 Ogres. The last was the leader a 4th lvl Barbarian with unusual high intelligence (especially for Ogre and Barbarian combined).
5/13/08 - Lookspring,Phoenix,Rowan - 908 exp each for Roach Wars.
6/4/08 - Lookspring,Phoenix,Rowan - 180 exp each for peace with Bruthwol.
7/8/08 - Lookspring,Phoenix,Rowan - 100 exp each for getting through ambush on damaged bridge.
8/25/08 - Lookspring,Phoenix,Rowan - 500 exp each for defeating the gate guards and entering the city. :devil:
11/24/08 - Lookspring,Phoenix,Rowan - 500 exp each for the drider encounter.
3/5/09 - Lookspring,Phoenix,Rowan - 700 exp each for Advanced Fantom Fungi encounter and 400 exp each for dealing with dwarves to get a boat.
4/29/09 - Lookspring,Phoenix,Rowan - 2000exp each for returning mushrooms to EsSarch and defeating assassin dwarves. http://www.enworld.org/forum/4772321-post678.html

[sblock=loot found]
3/5/09 -items gained +1 chain shirt and pearl of undercommon.
4/24/09 - items found on dwarves 200gp, 4 potions, 4 short swords, 4 crossbows. http://www.enworld.org/forum/4766484-post674.html
[sblock=DM Credits log]
DM Credits:2
Used:2 14June2007 on Cepheus for 200gp
DM Credits:13 Awarded by Orsal for Rich Beyond Dreams
DM Credits Used: 4 7Jan2009 on Ceph for 800exp

DM Credits available: 9
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