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[IC] Sundered Skies (Closed)


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Related Game Threads
Campaign Proposal

Rather cliche but it is something to work with. If you like this we can run with it, else I am open to other campaign ideas. =)

Sundered Skies is a post apocalyptic game for D&D 3.5 that I am running for Blackroot, djrdjmsqrd, and KrunchyFrogg. This a temporary game until they can find a more permanent game, or if they decide to keep on with this we can keep on trucking. My schedule is hectic and erratic and so shall be the game. The background and history is rather cliche but it is an interesting beginning. So here we go...

History and Background
The civilized races walked the land and paid servitude to the mighty Godling Dragon Lords. Some Lords where just and some were tyrants, but they ruled the mortal races and demanded tribute, and so shall it be. The Lords were divinity given draconic flesh and ruled the four sunned mortal plane for milenia. They banned the worship of the Elder gods of auld and the Elders were all but forgotten. A few mortals still held on to their heretical ways and clung to the worship of the Elders; especially the elves and dwarves whose lifespans were long enough to remember and to have the faith passed on. These elder races covertly worshiped the Elder Gods since the time of their banning by the Lords, and their stubborn refusal to forget that which brought them faith and hope managed to bring the slumbering Elders back into power.

A struggle began between the awakening Elders and the Draconic Lords. Small battles boiled up here and there between their followers, but that was not enough for the Dragon Lords. The Lords gathered together as they have never done before and sought out the resting place of the Elders to put an end to it once and for all. The epic battled spilled from their resting place in another plane back into the prime. The raw amount of magic and divine power released in the battle on the prime had horrible consequences for the creatures and world as they knew it. Their combat tore rifts in the very fabric of space and time which allowed fiendish and abberrant creatures through from another place that mortals were never meant to know of. Their roiling anger and stabbing magics stormed the skies and wrent the earth and all upon it.

The World as it is Today
Ten years have past since the end of the Gods War. The skies are now dark and stormy and the rays from the 4 suns rarely shine through. The result of the battle destroyed the Lords and Elders. Most all magic usring mortals, arcane and divine, were destroyed in the aftermath of the Gods Wars due to a surge in the weave as well as the expenditure of raw divine essences. Planar rifts resulted and turned what remained of mortals and their corpses into undead and opened rifts to other planes letting foul fiends through into the surface world and fell abberations in the underworld. The surface world is dangerous and filled with fell creatures and magic. The underground is not much better.

Civilization exists in small and large city states, some above ground some underground. Magic is harder to find and mortal magic users are rare as most were decimated in the backlash. Some magics remain and were untouched by the backlash from the Gods War. Ruins are abound with magics that were not destroyed as well as knowledge and equipment from a not-so-long-lost age. Many of the Lords' half-spawn survived the Gods War and maintain a level of control on the surface by protecting or controlling small groups of mortals or the Fell.

Most pockets of civilization struggle for subsistence and survival; always wanting for food and healing; always wanting for protection from the Fell that walk the land and threaten to decimate their collective little hope for survival. Travelers rarely come from the outside and are greatly distrusted as they may be Fell that are sent to infiltrate and infect their haven preparing it for invasion or assimilation.
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Opening Encounter

Opening Encounter
The dark clouded sky flashes muted reds and oranges as heat lightening soundlessly plays shyly in the night. A soft rolling thunder follows the red light show in the night's dry heat.The rocky region of the foothills of the Farcrags through which you are traveling is dark and treacherous to those who do not know it well. The only natural light you have is from the brief eruptions of lightening which bathes the rocky paths you travel in muted red. You have been lucky in the last day or so as you have not seen any Fell creatures about - no risen, fiends, or rifters (abberations). Your travels overland have thus far been quiet and you have, for some reason, enjoyed the solitude of traveling on the the surface.

The night has been kind to you so far and may make it to the village of Kracen without incident for the first time. Normally this area is littered with the walking dead, especially at night. The volatile Lord Spawn, Craught-Faer, tends to patrol this area with his risen minions, making it difficult for travel and trade between the surface settlement of Four Towns and Kracen. Tonight looks to be your lucky night. You are about 2 hours from Kracen.

Your companion of some time, Elvar, an elf from the Darkland Forest's, is a ranger and former disciple of the Gold Dragon Althras'zar. Under his Lord's name he used to help hunt any Lord Spawn that he could find and kill them

You walk slowly forward watching each rocky step while trying to muffle the light given off by the lantern that you use for light so yo do not attract attention to yourself while traveling.

Elvar's eyes are much better than yours in this light, or lack of. The elf appears in the light of your lantern and signals for you to stop. He comes to you with his bright green eyes looking to you for a decision. His black hair seems to blend right into the shadows and his darkly tanned skin makes his eyes and teeth really stand out in the night.

"By the cursed breath of a Dragon Lord." he mutters, and then whispers "There is a small pack of walkers (zombies) ahead, like 12 or so, and I do not see anything leading them. It might just be a random pack..." he lets the thought trail off and for you to finish on your own. "The terrain flattens out ahead and should make for easier travel as well. I should be able to lead us around them by going over, which should be safer for us only in that they will not be able to follow us, but will be more difficult for you to climb. I have a payer as well that should be able to ward us from their notice if you wish to just go through them. We might be able to engage them, but at this time of the night and are I am not so keen on it. Who knows what else may be lurking about. What do you think Derin? "

The elf shifts his weight a little bit and you can see his trusty long bow to which he has named Alzar in hand and his great sword peek out from its sheath at his right shoulder. You do notice his mithril shirt as it wears nicely beneath his traveling clothes.

Knowledge Notes
You know that in this area Craught-Faer is a Half-Green Dragon warrior who deals with the risen. He is short on temperment and sees mortals as little more than cattle. He patrols this area as does two other significant groups. A group of mortal hunting deaders lead by Caerless, a former worshiper of a a blue dragon; and there are some rifters operating in the area as well. Random packs of both deaders and rifters is not uncommon, fiends are less common, but common enough to worry about. .
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First Post
Derin shifts his focus into the direction Elvar noted the undead were in. He too feels uneasy about this whole experience. It had been a while since he last traveled to these desolate plains, sights being on Kracen. Derin speaks up, "Curse this damn leg." He mutters under his breath with a feigned chuckle."Even with with help I wouldn't be able to make up a sheer cliff-face. I suppose our best chances of survival rely in the combination of our strengths. The best mode of operation may be to simply sneak beneath their noses, although I am worried by the fact that Craught-Faer could be near. I suppose we should pass through their ranks and if things begin to get messy I know of a way to conceal myself (invisibility) that should spare me from their attack, while you can make a quick getaway. I can help if you need anything to prepare to pray. Derin looks back to Elvar raising both eyebrow and shoulder.


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Opening Encounter

Elvar nods in agreement. "It's a chance we take every time we come this way."

The elf pulls out his silvered holy symbol of 'a crescent moon crossed by a bow' and begins to cast a divine protection unknown to those of the arcane bent. He finishes it and with the last eldritch word he touches you. You see a slight shimmer around you and Elvar. He nods satisfactorily.

"The prayer should protect us against these walkers. If there is a risen with sentience about it may or may not see us. If you touch or attack any of them the prayer will end and the battle is on. Stay close to me and I should be able to navigate us through. Understand?"

Upon your agreement he starts to lead the way...


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Opening Encounter; HfU:T-20

The land flattens out a bit as you go and the path widens out considerably. Elvar begins to carefully lead you through what appears to be over 20 walkers which seem to be just standing around. As you walk through them you can hear an occasional rasping breath as they may have in life. Their lifeless eyes and the stench of death and rot is palpable.

Small groups of walkers slowly move over to one side not too unlike a school of lethargic fish. The walkers were young and old, men and women, and several children as well. Mortals that forcibly shuffled off their mortal coils with out choice. Innocent bystanders and are the true children of the war.

As one group moves another stays still and a while after that another small group moves in its staggered and deformed rhythm. Elvar leads you slowly and carefully through the throngs of walkers. As you walk closely through them which seems to take some time. Maybe 10 minutes and you are halfway through them, at this point, and you notice something glow out of the corner of your eye. A soft white glow from deep within the throngs of the risen near the face of the mountain about 60 feet away.

The face of the mountain and the walkers are to your left (of the path) and the rocky slope down is to your right.
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First Post
Derin turns his head, trying to avert his eyes from the throngs of walkers shambling across the plain. He cannot help himself from glancing momentarily at the walkers, half horrified and half amused by the almost methodical way the animated corpses slowly transverse the field. A fraction of a second later Derin continues to look past the walkers and focuses on the small pin-prick of light off in the distance (spot check), keeping in mind he should keep close to Elvar.


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Opening Encounter; HfU:T-19.9

Elvar notices that you are pausing and looks back to you to see what has caught your attention.

Your look to the glowing on the mountain wall (60' away) and you notice through glimpses of the randomly migrating walkers a rather large rectangle outlined in a soft white glow about the size of a door.
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First Post
Derin touches Elvars shoulder for a moment, signalling him to pause for another moment or two. He looks back at the gloring rectange, closes his eyes and begins gesticulating towards the source of the light. He mutters a few words then points. (detect secret doors) "If there is anything about that light we should know, we'll soon find out." Derin whispers to Elvar.
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Opening Encounter; HfU:T-19.8; DSD:Conc (1)

From this distance you are pretty sure that the mountain wall is just within range. You utter the arcane words to invoke the ability to detect hidden and secret doors; the zombies seem quite oblivious to the whole process. The glowing rectangle does not seem to show up as a secret door by your spell; it has not been physically hidden or sequestered from sight. The walkers at this point seem oblivious to your light source as well but you shudder to think what would happen if they did.
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First Post
Still intrigued by the strange door-like apparatus that lies to his side, Derin is unable to tear himself from it. The hidden secrets of the door may prove to be beneficial, benign, or baneful. Derin whispers to Elvar whilst looking for a safe passageway through the walkers, “I just cant shake the feeling that that doorway may hold something grand for us to discover. Every bone in my body says to stay away, but my heart years for the discoveries we may uncover in there. What say you?” Derin readies to snuff his torch just in case.

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