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[RG] Sundered Skies (Closed)


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
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My General House Rules
We can use my following house rules or go house-rule-less or something else. As you prefer.

'Everyone will suck equally' stats: 18, 16, 14, 14, 12, 10

Class SKills:
Once a Class Skill Always a Class Skill

Skill Points:
Take 2 extra skill points per level with a total of 8 for first level. Cross Class skills can be taken for 1 point per rank instead of the normal 2 per rank, but you are still limited by the cross class maximum. This is preferably for skills that will round the character out: professions, knowledges, crafts, and cross-class skills, but it does not have to be.

The best of two classes: Gestalt Variant from SRD

Fighters do not automatically gain Heavy Armor proficiency at first level. Instead they gain a second bonus feat that must be drawn from this list: Weapon Finesse, Point Blank Shot, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, or Heavy Armor Proficiency. This allows the fighter to start off with a fairly clear archetype (swashbuckler, archer, master of unusual weapons, or tank) from the get-go.

Arcane Turning
Wizards may exchange their familiar and the bonus feat Scribe Scroll at first level for the ability to turn either Abberations or Good or Evil Outsiders.

They must also have one of the following Knowledges at 4 ranks: Planes or Religion for Outsiders, or Arcana or Dungeoneering for Aberrations.
They must also be able to speak either Infernal or Celestial for Outsiders, or Undercommon or Draconic for Abberations

Sorcerers may do the same by exchanging their first level feet and their familiar. Only one Arcane turning type (Abberation or Outsider) per character.

Dweomer Channeling or Divine Channeling: uses the unearthed arcana variant for channeling - expending a turning attempt and role your turning the check. The result of the roll will show how much divine power was channeled.

This might be used to close or open a special portal. We can find uses for it as we go.

I am still working on this one.

Additional Feats or Feat Changes

Armored Specialist (class - armor type) [Fighter, General]:
Requisites: proficiency with the appropriate armor and a class whose features are limited by wearing armor; for Light Armor and Shields: BAB +1; Medium Armor: BAB +3; Heavy Armor: BAB +6; Exotic Armors and Shields: BAB +10;

Benefit: Choose a class that has class features that are limited when wearing armor when you select this feat. This class may now use those limited class features in armor of the lowest type that you are currently limited in.

Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time it applies to a class whose features are currently limited by armor use, and each applies to the lowest level of armor that limits the class abilities

Example: A fighter/wizard could take Armored Specialist (Wizard - Light & Shields) to be able to cast spells in light armor.

A cleric/ranger could take Armored Specialist (Ranger - Medium) to wear medium armor and use their ranger abilities.

Toughness: Act as Improved Toughness with a minimum of a 3 hp gain.

Misc. Rules
Changes in intelligence are completely retroactive
Hit Points: Max for first and then half or better from then on
Feat Acquisition: you may use the feat that you gain as a part of level advancement for PrC requisites for that level
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First Post
[sblock=Derin Mordale]
Derin Mordale Age: 22
Human Male, Sorcerer 3 / Wizard 3
Alignment: Lawful Neutral Deity: None
Size: Medium Height: 5' 11" Weight: 170
Skin: Light Eyes: Grey Hair: Dark Brown, Sideburns

Strength 12 (+1)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 18 (+4)
Wisdom 10 (+0)
Charisma 16 (+3)

Total Hit Points: 15
Speed: 30 feet

Armor Class: 12 = 10 +2 [dexterity]
Touch AC: 12
Flat-footed: 10
Initiative modifier: +2 = +2 [dexterity]

Fortitude save: +3 = 1 [base] +2 [constitution]
Reflex save: +3 = 1 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Will save: +3 = 3 [base]

Attack (handheld): +2 = 1 [base] +1 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): +2 = 1 [base] +1 [strength]
Attack (missile): +3 = 1 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +2 = 1 [base] +1 [strength]

Light load: 43 lb. or less
Medium load: 44-86 lb.
Heavy load: 87-130 lb.
Lift over head: 130 lb.
Lift off ground: 260 lb.
Push or drag: 650 lb.

Languages: Celestial Common Draconic Elven Orc

Short Spear [1d6, crit x2, range inc 20 ft., 3 lb, one-handed, piercing]

Light Crossbow [1d8, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 80 ft., 4 lb, piercing]

Combat Casting
Point Blank Shot
Spell Penetration
Dweomer Channeling

Hard of Hearing

Skill Name Key Skill Ability
Ability Mod. Mod. Ranks Misc. Modifier
Bluff Cha 7 = +3 +6
Concentration Con 8 = +2 +6
Craft (Alchemy) Int 8 = +4 +6
Decipher Script Int 8 = +4 +6
Knowledge (arcana) Int 10 = +4 +6
Knowledge (local) Int 8 = +4 +6
Knowledge (history) Int 8 = +4 +6
Search Int 7 = +4 +3
Spellcraft Int 10 = +4 +6
Spot Wis 3 = +0 +3 +1 [hard of hearing]
* = check penalty for wearing armor

Cantrips, Sorcerer: 6 per day (Daze, Ray of Frost, Detect magic, Open/Close, Turn Undead)
1st Level Sorcerer Spells: 6 (5+1) per day (Magic Missile, Mage Armor, Shocking Grasp)

Cantrips, Wizard: 4 per day (All)
1st Level Wizard spells: 3 (2+1) per day (Floating Disk, Hold Portal, Hypnotism, Colorspray, Sleep, Detect Secret Doors, Identify, Mount, Magic Weapon)
2nd Level Wizard spells: 2 per day (Continual Flame, Darkness, Invisibility, Shatter, Spectral Hand, Scorching Ray)
3rd Level Wizard spells: 0 per day (Phantom Steed, Summon Monster III, Gaseous Form)

Spells Prepared Cantrips- Flare, disrupt undead, mage hand and ghost sound
1st level- Detect secret doors, magic weapon, and hypnotize
2nd level- Continual flame, scorching ray

Derin Mordale's Equipment:

7 lb Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
10 lb Crossbow bolts (quiver of 10) x10
5 lb 5x Acid flasks
2 lb Backpack
5 lb Bedroll
1 lb Map/Scroll Case
5 lb 10x Flasks
Ink vial
Ink Pen
3 lb Lantern (bullseye)
Parchment Sheets x10
Signet Ring
Tindertwig x10
1 lb Vial (for ink or potions) x5
2 lb Spell component pouch
3 lb Spellbook x1
44 lb Total

CP: 9
SP: 1
GP: 1209

Blackstone Earring- value: 350gp (In left ear, allows him to hear in his left ear)
Imbued prosthesis- value: 800gp (attached to his left leg, allows leg to walk without limp)
Signet Ring- Silver and garnet, Belonged to his father; holds his family's seal- a serpent wreathed around a burning torch.

Derin is a normal looking human in nearly every single way. His height and weight are both pretty normal by human standards, and is messy brown hair seems to fit into the mold as well. From his longish brown hair grows sideburns that extend to his jawline. His left ear seems to be encumbered by a largish black earring made from the rare and unnatural mineral, Blackstone, which formed magically durgin the great wars. A small signet ring decorates the ring finger on his right hand, while an even smaller thin band of wire is loosely wrapped around his middle finger. There isn't really any point to this make-shift ring, other than he wears it because he just never took it off. He stride is normal, but only because of the prosthesis imbued with magics that encases his left leg, crafted by Morbraxus Forgeroots, a Gnomish tinker and Healer. Derins clothing consists of simple and dark clothing, simple because he doesn't with to gain attention, and dark because stains to show up as readily. His outerwear consists of a constritive black coat /cloak that is beginning to show signs of fading and wear, a rough-hewn black vest, and a simple grey shirt underneath. Derin's strange grey pinstripped pants were sewn specifically for him by Morbraxus' wife Morgan while he stayed with them as Morbraxus crafted the prosthesis. Derin's fancy black heeled boots don't seem to fit with Derin at all, this is mainly because the boots were stolen from his corrupt buy affluent cousin Trog, who runs the orphanage. Derin's attitude may be confused with young-age apathy, but in fact, Derin is just very nonchalant. He hides his emotions well, especially those concerning his parents. He is a very balanced and neutral character who takes everything in moderation. He has never really hated anyone, nor has he really loved anyone. The only hatred his heart has known is for the Dragonlings who destroyed his family and life.
As the world they loved was ripped apart by the savage hands of the dragonlings and gods they worshipped, Aegor and Dania feared their first child would never see the wonders the world had to behold. The Weave began to act erratically. At first the surges in the weave caused only the occasional sudden cold-snap followed by heat waves and sometimes someone would go missing for a few days only to suddenly re-appear at the dinner table, but as the war dragged on, greater disturbances in the weave caused more dangerous, and even deadly, magical bursts to arise. Whole communities would disappear or be displaced miles away from their foundations; mountains, fields, and rivers would suddenly transmute into poisonous gasses or thousands of beetles or even explode, sending their rocks and waves into every direction. All these disruptions were seen as dangerous but in no way compared to the agony that was felt by every wielder of magic. The increasing surges in the weave taxed every fiber of their body. The magic currents channeled through their bodies became flowing streams of poison and fire. Every surge proved to be more deadly and powerful than the last. Some wizards were driven to madness, ending their lives prematurely. Clerics entombed themselves into the temples of their deities, hoping for redemption from their saviors. The most powerful arcanists and saints felt the blow the hardest; magic was tuned into their very existence and within a few weeks of the first surges these casters would be found in ashes, pieces, or puddles in their homes or places of work. Two wizards who nearly survived the war in its entirety were Aegor and Dania Mordale. Dania was pregnant with her first child, Derin, when the battles began. The volatile nature of the weave proved to have a strange effect on her 10 month pregnancy. When it was time for Derin to be born into the unforgiving world, Aegor and Dania felt their powers and lives slowing slipping away. The pregnancy was concluded with the largest and last surge of the war. It killed both of Derin parents and left Derin crippled, however, the largest and last surge in the weave had also left Derin with something else, a gift, a reservoir of powerful magic.

Derin grew up in a small orphanage ran by a distant cousin in the city that his parents lived and died in. Various items belonging to his mother and father were left with the orphanage for Derin to have as he grew up. Tomes overflowing with spells and histories, a book on his family’s lineage, and a signet ring bearing his family’s seal were the only items that made it to Derin (some tools and pieces of jewelry were stolen shortly after Derin’s arrival at the orphanage, probably squandered by his cousin.) As soon as Derin was able to read he began spending hours pouring over the incantations and rituals scribed into the books his parent’s left him. At the age of 16 he could cast simple Cantrips and perform small sleights-of-hand to impress other kids. When he turned 18, Derin felt a strange change within himself. The secret caches of magic hidden beneath his skin began to come alive and he was soon casting some of the most difficult spells he had read of, if not by accident then after hours of frustration. At 20, Derin believed it was time to leave the orphanage and make a life of his own, while in truth he was banned from the orphanage for being 8 years older than all the children. Derin sought tutelage in wizardry, which proved a difficult task, seeing as how nearly all of those gifted with the art were long dead. Setting his sights on teaching himself, Derin began searching for old works of magic in the ruins and disused homes of former mages, which proved to be beneficial to his teachings. Due to the fact he was born with minor deformities, Derin searched out gnomish tinkers and healers who could possibly help him with his impairments. Upon finding a family of healer gnomes, Derin commissioned them to craft him items that would help him with that which he ailed from- deafness in his left ear and a crippled left leg. The gnomes built him a prosthesis imbued with properties that, when attached to his left leg, would rid him of his persistent limp. Also an earring crafted from the alchemical mineral "Blackstone" was crafted and pierced into his left ear, eliminating the deafness. At 22 Derin was now knowledgeable enough in the art to start a journey of his own. [/sblock]
Updated a bit.
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First Post
Felix Stauf

Alright, final draft of my character. Bear in mind that these are not all his base stats, many of them are written in the current state that they are in. All that that really means is that I wrote his land speed to include encumberment penalties. As he changes (gains items and such), I will post an updated stat page in a subsequent post, to be updated as needed. This will remain the same, however, to serve as a point of reference.

[sblock]Felix Stauf
Human Gestalt Harbinger 3/Hexblade 3
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Hit Dice: 3d10+6 (31 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) [30 ft. Base]
Armor Class: 16 (+2 Dex, +4 masterwork chain shirt), touch 12, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+6
Attack: Large masterwork executioner's mace +5 melee (3d6+4/x3) or kukri +6 melee (1d4+3/18-20) or masterwork mighty +3 composite longbow +4 ranged (1d8+3/x3)
Full Attack: Large masterwork executioner's mace +5 melee (3d6+4/x3) or kukri +6 melee (1d4+3/18-20) or masterwork mighty +3 composite longbow +4 ranged (1d8+3/x3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Bardic music 3/day (countersong, encourage failure, fascinate, instill fear -1), Hexblade's curse 1/day
Special Qualities: Arcane resistance, bardic knowledge, ignore arcane failure from light armor, mettle
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
Skill Ranks: Bluff 6, Concentrate 6, Diplomacy 4, Gather Information 2, Intimidate 6, Knowledge (arcana) 5, Knowledge (the planes) 4, Knowledge (religion) 4, Perform (sing) 6, Speak Language 3, Sense Motive 2, Spellcraft 6, Use Magic Device 6
Feats: Ability Focus (Bardic Music), Monkey Grip, Power Attack
Alignment: Neutral
Equipment: Traveler's outfit, masterwork chain shirt, large masterwork executioner's mace, kukri, masterwork mighty +3 composite longbow, 40 serpentstongue arrows, 2 spiked guantlets, spell component pouch, backpack, belt pouch, waterskin, bedroll, sack, dirge mask, flint & steel, whetstone, crowbar, bullseye lantern, 5 pints of oil, 2 days of trail rations
Coins: 105 platinum coins, 7 gold coins, 2 silver coins, 8 copper coins
Weight Carried: 96.5 lbs.
Weight Capacities: Light – 0-76 lbs. Medium – 77-153 lbs. Heavy – 154-230 lbs.
Level 0: detect magic, light, lullaby, mage hand, read magic, resistance
Level 1: charm person, expeditious retreat, feather fall
Languages: Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal, Undercommon

Equipment Details
Large Masterwork Executioner's Mace: Felix named this weapon Anathema, in memory of the role it took in the killing of his mother. For Felix, it has come to symbolize his tragic luck and his wicked life. It once belonged to his father. This particular executioner's mace is designed to be as intimidating as possible. The overall appearance and design of the mace exaggerates the weapon's brutality with jagged blades, massive size, and an overall lack of elegance. The mace's head is shaped as a cylinder, with the head being noticeably thicker than the haft of the weapon. The base of the weapon quickly tapers into the haft. The entire head is covered in fairly flat pyramid-shaped studs, and on one side of the mace there is a long, saw-toothed axe head (the saw teeth curve downward, in order to preserve the cutting power of the blade). The axe blade does not extend outward particularly far, but it runs along the entire mace head, tapering off into a wicked-looking point a few inches past the base of the mace head. It resembles an elongated, jagged headsman's axe. Opposite the axe head on the mace, the studs are replaced by a row of five similarly saw-toothed spikes. The spikes resemble jagged daggers, extending outward about as far as the axe head, and are designed to rip and tear at flesh as they are pulled out. The weapon can be swung to use either side. After obtaining the mace, Felix went to a master engraver to engrave the weapon's new name upon the axe blade. Engraved along the left side of the axe blade, written in Infernal, is the weapon's name, Anathema. Engraved along the right side of the axe blade, written in Celestial, is the name Carmina. Because of this, the weapon's name could be interpreted as either, but Felix currently considers the weapon's name to be Anathema. When he finds whatever he is looking for and somehow redeems himself, if he ever does, he will change the weapon's name to Carmina, in honor of his mother's memory.
Chain Shirt: Felix's chain shirt is made of a black alloy, with a slight dark red sheen to it. Felix requested that the sheen be added to the armor, in memory of his mother; the red taint to the metal represents the blood of his mother, staining and tainting every aspect of his life. He wears the chain shirt underneath his outer clothing.
Dirge Mask: Felix usually wears a black mask over his face, in order to remain harder to identify. The mask is made of stiffened black cloth reinforced with a thin sheet of metal, and it is worn around his neck, resting on his shoulders. The mask encircles his entire neck, and it extends upward to cover his mouth and the lower half of his face, ending at the bottom of his nose. Around where his mouth should be, a simple, red jagged line extends around the mask, resembling a crude, tooth-filled mouth. The jagged red mouth serves to remind Felix of the evil powers housed within his body, and that his every breath carries a curse, whether he intends it or not. Many find the mask unnerving or even frightening, making Felix appear to be considerably more intimidating whilst wearing the mask. The mask covers his mouth, but due to the reinforcing of the mask with a thin sheet of rare, resonant metal, his voice is given a slightly eerie echoing quality, enhancing the effectiveness of his haunting melodies.

Appearance And Personal Info
Age: 18
Height: 5' 9".
Weight: 150 lbs.
Skin: Fair.
Hair: Rough black hair, about shoulder length. Never ties hair back, it's kept down to partially obscure his face; this decreases the chance of somebody remembering his face.
Eyes: Golden yellow. Under most circumstances, his eyes would be considered attractive, but they have a quality about them that seems a little more unnerving than pretty. However, he can force a smile and suppress this slightly sinister trait.
Clothing: Wears a simple black cloak with loose grey pants and a long-sleeved black shirt. The clothing is designed to be unremarkable, unlikely to make any impression in the minds of those who see him.
Personality: Felix is fairly introspective, but he will speak his mind when he feels compelled to do so. He tends to have a pessimistic outlook on his life, believing his to be a cursed existence. Occasionally, he displays a slightly fatalistic attitude, or lapses into self-pity and self-hatred. He believes his very existence to be a scar on the world, and is determined to redeem himself and prove his worth by any means necessary. Most people are a little put-off by his dark outlook on life, hopeless attitude, but he is very polite and can usually overcome these traits with his natural skills in language and speech.
Musical Style: Felix is an incredibly talented singer, with a smooth, soft voice that most find quite soothing. He learned how to sing from his mother and practiced throughout his life, even after the death of his mother. Nowadays, his lyrics tend to be extremely melancholy, but well done nonetheless. Although his music might not be cheerful, he can send entire crowds into a hushed silence with his moving lyrics of grief and despair. Some of his songs have the capability to shock and frighten his enemies, especially when enhanced with his innate magical talents.
Family: Father, Sal, and mother, Carmina; both deceased.

Background And History
A child was born to Sal and Carmina Stauf in a town by the name of Riverhead. From his infancy onward, he knew the trials and tribulations of war. With the nearby cities occupied by the legions of the Dragon Lords, the little town was left completely defenseless. With daily patrols hauling off followers of the Elder Gods and the Dragon Lords alike, the town lapsed into chaos. Murder was commonplace, theft was a daily issue, and one could not even trust their closest friends. The child's name was Felix. Felix was born into anarchy.

As a child, Felix had no friends. The other children though that he was a jinx, a freak, someone to be avoided, or in some cases, hurt. Bad luck seemed to follow him wherever he went, like a continuous black cloud affecting him and others around him. Felix though that he was just unlucky – he had no idea that this bout of bad luck was the first sign of his special gift, and his special curse, of which he would learn the true severity of later on in his life. Nobody wished to associate with him, save his mother.

Carmina was a kind woman, with a lovely smile and a beautiful voice. She always sang to Felix whenever he cried, whenever he was hurt, whenever he was scared. He always calmed down whenever he heard her soothing melodies of hope, of better times on the horizon. She even taught Felix to sing for himself, in case she wasn't around to comfort him. Felix loved his mother with all of his heart – she was his mother, she was his best and only friend.

But his father, Sal, was a cruel man. He sold out his friends to whatever side seemed closer to victory, stole what he saw fit, and silenced any who challenged his methods. What truly made Felix hate his father, though, was that Sal hurt Carmina on several occasions. Whenever Sal caught Carmina apologizing to others for his actions or attempting to return something that he stole, Sal would hurt her very badly. Felix was just a child, he had no idea what was going on. All he saw was his mother's pain, and all he felt was anger and grief.

This continued on through Felix's childhood, despite him secretly urging his mother to leave town, to take him with her, and leave his father behind. But she couldn't go. It's not that she feared for her life, it was that she didn't want Felix to be left alone or come to harm. Both Sal and the town of Riverhead became more violent and cruel, more unpredictable and dangerous. But they adjusted, as they always had.

Felix became a young man, and his powers developed and grew. Felix began to realize that he had a special gift, something more than just a black cloud following him wherever he went. He found that he could control this force, if he truly focused. If he tried, he could direct his bad luck towards others, instead of it lashing out at him and everyone around him. Not only that, but he found that he could summon up other strange powers – he could move small objects with a flick of the wrist, he could change the temperature slightly, along with other minor things. But he recognized the potential of these powers – they grew every day. As much as he hated to, he kept this from his mother, fearing that she would be frightened by his power. He became obsessed with his new power, realizing it for what he truly believed it was – the one weapon he had against his father. He failed to realize the level of his power until it was too late. He didn't realize it until that fateful Autumn night, one week after his fourteenth birthday.

Felix was returning home from his daily wanderings, pocket lined with the few coins he had managed to earn during the day. He sighted his family's hut, and he sighed with relief, looking forward to a night's rest. It was then that he heard the scream. His mother's scream. He had heard that scream before, and it always made him go cold. But this time, something was different. Something was very wrong. Felix ran. He ran until he reached the door, only to find it locked. Not even thinking, he tried to kick down the door, but it didn't budge. In his panic, he called up some of his new power, and he kicked the door again. The door made a cracking sound and flew open, revealing a sight that threw Felix into a panic – his mother, face bleeding, on the floor before his father. He looked to his father, and saw a weapon in his hand – his father's mace. Felix lost control. All of his hatred, all of his loathing, all of his feelings for his father welled up inside him, and it's as if Felix merely watched his hand raise on its own accord, merely listened as his mouth uttered a word of a foreign tongue. It was then that he realized that he didn't have complete control anymore.

Sal advanced on Felix, face contorted with rage, and then Felix's powers manifested. His father's legs suddenly buckled, and he fell to the floor. The mace left his hands and clattered to the floor in front of Felix, seeming to offer itself to him. Offering him a solution, offering him justice. Without thinking, Felix grabbed the mace with both hands, and as he felt the cool steel of the mace's head, he watched as his father rose to his feat, blind with fury, and charged him. Felix made his choice. Drawing from an unknown well of strength, he swung the weapon at his father's head. It all happened so fast. The mace's blunt face connected, and his father stopped, filled with disbelief at the blood gushing from his mangled face. Felix swung again. The mace made another dull thud as it connected with the other side of Sal's head, sending him sprawling. Sal scrambled on the ground, and somehow stood up. He stared at his son in disbelief. Felix began to swing again. He felt that power rise within him again, that same feeling that he had a few minutes before, when words sprang to his lips unbidden. He knew something terrible was about to happen, and he tried to stop. He tried, he truly did. The mace connected with his father's head again, and he watched as the blood-slicked mace shattered his father's skull, forever destroying that hateful, leering face that caused his mother so much pain. The mace slipped from Felix's grasp. It flew across the room. Frozen in place, frozen in time, Felix watched as the terrible powers inside of him finally showed themselves for what they truly were. The mace seemed to slowly drift across the room, towards his mother, the only person who had ever loved him. His mother's scream stopped, and Felix's began.

Felix ran. He ran, he didn't care anymore. He looked down, hardly noticing that he had picked up the mace in his panic and sorrow. He felt bad about running, but he had to do something. He ran through the city, dripping blood, ignoring the shocked faces around him. Felix snatched a length of rope from a stall, and ran for the river. He hastily tied a knot around the weapon in his hands, the weapon that ended all of the love and hate in his life. Still running, not thinking, in a frenzy of light and motion, he tied the rope to his neck. He ran to the bridge, high above the swift river. He threw himself from the edge, not yelling, not screaming, not feeling at all.

Days later, Felix woke up on a riverbank with a broken rope around his neck. He looked beside him, and saw his father's mace. At that point, he realized his punishment for his deeds, his birth, his very existence – he would live.

Years passed, and Felix wandered. He felt the pain from the magical forces of the world being torn apart, but he endured. He fought countless fights, but he endured. He earned money wherever he could, never staying in one place for long, never growing attached to anything. And he endured. He still carried the mace, which he named Anathema, as a reminder of his curse. He continued to sing, even if nobody listened. It was all he had to remember his mother by. He had to fight to survive sometimes, when others thought that they could take advantage of him. His powers grew, both in mind and body. He detested his powers, but he trained them nonetheless. In order to live, he had to fight. In order to fight, he had to grow stronger.

Felix carried a curse, a penance placed upon him by his very birth and his every deed – he was to live, and he was to redeem himself by any means possible. He would honor his mother's memory, he would make her proud, wherever she was. As soon as he found a cause worth fighting for, something his mother would be proud of, he would fight to the death for it. Felix knew that he could never atone for the evil dwelling within his soul, nor could he atone for the tragic happenings that fateful Autumn night. But he could try. Such was his fate.[/sblock]

OK, and as for an explanation of unusual equipment that he has that I have yet to explain...

Serpentstongue Arrows are from Races Of The Wild, and the only difference is that they are wide-headed arrows that do Piercing and Slashing damage (both at once) and they do full damage to objects with a hardness of 5 or less (as opposed to 1/2). They cost three times as much as normal arrows and they weigh the same.

The Dirge Mask is a combination of two masterwork tools, one for Perform (sing), and one for Intimidate, giving a +2 bonus to each. The mask weighs 2 lbs., and it costs 200 gp (the weight and cost of two masterwork tools). Intimidate is an important skill for Felix, and it just isn't fair that all of the instrument-based Perform skills have masterwork instruments, but Perform (sing) doesn't.

FreeXenon, if you have any issues at all with my equipment (game imbalances, flavor issues, etc.), please let me know in the OOC thread; I really want to know, and I will fix any problems as soon as I am able.

A quick and handy reference point for most of the non-core rules provided here (without having to buy all the books) is at http://www.crystalkeep.com/d20/index.php. Just follow the appropriate links for PDFs whatever you want to see (all you'll really need to look at are Feats, Base Classes, and Equipment). It's fairly accurate, the only major error I found was that the Hexblade was listed as having a good Fort save, an easy mistake to make. Other than that, it's pretty accurate, and yes, it is legal.

Oh, and Blackroot, I think it might be a good idea if you convert your gold pieces to platinum pieces, in the interest of avoiding 50 lbs. or so of encumberment. ;)
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
(NPC) Elvar Sarius, Male Elf, Ranger/Cleric 3

Here is the stats for the hopefully temporary NPC:
Elvar Sarius (NPC)
Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Race: Elf Sex: Male
Align: ChG Home Land: Darkland Forest
Class: Ranger/Cleric 3

Str 12 (+1)
Int 14 (+2)
Wis 16 (+3)
Dex 18 (+4)
Con 14 (+2)
Chr 10 (+0)

Height: 5'10" Weight: 120lbs
Hair: Black Eyes: Bright Green


Languages: Com, Elf, Drac, UC

HiS 6 [+4 Dex] MS 6 [+4 Dex]
Spot 6 [+3 Wis] [+2 Elf] Listen 6 [+3 Wis] [+2 Elf]
Search 0 [+ 2 Int] [+2 Elf]

Survival 6 [+3 Wis] [+2 Know Nat or Dung] Climb 6 [+1 Str] 6 Conc [+2 Con]

Know (Geog) 5 [+2 Int] Know (Nat) 5 [+2 Int] [+2 Surv] Know (Dung) 5 [+2 Int]

Prof (Overland Guide[Farscag]) 3 [+3 Wis]

[L1] Point Blank Shot [L3] Precise Shot
[R1] Track [R2] Rapid Shot [R3] Endurance
[C1] WF (Long Bow)

Combat Statistics
BAB: +3 Melee +4 Ranged +7
For +3 [+2 Con] Ref +3 [+4 Dex] Wis +3 [+3 Wis]
+2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects
AC: 18 HP: 25

Weapons and Armor
+2 d8+1 Alzar (MW Composite Long Bow [+1] ) (500gp)
+1 (MW) Great Sword 2d6+1 (300gp)

Mithril Chain Shirt (+4, +6, 0) (1100gp)

Favored Enemy (Dragons) +2
(Bonus to Bluff, Listen Sense Motive, Spot, Survival)
Wild Empathy
Turn Undead 3/Day
Immunity to Magical Sleep Effects

Travel Domain: For a total time per day of 1 round per cleric level you possess, you can act normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement as if you were affected by the spell freedom of movement. This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies, lasts until it runs out or is no longer needed, and can operate multiple times per day (up to the total daily limit of rounds).

Cleric Spells (Travel, War)
4 0th IMW, DM, RM, Mending
2+1+1 1rst *Long Strider, Bless, Hide From Undead, Shield of Faith
1+1+1 2nd *Spiritual Weapon, Silence, Sound Burst

Misc Equipment
Everburning Torch (110gp)

History and Role Playing
Elvar originally worshiped the Dragon Lord (Gold) Althras'zar, and since the Gods War the elf has found faith in his freedom to travel and survive. Combat is a way of life and a steady hand is needed if the civilized races are going to survive and reclaim their world from the fell creatures the the war spawned. In the past he hunted the spawn of the other Lords and assisted in their execution for many of them were evil and no better than the vile Lords that spawned them, if not worse as they did not show the same restraint that many of the Lord's show to their followers.

He has found the loss of his patron has left a hole in him, a if something was missing from his life.

Physical Description
Elvar is a is a prototypical elf borne in the the Darkland Forest. He is tall, wiry with long black hair and greatly tanned skin. He is a traveler and wanderer that has some how taken to seeing that Derin stays out of trouble. The boy is destined to get himself into great trouble and will need the wisdom of an elven lifetime to keep him alive.

Role Playing Notes
Prefers to avoid combat if he can avoid it, but has no qualms about combat itself.

Is quiet in general and likes to travel around.[/sblock]
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First Post
I apologize for not posting in probably a week. I've been stuck at work and school, working in the auditorium for extra hours. I plan to post very soon, withing the next day or so.

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