[Full] Brave kobold adventurers wanted


Kobold adventurers wanted. 1st level; stats as from the SRD/MM (view here), 30 point buy, any alignment, max gold for their class. Able to post at least once every two days. Up to 5 adventurers wanted.

Also allowed are Zweibolds, slightly modified from this free supplement over at RPGNow.com. They're essentially two-headed kobolds, with male and female versions being different. I modified them (see below) so that the level adjustment is +0. Only up to two allowed for the party.

Fast and loose adventuring, with a humorous touch. There are firearms in this campaign, rules taken from Dragon #321.

Race summary:
Kobold characters possess the following racial traits:
— –4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, –2 Constitution.
—Small size: +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus on attack rolls, +4 bonus on Hide checks, –4 penalty on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits 3/4 those of Medium characters.
—A kobold’s base land speed is 30 feet.
—Darkvision out to 60 feet.
—Racial Skills: A kobold character has a +2 racial bonus on Craft (trapmaking), Profession (miner), and Search checks.
—Racial Feats: A kobold character gains feats according to its character class.
— +1 natural armor bonus.
—Special Qualities (see above): Light sensitivity.
—Automatic Languages: Draconic. Bonus Languages: Common, Undercommon.
—Favored Class: Sorcerer.
—Level adjustment +0.

Zweibold Males have the following characteristics:
- About the height and weight of a dwarf male.
- +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha
- Medium Size
- Base speed: 30'
- +1 bonus to Listen, Spot and Search checks
- Darkvision: 60'
- Natural Armor: +1
- Unique body shape (Armor costs 50% more)
- Automatic Languages: Draconic and Common
- Favored Class: Fighter
- Level Adjustment: 0

Zweibold Females have the following characteristics:
- About the height and weight of a dwarf female
- +2 Wis, -2 Int
- Medium size
- Base speed: 30'
- +1 racial bonus to Intimidate, Sense Motive
- +1 racial bonus to Listen, Spot and Search checks
- Darkvision: 60'
- Natural Armor: +1
- Unique body shape (Armor costs 50% more)
- Automatic Languages: Draconic and Common
- Favored Class: Cleric
- Level Adjustment: +0

Characters are from the Blackfoot Tribe, a fairly progressive bunch of kobolds led by Amartj, a kobold sorceror-queen who's also an expert with her gun. The tribe has dealings with other humanoids, particularly in trading. Other change is that instead of dire weasels, kobolds use giant lizards as mounts, as befitting their reptilian heritage.
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The Baron

First Post
Kadan the Sorceror

Sounds fun! I've been itching to do PbP, so here's a try at a character. Hope you like.

It was hard for Kadan to make friends, mostly because of his fascination with dead animals. When the others of his tribe were out hunting, Kadan was busy trapping small creatures and watching them die. A tribal sorceror immediately recognized this odd behavior as the mark of someone with potential. It was as though, when he watched death, he was in on a secret that no one else knew. Because of this, his words gained a certain weight within the tribe, and while not popular, he was respected. He was taken under the wing of the sorceror, working as his servant while learning magical lore.

Despite his magical aptitude and weird ways, Kadan was sent on mondatory hunting trips when he reached an adult age. His abilities manifested when a ghoul attacked his hunting party one evening. By the time he woke, most of his party had been paralyzed or killed. In the midst of all this death, power began to course through Kadan's veins. He could feel it guide his hand, an energy releasing from a hidden chamber within him. Bolts of energy released from his palms, causing the undead creature before him to crumple. With a sinister grin, Kadan knew he had found his calling.

Sorcerer 1

Str: 8 (12-4: 4 points)
Dex: 14 (12+2: 4 points)
Con: 14 (16-2: 10 points)
Int: 10 (10: 2 points)
Wis: 8 (8: 0 points)
Cha: 16 (16: 10 points)

HP: 6
Speed: 30 ft
AC: 14 [10 + 2(dex) +1(natural)+1(size)] Touch: 12 Flat-Footed: 10
Initiative: +2

Saving Throws
Fort: +2 [+2(con)]
Ref: +2 [+2(dex)]
Will: +1 [-1 wis) +2(base)]

BAB: +0
Grapple: -5 [-1(str) -4(size)]

Small Heavy Crossbow - Att(ranged): +3 120 ft. Dmg: 1d8/19-20 piercing
Sling - Att(ranged): +3 50 ft. Dmg: 1d3-1/x2 bludgeoning
Small Spear - Att(ranged): +3 20 ft. Att(melee): +0 Dmg: 1d6-1/x3 piercing
Club - Att(ranged): +3 10 ft. Att(melee): +0 Dmg: 1d4-1/x2 bludgeoning
Dagger - Att(ranged: +3 10ft. Att(melee):+0 Dmg: 1d3-1/19-20 slashing or piercing

8 Skill Points
Craft(Trapmaking) +4 (+2 Racial, +2 Ranks)
Concentration +4 (+2 Con, +2 Ranks)
Knowledge(Arcana) +2 (+2 Ranks)
Spellcraft +2 (+2 Ranks)
Hide +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Size)
Search +2 (+2 Racial)
Profession Miner +2 (+2 Racial)

Feats and Abilities
Darkvision 60 ft
Spell Focus(Necromancy)
Light Sensitive

Possessions (starting gold: 120, light load - up to 19.5 lbs)
Black Robe (Worn) - 0 gp (free clothes), 0 lbs (worn)
Small Heavy Crossbow (Carried or slung over back) - 50 gp, 4 lbs
10 bolts (Belt Pouch) - 1 gp, .5 lbs
Small Sling (Belt) - 0 gp, 0 lbs
10 bullets (Belt Pouch) - .1 gp, 2.5 lbs
Small Spear (Back) - 2 gp, 3 lbs
Club (Belt) - 0 gp, 1.5 lbs
Dagger (Secret Robe Pocket) - 2 gp, .5 lbs
Spell Component Pouch (Belt) - 5 gp, 2 lbs
Scroll Case - 1 gp, .5 lbs
- Scroll of Mage Armor 25 gp, 0 lbs
- Scroll of Magic Missle 25 gp, 0 lbs

gp: 8
sp: 9

total gold spent: 111.1
total weight: 14.5

Spells (Save DC: 13+spell level, Necromancy: 14+spell level)
Spells per Day: 0 lvl - 5, 1 level 4
Spells Known: 0 lvl - 4, 1 level 2

0: Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Touch of Fatigue, Acid Splash
1: Cause Fear, Ray of Enfeeblement

Description: Kadan's skin is a mud red color, flecked with black. Usually all anyone can see is his toothy snout poking out from his black robe and his two tiny hands holding onto an enormous (for a kobold) crossbow. The spear strapped to his back and the buldges underneath his robe also tend to draw some attention, but Kadan's icy stare or sinister grin usually keep all but the most foolhardy people at a distance.

Did I mention he has a sinister grin?

:D <---- sinister grin


First Post
<---- sinister grin

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First Post
I'd be interested in this... what books are you allowing? I was thinking a hexblade might be fun to try out but if you aren't allowing CW maybe a bard or some such...
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First Post
I'm definately interested in this. I also have Diirk's question about
what books we can use, although I may go fighter/rogue.



ok Hexblades are fine. i'd allow other classes as well.
So looks like we got a full slate. :) Go make your chars!

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