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Spheres of Influence: Rhiannon RULES


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Spheres of Influence: Rhiannon in jepardy?
Players Guide v2.3 5/02/05
KY 404.

Rogues Gallery - player characters

Background [sblock]
Campaign Background
Legends tell that in days long past, seven sleek ships landed on the shores of the land that is today called Rhiannon. On these ships were refugees from the shattered nation of Eire, led by St. Rhian and his disciples. They landed and began to carve out for themselves a life on this new world, armed with courage, determination and their belief in Eli, The Lord of the Endless Flame.

The refugees landed upon a continent peopled by races similar to their own, yet somehow diminished. Even today more than 100 generations later, the distinction is still apparent. Those descended from the original travelers are the greater races, High men, High Elves, True Dwarves, Green Gnomes, and Strongheart Halflings. Though there have been periods of sorrow and strife between races and between the greater and lesser races, the (mostly) noble leadership of the Church of the Endless Flame has led to relative harmony and the building of a mighty nation.

At its height, The Theocracy of Rhiannon was filled with wonders. Magic and Culture, Religion and Research, Military might tempered by mercy and justice. A wondrous people united together to build a wondrous empire.

Then the Dark Times came.

About 400 years ago in RY 3622, the first blow fell at the border outpost of Trallia, a vast army of elite snake men, swept down out of the Northern wastes, bent on destruction. Over the years the valiant forces of Rhiannon were slowly and inexorably beaten back by the unending tide of the vile snake men. Many valiant men, dwarves and elves fell during the battles that followed. Many great Cities and sacred places fell. But always the Armies of Rhiannon rallied.

It was a trap set at Bastion that finally ended the war. Brilliantly executed by Cuthbert, Lord Bastion, the entire army of snake men were captured in the pass when the fortress erupted in a cataclysm of fire and magic.

Ravaged and tried by 15 years of brutal war, the nation rejected the rule of the priests and instead begged Cuthbert, the hero of Bastion to be their King. The Line of Cuthbert still reigns in Malta. But the warfare was not over, the priests and paladins did not accept the rule of Cuthbert and fought against him. Finally, 20 years later in KY(Kings Year) 20 the Accord of Antioch was signed and the Church of the Endless Flame agreed to recognize the rule of Cuthbert, King of Rhiannon.

Alas, the reign of the Cuthberts was not to be a peaceful one. Not too many years after the victory at Bastion, and the defeat of the snake men, a malevolent force arose in the north. Armies of undead, led by General Zorin Greyblade and his consort and dark lieutenant, the Lady of Ruin, have long ago captured the northlands and periodically assault and infiltrate the mountains into the lands of the south.
The peace is also disturbed by an ongoing feud between the displaced tribes of orcs and the tribes of goblins.
Several Groups have arisen to combat this chaos. The Knights of Malta are a secular group of warriors dedicated to keeping the peace. The Knights of St. Jonas are an order of the Church of the Endless flame, dedicated to hunting down and destroying undead.

[/sblock]House Rules[sblock]
* For Play by Post: The DM will Check the board as often as possible
- It is expected that each player will post once every two days.
- The official check-in will be Mon - Wed - Fri mornings.
- If your character has not checked in by these mornings, the DM has the option to run that turn for you. Be assured I will act as smartly as your character would.
* D & D 3.5 Edition rules will be used (as best as possible by the DM)
* Death is at negative CON, rather than at –10 HP.
* Hero points. Each character starts with 3 hero points and gains 1 more with each level. Hero points can be used at the player’s discretion to stabilize him automatically or to add +10 to any roll after it has been made. (exception: Hit Point roles.)
* Monthly upkeep for a character is 50 gp. This pays for food and lodging between adventures, housing and feed for non special mounts (i.e. Riding Horses), normal repair and maintenance of weapons, equipment and armor, and common spell components. Higher levels of upkeep & luxury are available.

[/sblock]classes and races[sblock]
Gestalt Classes will be used. In this campaign, Prestige classes can be taken starting at 5th level and replace one side of the Gestalt class. Some Prestige classes are off limits to Gestalt Characters, specifically any the duplicate a ‘dual’ class, such as Mystic Theurge and Eldritch Knight. Note that only certain races can employ gestalt classes.

PC Races
The following races are available for PC play.
...................Gestalt ..Start
Race ...........Class .....Level ...Notes
High Men ......Yes ......1 .........As Human in PH +2 skill points at Lvl 1
Men .............No .......2 .........As Human in PH
True Dwarf ....Yes ......1 ........As Dwarf in PH except +4 Con -2 Dex -2 Cha
Lesser Dwarf.. No .......2 ........As Dwarf in PH
High Elf .........Yes .....1 .........As Elf in PH except +2 Dex, +2 Int -2 Str, -2 Con
Lesser Elf .......No ......2 ........As Elf in PH
Half-Elf .........Yes .....1 .........Discuss with DM
Green Gnome .Yes ......1 ........As Gnome in PH
Valley Gnome.. No ......2 ........As Gnome in PH
Halfling ..........Yes .....1 ........As Halfling in PH, +4 Dex, -4 Str
Halfling ..........No .......2........ As Halfling in PH,

Prestige Classes:

Knight of St Jonas. A prolific fighter of undead.
Stoneborn: A dwarven warrior of great prestige, one with the earth

Mystic Theurge & Eldritch Knight are unavailable to Gestalt characters.

[/sblock]Languages of Rhiannon[sblock]
Barbarian Tongue - A very rare tongue in Rhiannon today. Spoken by the Barbarian tribes. Decended from the language native to this continent, before the arrival of the refugees.

Common - developed as a combination from the original tongue of the refugees
from Eire and the native tongue

Elvish, dwarvish, gnomish, Halfling-ish, Orcish, Goblin-ish.

Old Rhian - A scholarly language brought over on the seven ships and largely unchanged. Until the Council of the Pontiff Clement in 3104, this was the "official" language of the Church.

Celestial - One of three legendary languages, Celestial is the language of the Heavens, it can only be learned by extraordinary means.

Infernal - One of three legendary languages, Infernal is reputed to be spoken by Demons and Devils, as such it can only be learned by extraordinary means.

Draconic - One of three legendary languages, Draconic is reputed to be the language of Dragonkind, and it too can only be learned by extraordinary means.

[/sblock]Feats [sblock]
Turn opposing alignment. (Special)
Requirement: Turn undead or rebuke undead of an 9th level cleric, leadership, cha 14+
With one of his normal turning check a cleric or paladin can try to inspire fear by his faith in creatures of opposing alignments. The turning check result table shows how many hds are affected.

Each affected creature also get -2 on bab, skills, saves (the creature is shaken). The
penalties of several successful turning checks stack.

Ley Magic. (MetaMagic)
You can tap, detect and use ley lines and power nexi.
Prerequisite: 8 ranks in Knowledge Arcana. Ability to cast Arcane or Divine Spells.
Benefit: A character with this feat can tap or detect the power in Ley lines and power nexuses.

See Heroes of High Favor: Elves, for more on this. Note that the cost to create a Nexus is higher than list x 100.

The people of Rhiannon worship Eli. They do so through the veneration of many saints.
St. Angus, Dragonbane........A Mighty paladin, Disciple of Salix, Slew Angarathoraz....Good, War, Earth
St. Rhian………………….......Founder of the religion & church....…………………………..Good, Law, Air
St. Dismas....………………....A Mighty Paladin, Companion of St. Rhian..…………….....Good, War, Protection
St. Macedone…………….......The greatest scholar....…………………………………………...Good, Knowledge, Law
St. Keoughtom…………........Founder of the Hospitallers; renowned healer...…………...Good, Healing, Protection
St. Quentin....………………...An early martyr, a companion of St.Rhian.....……………..Good, Magic, Healing
St. Salix of the Blade...……...A militant priest who led the second crusade..………......Good, War, Fire
St. Xantas..………………….....An early explorer...……………………………………………....Good, Travel, Plant
St Jonas.…………………….....A priest who opposed the Undead……………………….......Good, Sun

NOTE: St Cuthbert, called “The Avenger” is a “rogue” saint. A disciple of St Dismas, and a hero of the First Crusade, he was deemed too vengeful in the years following that crusade by the early church and was asked to step down. His worship, always small, experienced a bit of a renaissance during the war. His Domains are Law, Strength, War.

Short Exerpt from Brother Foxes Primer on Saints and Relics.
Wisdom requires first that you understand how the saints relate to one-another. He who is honored above all is St Rhian, the founder. He came from far overseas with many companions on the seven ships bearing the refugees from Eire, which sank into the sea. Among these companions were his three disciples: St Dismas, St Macedone, & St. Quentin. St Quentin died soon after arriving, martyred by ravenous barabarians. St Dismas vowed revenge and the first crusade had begun. In the glorious victory of the first crusade several other notables arose, Including St Keoghtom, founder of the hospitallers and St Cuthbert, who was asked to leave the fellowship. St Xantas was a disciple of St Keoughtom and explored far north of the Barrier peaks and far west into the desert. Five centuries later, St Salix and his squire St Angus led the second crusade against the barbarians of the north. St Angus later gained much fame as the slayer of the great dragon. The most recent canonization is that of St Jonas, bane of the undead, who shines as a beacon of light in the darkness following the great snake war.

Church Hierarchy........Title Honorific
Patriarch................... “Holy Father”
Archbishop................ “Monsignor”
Cannon..................... "Monsignor"
Bishop...................... “Monsignor”
High Priest................ “Monsignor”
Priest....................... “Father”
Acolyte.................... “Student”
Monk....................... "Brother"
Evangelist................. "Brother"

Although relatively few men have been canonized, many more have been declared blessed. This is done for those who, when reflecting on their lives, have served as special beacons of the Grace and Light of Eli. The Church of the Endless Flame has a large group of priests arranged in a strict hierarchy to serve the masses that worship Eli and venerate the saints.

[/sblock]Groups and orders[sblock]
Several groups wield influence worth noting.

Knights of St Jonas.
This is one of the few groups of churchmen to gain power and influence since the fall of Bastion. Followers of a humble priest who vigilantly hunted the undead, these knights track and harry the undead wherever they can find them. St Jonas was a young priest, who after the fall of Bastion, confronted and defeated a number of undead, most notably a Cult of Undead Worshippers; The details of which have been surpressed by the Church for nearly 400 years. St. Jonas is buried in a large white marble tomb in Antioch. The headquarters of the order are in a modest building next to it.

Vigilant Order of the Knights of Malta.
Created by the secular government to replace several Church based orders of knighthood, which were outlawed by the Accord of Antioch, this order of warriors without peer have sworn fealty to the crown. They roam the lands in small groups enacting the will of the king.

Red Sentinels.
This is a secretive sect of magi whose existence is rumored but unconfirmed.

Venerable Order of the Knights of the High Temple.
This ancient order was instituted by St Dismas but was outlawed by the Accord of Antioch, Rumors state that today it exists as a secretive and “unofficial” order of Holy Warriors who seek to further the agenda of the Church.

Queen Matilda Cuthbert is the current occupant of “The Bastion Throne.” He holds the title: Dutchess of Bastion and rules from Malta.
5 dukes owe fealty to him.
* Lord Arras
* Lord Antioch
* Lord Tarsus
* Lord Malta
* Lord Sardina

[/sblock]Cities and towns[sblock]
Arras is a city of roughly 8000 people, it has stone walls and towers surrounding it, as well as a port facility on the river. Arras became a major port during the war when its iron mines were greatly expanded to make up for the loss of the much richer mines north of the Barrier Peaks. The river banks also provide much fertile farmland whose surplus goes toward feeding Antioch and Malta and Tarsus.

Antioch is a city of over 25,000 souls and was the historic capital of Rhiannon until the Accord of Antioch in KY 20. While Antioch remains the center of Church government, secular government has moved to Malta. Antioch, still the home of the Patriarch of Rhiannon, is shining city of white marble and towering edifice. The smell of incense is continually in the air and priests and pilgrims are always in the streets. It is home to the High Temple, the only Church dedicated directly to the worship of Eli, as well as major cathedrals dedicated in the names of many of the saints.

Tarsus, rebuilt from ruin about 200 years ago is a highly fortified city, specializing in mining with a large iron mining industry as well as silver, gold, admantium and mithril mines. 16000 people live in Tarsus; the population is heavily dominated by soldiers, sailors and miners. Most of food consumed by Tarsus is shipped in through what is today the second busiest port in the country. Because of its proximity to the undead hosts, Tarsus boasts the largest contingent of Knights of St. Jonas on the continent.

Malta is a large city of 38,000 souls, and stands as capitol of the Kingdom. It is a walled city, divided into many districts. There are the extravagant palaces on the western side, the Kings palace centrally located, and the bawdy docks and warehouse districts along the river. There are the Navy islands, the farmers district, the market, and finally the poorest - the water district. There is fertile farmland nearby, but not nearly enough for the population of the city. So, much of its food is imported. Being a port city, Malta also has access to treasures from over sea and all over the Kingdom.

Of note are the unusual buildings of unknown origin which draw attention from visitors who like the "visiting a haunted place" spooky shudder.

[/sblock]Currency of the Kingdom[sblock]
1 PP = 10 GP = 1 Sovereign
1 GP = 10 SP = 1 Crowns
1 SP = 10 CP = 1 Dukes
1 CP = 10 Pennies = 1 Colar
1 Penny
Timeline.xls is a set of spreadsheets that outline the history of the continents Patriarchs, Kings, and (very) rough history / outline.


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Tilmamir said:
Feats [sblock]

Turn Evil One. (Special)
You can turn opposing clerics and paladins (blackguards) as well as outsiders of opposing alignment.
Prerequisite: Turn as 9th level Cleric.
Benefit: A character with this feat can turn clerics, paladins (blackguards) and outsiders of opposing alignment as if they were undead.

Does Turn Good One also exist?
If a good version of this feat exists than for balance also an evil version. The PC do not like to encounter an evil cleric with this feat.
Can a good cleric10+ also destroy evil one e.g. an evil human cleric 5?
e.g. A good cleric turns an evil cleric. The evil cleric can not flee. He cowers 10 feet away from the good cleric. The cleric do not attack, do not command his remaining undeads, do not cast spells. As long the good cleric do no walk to the evil cleric he get +2 on his ranged attacks and the evil cleric do not defend himself. Your feat acts like a failed save on a summon monster.
IMHO this feat is too powerful.


The opposite of turn Evil one DOES exist. I like the concept am willing to refine the rule based on input.



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For the reader ---
Gwaihir is the DM / creator of the Rhiannon world in the table game
Tilmamir is the DM for the PbP Rhiannon world.

We both seem to be developing the world together.

I agree with Gwaihir - it is powerful, but fits into the world allowing for a danger that is lacking in the world because I, personally, do not use certain creatures that are pure evil.
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Tilmamir said:
I agree with Gwaihir - it is powerful, but fits into the world allowing for a danger that is lacking in the world because I, personally, do not use certain creatures that are pure evil.
Can you please define pure evil?
Is a CE cleric pure evil?
Is a LE blackguard pure evil?
Is a NE rogue/assassin pure evil?
Is an evil outsider pure evil?

Does the feat affects all creatures with an evil alignment?

As a player I´would pissed off if an evil cleric turns my character and my PC must cower to wait to be killed by ranged attacks. A hold monster spell can be dispelled but a turning not.

YMMV if the feat fits your campaign it is ok for you. I would not allow this feat IMC.


The feat turns clerics & paladins (blackgaurds) of opposing alignment. Good Clerics can turn Evil Clerics and Vice Versa. I like the concept, perhaps the execution of it is not as good as it could be. Suggestions?


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Gwaihir said:
The feat turns clerics & paladins (blackgaurds) of opposing alignment. Good Clerics can turn Evil Clerics and Vice Versa. I like the concept, perhaps the execution of it is not as good as it could be. Suggestions?
The concept of inspiring fear because of opposing alignment is good.
A good cleric tries to turn an evil cleric (without any other undeads).
Assuming the good cleric has an charisma of 12 (+1) and no other turning enhancing feats . Then he has a 50% chance to turn the evil cleric (1+the average roll of a d20 10,5).

Now the effects:
a) the cleric gets 2d6 + level of the good cleric + cha bonus of the good cleric damage, which IIRC can not be reduced by DR because the damage is holy. This ability of the feat is better than a smite evil.
b) The evil cleric must flee if he can for 10 rounds (one minute). He needs at least another 10 rounds to come back. 10 rounds or 20 rounds is a long time in combat. Fleeing in fear is normally an enchantment or necromancy spell which requires a will save.
c) if the evil cleric can not flee so he cowers. This grants his enemies not only a +2 on attacks, the evil cleric do not defend himself and do not cast spells. This is like a hold monster spell without any save.
d) if the good cleric has twice as many levels as the evil cleric the evil cleric is destroyed. An instant kill spell for low levels without any save.

If the evil cleric has some undeads and the good cleric tries to turn the undeads, the evil cleric turns the good cleric because the good cleric is the only person the evil cleric can turn.

I dislike this feat because creatures with character classes and good saves do not get a save against this effect.

Also look at the hierophant prc. He has an ability to blast infidels.

Here my proposal:
Turn opposing alignment
Requirement: Turn undead or rebuke undead of an 9th level cleric, leadership, cha 14+
With one of his normal turning check a cleric or paladin can try to inspire fear by his faith in creatures of opposing alignments. The turning check result table shows how many hds are affected.
Each affected creature also get -2 on bab, skills, saves (the creature is shaken). The
penalties of several successful turning checks stack (if this is too powerful the penalties do not stack).

A penalty without a save is a good advantage.

If you think this feat is too weak add: Each affected creature gets 1d4+cleric level holy or unholy damage.


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the proposal seems fine to me. I do not know if any of my game characters are going to try this, so it is academic for me.


I intend to change the feat, I was hoping for more points of view/suggestions to consider, beyond those offered by yennico. I will probably work on updating over the weekend.

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