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Ties that Bind - Silverymoon - Chapter 1 "Diplomats?"


First Post
Posting Guidelines:
  • Please post on this thread at least once each day. Unless you let me know that you won’t be posting for some reason, I will take over your character’s actions after two days of no posting and if a week goes by without notice, I will look for Alts. The exception to this rule will be if I am gone for a period of time (traveling or the like), in which case I will let you all know that posting every day is not required (though RP posting is still encouraged).
  • Speech should be “bold” and surrounded by quotation marks. You should use one specific color for your character’s speech, but please don’t use Light Blue or Dark Red as these will be primarily used by me. Don’t use the same color as someone else (first come first serve).
  • Thoughts should be italicized and should be the same color (or a lighter version thereof) as your speech.
  • Actions and descriptive text should be written in normal format (ie not bold or italicized).
  • Out of game comments should be marked by “OOC:” and they should be placed in sblocks at the end of your post. This is where you should put any relevant rolls or statistics, or just a simple breakdown of what your character did for the round. Out of game stuff that isn't pertinent to the situation at hand can be posted on the OOC thread. Example OOC post:
    OOC:[sblock]Harry moves back 15 ft. and casts Tensor’s Silly Putty Spray at the Great Gold Wyrm doing 2 damage.

    AC: 10
    HP: 7[/sblock]
  • Speaking of rolls, please use Invisible Castle for all rolls. Use your Character’s name as it appears on your sheet and put the purpose of the roll in the “notes” section. In combat I prefer you making your own rolls, but I will at times roll certain things for you (ie some search and spot checks, initiative, and other things if I feel the need).
  • Don’t read the IC or OOC threads for the other half of this game. They other group isn’t your enemy per se, but reading their threads will give you info that your character wouldn’t have. Also on this topic, please don’t read sblocks addressed specifically to other people.
  • Have fun! I’m really looking forward to this game and I hope you all are as excited as I am. Keep in mind that we are playing in a very high powered game and I’ve seen attitudes of one-upmanship come from such situations, so let’s be sure to avoid that. Everyone will be a vital part of the team so work together and enjoy yourselves!

  • Shayuri – Jonas Visage Druid 5/Master of Many Forms 7//Rogue 7/War Shaper 5
  • Erudite – Corund Planar Ranger 3/Shadow Creature 3/Horizon Walker 6//UA Variant Illusionist 5/ Shadowcraft Mage 5/Shadow Adept 2
  • Rystil Arden – Cassandra Durai Telepath 9/Metamind 3//Monk 2/Cleric 3/Metamind 4/Mystic Wanderer 1/Paladin of Freedom 2


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First Post
And so it begins...

Silverymoon was always cold this time of year, but the bitter touch of frost that chilled people’s hearts these days was not from winter gales or falling snowflakes. No, this chilling weather came from another kind of storm, a storm that was harder to see, but no harder for the people of Silverymoon to feel. This storm, the most dangerous kind as it sucked the vitality out her citizens, came to Silverymoon when Alustriel passed from this world.

Doubt was not welcome in the north under Alustriel’s watch, but now it filled the thoughts commoners, guards, and even officials charged with running the city. All had heard of Harbromm’s visit but two months past and it was no secret that Citadel Adbar was no longer offering support to the confederation. Their withdrawal of troops and supplies in the form of weapons and armor forced Silverymoon to make some uncomfortable and largely unsuccessful adjustments.

With patrols decreased and military supplies lower than normal, raiders, orcs, giants, and other opportunistic creatures have increase attacks along the roads, making it unsafe to travel. Commoners, urged as they so often are by a fickle will, have chosen to blame the League for the hardships, and what’s worse, the cities of the north have chosen to point a collective finger at Silverymoon, blaming the Gem of the north for the current hardships.

The critics of the League of Silver Marches, who were not small in number when the project started, continue to proclaim the death of Alustriel as the spark that will ignite chaos in the north and lead to the downfall of the confederation. Depressing as they are, such claims seem to hold a certain ring of truth to them. Indeed, something must be done to keep the cities of the north together. Most believe that bringing Citadel Adbar back into the League of Silver Marches is the only way to save the north, but convincing Harbromm will be no small chore…

Players:[sblock]At this point I would like all of you to make a single post that describes what you’ve been up to in Silverymoon (why you’re here, where you’re staying, what you do on an average day). Some of you have covered this in your background, but post it here in character.[/sblock]


First Post
Winter was as cold as memory said it was, but Corund simply wrapped his cloak around him to prevent it from tangling around him due to a sudden, powerful gust blowing from the river. The cloak was fulgin, the color that is blacker than black, and of incredibly tight weave and quality. Though he was deep inside Silverymoon, it felt more like being in a carefully sculpted parkland. Corund, who felt a deep kinship with the majestic forests of his homeland, appreciated the unique touch. His newer home was sorely lacking in trees, although beautiful in other ways.

He had been back for only a few days, and had sought out an old friend. The facade of the store front was covered in thick, green ivy, an obvious illusion, and an advertisement to the nature of the establishment. Of course, the second illusion above the door of a scroll surrounded by a nimbus of golden light also served to beckon clientele to The Shining Scroll.

As he stepped into the recessed doorway to open the deeply stained door, he seemed to flicker, waver, and ultimately fade into the shadows, except where his left hand and heels were struck by the sun. It made him seem to be a fragmentary creature, like a partially illuminated window of stained glass.

The jingle of a bell announced his presence, which suddenly appeared out of the shadows again, completely, as if being birthed from the recesses of the ceiling and floor. The plastered ceiling was illuminated by mage light, and the actual customer area was merely adequate for three or four people to stand together before the very high counter top which ran completely around the entry, barring the entrance. Two narrow windows let in the pale wintery light that competed with the magic to show the many writing supplied stacked with precision behind the counter. A doorway, open at the moment, led to a scriptorium and , Corund knew, supplies of infintely more valuable magical scrolls.

"Salutations and glad tidings, future prospect, and delighted shopper.' This came from a charming voice that reminded Corund of wind chimes, and which belonged to a small dragon lazily draped along the counter, light playing off of irridescent scales, filmy wings of diverse colors flapping once or twice to assist the creature to sit up and prance a peculiar jig before it sat up straight and looked squarely at the stranger. "Scrolls for all purposes!" it announed cheerily.

"And for a-l-l purposed, bubbo, if you catch my drift..."
it announced in a conspiratorial whisper, leaning forward like a Waterdhavian criminal.

A scroll case flew across the room, though the dragon executed a jump that carried it into an aerial dodge, and the projectile clattered behind the counter.
"No we don't, you nasty, evil beast!" a feminine voice announded, heralding the arrival of a pretty, moderately plump woman, dark brown hair braided down her back.

"That is two days pay, docked from your wages, missy!" it chirps as it takes a seat on the counter again.

"Still think you own the place, don't you Villynk?" Corund chuckles, dropping his hood around his shoulders.

"That's 'cause someone has to look out for business! It is a terrible burden..." the faerie dragon complains, indulgently. It seeks out a scratching from Corunds fingers, insistently presenting it's neck for attention.

"Corund! Your back! I had some concern that you had met a pretty woman someplace, and forgotten about me." She comes over and wraps her arms around his waist. She places her head on his shoulder, then punches his arm, hard.

"Ouch!"he exclaims. "Xara." he says more softly.

"Next time, send me a message, my wayward lover. About time you get yourself your own familiar, like any decent wizard. Then at least you could have someone remind you about those you've left behind!"
She kissed him, then stepped back. "A year, and two weeks, and three days. And probably twelve hours thrown in for good measure!"

Together they walk to the back, and up a narrow stairs above the store where he and Xara retire, and where she lives. After a period of reaquaintance, Xara Tantlor pulls the sheet over her breasts, a small sigh exclaiming her feelings. "You've returned at a bad time, love. Allustriel is dead these past two months, and Adbar has withdrawn from the Alliance." The young wizardess fills in Corund on the doings and troubles of his home town, while he fills in his latest efforts as well.

"The departure of the Netherese Archmages from Shadow follows hard on the loss of Tilverton" he explains. "I've tracked the shadow storms, and they are increasing in frequency, but I'm chasing dead ends now, because the Prime is part of the equation. Now, I come back to find more immediate troubles waiting for me. What can I do?" he announces. "I must see my home safe first, before tackling the larger issues. Resolving the stability of the Alliance must take place quickly, though, for I fear the issues of stability between Prime and Shadow fortell some predicament greater than the return of the Archmages."

Both spend the remainder of the day renewing their relationship, as the sun disappears below the horizon, and the shadows of night lengthen.
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Rystil Arden

First Post
'Well Sibyl, this is Silverymoon. What do you think?'

'It's not as impressive and glorious as I had heard, and it seems so subdued...I think this city needs some friendship right about now.'

'Oh Sibyl, that's your answer to everything isn't it?'

'That's not true! I'm not so one-dimensional as that!'

'You're silly, Sibyl. Remember what you said about those blue slaad?'

'Hey! They were obviously blue because they were sad and wanted more friends!'

'If by wanted more friends you mean wanted to infect me with a disease that will turn me into a red slaad, then you might be right...And what about the drow?'

'Don't be such a racist, Cassie! They're not evil just because they're black! What about that goddess...umm Eilistraee.'

'Well, I'm impressed you could pronounce that one.'

'It's not half as bad as ixitxachitl.'

'That's true, but I think the snake-whip and the fact that they were slavers sort of gave away that they weren't followers of Eilistraee.'

'But how do you know for sure. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding?'

'What about the holy symbol of Lolth?'

'Maybe they were in disguise?'

'But she cast blasphemy.'


'Ha! Alright then, let's go.'


First Post
Alustriel was dead.

It was the news on everyone's lips, whispering in the air itself like some macabre spirit. The Chosen was dead. The Silver Lady. Gone.

And he'd missed the funeral too.

Jonas wasn't usually much for funerals. He always preferred to focus on living, and on THE living. After all, his faith was that theyd be back anyay in new forms. Given time, at least.

And yet, there he was. A man in drab armor, standing in front of her exquisite tomb. A human being for the first time in months. It was strange how weak he felt in the body he was born in. Feeling small, and alone, and worn out. Wondering what happens next.

Finally he turned and stalked away through the cemetary back into Silverymoon proper. The graveyard really did seem like some foreign place...grey and taciturn and dead, compared to the seething vitality of the city. Just being among people again helped lift his mood a bit. As Jonas considered the question of where to stay, a smile even lit his face. It was a reminder that any rooftop, any barn, any inn or stable...he could call any of them home or none. Today though, he would play at being a man.

A jingle of coins and some eminently refreshing flirting with a cute redheaded later, Jonas was the proud lessee of a room in The Brass Bugle Inn. He ate in the common room, relishing the...ordinaryness of it all. He then mingled in the crowds again...occasionally ducking into an alley to change form. An elf here. A dwarf there. A man, a woman...it was all the same to Jonas. And the rumors filled his ears with dismay. Gods, it couldn't be happening -already?- The League breaking?

By the time night has fallen, Jonas' mind is working overtime; the redhead forgotten. The following day he turns down his usual job offers of tracking people, finding out what they're up to. Instead he turns his efforts to finding out what's being done about Citadel Adbar. He meant to be in on that. Silverymoon belonged to everyone now, and he was going to do his part.


First Post
After spending a day and night in a long lover’s embrace, Corund awakes to the soft touch of Xara’s fingers running through his hair. She seems happy enough, but as she lifts a scroll sitting in her lap Corund can see sadness hiding behind her warm smile.

“This message arrived for you a week and a half ago and I was told to make sure you got it if you came back around. I hope you don’t mind my keeping it from you for a day, but I figured you would run off as soon as you read it. Oh, and I hope you don’t mind, but I couldn’t help but take a look at what it said.”

Xara hands him a finely made but somewhat worn scroll, carrying the broken seal of the High Mage Taern Hornblade. As Corund pauses to examine the seal Xara chimes in.

“Yes, that’s Hornblades insignia. When I got the letter I couldn’t image what he would want with the likes of you, but you can see for yourself if you just read the message.”

Corund unrolls the short scroll and reads:


I do hope you’ve returned from your travels in time for this message to still be relevant. If you’re back in Silverymoon you’ve no doubt heard the news about Alustriel and the precarious standing of the confederation.

In this message I can’t reveal too much, but I have spent many hours trying to find men or women of this city who could help me with a special task. If you have an interest in helping our cause, bring this token to Moonshield and show it to the steward. We’ll know when you’ve received the message, so don’t worry about timing.”

Taern Hornblade
High Mage of Silverymoon

As Corund reads the line “bring this token to Moonshield,” a previously absent token appears in the hand holding the scroll. Shortly after reading the message the scroll itself erupts in a harmless cobalt blue flame, leaving Corund to consider the offer. [/sblock]

[sblock]Cassandra’s first step into the city of Silverymoon was met with a strange welcome. The gate guard who asked for her name and business in the city gave a kind of start when she replied with ‘Cassandra’ and he quickly pulled her aside.

“I’m sorry to detain you miss, but we’ve been waiting for someone named Cassandra who fits your description. If you don’t mind waiting for just a moment…”

With that he took off toward the gatehouse, leaving Cassandra with the other guards watching the flow of commoners in and out of the city. In a short time he returned with a rolled parchment in one hand and a small portrait in the other. For a few moments he went back and forth from concentrating on the portrait to examining Cassandra’s face until he finally exclaimed.

“Yep, you seem to be the right girl, though your hair’s a differnt shade in this drawing. Like I said, we’ve been told you’d be passing through here, and we have a message for you. Sorry fer any inconvenience.”

With that he handed over the scroll, which was made of fine parchment and sealed with the insignia of the High Mage Taern Hornblade. Unfurling the parchment Cassandra read:


My apologies for the method by which you received this letter, but it was important that I contact you as soon as possible upon your arrival in Silverymoon. No doubt you are wondering what this is all about, so let me summarize by saying that I heard about your talents from some contacts in Waterdeep and Sundabar and I hope to convince you to use your powers to aid Silverymoon in this dark time.

In this message I can’t reveal too much, but I have spent many hours trying to find men or women of this city who could help me with a special task. If you have an interest in helping our cause, bring this token to Moonshield and show it to the steward. We’ll know when you’ve received the message, so don’t worry about timing.”

Taern Hornblade
High Mage of Silverymoon

As Cassandra read the line “bring this token to Moonshield,” a previously absent token appeared in the hand holding the scroll. Shortly after reading the message the scroll itself erupted in a harmless cobalt blue flame, leaving Cassandra to wander through Silverymoon and consider the offer.

It didn’t take too long of a stay in Silverymoon for Cassandra to realize that Sibyl was right this time...this city really could use a big hug. It seemed like the only time people weren’t yelling at one another about something was when they walked around with dejected looks of sadness on their faces.

Being a good natured person, Cassandra was curious about the problems of Silverymoon and how they were being addressed. Townsfolk informed her of most of the gossip, including everything from the death of Alustriel to the departure of Harbromm and the ensuing problems. The dismal tone of the message she received at the gate made more sense as she heard these things. [/sblock]

Jonas:[sblock]Jonas searched the streets and pondered a way to help Silverymoon and the League in general, but a solid plan of action seemed to allude him. Of course he could help in any number of ways, spying, sabotage, fighting, transportation, and diplomacy being just a few. The hard part was deciding exactly what needed to be done.

Luckily this question offered an answer for itself. When Jonas returned to the Brass Bugle late that afternoon, the proprietress informed him that a man had been waiting to see him all afternoon. She pointed out a young lad of about 16 years, sitting by himself in a corner booth as patiently as though he had just arrived.

Approaching the lad it was quite clear he was a courier and his relatively fine dress for the job gave away the high standing of his employer. When Jonas was a close enough, the boy rose from the booth and introduced himself.

“My name is Philip Saxin, messenger of the High Palace, and I assume you are Janos Visage?” Without waiting for a response he continued, “I’ve brought a message for you. I apologize that it has taken me several days to deliver,” his blush at saying this makes it obvious that he is used to quicker deliveries, “but you are a very difficult man to find. For some time I wondered if you really existed at all. In any case, here is the message I was to deliver.” He pulls out a fine piece of rolled parchment sealed with the insignia of Taern Hornblade, High Mage of Silverymoon, and without another word he quickly shuffled out the door, no doubt off to make more deliveries.

Unrolling the parchment, Jonas finds the following message.


I do hope my messenger is able to find you while this message is still relevant. I know you have helped Alustriel with certain things in the past and I hope that in Silvermoon’s time of need you will be willing to offer your unique talents again.

In this message I can’t reveal too much, but I have spent many hours trying to find men or women of this city who could help me with a special task. If you have an interest in helping our cause, bring this token to Moonshield and show it to the steward. We’ll know when you’ve received the message, so don’t worry about timing.”

Taern Hornblade
High Mage of Silverymoon

As Jonas reads the line “bring this token to Moonshield,” a previously absent token appears in the hand holding the scroll. Shortly after reading the message the scroll itself erupts in a harmless cobalt blue flame, leaving Jonas to consider the offer. [/sblock]

Rystil Arden

First Post
'What do you think Sibyl?'

'You have to go, of course! People need help!'

'This seems like a political mess, though...You know I'm not much for enforcing laws on people, and that's probably what they're going to do.'

'Well, you could check first'

'Nope, remember what the message said? They don't want me coming there unless I already know I have an interest in helping their cause, even before knowing what it is.'

'Well, how bad could it be?'

'Obviously there's something really nefarious going on if it couldn't even be mentioned in a letter that was going to self-destruct.'

'Not every secret is nefarious, though.'

'But it needn't even be nefarious. Considering the lengths they went to protect even that rather useless message with a contingencied self-destruction, there's more-or-less a guarantee that they're going to get rid of me if I don't agree with them completely.'

'They might just let you leave and maybe make you forget.'

'That won't be an option, not for a psion. Sooner or later, I'll get the memories back, and they know it. But those strict types who still think they can call themselves good even while they force their ways on others usually don't kill their victims...they'll lock me up somewhere...'

'But Cassie! You know you want to help these people!'

'You're right, Sibyl...I do. But I'm not convinced that this is the best way...'

'How will you know before you try, though?'

'Okay, how about this--We go there with all our defenses at the ready, and we zap this guy into a coma if he tries to capture or kill us.'

'Is that really necessary? Can't we just all be friends?'

'Sibyl, we have to be ready for anything. This is a new place, and we don't know anything about this man except that he is a wizard, and wizards tend to be dangerous with a high opinion of themselves.'

'Wizards can be very nice, too...Mommy was a wizard too, remember?'

'...Yes...I remember...'


First Post
“This message arrived for you a week and a half ago and I was told to make sure you got it if you came back around. I hope you don’t mind my keeping it from you for a day, but I figured you would run off as soon as you read it. Oh, and I hope you don’t mind, but I couldn’t help but take a look at what it said.”

"I know a rebuke when I hear it" Corund comments as he wraps his lips in a wry smile. Villynk pokes her head down from a rafter overhead, dangling precariously, now that something of interest was happening.

Xara hands him a finely made but somewhat worn scroll, carrying the broken seal of the High Mage Taern Hornblade. As Corund pauses to examine the seal Xara chimes in.

“Yes, that’s Hornblade's insignia. When I got the letter I couldn’t image what he would want with the likes of you, but you can see for yourself if you just read the message.”

"He and I don't agree on much, but he knows what this city means to me..." he admits.

Corund unrolls the short scroll and reads:

As Corund reads a previously absent token appears in the hand holding the scroll. Shortly after reading the message the scroll itself erupts in a harmless cobalt blue flame, leaving Corund to consider the offer. The token is silver, with a hole through the middle.

Corund contemplates the effect. "Neat trick, that.". He rolls over. "Being so smart, you must hate being right all of the time!" he says kissing Xara. "Of course, I have to go."

The wizardess pushes Corund out of the bed entirely. "Well, then, go and be off with you, master Hot Spurs. I shall only be upset with you for a fortnight!" She tries to look angry, and only partly succeeds before worry purses her mouth. "Don't think I won't scry on you, Corund 'Long Shanks'."

After bidding his good byes, and dodging Villynk's sarcasm, Corund disguises himself with a few words and a gesture, stepping into the narrow street, a patrician-nosed man of auburn hair and beard, and haughty bearing, and promptly steps into shadow, vanishing into thin air. A very careful, and presciently minded, creature might have followed him as slipped down the to the white, marble walls of the palace, near the center of the city. Appearing out of the shadows, he exits an alley, and makes a broad approach to the city gates.

Admitted to the palace upon showing the talisman, he states quite simply. "The High Mage is expecting me, I believe."

OOC: my version of Xara follows the ADND 2ed version as opposed to the one in Silver Marches, unless you have any objections.
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First Post
Jonas doesn't consider long. It was exactly the chance he'd been waiting for.

With a rustle of clothing and feathers, he changes effortlessly into a sparrow that flits out his window. From there he becomes an eagle, wishing for a faster journey. Silverymoon leaps ino his augmented vision, and he scans the city from above until he sees the very spot. Then another shift, to a small ghostly wisp of light that quickly winks out of sight.

Invisibly he descends to the guardpost outside Moonshield. For a moment he hovers there, then assumes the form of a fair-skinned elf that appears as if from out of nowhere. With a winning grin he presents the emblem.

]"Forgive my unexpected arrival," he says jovially. "I felt it best to present myself before entering, rather than just appearing inside!" He laughs.

"I am, I believe, expected?"


First Post
Corund:[sblock] Corund finds his way to the Moonshield easily enough, and although he's seen the sights of Silverymoon many a time, the grandeur of the High Palace is still amazing to behold, a shining beckon at the center of a shining city.

No one gives him too much bother as he enters through the west gate of the castle and ascends the stairway to the Hall of Greeting. The steward, upon seeing his token, immediately changes from a tired attitude of dealing with common petitioners to a more appropriate form of etiquette for his post.

"Ah, Corund is it? It seems you do have an meeting with the High Mage. My deepest apologies, but he is busy at the moment. I doubt his current affairs will last more than a few minutes though, so why don't you follow me to the meeting chambers where you can await his arrival?"

The steward shows Corund to a nicely furnished, yet small meeting chamber with a fine, oval shaped wooden table and five padded chairs surrounding it.

"It really shouldn't be too long before the High Mage arrives. Is there anything you might be needing in the mean time?"

Unless Corund has some specific request, the steward returns to his business.

OOC: [sblock]As far as Xara goes, I'm actually not familiar with her former version, but it's fine if that's what you are using. It shouldn't make too much of a difference, but if the need arises you can explain her to me.[/sblock][/sblock]

Jonas:[sblock]Resisting the temptation to infiltrate the High Castle through stealth, Jonas passes through the Unicorn gate on the west side of the structure and follows the path, climbing some stairs, until she reaches the Hall of Greeting. The steward greets him warmly and upon hearing Jonas' comments he is a bit confused :

"We do appreciate you not just "appearing" in here, but I think you would find that difficult to do in the first place."

The steward smiles condescendingly, but is clearly unaware of Jonas' abilities.

"Indeed though, you are here to see the High Mage as well. As I told the other fellow, I'm sorry to say that Taern is busy at the moment, but I'm sure he will be able to see you in a short time. If you will follow me to the meeting room, you can await the High Mage there."[/sblock]

The steward shows Jonas to a nicely furnished, yet small meeting chamber with a fine, oval shaped wooden table and five padded chairs surrounding it. A man is waiting in the room when you enter, but he is clearly not Taern Hornblade. This must be the "other fellow" of whom the steward spoke, and you would guess he is also here to see the High Mage about the same business as you.
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