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Memorable Moments


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Do you have any memorable moments from past/current adventures (any system)?

For example; I had a wizard in one adventure, who, after being silenced by a priest's spell, fled the chruch by running up to the altar and leaping through the stained glass window, escaping certain death. What I liked to think of as a 'Starsky and Hutch' style escape.

What about you lot?

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I think I had a particular good moment when playing my vop druid Terran. He had the hots for a half drow whos cousin was being sold by her aunt. So Terran naturally wanting to please this half drow offered to saver her cousin. he scoped out that she was going to be held in a particular tower for a few hours before her forced wedding. Before the arrival of the cousin, he used spider climb and scaled the building and hid under her bed.

The guards toss her in the room and and she throws a major fit preventing them from searching it properly. a few minutes later Terran hears the voice of a little quizative girl.. "pssst... what are you doing underneath my bed?"
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Back in college, playing 2E. The BBEG was a fallen demon lord who had once risen basically to the power of a demigod. He was trying to regain power again, though he had not climbed very far up the ladder.

Due to a failed saving throw on a Wand of Wonder, the demon lord ends up in the middle of the party (and the rogue up on dias surrounded by top-level minions). Then another failed save later, the party wizard managed to polymorph him into a guppy. The demon lord had just activated an area of darkness. Now the 10+ level party were litteraly stomping around themselves in the darkness, trying to step on the guppy and kill the demon lord. It was hysterical.

For the rest of the campaign, the wizard's battle cry was, "I turn gods into guppies!"


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Here's another:

while DMing The City of Skulls adventure, the PCs were battling it out against priests of Iuz, ghasts, zombies and the odd demon. One threw a fireball, which unfortunately also struck the PC paladin, who failed his save and ended up losing his plate armour.

But the paladin refused to retreat and charged right at the ghasts, naked, swinging his holy sword, and proceeded to slay the undead left, right and centre.


One of my crowning moments was with my NG Favored Soul of Taelisha (homebrew deity of Light).

We had a BBEG hound my party off and on for the entire campaign, which culminated around 17th level. We had recently found a magical artifact that the BBEG waned, and he came looking for it. It was our party versus his party. After a few rounds, his party was winning hardcore - two of the five heroes had already been slain, and the wizard was out of decent spells.

Suddenly, a third evil party comes into scene. This third party is under the service of a Vampire Lord, and the Vampire Lord is hungry for my priestess (the Lord is a creature of Darkness dedicated to corrupting powerful sources of Light). My priestess, in a fit of desperation, offers thusly: "You who have just arrived. Help us defeat this vile evil and I shall go with you freely and without resistance." The third party agrees, and, together, we defeat the BBEG. I then turn over my character sheet to the DM and say "She's all yours."

The rest is history in the making... While emprisoned, the Vampire Lord discovers that my priestess is going to be the source of a Divine Child. He allows her to live, and my priestess gives Divine Birth, with a twist - the Child is born with the Vampire bloodline. A small group of NPCs discovers the heritage of the Child and, while the child is in infancy, secret him away to a small village, where he is raised by foster parents... and my new, shiny 1st-level PC is formed.


One I particularly remember is from my yet-to-be-paladin PC in Rolzup's campaign. Cedric ended up in a duel where he discovered that his enemy had kidnapped, tortured and mutilated his mentor. Barely surviving the duel and still badly wounded, Cedric rushes off to the warehouse where his mentor is being held by the remnants of the villain's gang, followed by the other PCs, who're explaining to him that this is a bad idea.

Reaching the warehouse, Cedric swigs what little healing potions he has left and a potion of enlarge person. As he steps up to the door, a couple of gang members try to tip a vat of boiling oil on him. Now 12 feet tall, he grabs the vat - burning himself in the process - and slams it back over, killing the attackers and setting the building on fire. Then he kicks in the door - and half a dozen archers stand up from behind a barricade and shoot, putting three arrows into him.

Down to something like 5 hit points, Cedric looks down at the shafts protruding from his chest and the blood running down it. Then he looks back at the archers, takes a step, and growls. "You. Should. Be. Running."

And they do :cool:


The memorable moments in my games recently have taken place between adventures. A night out in a tavern, mixing it up with gamblers and thieves, that sort of thing. Makes me wonder if I'm focusing on the wrong part of the game when I am prepping dungeons and combat encounters...

Ycore Rixle

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In our last session, the half-orc half-dwarf warrioress used her glamered armor to walk around town in a fuzzy rhinoceros suit, including feet. That was memorable!

A couple sessions before that, the PCs got into a contest in a tavern where they took turns baiting the slumming prince (the loser was the first to be recognized). That prince got an eyebrow singed off, lost his coinpurse, puked because of the salt added to his drink, lost his hat, kissed a gnoll, and... I don't remember what else, but it was funny!

Also there was the halfling rogue battling a swarm of bookworm moths in the castle library while the ranger idly poked around the fireplace. She didn't think the bookworm moths could really hurt him. Amazingly, he only lost one or two scrolls.

A dwarf barbarian/ranger at 5th level leapt off a wagon and cleaved through a troll. He got a critical hit and did something like 60 points of damage. I can still hear that troll's ribcage cracking as the dwarf landed.

The same dwarf was the object of the swashbuckling noble's sister's Dwarf Fever. The noble was not really against the Dwarf Fever, especially because the dwarf was rich. But it was a fun roleplaying situation.

The human rogue leaping from tower to tower, racing down and away from the princess's bedroom...

Ah, memories!

Lord Zack

Two awesome moments just today. First the party Fighter runs up the back of the halfling Rogue and then jumps at the monster, a Tauric Human-Viper and attacks it. It didn't last long. Then later the same Fighter takes out a Bullywug and then launches it's corpse at a Lamia.


Background: The Mages have fought a gigantic battle among themselves over power.
The land is divided into parts that fall under 'dominion' of a Mage Tower. Magic of any sort is forbidden, there is no organised form of religion, and using magic tends to attract firestorms, meteor swarms, and the like....

Naturally, aside from being afraid to use magic, everyone (including the party) is rather paranoid about magic users, dispite the fact the party includes a ranger, a cleric and a psion.

The characters have just finished 'the burning plague', and in the process aquired two kobold babies. Also, they lost a wizard party member there.

Brutagh, the parties Half-Ogre barbarian, is beeing kept busy by the kobold babies, a rather amusing scene in itself, when the parties ranger, glad to have Brugagh distracted, reveals to the rest of the party that he is a descendant of one of the Mages that was losing the battle, and sent him using some kind of spell into the future to keep him from being killed in the process.

A silence falls over the room, the only thing that can be heard is the sound of Brutagh slowly unsheathing his weapon......

Until the kobolds reclaim his attention with a 'Uncle Brutagh! Uncle Brutagh! What's this for?'
Reply: 'What? No! Don't touch that, it sharp. Wait. Where did you go. Get out of my pants you little squirm!'

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