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Super Dragon King Ghidorah!


Inventor of Super-Toast
Ok, the second kaiju I've made (and posted). Note the CR. This is most intentional. He's supposed to be a threat to kaiju, beyond the scope of all but the most powerful mortals.

King Ghidorah
Colossal Dragon (Kaiju)
Hit Dice: 84d12+1344 (1890 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 40ft, fly 200ft (clumsy)
AC: 55 (-8 size, +53 natural)
Base Attack/Grapple: +84/+124
Attacks: 3 bites +103 melee, 2 tail slams +101 melee, 2 wings +101 melee
Damage: Bite 8d6+24 (15-20 x3), tail slam 4d8+12 (15-20 x3), wing 4d6+12 (15-20 x3)
Face/Reach: 80ft /25ft
Special Attacks: Augmented criticals, breath weapon, dominate kaiju, electric bite, shockwave, spell-like abilities, trample, windstorm
Special Qualities: DR 20/holy epic, darkvision 120ft, electric immunity, fire resistance 50, immune to disease, poison and mind-influencing spells, no breath, regeneration 25, SR 53
Saves: Fort +62, Ref +42, Will +48
Abilities: Str 59, Dex 10, Con 43, Int 16, Wis 23, Cha 42
Skills: Concentration +103, Intimidate +103, Knowledge (history) +90, Listen +93, Move Silently +87, Search +90, Spot +93, Survival +93, Swim +111
Feats: Ability Focus (breath weapon), Battle Roar, Blind-fight, Cleave, Expertise, Great Cleave, Flyby Attack, Hover, Improved Bull’s Rush, Improved Critical (bite, tail slam, wing), Improved Initiative, Improved Multiattack, Improved Trample, Improved Trip, Multiattack, Penetrate Hardness, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-like Ability, Rapid Breath, Stunning Roar, Thunderous Roar, Wingover, Weapon Focus (bite, tail slam, wing)
Epic Feats: Epic Fortitude, Epic Weapon Focus (bite)
Climate/Terrain: Any land (or outer space)
Organization: Unique
CR: 41
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral evil

King Ghidorah is the most powerful kaiju who has ever lived. He is literally millions of years old, and is always concerned in one scheme or another to destroy humanity. Only the (probably unwitting) vigilance of other kaiju has kept him from achieving his goals.

King Ghidorah is a massive (about 400 feet tall) golden dragon. He has but two thick legs and no arms, but balances himself with two long tails and huge ribbed wings with razor-honed edges. Most striking are his three heads attached to long snake-like necks, each with large jaws, antler-like horns, and a frill of spines and hair at the base of the skull. King Ghidorah does not speak, merely roaring, but he can communicate telepathically with any creature (he rarely does, however).

King Ghidorah travels through the voids between planets and planes, thinking of schemes for creating misery and terror. He often works with species from dying worlds, offering them his brute force and his ability to control other kaiju to conquer a nearby plane or planet full of innocents. Although he needs no food, he is fond of the taste of sentient children. His archenemy is the kaiju Godzilla, although Godzilla may not even realize this: to Godzilla, Ghidorah is merely a threat to his territory.

King Ghidorah fights fiercely and sadistically; he is fond of toying with opponents, giving them hope before utterly annihilating them. He prefers to use his spell-like abilities out of combat to spread fear and confusion, and never uses his dominate kaiju ability in battle. If overpowered, he is not afraid to flee.

Breath Weapon (Su): Every 1d4-1 rounds, King Ghidorah may unleash up to three blasts of electricity combined with pure destructive energy. These breath weapons take the shape of lines 160ft long that deal 12d8 points of electricity damage and 12d8 points of non-elemental damage (Reflex DC 70 half). He cannot aim more than two of these breath weapons at a single target on the same round.

Dominate Kaiju (Sp): Three times per day, King Ghidorah can attempt to control the very mind of another kaiju, even though kaiju are inherently immune to mind-influencing effects. The kaiju must make a Will save (DC 35) or be dominated, as per the spell, for 1d4+1 days.

Electric Bite (Su): Once per minute as a move-equivalent action, King Ghidorah can infuse his bite with electrical energy. He deals an additional 3d6 points of electricity damage on a successful bite attack for the next 1d4+1 rounds. On a critical hit, the creature takes 9d6 points of electricity damage instead.

No Breath (Ex): King Ghidorah, who has adapted to the voids beyond known worlds, does not need to breathe. He is effectively immune to gas attacks that require inhalation, and can exist in airless environments.

Regeneration (Ex): Sonic damage and force effects deal normal damage to King Ghidorah.

Shockwave (Ex): Merely by landing from flight, King Ghidorah creates a localized earthquake. All non-kaiju within 100ft of King Ghidorah must make Reflex saves (DC 76) or fall prone. Structures in the radius take 4d6 points of damage instead.

Spell-like Abilities: 3/day- dominate person, Evard’s black tentacles, lion’s charge, superior resistance teleport without error 1/day- wall of force Caster level 20th, DC 26 plus spell level.

Trample (Ex): King Ghidorah can simply run over any creature of Gargantuan or smaller size. Merely by moving over the opponent(s), King Ghidorah deals to them 4d12+24 damage. Trampled opponents can make Reflex saves for half damage (DC 76).

Wingstorm (Ex): As a move-equivalent action, King Ghidorah may fan his wings as to create a 100ft cone of air that acts as a hurricane (see page 87 of the DMG). King Ghidorah can keep using the wingstorm for as many rounds as he cares to, and can use it in conjunction with the Hover feat.

Feats: The Battle Roar, Stunning Roar and Thunderous Roar feats allow King Ghidorah to make a terrifying roar as a standard action. All creatures within 1,200 feet of King Ghidorah with 6 or less Hit Dice are instantly shaken and deafened for 3d6 rounds, as well as stunned for 1d4 rounds. Creatures with 7 or more Hit Dice may make Will saves (DC 62) to avoid the same effects.

The Penetrate Hardness feat allows King Ghidorah to ignore one half the hardness of any object he attacks.

Demiurge out.
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Inventor of Super-Toast
Thank you all (and by all I mean Krishnath and Clay_More on a different thread) for your praise. I was just here to re-balance the Dominate Kaiju ability.

Next time on Kaiju Theatre, Gamera!

Demiurge out.


First Post
demiurge1138 said:
Ok, the second kaiju I've made (and posted). Note the CR. This is most intentional. He's supposed to be a threat to kaiju, beyond the scope of all but the most powerful mortals.

King Ghidorah
Colossal Dragon (Kaiju)
Hit Dice: 84d12+1344 (1890 hp)
Initiative: +4 (Feat)
Speed: 40ft, fly 200ft (clumsy)
AC: 55 (-8 size, +53 natural)
Attacks: 3 bites +100 melee, 2 tail slams +100 melee, 2 wings +100
Damage: Bite 8d6+24 (15-20 x3), tail slam 4d8+12 (18-20 x3), wing 4d6+12 (18-20 x3)
Face/Reach: 80ft by 80ft/25ft
Special Attacks: Augmented criticals, breath weapon, dominate kaiju, electric bite, shockwave, spell-like abilities, trample, windstorm
Special Qualities: DR 25/+5, darkvision 120ft, electric immunity, fire resistance 50, immune to disease, poison and mind-influencing spells, no breath, regeneration 25, SR 53
Saves: Fort +58, Ref +42, Will +48
Abilities: Str 59, Dex 10, Con 43, Int 16, Wis 23, Cha 42
Skills: Concentration +100, Intimidate +100, Intuit Direction +90, Knowledge (history) +86, Listen +90, Search +86, Spot +90, Survival +90, Swim +108
Feats: Ability Focus (breath weapon), Battle Roar, Blind-fight, Cleave, Flyby Attack, Hover, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Improved Multiattack (B), Power Attack, Quicken Spell-like Ability, Rapid Breath, Thunderous Roar, Wingover
Climate/Terrain: Any land (or outer space)
* according to the new timeline, King Ghidorah is actually a mythical beast along with Mothra and Baragon)
Organization: Unique
CR: 41
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral evil * Shouldn't have a alignment since he is a Kaiju....Kaiju does as a Kaiju wants *
King Ghidorah is the most powerful kaiju who has ever lived. He is literally millions of years old, and is always concerned in one scheme or another to destroy humanity. Only the (probably unwitting) vigilance of other kaiju has kept him from achieving his goals.

King Ghidorah is a massive (about 400 feet tall) golden dragon. He has but two thick legs and no arms, but balances himself with two long tails and huge ribbed wings with razor-honed edges. Most striking are his three heads attached to long snake-like necks, each with large jaws, antler-like horns, and a frill of spines and hair at the base of the skull. King Ghidorah does not speak, merely roaring, but he can communicate telepathically with any creature (he rarely does, however).

King Ghidorah travels through the voids between planets and planes, thinking of schemes for creating misery and terror. He often works with species from dying worlds, offering them his brute force and his ability to control other kaiju to conquer a nearby plane or planet full of innocents. Although he needs no food, he is fond of the taste of sentient children. His archenemy is the kaiju Godzilla, although Godzilla may not even realize this: to Godzilla, Ghidorah is merely a threat to his territory.

King Ghidorah fights fiercely and sadistically; he is fond of toying with opponents, giving them hope before utterly annihilating them. He prefers to use his spell-like abilities out of combat to spread fear and confusion, and never uses his dominate kaiju ability in battle. If overpowered, he is not afraid to flee.

Breath Weapon (Su): Every 1d4-1 rounds, King Ghidorah may unleash up to three blasts of electricity combined with pure destructive energy. These breath weapons take the shape of lines 160ft long that deal 12d8 points of electricity damage and 12d8 points of non-elemental damage (Reflex DC 70 half). He cannot aim more than two of these breath weapons at a single target on the same round.

Dominate Kaiju (Sp): Three times per day, King Ghidorah can attempt to control the very mind of another kaiju, even though kaiju are inherently immune to mind-influencing effects. The kaiju must make a Will save (DC 35) or be dominated, as per the spell, for 1d4+1 days.

Electric Bite (Su): Once per minute as a move-equivalent action, King Ghidorah can infuse his bite with electrical energy. He deals an additional 3d6 points of electricity damage on a successful bite attack for the next 1d4+1 rounds. On a critical hit, the creature takes 9d6 points of electricity damage instead.

No Breath (Ex): King Ghidorah, who has adapted to the voids beyond known worlds, does not need to breathe. He is effectively immune to gas attacks that require inhalation, and can exist in airless environments.

Regeneration (Ex): Sonic damage and force effects deal normal damage to King Ghidorah.

Shockwave (Ex): Merely by landing from flight, King Ghidorah creates a localized earthquake. All non-kaiju within 100ft of King Ghidorah must make Reflex saves (DC 71) or fall prone. Structures in the radius take 4d6 points of damage instead.

Spell-like Abilities: 3/day- dominate person, Evard’s black tentacles, lion’s charge, superior resistance teleport without error 1/day- wall of force Caster level 20th, DC 26 plus spell level.

Wingstorm (Ex): As a move-equivalent action, King Ghidorah may fan his wings as to create a 100ft cone of air that acts as a hurricane (see page 87 of the DMG). King Ghidorah can keep using the wingstorm for as amny rounds as he cares to, and can use it in conjunction with the Hover feat.

Feats: The Battle Roar and Thunderous Roar feats allow King Ghidorah to make a terrifying roar as a standard action. All creatures within 1,200 feet of King Ghidorah with 6 or less Hit Dice are instantly shaken and deafened for 3d6 rounds. Creatures with 7 or more Hit Dice may make Will saves (DC 62) to avoid the same effects.

Demiurge out.

Ok.as a Major Godzilla Fan, I have to say this is Ghidorah in Name only...
I would lose the Dominate Kaiju ability
Get rid of the spells... unless you mean to create the Mothra 3 Version..but even that one did'nt do nearly as what you wrote up in this stat.
Regeneration - He lost a head in Godzilla Vs. King Ghidorah but hung on long enough to be cyborged in future.

Now the timeline... this is Pre-heisei...
Showa version - King Ghidorah is a alien monster from space
Heisei Version - KIng Ghidorah is the mutated lifeform of the 3 dorats that were left on lagos island.
Mothra Series Version - There are at least 2 different Ghidorahs
Deth Ghidorah - Destroyer of Planets
King Ghidorah - Prehistoric Monster who was responsible for the death of the dinosaurs...
Godzilla 2002 - King Ghidorah is a mythical beast along with mothra and baragon..


Inventor of Super-Toast
Alright Ambush Bug, you caught me. This was an attempt to unify most of the Ghidorahs into one. I understand that my methods are unorthodox, but hear me out. My breakdown and my justifications are as follows:

The Dominate Kaiju: Ghidorah is always working for aliens who control kaiju. First, it was the Xians, then it was the Kilaaks, then it was the Nebulans. How did they do it? A plausible, DnD rules answer was that they used Ghidorah. This is quasi-justified in Mothra 3, where Ghidorah dominates Moll.

The Spell-like Abilities: Superior resistance and lion's charge seemed appropriate for him, as he's tough to affect and can often attack after charging. As for the others, I took from Mothra 3:
Teleport without error: Ghidorah used something similar to steal all of Japan's children for his dome.
Wall of Force: What do you think the dome was?
Evard's black tentacles: OK, so they were magenta in Mothra 3, but they protected the dome from the punk kid and Belevera.
Dominate person: Ghidorah takes over Moll's mind and makes her evil. Evil!

The Electric Bite: Courtesy of War of the Holy Kaiju (the Kaneko movie). I felt it was appropriate.

Regeneration: Unlike the Showa/Mothra Ghidorah, which can be reconciled into the same beasty, the Heisei Ghidorah had a different origin. It did have his head blown off. I will cover the faux-Ghidorah, and it's mecha equivalent, in another installment. Don't forget that in Mothra 3, Ghidorah grew back from a piece of tail lost in the Late Cretaceous.

It's good to see another fan on the boards. Any more questions?

Demiurge (who can't believe that somebody else watched Mothra 3) out.
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First Post
Mothra 3 wasn't that bad... at least it wasn't as lame as godzilla vs.megarurius...... hey its a giant mosqito!!!! run for your lives.get the can of off!!

ok now that you explained it... it works for me


First Post
Excellent excellent superb superb superb HUM!

Really really like it, if my players EVER get powerful enough to take this monster on, I'll let ya know how it turns out.


First Post
I have plans, though not in my main campaign setting but a place the players may visit, with Kaiju instead of Gods, most of them happily asleep most of the time. This is definately inspiration if nothing. :)

Great job, I definately understand unifying the different versions, and this guy definately looks like he could very well have whiped out the dinosaurs. :D

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