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101 magic weapons and armor without numbers

A thred got me thinking about how you can make cool magic weapons and armor with plus to hit or ac etc. So I'd love to hear your ideas!

My start:

Weapon 1 - slendermans sickle - this black blade radiates a darkness within a hands reach of the blade and creates a swnse of unease to all who look within the bleak darkness. When a being of flesh and blood is struck by the blade, it must pass a dc 10 constitution save or be poisoned for 1 round.

Armor 1 - blessed plate of st volar - platemail worn by a holy paladin of old, his radiant aura still infuses this holy relic. The wearerof this artifact has resistance to necrotic damage while wearing this armor

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Chase Skylark

First Post
Don-guard: This breastplate has a large sapphire set in the center. As a bonus action, the wearer can speak the command word and the armor transforms into a suit of Full Plate. Speaking the command word again returns it to breastplate mode.

Hammer of the Diligent: This is a Smith's hammer (use light hammer stats) that has 2 charges. Spending 1 charge, The wielder can add 1d4 to a saving throw. Charges come back at the end of a long rest


Rotten DM
5. Switchblade. This looks like jewel incrusted hilt of a sword. Press a button and the blade comes out. No plus, no minus looks cool.
6. Louie's Loincloth. Looks like a loincloth is actually leather armour.
7. Fear scroll. Life like picture of the opponent's ex-wife, mother-in-law, potions teacher, drill sgt, etc.
8. Cane of striking. Looks like a noble's cane. Does damage as a quarterstaff.

Ok youve inspired me.

9. Crosschainmail bikini - only works on men
10. Monkey staff - a quarterstaff that can be shrunk to the size and weight of a toothpick on command. Once per day the staff can be struck against the ground and cast a thunderwave spell at the point of striking

More seriously
11. Orcbane - a hammer wielded by the ancient dwarven slayer thurain, any orc or goblinoid is filled with an intense ancestral hatred at the sight of this hammer and must succeed on a dc 10 wis save or attack the wielder of this hammer at any cost to themselves.

12. Amulet of counterspell - when a hostile spell is cast targeting the wearer of this amulet it activates as per a level 3 counterspell, after which it disintigrates into a fine dust


First Post
14. Lycanfang Dagger. Damage is magical against were-creatures. An attuned creature feels aggressive and territorial toward were-creatures within 90ft, thus identifying their presence. Hidden property: An attuned creature becomes a were-creature on a full moon. The creature depends on the origin of the tooth, and the DM decides what the creature does and whether or not it remembers the events, even as a dream, depending on the creature's disposition and mental traits.

15. Helm of Shoddy Invisibility. If anything but air is inside the helmet, both the helmet and contents become invisible until the helmet is removed. If the contents of the helmet protrude from the helmet, for example as a creature's neck would, then only the part inside the helmet is made invisible and a cross section of the inserted object is revealed. The helmet does not affect AC unless damage is specifically directed at the head, in which case the AC is that of Full Plate.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Whip of Taming - Grants Advantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks when brandished. Opportunity attacks with this weapon against Beasts will stop their movement for the turn and do not consume the wielder's Reaction.

Lifepact Shield - Requires Attunement. This vampiric shield will protect the wielder as long as it get it's own share. The wearer may take a bonus action to spend a number of HD equal to their proficiency bonus to charge the shield. Before the next dawn when hit, the wearer may use this charge and gain Resistance against a single attack. The charge is lost if the shield is attuned to someone else. The shield has no limit on the number of recharges per day.

Alternate version: If the shield is charged three or more times in the same dawn-to-dawn period, the curse kicks in.
The effects of this curse are: At dawn the shield will automatically consume HDs and charge itself, even if not worn or nearby. When the shield does not have a charge it no longer grants a bonus to AC. It is no longer possible to remove the Attunement voluntarily, the shield must be destroyed or the wearer killed for that to occur.
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Guest 6801328

18. Flickering Staff

This staff of reddish-orange wood is carved to look like a tendril of fire. When viewed out of the corner of one's eye it seems to flicker and lap like flame, but the effect disappears when viewed directly. When held it is warm to the touch and weighs almost nothing, and although slightly resilient it is tough. Powers: Counts as a finesse weapon. Doesn't confer resistance to cold, but can be comfy on a cold night.

P.S. I love the premise of this thread. Boo to +X items.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
One from a campaign I ran, updated to 5e rules.

Mirrored Dagger of Detect Invisibility - Looking at the reflection in the mirrored surface of this blade shows invisible creatures and objects as if they are visible. Take Disadvantage on Perception and Investigation checks due to the small, reversed view. Can not be used at the same time the weapon is used to attack.

Part of the fun of this was the number of social occasions when they really wanted to look for an invisible observer, but brandishing a dagger would not have gone over well and they had to make the choice to use it or not. And in combat it took a hand. It definitely had drawbacks to offset being a permanent see-invisible. You couldn't just walk down the street with it. BTW, the Disadvantage is on all Perception/Investigation checks made with the dagger, not just against invisible creatures/objects. You try searching a room only looking through a small handheld mirror.

Eh, to have one of each:

Armor of Lightness - Any Heavy Armor. This armor floats to the surface of any liquid at 60' per round. There is no need to make Athletics checks to stay afloat even if the worst of conditions, but any checks to move down in a liquid are made with Disadvantage. In addition, the wearer is under the effects of a permanent Feather Fall spell.

Voidrunner's Codex

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