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#123 - Quicksilver Hourglass - Your experiences?


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My party and I are halfway (?) through this module. I'm wondering how other groups have done in the past. Please, post your experiences... with a minimum of spoilers.

Planescape Party ("D&D Supers" - Gestalt ECL 16... LA takes up just one side)

* Anixiel - shadow dragon wyrmling | Psion-kineticist - I wont get into the craziness of his build... but "Nixie" is a Gargantuan Tank who can blast if need be.
* Arinthalas - Elven Ghost Fiend of Possession (PrC slightly altered to work) 6 / Master of the Unseen Hand 5 | Wilder 7 / Thrall Herd 9 - my PC and the unseen leader of "Team Maligant". I play her up as a Banshee... psionic blasting as screams (alot of sonics or mindthrust or physic crush)
* Arrowhawk - Shadowy Spellwarped Coure Eladrin Rogue1 / Monk1 / Warblade1 / Contemplative1 | Cloistered Cleric 8 / Ruby Knight Vindicator 8
* Harbinger 91 - Shadowy Stony Maug Warblade (aka, Mr Not Appearing in this Module as his player is DMing it).
* Joox Catseye - Tiefling Cleric of Loki
* Maligant: vampiric Elf Necromancer-type, Thrall of Arinthalas (in character, he appears to lead his entourage)
* Tanith: Lillend Wilder
* The Fool: vampiric spawn of Maligant, human Warblade / Iaijutsu Master. Is your "typical anime swordsman".

Encounters thus far... (Spoiler Vision)

Lich & Crawling Heads - Arrowhawk put up an AMF and charged the Lich. The Fool tumbled to the Lich and performed a "Ballista Throw", tossing him to the rest of the party. Nixie finished off the Lich with a full attack. Party went through the portal... Nixie lost his head to a Crawling Head. The Crawling Heads came through the portal. The Fool dispatched the first one. Maligant put up a Blade Barrier in front of the portal that destroyed the rest of (the badly wounded) Heads as they came through. Maligant cast a Sending and requested one of his peeps to come and rezz Nixie.

Glooms & Advanced Barbed Devils - A gloom tried to sneak attack the Fool and he cut it down (Robilar's Gambit + Mercurial Strike + Iaijutsu Focus). Ownt. Arrowhawk annhilated another of the Glooms. Joox and Tanith did some blasting. Nixie ate a Barbed Devil (that had to hurt). Maligant tried to be cool and finish the last barbed devil but ended up at 20ish HP and I think Joox ended up finishing it off. The DM said something OoC about a "named Gloom" getting (running) away.

Advanced 1/2 Fiendish Great Wyrm Black Dragon & Super Bouncy Ball - Arrowhawk got nailed by the Gargantuan Ball of Corpses that was bouncing around the room and made his Fort save to not be absorbed/stuck(?) to the Ball. The Fool, unable to fly on his own, stuck to the way (delayed). Joox & Tanith were hit with the Dragon's Acid BW. Arinthalas (possessing Maligant's Scythe) teleported Maligant to the Dragon and he hit it with a Maximized Shivering Touch... reducing it to -8 (0) Dex. At this point the group discussed that spell and all agreed to throw it out of the game (I was cool with this), so we Retconned Maligant's Turn... foolishly I hit it with a Harm Spell (instead of Retconning the whole Port up to it :p). The Fool finally acted and stuck the Super Bouncy Ball in a Force Cage (read from a scroll). Joox and Tanith blasted the Dragon.

Next Session: I don't remember the rest of this fight too clearly. Maril d'Tasserhal (one of Maligant's Vampiric Spawn - Ur Priest) had come and granted Nixie a True Ressurection and then supervised some lackeys as they excavated the Con-damaging Stone from the first room (Maligant has a Keep in the works :D). Arrowhawk, Joox, Maligant, Tanith, and Nixie finished of the Dragon (it only had something like 800HP).

Ivirere, vampire queen & Uvuudaum(s) - We'll be wrapping up this fight next session. It is worth noting that the DM threw 6(!) extra Uvuudaums (800+ hp each) at us since we had stomped all over the previous encounters. :p I don't remember this fight too clearly, alot of things happened.... some highlights...

- Arrowhawk dropped Ivirere during the Surprise Round.
- The Uvuudaums prevented half of the party from participating for a few rounds with a well placed Wall of Force.
- the Fool dropped into the room and put up an AMF covering Ivirere's gaseous form and Arrowhawk. Preventing the Uvuudaums from unleashing a massive amount of spell damage on the duo.
- Arrowhawk moved and Disjuncted the Walls of Force, also debuffing the Uvuudaums and Tanith.
- Nixie barely got to act once (spent... 4(?) rounds inactive due to Walls of Force)
- Maligant was pretty ineffectual this fight (he soaked up HP and Harmed one or two of the aberrant outsider things. Arinthalas screamed at a cluster of Uvuudaums hitting them all for about 90 with cold.
- fairly early on, Tanith blasted the lot of the Uvuudaums with a fireball(?). Within a round or two she was dead.
- Most in the party seemed pretty hurt, so Arrowhawk (with some minor help from the Fool) went "Super Nova" killing 4 (all previously wounded) Uduudaums in a single round. (Arrowhawk did some uber-charge routine... twice. The Fool super-leapt from one wall to the other, slicing an Uvudaum in half and granting Arrowhawk a White-Raven-Tactics in the process. Arrowhawk charged the fourth and penultimate Uduudaum, dropping it).
- just one of these Epic Monstrousities left... I'm thinking we'll feed it to Nixie.

* Further Encounters - haven't fought 'em yet... please keep any spoilers about these in Spoiler Blocks.

I'll update the above as we go through the rest of the Module.

edit: put up Arrowhawk's build
We play tomarrow night, I promise to take better notes. :p
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I still wince when I think of how easily we handled that
CR 29 Lich

Drowbane said:

I need to start taking notes... I'm sure Joox, Tanith, and Nixie are doing more than I type up... (I send out the weekly Session Recaps to the group)...
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First Post
If you're writing this up then it should probably go in Story Hour.

Otherwise - what is your actual question? :)

It sounds like you have a super-crazy group there. Best of luck to you running such a high level game!


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
Ventifus said:
Spell Stowaway (time stop) amuses me to no end.
:p Pbbbbbhhhttt! :p

One Uvuuuuuuudam would cast Time Stop, then the other six would piggyback on it via Spell Stowaway, resulting in combat rounds like this: "Tanith is hit by 28 lightning bolts, The Fool is hit four times for 200 damage, and Arrowhawk make thirty saving throws DC45 vs. Acid."

I hate Spell Stowaway. :mad:

P.S. I play Joox (and Tanith when my girlfriend can't be there).


First Post
We talked about Arrowhawk's build last session:

Race12 / Rogue1 / Monk1 / Warblade1 / Contemplative1 (those last 4 might not be in the correct order) |
Cloistered Cleric 8 / Ruby Knight Vindicator 8

Nice thread you've started here. Although I noticed we haven't been using Arrowhawk's full title. :D


First Post
Dorduum said:
We talked about Arrowhawk's build last session:

Race12 / Rogue1 / Monk1 / Warblade1 / Contemplative1 (those last 4 might not be in the correct order) |
Cloistered Cleric 8 / Ruby Knight Vindicator 8

Nice thread you've started here. Although I noticed we haven't been using Arrowhawk's full title. :D

Ahh, I think I was getting a drink when you mentioned that (I do remember hearing the Contemplative bit now).

Arrowhawk's full title is getting too long to remember...

Greatest Thief in the Multiverse - Picker of the Unpickable Lock - Kinslayerslayer... (this last has amused me since Arrowhawk gained it... "Maligant" happens to mean "Kinslayer" in his native tongue)

Tallarn said:
If you're writing this up then it should probably go in Story Hour.

Otherwise - what is your actual question? :)

It sounds like you have a super-crazy group there. Best of luck to you running such a high level game!

I'm looking for experiences others have had in either running or playing in this Epic Module from Dungeon Mag. I'm not running this, I play "Team Maligant" (Arinthalas, Maligant, and the Fool...)

Ventifus said:
Spell Stowaway (time stop) amuses me to no end.
<--- this is the DM of this current bit of Madness, he normally plays Harbinger

Tallarn said:
If you're writing this up then it should probably go in Story Hour.

[wistful]If I had an iota of writing talent, I'd turn our adventures into a Story Hour...[/wistful]
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First Post
Tallarn said:
If you're writing this up then it should probably go in Story Hour.

Otherwise - what is your actual question? :)

It sounds like you have a super-crazy group there. Best of luck to you running such a high level game!

Here's a question for you :)

Is anybody else running a super-broken game like we are? I'm kind of curious how other people have broken D&D.

No trapping the Dragon! Rabelais wants to play. (Hey that rhymes!)


First Post
I once played in a game in which the DM let me build an artificer with the "right" feats which allowed me to make so much money I could ruin an economy if I so desired.

The DM also let me build a wondrous item which did simulacrum 2/day automatically. Needless to say I have a slowly building army.

It's fun when you know the rules and books better than the DM. I should note, I usually am the DM.

Did I mention I did all of this as a level 12 artificer? I have my evile ways.

Regarding the Quicksilver Hourglass adventure, haven't run it and haven't played in it. I'm heading to read it again now that I remember it a little again.


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
Rabelais said:
Here's a question for you :)

Is anybody else running a super-broken game like we are? I'm kind of curious how other people have broken D&D.
Good question. I started a new thread for this (and I'm taking full credit for it too. Nyah!)

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