• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


Michael Morris

First Post
:sigh: Myth dispelling time.

  • This was my idea, not Wizard's, not Russ'. Don't like it, yell at me. I have several friends in the ISRP community. Wizards has announced that ISRP will no longer be carried on over there at all, leaving them high and dry. When I learned of this I approached them and Russ and started the ball on this. They did not approach me.
  • While we are going to get an influx of users, it's not going to be a bad thing. For starters, most of them primarily chat - so they'll rarely be seen on the boards. Second, most of the rotten apples you guys complain with stick to different areas of the WotC boards than ISRP.
  • ISRP is a form of online improvisation. It's a diceless game where events plot out by mutual consent of the participations.
  • The server is starting to slow at peak times here in ENnies season, but I have a remedy in the works that doesn't involve money so quit fretting and hold on. The presence of ISRP won't significantly affect this one way or the other.
  • EN World gets some links straight from the WotC site for doing this. That further improves our prestige and standing IMO. That isn't the main reason I wanted to see this done - the main reason was I wanted to help some fellow gamers in a tight spot.
  • EN Worlders and anyone else who cares to is invited to join in on ISRP.

That about covers it.

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First Post
Hello to all of you. I'm Arcia and I'll be one of the moderators for the ISRP area. I was pointed to this thread by Brother Shatterstone who thought you all might like a better explaination of just what ISRP is and what it's all about.

ISRP, as has already been said, stands for Interactive Story Role Playing and is best described, in my opinion, as setting actors (the players) on a stage (the setting/room) with a character concept (the character, of course) and telling them to improvise a scene. No one knows what will happen or who might show up! It provides for alot of in-depth roleplaying and allows players alot more control over their character's destiny since the outcome is based entirely on what the player wishes (so long as they remain within the rules of what is accepted on the site and courteous to other players, of course) instead of being determined by the luck of the dice.

In ISRP we currently have three settings, two of which are your sort of 'standard fantasy' type setting, and one which is a near futuristic setting. First we have the CRT (or Crossroads Tavern), a Neutral Ground tavern run by Siani which is set in the town of Ford's Keep south of the city of Greyhawk. The second fantasy setting is a planar marketplace and bazaar, currently refferred to as the Emporium, which was set in a homebrew setting called Juxtaposition but will be moved/relocated to a new setting decided by the patrons before our move to EN World. Finally, for those who love something a little more up to date, there's The Meeting Place aka TMP, a nightclub run by Pounamu "Jade" Walker in New York City set in the year 2030 after humans have made contact with alien life.

ISRP as a community is, of course, open for anyone who wishes to participate. If you're interested in participating then do so, by all means! My hope and I'm sure the hope of many others is that ISRP will flourish here in a way that perhaps was never possible before, and that won't happen without some new blood. ;)

Finally, if you have -any- questions at all, ask! Post them here, or if you would rather have an answer from the top man on the new ISRP's totem pole then contact Magi_Raven and he'll get you an answer ASAP. :)

And one last add-on, it can't be said enough how much we thank EN World for giving our community a home. I look forward to meeting the new faces here. :)


Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Ashrum the Black said:
Not everybody would have gone the extra mile to help folks like that.
Considering he has lots of work to do behind the scenes I cannot agree more with this statement/sentiment. :D

Thanks MM for being such a good guy. :)


Magi_Arcia said:
And one last add-on, it can't be said enough how much we thank EN World for giving our community a home. I look forward to meeting the new faces here. :)


Thanks for stopping in a nd giving some clarification! Welcome to EN World, I hope you find all to your liking. :D


People willing to put in the extra effort for their fellow gamer is what I love about this place and why I stay. Welcome to everyone from ISRP, hope you enjoy it here as much as I do.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Oooh, thanks Magi_Arcia! It kind of makes sense to me now. I kind of want to try it now. :D


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Brother Shatterstone said:
I'm glad to hear that, I hope alot of ENworld give it a try also... I would if I could type at what I consider a fast rate of speed. ;) (Or even average)
Although this means some people might get drawn away from PbP, leaving you powerless! ;)

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Jdvn1 said:
Although this means some people might get drawn away from PbP, leaving you powerless! ;)
Powerless? Well Batman is a normal human after all so I’m not sure if that’s a big issue… :lol: {sorry running inside joke)

Honestly as long as people are finding the games they wish to be in than I will be a happy campier. :)

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