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Cutter XXIII said:
My current personal theory is that the captors are from the tail section.

How'd they go all Lord of the Flies in 44 days? Well, that's the thing: if you're being constantly attacked, you might go Lord of the Flies quite quickly. If you're feeling relatively safe, you might not. More Skinner experiments; nature vs. nurture.

Doesn't take 44 days. Look at the Stanford Prison Experiment among others, to show how quickly social roles and people's perceptions of each other can change, with far flimsier motivation than fighting for your life on a deserted island.

My question is.....what happened to the Others? There were 23 survivors. It isn't answered in the episode. Are Sawyer, Michael, and Jin infected with something? Is something else going on?

Looks like showing Jin speaking English in the trailer last week as a red herring..


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Crothian said:
A happy episode!! I was not depressing and suspenseful, it was almost uplifting and nice. THe tail end people are not complete asses, learning the Bernad (rose's husband) is really alive was cool and a very good scene, and Hurley and the food problem was very well done.

Regarding the food....if Desmond's been on the island for years, and others have been punching that switch for years, why is there only enough food for one man for 3 months? Either the whole thing is a misunderstanding and the button does nothing, whoever's responsible for maintaining the place has died out, so supply's aren't being restocked, or someone's coming to bring more food...



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RigaMortus2 said:
I was happy to see DJ Qualls in the show. He was hilarious in Road Trip :)

My one complaint with this show is that EVERYONE is sooooo secrative. Sure, everyone has a past, and I might expect a few people to be secretive (Kate and Sawyer for example). But why would Hurly not come out right away as soon as he noticed the numbers (back in season 1)? Why hasn't Locke said anything about him previously being in a wheelchair? I mean, these are things I don't see why they are hiding from other people.

Regarding this episode... What were Jack and Sayeed doing below the bunker? I didn't quite understand what they were looking for or why they decided to go down there.

I was wondering that last week too. Jack doesn't believe in Locke and the numbers. But Jack might come to realize the possibility that something weird is going on if Locke admitted he used to be paralyzed.

They were trying to find out what was on the other side of the concrete door, and decided to see if they could go under it.

As to Jin's wife (can't remember her name), I suspect she didn't tell anyone about the bottle.....it's kind of a dangerous find. If the other survivors learn about it, they'll know (falsely) that the ones who left on the raft are dead and may lose hope.



RigaMortus2 said:
But why would Hurly not come out right away as soon as he noticed the numbers (back in season 1)? Why hasn't Locke said anything about him previously being in a wheelchair? I mean, these are things I don't see why they are hiding from other people.

Take a step back and look at how they sound? They sound crazy.

Hurly has said straight out about him winning the lottery, which is not something beyond the bounds of possibility, and people still don't think he's telling the truth. If he started spouting things about 'the numbers he got from a crazy guy when he himself was in a mental institution', then everyone would behave like Jack did when Hurly told him: they'd think he was crazy.

Same with Locke. It's not unheard of for people with certain types of injuries to regain the ability to be fully functional but it certainly stretches the bounds of reason. Jack might be the only person to beleive such a thing because he's witnessed it himself, but no-one else might.


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Hurley probably thinks everyone would think he's crazy, spouting off about the bad luck and evilness of the numbers. He also doesn't want anyone to know he's fabulously wealthy. They might start making The Millionaire jokes or something. Besides, you saw Charlie's reaction.

Locke probably thinks Jack wouldn't believe him about being paralyzed, and probably righfully so. Locke hated his life, so its doubtful he'd bring it up, but if asked he'd probably be honest about it, as he was with Boone. He likes making up antecdotes that never happened, though, to explain points. I think that's old man syndrome, though.


First Post
Just got over my usual "what the hell"s I go through every time I see an episode now.

Well first, iTunes now is selling episodes of TV shows, without commercials. They cost about $1.99. The first three episodes of the second season are already available.

I personally believe that the tail section people are cannibals. They hide the three they captured to clean up the mess, afraid that the three will notice (no others involvement). Why? That theory goes its own way.
The other theory, the others involvement theory, is clear; the Others haven't accepted the remaining members of tail section or did something to the rest of them, or what not.
Either way, awesome episode all around. ;)


First Post
I loved Hurley (and his mom)! Great episode!

Nice to see Shannon becoming a Human Being, sharing her food with Vincent. Hopefully, she will become less irritating, and learn to do something useful! :p

So why didn't Hurley show Rose the washer & dryer? I thought that that was what he took her there for; to help with the wash? Seems that he never got to that...

And locke, playing with the guns? No one even asked why? I found that pretty strange!

So was that Kate in the Chicken-Suit? I couldn't tell. Weird!...

I guess next week, we get to learn more about The Udders... and Anna Lucia, Libby, Bernard, and company!...


First Post
KaosDevice said:
Yay! Another Hurley episode is always a good thing. I think the producers are starting to pick up that Big H is a fan favorite. ;) Dude cracks me up.

I think they copped to that during his screen test. He originally tested for another role (Sawyer's?), and they had to create a role for him, just to keep him on the show!...

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