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D&D 5E 215 D&D 5E Character Sheets!

If you haven't checked out the enormous character sheet archive here at EN World lately, you really should. As we close out the year, it's impressive to see that we have amassed 215 different fan-created character sheets! They vary in style and complexity, and there's sure to be one suit any gamer's needs. And that's not all; it's not just 215 D&D 5E character sheets - there are also 47 Pathfinder character sheers, 56 4E character sheets, 76 3E character sheets, even 23 1E character sheets! Below are some examples, but check out the archive for all the 607 character sheets for various games!

If you haven't checked out the enormous character sheet archive here at EN World lately, you really should. As we close out the year, it's impressive to see that we have amassed 215 different fan-created character sheets! They vary in style and complexity, and there's sure to be one suit any gamer's needs. And that's not all; it's not just 215 D&D 5E character sheets - there are also 47 Pathfinder character sheers, 56 4E character sheets, 76 3E character sheets, even 23 1E character sheets! Below are some examples, but check out the archive for all the 607 character sheets for various games!

4587-Character Sheet - generated example (page 1).jpg

DnD5e_BlipSheet 1.jpg

Front Page.png

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I looked at some of these and some are very good. My personal favorite for D&D 5e, is ForgedAnvils Excel sheet. You only have to enter in the stat and the math is done. You can even add custom races/classes/backgrounds/item/etc. The spell sheets will tell you the details of your know spells. There is also a page for Adventure League log info. I recommend it highly.

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I'll try to look through them all soon, but as a shortcut, can anyone point me to one that has the two items I most want from a character sheet on the front page?

1. A LARGE section for listing inventory
2. A place to list each type of coin separately

It's funny, because those are two things I don't need (or really want) on my front page at all. It just goes to show how different everyone's character sheet needs are.

What would be ideal would be if someone made a character sheet with customizable format--or rather a character sheet creator. Something where you could basically position your choice of information wherever you wanted, then click a button and turn it into a character sheet (both form-fillable and auto-calculation would be creation options, and you could have form-fillable without automation). I imagine all the various information being in the form of boxes. They could be of varying sizes, but all fit within the same (invisible) grid alignments. So there might be several different equipment boxes of different sizes and vertical/horizontal alignments. Just pick whichever one you like and place it wherever you want on whichever page you want.

Unfortunately, I have neither the skill set nor inclination to do make such an application.


I looked at some of these and some are very good. My personal favorite for D&D 5e, is ForgedAnvils Excel sheet. You only have to enter in the stat and the math is done. You can even add custom races/classes/backgrounds/item/etc. The spell sheets will tell you the details of your know spells. There is also a page for Adventure League log info. I recommend it highly.


Yep Forged spreadsheet Rocks and then you can print it all out and if you find a bug post it and he makes adjustments to fix them


It's funny, because those are two things I don't need (or really want) on my front page at all. It just goes to show how different everyone's character sheet needs are.
Indeed! The reason I want those two things on the front page are because they are the two things that change most frequently. It's kind of a pain to keep flipping through the sheets to update them.

Out of curiosity, what do you want/need on your front page?

P.S. If there isn't a sheet with treasure and coins on the front page, I'd settle for one with a large treasure section and coins separated by type on the second (back) page. So far Zuilin's character sheet looks like a possibility.
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Jeff Carlsen

I enjoy character sheet design. The key is knowing what your priorities are going in. You'll never create a sheet that everyone loves, but you can create a sheet that does a great job at fulfilling a purpose.

During the playtest, I created this sheet:


It was built around exposing the mechanics of the game. I'm still proud of it, but I tend to use the official sheets. Which is why I built a bunch of extra sheets in that style, for those who want them:



Quantum Chronomancer
For those that like the automation, but speed/load time is an issue during play...

You can use the original file, then hit Print>Print to PDF. It creates a simple .pdf doc with much reduced file size and memory-eating. You can use this one in play until the nect time you level up!

A work around for some, at least.

Indeed! The reason I want those two things on the front page are because they are the two things that change most frequently. It's kind of a pain to keep flipping through the sheets to update them.

Out of curiosity, what do you want/need on your front page?

The thing that I really want that I often don't see is plenty of space to write out class/race features. For example, I like the current official sheet the best because of that features and traits space in the bottom right.

For instance, here is an actual example of a 20th level tiefling eldritch knight played by one of my characters for a one-shot:

-Cast Spell (War Magic): Cast spell then make weapon attack

*Bonus Action*
-Off-hand Attack
-Second Wind: Regain 1d10+20 hp 1/rest
-Summon Weapon: +2 staff or ___ summoned to your grip if on same plane

-Cast *Hellish Rebuke* (when damaged): 3d10 fire, DC 16 Dex half, 60', 1/long rest
-Cast Spell (as opportunity attack): 1 target
-Opportunity Attack (when creature enters reach)
-Cast *Shield* (when hit by attack or magic missile): +5 AC and immune to magic missile until next turn
-Resist Push (*Dwarven Plate*): Forced movement on ground reduced 10'
-*Counterspell*: Int vs. DC 10+spell level; automatic if 3rd or less

-Action Surge (Arcane Charge): Take additional action and teleport 30' 2/rest
-Indomitable: Reroll failed save 3/long rest

*Passive Offense*
-Extra Attack: Make 4 attacks with Attack action
-Eldritch Strike: Creature hit with your weapon has disadv on save vs next spell you cast on it before end of your next turn

*Passive Defenses*
-Damage Reduction: -3 damage from S, P, B from non-magical weapons
-Hellish Resistance: Resistance to fire damage
-Maintain Concentration: Adv on Con save to maintain concentration when damaged
-Disarm Resistance: Can't be disarmed of *Staff +2* or ________ if not incapacitated
-Save Bonus (*Cloak of Protection*): +1 to all saves

Right there it gives that player everything they need to know about special features this particular character has that everyone doesn't. But it takes up a lot of room and ends up in pretty small print.

Just writing down

-Arcane Charge

is crap. That doesn't give you what you need right there. It requires you to either have it memorized or look it up. Now sure, if you are playing from level 1 you're likely to start memorizing things. But then having it on your sheet at all is still there to remind of you something. Might as well just go all the way and give you exactly what you need all the time.

And I need it on the front page, because that's where I also want all the standard play information: AC, max hp (Keeping track of current hit points on a character sheet is a pet peeve of mine. If its a printed sheet you'll wear a hole in it. If not, it's still easier just to scribble it on paper, though I let my players choose for themselves), initiative, ability scores and mods, skills, HD, and attacks.

On the second page I want equipment, and in an ideal world there would be a way to squeeze spellcasting on the same page without condensing it to uselessness. With spells, I don't need the entire spell functionally described here. What I would like is enough room to write them up like this:

-Stoneskin (C, V,S,M($,c)) p278

That way I know ittakes Concentration (the C), as well as knowing that it takes all three casting components and one of them is expensive and consumed (hopefully I still have one left on me). If it could be cast as a bonus action, reaction, or ritual, that should also be noted. That's all the information one needs at a glance to know if they might want to cast that spell during combat. (Since my spellcasting players for my next campaign aren't prepared casters, I'm planning on sending them a doc with PHB style (and visual format) spell descriptions for their known spells, so they can just print it off and never have to look up spells in the PHB during play.)

I think the real division I would make it something along the lines of:

1st Page: Stuff I want to see during combat; and stuff I want always visible during basic exploration/interaction. This also includes the personality traits, ideals, bonds, flaws, and background trait if possible. You might also have some equipment with immediate combat relevance here.
2nd Page: Stuff that mostly comes up when you need to stop to think of your next direction. So when you run across a 30 foot pit blocking the hall (too far to jump with Strength (Athletics)), it's okay to turn the page and see if you have any equipment to help you deal with it. Spells should go here, simply because there isn't room for them on the first page (other than listing certain common spells like shield or feather fall right in the special features under the Reaction category).

There should also be physical description, alignment, all that standard sort of thing, but it doesn't matter so much whether it's on page 1 or two. I'd prefer it on page 1 just because that's where I'm accustomed to seeing it.

What I don't need on the character sheet at all is backstory information that has no mechanical relevance. Not because that stuff isn't important in my games, but because it is too important to try to squeeze into a character sheet. I don't need to see the name of your village or mentor next to the gp you have on you, and I certainly don't need to know your little sister's hair color next to the description of how Arcane Charge works. What my players sometimes do is to simply write up all that wonderful background and world-connection role-playing in a separate document. Don't waste space on my character sheet with it.

I also don't need references to standard rules that aren't relevant to the character themselves. For example, conditions. I give my players a reference sheet that has conditions on one side, and a variety of other things they might want (such as a chart describing exploration tasks while moving at different speeds and ranks, lifestyle expenses and container capacities) on the other side. I don't want that sort of thing wasting precious character sheet space.

Then finally, I also want it to be visually appealing. I'd like it to be evocative; to feel D&D-themed but not be cluttered. My eyes need to be able to find exactly what they want without that slight delay that comes from too much art, but without that immersion breaking and soul-draining feeling that comes from looking at bland spreadsheet.

Yep, my tastes are pretty demanding. But everything I've listed is doable and compatible in a single 2-paged sheet. I can probably even plan out where the different information would be best fit and how much space it would take. The aesthetics is a lot harder for me, not being a visual artist but being someone who appreciates it. I described the two extremes I don't want, but I'd have to see what I do want in that area to know it.

For those that like the automation, but speed/load time is an issue during play...

You can use the original file, then hit Print>Print to PDF. It creates a simple .pdf doc with much reduced file size and memory-eating. You can use this one in play until the nect time you level up!

A work around for some, at least.

Great idea. What might be an issue for some, though, is that once it's printed to another pdf it isn't going to be form fillable.


I'll try to look through them all soon, but as a shortcut, can anyone point me to one that has the two items I most want from a character sheet on the front page?

1. A LARGE section for listing inventory
2. A place to list each type of coin separately

For coins, I just use an old-fashioned accounting book, with a column for each coinage.
I also keep a separate inventory for each container, along with a running inventory of what I am wearing and what I own. Each inventory has its own sheet. A binder is really necessary, I have found, because one sheet can't hold it all.

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