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First Post
Peacekeeper Leyra, Radiant Servant of Melora

Initiative +9

Hit Points 81/81
Temporary HP 0
Healing Surges 4/11

Action Points 1
Milestones 1

Armor Class 30+1+2+1
Fortitude 20 (raise to 30 as an immediate interrupt action once during the encounter)
Reflex 24+1
Will 26

OA :bmelee: Medic's Mace +12, 1d8+4

Vision Low-Light
Passive Perception 29
Passive Insight 27

[SBLOCK=Power Tracker]Action Point
Second Wind
Elven Accuracy
Hunter's Quarry
Channel Divinity: Divine Fortune
Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
Channel Divinity: Melora's Tide
Healing Word
Healing Word
Bastion of Health
Divine Glow
Daunting Light
Searing Light
Solar Wrath

Healer's Sash (#1)
Boots of the Fencing Master

Shield of Faith
Mass Cure Light Wounds
Healing Sun
Beacon of Hope
Spiritual Weapon
Divine Power

Symbol of Perseverance
Medic's Mace

Elixir of Fortitude
Elixir of Fortitude
Potion of Regeneration
Potion of Regeneration[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Character Sheet]Leyra

Female Elf
12th-Level Radiant Servant of Melora

Str 14 +2 (2 PB; +1; +1)
Con 14 +2 (2 PB; +1; +1)
Dex 16 +3 (3 PB; +2; +1)
Int 9 -1 (0 PB; +1)
Wis 22 +6 (12 PB; +2; +1; +1; +1)
Cha 14 +2 (3 PB; +1)

Speed 7

Initiative +9

Hit Points
Maximum 81
Bloodied 40
Surge Value 20
Healing Surges 11

Armor Class 30
Fortitude 20
Reflex 24
Will 26

Racial Traits
Low-Light Vision
Elven Weapon Proficiency
Fey Origin
Group Awareness
Wild Step

Class Features
Channel Divinity
Healer's Lore

Paragon Path Features
Illuminating Attacks
Radiant Action


Arcana +10
Heal +17
Insight +17
Nature +14
Perception +19
Religion +10

Ritual Caster
Warrior of the Wild
Melora's Tide
Astral Fire (+2 damage with fire and radiant powers)
Shield Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Scale)
Armor Specialization (Scale)
Lightning Reflexes

Melee Basic Attack (Medic's Mace +12 vs. AC, 1d8+4)
Ranged Basic Attack (Longbow +11 vs. AC, 1d10+3)
Lance of Faith (+15 vs. Ref, 1d8+11)
Sacred Flame (+15 vs. Ref, 1d6+11)
Elven Accuracy
Hunter's Quarry (+2d6)
Channel Divinity: Divine Fortune (+1; regain 4)
Channel Divinity: Turn Undead (+15 vs. Will, 3d10+11; regain 4)
Channel Divinity: Melora's Tide (Regeneration 6; regain 4)
Healing Word (Healing Surge Value +3d6+8)
Divine Glow (+15 vs. Ref, 1d8+11)
Daunting Light (+15 vs. Ref, 2d10+11)
Bastion of Health (Healing Surge Value +10)
Searing Light (+15 vs. Ref, 2d6+11)
Solar Wrath (+15 vs. Will, 3d8+11)
Healer's Sash (Healing Surge Value +1d6+2)
Boots of the Fencing Master
Beacon of Hope (+15 vs. Will; regain 13)
Shield of Faith
Spiritual Weapon (+15 vs. AC, 1d10+9)
Divine Power (+12 vs. Fort, 2d8+6; Regeneration 13)
Mass Cure Light Wounds (Healing Surge Value +10)
Healing Sun (1d10+4; regain 15)
Symbol of Perseverance (Healing Surge Value +5)
Medic's Mace

Elixir of Fortitude
Elixir of Fortitude
Potion of Regeneration
Potion of Regeneration

[SBLOCK=Power Details]Melee Basic Attack
Standard ActionMelee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 1[W]+STR damage.
Special: You can use an unarmed attack as a weapon to make a basic melee attack.

Ranged Basic Attack
Standard ActionRanged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 1[W]+DEX damage.

Lance of Faith
At-WillDivine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action - Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8+WIS radiant damage, and one ally you can see gains a +2 power bonus to the next attack roll against the target.

Sacred Flame
At-WillDivine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action - Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6+WIS radiant damage, and one ally you can see gains ½LVL+CHA temporary hit points or makes a saving throw.

Elven Accuracy
Free Action - Personal
Effect: Reroll an attack roll. Use the second roll, even if it's lower.

Hunter's Quarry
Minor Action
Effect: Designate nearest enemy as your quarry until the end of your next turn. Once per round you can deal 2d6 extra damage to your quarry.

Channel Divinity: Divine Fortune
Free Action - Personal
Effect: Gain +1 bonus to your next attack roll or saving throw before the end of your next turn.

Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
EncounterDivine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action - Close burst 5
Target: Each undead creature in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 3d10+WIS radiant damage, push target 3+CHA squares, target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.
Miss: Half damage, target is not pushed or immobilized.

Channel Divinity: Melora's Tide
EncounterDivine, Healing
Minor Action - Ranged 5
Target: You or one ally; bloodied target only
Effect: The target gains regeneration 4 until the end of the encounter or until he or she is no longer bloodied.

Healing Word
EncounterDivine, Healing
Special: This power can be used twice per encounter, but only once per round.
Minor Action - Close burst 10
Target: You or one ally
Effect: Target can spend a healing surge and regain 3d6 additional hit points.

Divine Glow
EncounterDivine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action - Close blast 3
Target: Each enemy in blast
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8+WIS radiant damage.
Effect: Allies in the blast gain +2 power bonus to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

Daunting Light
EncounterDivine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action - Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10+WIS radiant damage.
Effect: One ally you can see gains combat advantage against the target until the end of your next turn.

Bastion of Health
EncounterDivine, Healing
Minor Action - Ranged 10
Target: You or one ally
Effect: Target can spend a healing surge. Add CHA to the hit points regained.

Searing Light
EncounterDivine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action - Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6+WIS radiant damage, and the target is blinded until the end of your next turn.

Solar Wrath
EncounterDivine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action - Close burst 8
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 3d8+WIS radiant damage. If the target is either undead or a demon, it is also stunned until the end of your next turn.

Beacon of Hope
DailyDivine, Healing, Implement
Standard Action - Close burst 3
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: Target is weakened until the end of your next turn.
Effect: You and each ally in burst regain 5 hit points. Your healing powers restore +5 hit points until the end of the encounter.

Shield of Faith
Standard Action - Close burst 5
Target: You and each ally in burst
Effect: Targets gain a +2 power bonus to AC until the end of the encounter.

Spiritual Weapon
DailyConjuration, Divine, Implement
Standard Action - Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. AC
Hit: 1d10+WIS damage.
Effect: You conjure a weapon that appears in the target's square and attacks. Your allies gain combat advantage against the target. You can move the weapon up to 10 squares to another enemy's square as a move action. The weapon lasts until the end of your next turn.
Sustain Minor: When you sustain the power, repeat the attack. Your allies continue to gain combat advantage against the weapon's target.

Divine Power
DailyDivine, Healing, Radiant, Weapon
Standard Action - Close burst 2
Target: Each enemy in burst you can see
Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2[W]+STR radiant damage, and you push the target 1 square.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you gain regeneration 5, and you and each ally within the burst gain a +2 power bonus to AC.

Mass Cure Light Wounds
DailyDivine, Healing
Standard Action - Close burst 5
Target: You and each ally in burst
Effect: Targets regain hit points as if they had spent a healing surge. Add CHA to the hit points regained.

Healing Sun
DailyDivine, Healing, Radiant, Zone
Standard Action - Close burst 2
Effect: The burst creates a zone of divine light until the end of your next turn. You and each ally who ends his or her turn within the zone regain hit points equal to 5+CHA. A demon or undead creature that enters the zone or starts its turn there takes 1d10+CHA radiant damage.
Sustain Standard: The zone persists.
Special: The zone ends at the end of your turn if you are bloodied.

Healer's Sash
Standard Action
Effect: You or an adjacent ally expends a healing surge but does not regain hit points as normal. Instead, add 1 charge to this sash.

Healer's Sash
Immediate Reaction
Effect: Use this power when an ally within 5 squares of you takes damage. Expend 1 charge from the belt. The ally regains hit points as though he or she had spent a healing surge, and regains an extra 1d6 hit points.

Boots of the Fencing Master
Minor Action
Effect: Shift 2 squares.

Symbol of Perseverance
Free Action
Effect: Use this power when you hit with an attack delivered by this holy symbol. A dying ally within 20 squares of you regains hit points as if he had spent a healing surge; add the symbol's enhancement bonus to the hit points regained.

Medic's Mace
Standard Action
Effect: Gain one additional use of Channel Divinity for this encounter.

Elixir of Fortitude
Minor Action
Effect: Use this power after you drink the elixir. Once during this encounter, you can use an immediate interrupt action when you would be hit by an attack to gain a Fortitude defense of 30 against a single attack. This replaces your normal Fortitude defense for that attack.
Special: Consuming this elixir counts as a use of a magic item daily power.

Potion of Regeneration
Minor Action
Effect: Drink this potion and spend a healing surge. You do not regain hit points as normal. Instead, gain regeneration 5 until the end of the encounter. If you aren't bloodied at the start of your turn while this power is in effect, you don't regain any hit points and the regeneration is suppressed until the start of your next turn.[/SBLOCK]

Gentle Repose (Heal (no check); 10 gp; 1 hour; special)
Brew Potion (Arcana or Religion (no check); [Potion's Price] gp; 1 hour; permanent until consumed)
Comprehend Language (Arcana; 10 gp; 10 minutes; 24 hours)
Eye of Alarm (Arcana; 25 gp; 30 minutes; 24 hours)
Detect Secret Doors (Arcana; 25 gp; 10 minutes; instantaneous)
Enchant Magic Item (Arcana (no check); [Item's Price] gp; 1 hour; permanent)
Hand of Fate (Religion (no check); 70 gp; 10 minutes; 10 minutes)
Commune with Nature (Nature; 140 gp; 30 minutes; 10 minutes)
Phantom Steed (Arcana; 70 gp; 10 minutes; 12 hours)
Speak with Dead (Religion; 140 gp; 10 minutes; 10 minutes)
Raise Dead (Heal (no check); 500 gp (5,000 gp); 8 hours; instantaneous)
Wizard's Sight (Arcana; 270 gp; 10 minutes; 1-5 rounds)
Hallucinatory Creature (Arcana; 500 gp; 10 minutes; 24 hours)

Symbol of Perseverance +3 (Slot: Holy Symbol; Critical: +3d6 damage)
Medic's Mace +2 (Slot: Weapon; Critical: +2d6 radiant damage; Property: When you use a Channel Divinity power during combat, an ally within 10 squares of you regains 2+CHA hit points.)
Meliorating Wyvernscale Armor +3 (Slot: Armor; Property: Each time you reach a milestone in a day, the enhancement bonus of this armor increases by 1.)
Healer's Brooch +2 (Slot: Neck; Property: When you use a power that enables you or an ally to regain hit points, add +2 to the hit points gained.)
Healer's Sash (Slot: Waist; Property: This sash can have no more than 5 charges at one time and resets to 1 charge after an extended rest.)
Boots of the Fencing Master (Slot: Feet; Property: When you shift, gain a +1 item bonus to AC and Reflex defense until the end of your next turn.)
Arrows (20)
Light Shield
Fine Clothing
Flint and Steel
Everburning Torch
Belt Pouch
Holy Symbol of Melora
Ritual Book
Ritual Components
Crystal Ball
Elixir of Fortitude (2)
Potion of Regeneration (2)
0 gp, 0 sp


Street Level
Second Floor
Third floor
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First Post
Nathan Furies
Male Human Swordmage 12
Alignement: Unaligned
Patron: Corellon

Initiative +6; Senses Perception 17, Insight 22
Vision: Normal
HP 104; Bloodied 52; Healing Surge 26; Surges Per Day 12
AC 28 (31)*; Fort 25, Ref 25*, Will 25
*+1 until the end of your next turn after shifting
Speed 6
Action Points 1

Racial Features:
Bonus At-Will Power
Bonus Feat
Bonus Skill
Human Defence: +1 to Fort, Refl and Will

Class Features:
Swordbond: Take 1 hour of meditation to bond a wepaon, Can have one bonded weapon at a time. Can summon the weapon from 10 squares. Can repair weapon from a fragment, it takes 1 hour of meditation.
Swormage Warding: If conscious and have a blade in hand, gain +1 AC, +3 AC if the off-hand is free.
Swordshield Action: When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you also gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until teh start of your next turn.
Improved Silver Shield: When you use your aegis of shielding immediate interrupt, you also gain temporary hit point equal to 14 [Con].

Magical Items Proprieties:
Iron Armbands of Power: +2 to melee damage

Armor: Cloth, Leather, Hide
Weapon: Simple Melee, Light and Heavy Military Blades, Simple Ranged

Screaming's EarthHide +3 (+6 AC, +1 Fort, 35 lbs.)

Farslayer's Longsword +3: +17[+14 as Implement] (1d8+12 [+8 as an implement], 4 lbs., Heavy Blade, Versatile)

Str 14 (+2) Con 18 (+4)
Dex 11 (+0) Int 21 (+5)
Wis 13 (+1) Cha 9 (-1)

Languages Common, Elven

P: Action Recovery
H: Action Surge
H: Hide Armor Proficiency
P: Armor Specialization (Hide)
P: Double Aegis
H: Intelligent Blademaster
H: Weapon Focus: Heavy Blades
H: Toughness
P: Iron Will

Arcana +16*, Athletics +13*, Endurence +15*, Insight +12*, Intimidate +13*, Perception +7
* Trained Skill

Gear 103 gp. 96/140 Lbs
Screaming's EarthHide +3 (25 lbs.) [AV p.51, Armor lvl 12]
Amulet of Protection +3 [PH p.249, Weapon lvl 13]
Farslayer's Longsword +3 (4 lbs.) [AV p.68, Neck lvl 11]
Dagger +2 [PH p.235, Weapon lvl 6]
Handaxe +2 [PH p.235, Weapon lvl 6]
Iron Armbands of Power [AV p.117, Arms lvl 6]
Gauntlets of Brillance [AV p.133, Hands lvl 10]
Boots of Fencing Master [AV p.127, Feet lvl 8]
Elixir of Speed [AV p.187, Potion lvl 11]
Elixir of Accuracy [AV p.186, Potion lvl 8]
Tempest Whetstone [AV p.190, Whetstone lvl 10]
Caustic Whetstone [AV p.190, Whetstone lvl 10]

Standard Adventurers Kit (33 lbs.)
Climber's Kit (11 lbs)

Aegis of Shielding - Swordmage Feature
Minor Action - Arcane - Close Burst 2
Two creature in burst
Effect: Target is marked until you use that power again or is marked by someone else. If the target attack someone els ethen you, it takes -2 to attack. If the target hit and is within 10 squares, you can use an immediat interrupt to reduce the damage by 14 [10 + Con]

Booming Blade - Swordmage Attack 1
Stadard Action - Arcane, Thunder, Weapon - Melee Weapon
One creature – Int vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + 12 [Int] damage and if the target is adjacent to you at the start of his turn and it moves away, it takes 1d6 + 4[Con] damage.

Lightning Lure - Swordmage Attack 1
Stadard Action - Arcane, Implement, Lightning - Ranged 3
One creature – Int vs. Fort
Hit: 1d6 + 8 [Int] ligtning damage and you pull the target to the nearest unoccupied adjacent space.
Special: If you cannot pull the target to an adjacent square, the power fail and the target recieved no damage.

Swordburst - Swordmage Attack 1
Stadard Action - Arcane, Force, Implement - Close Burst 1
Each creature in burst – Int vs. Refl
Hit: 1d6 + 8 [Int] force damage.

Farslayer Sword – Magical Item
Standard Action - Weapon - Melee Weapon
One creature – Int vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + 12 [Int] damage.
Special: You can attack a target up to 5 squares away.

Gauntlet of Brillance – Magical Item
Minor Action
Effect: As Light of Wizard, centered on the gauntlets.

Flame Cyclone - Swordmage Attack 1
Standard Action - Arcane, Fire, Implement - Close Blast 3
One Creature – Int vs. Refl
Hit: 1d8 + 10 [Int + Str] fire damage damage.

Dimensional Warp - Swordmage Utility 2
Minor Action - Arcane - Close Burst 3
Effect: Two targets within blast teleport to the other's space.

Transposing Lounge - Swordmage Attack 3
Free Action - Arcane, Teleportation, Weapon - Melee Weapon
One Creature - Int vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + 12 [Int] and teleport target to a square adjacent to you.
Special: When you use your Aegis of Shielding immediat interrupt, you can use this power as part of the interrupt, even if the target is beyond your reach.

Armathor's Step – Swordmage Utility 6
Move Action - Arcane, Teleportation - Personal
Effect: Teleport 5 squares. Gain +2 power bonnus to hit against any enemy adjacent to your destination during your turn.

Electrified Lash – Swordmage 7
Standard Action - Arcane, Implement, Ligthning - Close Burst 1
Each enemy in burst - Int vs. Refl.
Hit: 2[W] + 8 [Int] ligthning damage.

Countering Thunderclap – Coronal Guard 11
Immediate Interrupt - Arcane, Implement, Thunder - Close Burst 5
Trigger: A creature hits your ally with a melee attack
The triggering attacker - Int vs. Fort.
Hit: 1d6 + 8 [Int] thunder damage and the target is pushed 1 square. If the target can no longer reach your ally, the attack miss.

Boots of Fencing Master – Magical Item
Minor Action - Personal
Effect: Shift 2 squares

Screaming EarthHide Armor – Magical Item
Minor Action - Fear
Effect: An enemy within 5 squares of you have a -2 attack roll until the end of your next turn.

Frost Backlash – Swordmage 1
Immediat Interrupt - Arcane, Cold, Weapon - Melee Weapon
One creature adjacent to you that just hit you - Int vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + 12 [Int]
Miss: Half Damage

Lingering Ligthning – Swordmage 5
Standard Action - Arcane, Implement, Ligthning - Ranged 5
One, two or three creatures - Int vs. Refl.
Hit: 1[W] + 8 [Int] damage and ongoing of 5 ligthning damage (save ends).
Miss: Half damage and no ongoing.

Be Gone – Swordmage 9
Standard Action - Arcane, Reliable, Teleportation, Weapon - Melee Weapon
One creature - Int vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + 12 [Int] and you teleport the target 5 squares

Impenetrable Warding – Swordmage Utility 10
Minor Action - Arcane, Stance - Personal
Effect: Your warding provides its bonus to all your defenses, not just your AC.

Dragon Scales – Coronal Guard Utility 12
Minor Action - Arcane, Force - Personal
Effect: Your gain +2 AC until the end of the encounter or until you are knock unconscious.

Gauntlets of Brillance – Magical Item
Free Action
Effect: Use this power after you hit with a weapon attack. The attack do 10 extra radiant damages.

Initiative +6; Senses Perception 17, Insight 22
Vision: Normal Vision
HP 104; Bloodied 52; Healing Surge 26; Surges Per Day 12
AC 28 (31)*; Fort 25, Ref 25*, Will 25
*+1 until the end of your next turn after shifting
Speed 6
Action Points 1


Farslayer's Longsword +1: +17[+14 as Implement] (1d8+12 [+8 as an implement], 4 lbs., Heavy Blade, Versatile)

Aegis of Shielding
Booming Blade
Lightning Lure
Farslayer Sword
Gauntlets of Brillance
Flame Cyclone
Dimensional Warp
Transposing Lounge
Armathor's Step
Electrified Lash
Countering Thunderclap
Boots of Fencing Master
Screaming EarthHide Armor
Frost Backlash
Lingering Ligthning
Be Gone
Impenetrable Warding
Dragon Scales
Gauntlets of Brillance[/SBLOCK]
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First Post
Barrion Silverleaf, Silverif Trade Agent

Initiative +4

Hit Points 16/56
Temporary HP 0
Healing Surges 2/8

Action Points 0
Milestones 2

Armor Class 20
Fortitude 16
Reflex 18
Will 20

OA :bmelee: +2 Pact Sword +11, 1d8+5

Passive Perception 12
Passive Insight 12

[SBLOCK=Power Tracker]Second Wind
xFey Step
Otherwind Stride
Ethereal Stride
Fey Switch

xDread Star
xCrown of Madness
xSwordmage Warding

Cape of the Mountebank
Pact Longsword
xFeyleaf Vambraces[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Character Sheet]Barrion

Male Eladrin
6th-Level Fey Pact Warlock

Str 10 +3
Con 14 +5
Dex 12 +4
Int 17 +6
Wis 8 +2
Cha 18 +7

Speed 6

Initiative +4

Hit Points
Maximum 56
Bloodied 28
Surge Value 14
Healing Surges 8

Armor Class 20
Fortitude 16
Reflex 18
Will 20

Class features
Misty Step
Prime Shot
Shadow Walk
Warlock's Curse +1d6

Racial Traits
Eladrin Education
Eladrin Weapon Proficiency
Eladrin Will
Fey Origin
Fey Step


Skills *=trained
*Arcana +13
*Bluff +12
History +8
*Intimidate +12
*Stealth +9
*Streetwise +12
*Thievery +9

Blade Initiate
Improved Misty Step
Intelligent Blademaster

:melee: Melee Basic Attack (Longsword +11, 1d8+5)

:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack (Eldritch Blast +9, 1d10+6, 10)

:ranged: Eye Bite

Fey Step

:ranged: Witchfire

:close: Otherwind Stride

Ethereal Stride

:ranged: Fey Switch

:ranged: Dread Star

:ranged: Crown of Madness

Swordmage Warding

Cape of the Mountebank

Pact Sword

Feyleaf Vambraces

+2 Leather Armor
+2 Pact Sword
+1 Cape of the Mountebank
Feyleaf Vambraces

Flint and Steel
Belt Pouch
10 trail rations
Hemp rope
2 sunrods
2 potions of healing
some cash...
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The Digger

First Post
Garrick the Grey, Halfling Rogue/Paladin, Level 6

HP: 52 (Bloodied 26; surges 6 @ 13)
Initiative: +11
AC 20 (26 against Opportunity attacks)
Ref 21
Will 19
Fortitude 16
Opportunity Attack bonus and damage (Dagger): +6 : 1d4 +1

Action points: 1
Passive Perception 19
Passive Insight 14
Save vs Fear: +5

Alignment: Unaligned
Deity: The Raven Queen:
Size: Small:
Height 4’6”:
Weight: 105 lbs:
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Grey- streaked brown

Str 13 + 1
Con 10
Dex 17 (19)+4
Int 8 -1
Wis 12 +1
Cha 16 (18)+4

Skills ([T] Denotes Trained Skills:
Acrobatics +14 (T), Arcana +2 Athletics +4
Bluff +12 (T) Diplomacy +12(T) Dungeoneering +4
Endurance +3 Heal +4 History +2
Insight +4 Intimidate +12 (T) Nature +4
Perception +9 (T) Religion +2 Streetwise +7
Stealth +12 (T) Thievery +14 (T)

Feats: Armour proficiency: cloth and leather; Toughness;
Weapon proficiency: Dagger, hand crossbow, shuriken, short sword and sling
Improved Initiative; Soldier of the Faith; Novice Power

Second Chance: Encounter: Immediate Interrupt: When an attack hits, force enemy
to re- roll attack
1st Strike: At encounter start I have CA vs any creature that has not yet acted.
Artful Dodger: AC bonus = CHA mod vs Opportunity Attacks (+4)
Halfling gain +2 bonus to AC vs Opportunity attacks
Rogue Weapon Talent: Shuriken damage = 1d6; Wielding dagger gives +1 to attack
Sneak Attack: 1/round with CA can do extra damage (levels 1-10 = 2d6)
Divine Challenge; Once per encounter; Mark Target (Minor): Must attack target or end turn adjacent. If he attacks someone other than me - 7 radiant damage.

Basic melee attack:
Dagger: +3 prof +1 str +1 class +1 magic = +6 @ 1d4 +2 (Str + Magic)

Basic ranged attack
Shuriken: +3 prof +4 dex +2 magic +3 level = +12 @ 1d6 +6 (dex + magic)
Hand crossbow: +2 prof +4 dex +3 level = +9 @ 1d6 +4
Dagger: +3 prof +4 Dex +1 class +1 magic +3 level = +12 @ 1d4 +5 (Dex + Magic)

Flint and Steel
Belt Pouch
Hemp rope
2 sunrods
Hand crossbow
20 bolts
2 x daggers
2 potions of healing

Lifestealer dagger; +1 bonus to attack and damage in melee.
On critical dagger does 1d6 necrotic damage.
Property: When I drop enemy to 0 HP or less with attack from this weapon - I gain 5 temp HP

Darkleaf leather armour; 1 AC Leather. Gain +2 bonus to AC vs first attack in each encounter

Amulet of Protection; +2 bonus to Fort, Ref and Will defences

Vicious shuriken; +2 bonus to attack and damage: Critical = 1d12 damage[/sblock]

At-will Powers:
Deft Strike: Martial, Weapon, Standard action, Melee or Ranged weapon
Must use crossbow, sling or light blade; Can move 2 squares before attack;
Target = One creature; Attack; Dex vs AC; Damage = 1W + Dex Mod (4)

Sly Flourish: Martial, Weapon, Standard action, Melee or Ranged weapon
Must use crossbow, sling or light blade;
Target = One creature; Attack: Dex vs AC: Damage = 1W + Dex + Cha Mods (+8)

Encounter Powers:
Positioning Strike; Martial, Weapon, Standard action, Melee weapon:
Target = One creature
Attack: Dex vs Will: Damage = 1W +Dex Mod (+4) and slide target a number of squares = Cha Mod (4)

Invigorating Strike: Divine, Healing, Weapon: Standard action: Melee weapon
Target = 1 creature:
Attack: Charisma vs Will; Hit = 2W + Cha mod (+4). If I am bloodied I gain HP = 5 + Wis Mod (1). Bloodied allies within 5 squares gain the same.

Second Chance: Encounter: Immediate Interrupt: When an attack hits, force enemy
to re- roll attack

Daily powers
Blinding Barrage; Martial, Weapon, Standard action, Close blast 3
Must use crossbow, sling or light blade; Target: Each enemy in blast I can see
Attack: Dex vs AC; Hit = 2W + Dex Mod (4); targets blind till end of my next turn.
Miss = half damage and target not blinded.

Walking Wounded; Martial, Weapon, Standard action, Melee weapon:
Must use crossbow, sling or light blade; Target = One creature
Attack: Dex vs Fort: Hit 2W +Dex Mod damage (4) & target is knocked prone. Until end of encounter, if target moves more than half its speed in a single action it falls prone at end of movement.
Miss: Half damage and target not knocked prone.

Utility Powers
Tumble (Encounter): Martial, Personal, Move action
Must be trained in Acrobatics
Can shift a number of squares equal to half my speed

Mob Mentality (Encounter): Martial, Standard action; Close burst 10
Must be trained in Intimidate; Targets: Self and each ally in burst
Effect: Targets gain +2 bonus to Charisma based skill and ability checks till end of my next turn.

Garrick started life in the gutter. He never knew who his parents were, nor did he have any other family except for the other street kids. Growing up his size was both a blessing and a curse. He could hide in the smallest of spaces and he could sneak into places where no one expected anyone to be able to enter. This kept him at least minimally fed and sheltered but his size also meant he was the runt of the group. He was the butt of the jokes and was always the one to be beaten up when someone needed beating up.

Perversely even this proved ultimately to be a good thing. As he grew older he developed the skills necessary to deal with these situations. He learnt how to talk his way out of almost anything - and those situations he couldn’t talk his way out of he avoided, either by stealth or by the his dextrous acrobatics. There were, of course, times when his ploys were to no avail and then he had to resort to violence. But even here his quickness and his guile proved of immeasurable worth. He became respected as a adept wielder of dagger and shuriken and even more so as a purveyor of sudden death.

But there came a time when everywhere he went he found death; Death - with a capital D. Friends died needlessly; illness and disease were rife; too often he was hired to deliver death with his own hands. Although never a religious person, he began to feel the presence of someone, perhaps Death personified, at his shoulder.
The more he thought upon it the more he realised that it was probably the Dark Queen herself who was twisting his arm, trying to move him in her direction, not his.

Since then his path has lain less in the world of the rogue and more on the path of the paladin. Death still follows him but now they are as two sides of a coin. In fact he now spends more time preventing death than he ever did causing it - isn’t life strange?

Garrick is slim and small, even for a halfling. His eyes are grey and cold looking, seldom showing much in the way of expression. His hair, which is quite long and tied in a single braid, is dark brown although, surprisingly given his youth, it is heavily streaked with grey. His face is pale, his cheeks sunken, presumably a result of his early trials and tribulations. He seldom smiles and makes few friends but more from lack of opportunity than from lack of desire.[/sblock]
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Mirage, Tiefling Wizard 12

Male Tiefling Wizard/Blood Mage 12
Alignment: Unaligned

Initiative +13; Senses Perception 16, Insight 21
Vision: Low-Light
HP 78; Bloodied 39; Healing Surge 19; Surges/Day 8
AC 27; Fort 20, Ref 25, Will 21
*+1 vs. Ranged/Area/Close atks
Speed 6
Action Points 1[sblock=General]Racial Features:
Infernal Wrath (see below)
Fire Resistance 11
Bloodhunt: +1 atk vs bloodied foes

Class Features:
Wand of Accuracy (see below)
Cantrips (4 at will powers)
Ritual Casting
Bolstering Blood: deal 1d10 or 2d10 dmg to self and target of next encounter or daily wizard power.
Blood Action: deal 10 ongoing damage (save ends) when using action point to atk and hit.

Magical Items Proprieties:
Feytouched Drowmesh: +3 Init
Cloak of Distortion: ranged atks more than 5 sq away take -5 penalty
Headband of Intellect: +2 knowledge checks, +1 atk with psychic keywords
Flame Wand: +2 dmg with fire/implement keywords

Armor: Cloth, Leather
Weapons: Dagger, Staff

Feytouched Drowmesh +3 [+5AC, +1 Refl]

Basic Melee +10 vs AC 1d4+1 (Dagger)
Basic Ranged +15 vs AC 1d4+6 (Dagger)

Str 9 (-1/+5) Con 14 (+2/+8)
Dex 18 (+4/+10) Int 22 (+6/+12)
Wis 11 (+0/+6) Cha 13 (+1/+7)

Languages Common, Draconic

P: Blood Thirst: +2 dmg vs. Bloodied Foes
P: Combat Anticipation: +1 defenses vs. ranged, area, close
H: Skill Training (Stealth)
H: Toughness
H: Armor Proficiency (Leather)
H: Hellfire Blood: +1 atk/dmg with Fire/Fear keywords
P: War Wizardry: -5 atk penalty and half dmg vs. allies
P: Spell Focus: -2 saves vs. my wizard spells

Arcana +17*, Diplomacy +12*, History +17*, Insight +11*, Perception +6, Stealth +17*
* Trained Skill

Magic Dagger +2
Flame Wand +3
Feytouched Drowmesh +3
Steadfast Boots
Headband of Intellect
Cloak of Distortion +2
Solitaire (Citrine)
Potion of Regeneration
Potion of Healing
Deathcap Spores (2)
Adventurer's Kit

Comprehend Languages, Secret Page, Silence, Eye of Alarm, Detect Secret Doors, Knock, Hallucinatory Item, Sending, Shadow Bridge, Tenser's Binding, Passwall[/sblock][sblock=At Will Powers]Ghost Sound - Cantrip
Standard - Arcane, Illusion - Ranged 10
1 object or unoccupied space
Effect: Create a sound

Light - Cantrip
Minor - Arcane - Ranged 5
1 object or unoccupied space
Effect: Light burst 4

Mage Hand - Cantrip
Minor - Arcane, Conjuration - Ranged 5
Effect: Hand that can move stuff
Sustain Minor

Prestidigitation - Cantrip
Standard - Arcane - Ranged 2
Effect: lots of fun little things

Illusory Ambush - Wizard 1
Standard - Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic - Ranged 10
1 creature
+16 vs. Will; 1d6+9 psychic dmg; -2 penalty to atk till eoynt.

Scorching Burst - Wizard 1
Standard - Arcane, Fire, Implement - Area burst 1 within 10
Each creature
+16 vs. Ref; 1d6+12 fire dmg.[/sblock][sblock=Encounter Powers]Infernal Wrath - Racial
Minor - Personal
Effect: +1 atk/dmg on next atk.

Wand of Accuracy - Class
Effect: +4 on atk.

Grasping Shadows - Wizard 1
Standard - Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic - Area 1 burst within 10
Each creature
+16 vs. Will; 1d8+9 psychic dmg and slowed until eoynt.
Effect: Zone until eoynt. creature entering 6 psychic dmg and slowed until eoint.

Shock Sphere - Wizard 3
Standard - Arcane, Implement, Lightning - Area burst 2 within 10
Each creature
+15 vs. Ref; 2d6+9 lightning dmg.

Fire Burst - Wizard 7
Standard - Arcane, Fire, Implement - Area burst 2 within 20
Each creature
+16 vs. Ref; 3d6+12 fire dmg.

Blood Pulse - Blood Mage 11
Standard - Arcane, Implement - Area burst 3 within 20
Each enemy
+15 vs. Will; 2d6+9 dmg and until eoynt takes 1d6 dmg/sq target leaves

Shield - Wizard Utility 2
Immediate Interrupt - Arcane, Force - Personal
Trigger: Hit
Effect: +4 AC and Ref until eoyt.

Feytouched Drowmesh - Item
Standard - Illusion
Effect: Become invisible until eoynt.

Steadfast Boots - Item
Effect: Don't move = +2 power bonus to AC and Defenses until boynt.

Solitaire (Citrine) - Item
Free - Healing
When score a crit: spend a healing surge.

Scorching Burst - Flame Want - Item
Standard - Arcane, Fire, Implement - Area burst 1 within 10
Each creature
+16 vs. Ref; 1d6+12 fire dmg.[/sblock][sblock=Daily Powers]Sleep - Wizard 1
Standard - Arcane, Implement, Sleep - Area burst 2 within 20
Each creature
+15 vs. Will; slowed (save ends); First failed save = unconsious (save ends)
Miss: slowed (save ends)

Phantasmal Assailant - Wizard 5
Standard - Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic - Ranged 20
1 creature
+16 vs. Will; 2d10+9 psychic dmg. onging 5 psychic dmg and grants combat advantage to all your allies (save ends both)

Wall of Fire - Wizard 9
Standard - Arcane, Conjuration, Fire, Implement - Area wall 8 within 10
Effect: conjure wall, lasts until eoynt. starting near wall = 1d6+12 fire dmg. Move into wall or starts there = 3d6+12 fire dmg. Entering wall costs 3 sq. movement. Wall blocks line of sight.
Sustain Minor

Phantom Chasm - Wizard 1
Standard - Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic - Area burst 1 within 20
Each creature
+16 vs. Will; 2d6+9 psychic dmg and prone and immobilized until eoint.
Miss: immobilized until eoynt.

Fireball - Wizard 5
Standard - Arcane, Fire, Implement - Area burst 3 within 20
Each creature
+16 vs. Ref; 3d6+12 fire dmg.
Miss; half damage

Mordenkainen's Sword - Wizard 9
Standard - Arcane, Conjuration, Force, Implement - Ranged 10
1 creature adjacent to sword
+15 vs. Ref; 1d10+9 force dmg. lasts until eoynt.
Move Action: move sword to new targe within range.
Sustain Minor: sword atks again.

Expeditious Retreat - Wizard Utility 2
Move - Arcane - Personal
Shift 12

Dimension Door - Wizard Utility 6
Move - Arcane, Teleportation - Personal
Teleport 10

Feywild Spell Surge - Wizard Utility 10
Free - Arcane - Personal
Trigger: miss with arcane keyword
Effect: reroll atk.

Invisibility - Wizard Utility 6
Standard - Arcane, Illusion - Ranged 5
1 target
Effect: Target is invisible until eoynt. Effect ends if target atks.
Sustain standard. If target is within range.

Blur - Wizard Utility 10
Minor - Arcane, Illusion - Personal
Effect: until end of encounter, +2 to all defenses and enemies 5 or more sq. away cannot see target

Soul Burn - Blood Mage 12
Minor - Arcane - Personal
Effect: Spend healing surge instead regain one encounter power.

Headband of Intellect - Item
+2 power bonus to next Int atk.[/sblock][Sblock=Consumables]Potion of Healing
Minor - Healing
Spend healing surge instead gain 10hps.

Potion of Regeneration
Minor - Healing
Spend healing surge instead gain regeneration 5 until end of encounter. Effect surpressed when not bloodied.

Deathcap Spores
Standard - Poison - Area burst 1 within 10
+15 vs. Fort; 2d8 poison dmg and ongoing 5 poison dmg (save ends).[/sblock]
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Charwoman Gene

Dagran - Partial

[sblock=status]Dagran 65/119(59)[15/15(33)]; AC: 30; F/R/W: 25/21/21; AP 1; SW
Encounter Abilities-
-Bell Ringer Fighter Attack 1 (MP,p.7) [Standard Action]
-Crushing Blow Fighter Attack 3 Standard Action Melee weapon
-Come and Get It Fighter Attack 7 Standard Action Close burst 3
-Inexorable Advance Dreadnought Attack 11 Standard Action Melee weapon
-Unbreakable Fighter Utility 6 Immediate Reaction Personal
-Into the Fray Fighter Utility 10 Minor Action Personal
Daily Abilities-
-Brute Strike Fighter Attack 1 Standard Action Melee weapon
-Cometfall Charge Fighter Attack 5(MP,p.11) Standard Action (Charge) Melee weapon
-Shift the Battlefield Fighter Attack 9 Standard Action Close burst 1 (enemies0
-Resounding Weapon Free Action
-Unstoppable Fighter Utility 2 Minor Action Personal
-Blood Iron Dreadnought Utility 12 Immediate Reaction Personal[/sblock]
[sblock=summary]Dagran Clanless - Dwarf Fighter 12 (Dreadnought)

Strength 20 (+5) Constitution 18 (+4) Dexterity 15 (+2)
Intelligence 11 (+0) Wisdom 15 (+2) Charisma 9 (-1)

AC: 30* Fort: 25 Ref: 21 Will: 21
*+1/Milestone (Armor)

Initiative: +8 Speed: 5

Senses: Vision: Low-Light; Passive Perception: 18; Passive Insight: 18

Hit Points:119[59] Healing Surges: 15[/sblock]

Dagran Clanless
Fighter 12 (Dreadnought)

Strength 20 (+5)
Constitution 18 (+4)
Dexterity 15 (+2)
Intelligence 11 (+0)
Wisdom 15 (+2)
Charisma 9 (-1)

Initiative: +8

AC: 30*
Fort: 25
Ref: 21
Will: 21
*+1/Milestone (Armor)

Speed: 5

Vision: Low-Light
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 18


Hit Points:119
HP/Surge: 33*
Healing Surges: 15
*37 while bloodied - belt of blood

Athletics 14
Endurance 15
Intimidate 10
Dungeoneering 8
Perception 8
Insight 8

Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chainmail, scale; heavy shields, light shields.
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, military melee, simple ranged, military ranged.

Basic Attacks
Maul +17/2d6+12
att +17
dmg 2d6+12
Crit: 24+3d6 Thunder
Hand Axe +14/1d6+9 (5/10)
att +14
dmg d6+9
crit: 15+2d6
range 5/10

OA: +19/2d6+12; Stop Movement
CC: +19/2d6+16
Charge: +17/2d6+14

[sblock=Features, skills, feats, powers]Racial Features:
Cast-Iron Stomach: +5 racial bonus to saving throws against poison.
Dwarven Resilience: You can use your second wind as a minor action instead of a standard action.
Encumbered Speed: You move at your normal speed even when it would normally be reduced by armor or a heavy load. Other effects that limit speed (such as difficult terrain or magical effects) affect you normally.
Stand Your Ground: When an effect forces you to move—through a pull, a push, or a slide—you can move 1 square less than the effect specifies. This means an effect that normally pulls, pushes, or slides a target 1 square does not force you to move. In addition, when an attack would knock you prone, you can make an immediate saving throw to avoid falling prone.

Class Features:
When using a two-handed weapon, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls.
Dreadnought Path Features
Dreadnought Action (11th level): When you
spend an action point to make an attack, you gain
resist 10 to all damage until the start of your next turn.
Unfailing Resources (11th level): Your maximum
hit point value increases by 10.
As a free action, you can take 10 damage to save
automatically against an effect that a save can end.
You must have at least 10 hit points to use this ability,
and you can’t reduce this damage by any means.

Dwarven Weapon Training: +2 damage with axes and hammers.
Potent Challenge: Combat Challenge attacks, +4 Damage (Con)
Toughness: +10 hp (5/tier)
Powerful Charge: Charge, +2 damage, +2 bull rush.
Armor Proficiency-Plate
Armor Specialization-Plate: +1 Feat bonus AC
Dwarven Durability: +2 healing surges; +4 hsv(Con)
Hammer Rhythm: +4 damage(Con) on complete misses

Meliorating Gith Plate Armor +3 (AV,p.47)
Amulet of Protection +3
Resounding Maul +3 (PH,p.236)
Magic Handaxe +2 (2)
Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier)(AV,p.117)
Boots of Eagerness (heroic tier)(AV,p.126)
Belt of Blood (heroic tier)(AV,p.164)[/sblock]


Brash Strike Fighter Attack 1 (MP,p.7)
Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: +19/2d6+16 vs.AC
Effect: You grant combat advantage to the target until the
start of your next turn.

Crushing Surge Fighter Attack 1 (MP,p.7)
Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: +17/2d6+12
Hit: Invigorating (+4thp)

Unfailing Resources Dreadnought 11 (MP,p.25)
Free Action Personal
Effect: Take 10 damage. Save automatically against an effect that a save can end.
You must have at least 10 hit points to use this ability, and you can’t reduce this damage by any means.


Bell Ringer Fighter Attack 1 (MP,p.7)
Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: +17/ 4 vs. Fortitude
Hit: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn. Invigorating (+4thpcon)

Crushing Blow Fighter Attack 3
Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: +17/4d6+16 vs. AC

Come and Get It Fighter Attack 7
Standard Action Close burst 3
Target: Each enemy in burst you can see
Effect: You pull each target 2 squares to a space adjacent to you. You cannot pull a target that
cannot end adjacent to you. You then make a close attack targeting each adjacent enemy.
Attack: +17/2d6+12 vs. AC

Inexorable Advance Dreadnought Attack 11
Standard Action Melee weapon
Targets: One or two creatures
Effect: You can shift 1 square before each attack.
Attack: +17/2d6+16 vs. AC, two attacks
Hit: Invigorating (+4thpcon)

Unbreakable Fighter Utility 6
Immediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: You are hit by an attack
Effect: Reduce the damage from the attack by 9.

Into the Fray Fighter Utility 10
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Move 3 squares, as long as you end adjacent to an enemy.


Brute Strike Fighter Attack 1
Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: +17/6d6+12 vs. AC
Miss: Reliable

Cometfall Charge Fighter Attack 5(MP,p.11)
Standard Action (Charge) Melee weapon
Attack: +17/6d6+18 vs. AC
Miss: Half damage.

Shift the Battlefield Fighter Attack 9
Standard Action Close burst 1
Target: Each enemy in burst you can see
Attack: +17/4d6+12 vs. AC
Hit: You slide the target 1 square.
Miss: Half damage.

Resounding Weapon
Free Action
Trigger: you hit with the weapon.
Effect: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.

Unstoppable Fighter Utility 2
Minor Action Personal
Effect: 2d6+4 thp.

Blood Iron Dreadnought Utility 12
Immediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: You become bloodied
Effect: Resist 5 to all damage until the end of the encounter.
Dagran is a solidly built bronze-skinned dwarf, with a deep black beard. His head is shaved, and he wears meticulously fit scale armor subly marked with element of the symbols of the City he lives for. Dagran was orphaned when his parents dies in a mining accident. Raised till the age of 10 by a city guardsman who took pity on him, he placed his heart into repaying the city and his foster father, who dedicated his life to Undhil's service. He left once, at 10 to join the Dwarves, but he did not work in their society. He returned to Undhil, and has had a notable career as a valuable too for destruction of Undhil's enemies. Dagran is convinced to his bones that he will die protecting his city, and despite his best efforts, he is yet unsuccessful in this.

[sblock=stats with math]Dagran Clanless
Fighter 12 (Dreadnought)

Strength 20 (+5)
Constitution 18 (+4)
Dexterity 15 (+2)
Intelligence 11 (+0)
Wisdom 15 (+2)
Charisma 9 (-1)

Initiative: +8 (2dex+6lvl)

AC: 30*=10+6lvl+1aspecfeat+10armor+3enhance
Fort: 25=10+6lvl+4con+2 Ftr+3enhance??
Ref: 21=10+6lvl+2(dex)+3enhance
Will: 21=10+6lvl+2wis+3enhance
*+1/Milestone (Armor)

Speed: 5

Vision: Low-Light
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 18


Hit Points:119=99+10PP+10toughness
HP/Surge: 33*=29(+4conDD)
Healing Surges: 15=9+4Con+2Dwarv Duarbl
*37=33+4Con while bloodied - belt of blood

Athletics 14=+5str+6lvl+5trained-2plate
Endurance 15=+4con+6lvl+2 Dwarf+5trained-2plate
Intimidate 10=+6lvl-1cha+5trained
Dungeoneering 8=+0int+6lvl+2 Dwarf
Perception 8=+6lvl+2wis
Insight 8=+6lvl+2wis

Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chainmail, scale; heavy shields, light shields.
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, military melee, simple ranged, military ranged.

Basic Attacks
Maul +17/2d6+12
att +17=+5str+6lvl+2prof+3enh+1ftr
dmg 2d6+12=+5str+2dwt+3enh+2item
Crit: 24+3d6 Thunder
Hand Axe +14/1d6+9 (5/10)
att +14=+5str+6lvl+2prof+2enh
dmg d6+9=+5str+2dwt+2enh
crit: 15+2d6
range 5/10

OA: +19/2d6+12; Stop Movement
CC: +19/2d6+16
Charge: +17/2d6+14

Racial Features:
Cast-Iron Stomach: +5 racial bonus to saving throws against poison.
Dwarven Resilience: You can use your second wind as a minor action instead of a standard action.
Encumbered Speed: You move at your normal speed even when it would normally be reduced by armor or a heavy load. Other effects that limit speed (such as difficult terrain or magical effects) affect you normally.
Stand Your Ground: When an effect forces you to move—through a pull, a push, or a slide—you can move 1 square less than the effect specifies. This means an effect that normally pulls, pushes, or slides a target 1 square does not force you to move. In addition, when an attack would knock you prone, you can make an immediate saving throw to avoid falling prone.

Class Features:
When using a two-handed weapon, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls.
Dreadnought Path Features
Dreadnought Action (11th level): When you
spend an action point to make an attack, you gain
resist 10 to all damage until the start of your next turn.
Unfailing Resources (11th level): Your maximum
hit point value increases by 10.
As a free action, you can take 10 damage to save
automatically against an effect that a save can end.
You must have at least 10 hit points to use this ability,
and you can’t reduce this damage by any means.

Dwarven Weapon Training: +2 damage with axes and hammers.
Potent Challenge: Combat Challenge attacks, +4 Damage (Con)
Toughness: +10 hp (5/tier)
Powerful Charge: Charge, +2 damage, +2 bull rush.
Armor Proficiency-Plate
Armor Specialization-Plate: +1 Feat bonus AC
Dwarven Durability: +2 healing surges; +4 hsv(Con)
Hammer Rhythm: +4 damage(Con) on complete misses

Meliorating Gith Plate Armor +3 (AV,p.47)
Amulet of Protection +3
Resounding Maul +3 (PH,p.236)
Magic Handaxe +2 (2)
Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier)(AV,p.117)
Boots of Eagerness (heroic tier)(AV,p.126)
Belt of Blood (heroic tier)(AV,p.164)



Brash Strike Fighter Attack 1 (MP,p.7)
Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: +19/2d6+16 vs.AC
Effect: You grant combat advantage to the target until the
start of your next turn.

Crushing Surge Fighter Attack 1 (MP,p.7)
Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: +17/2d6+12
Hit: Invigorating (+4thpcon)

Unfailing Resources Dreadnought 11 (MP,p.25)
Free Action Personal
Effect: Take 10 damage. Save automatically against an effect that a save can end.
You must have at least 10 hit points to use this ability, and you can’t reduce this damage by any means.


Bell Ringer Fighter Attack 1 (MP,p.7)
Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: +17/0+4con vs. Fortitude
Hit: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn. Invigorating (+4thpcon)

Crushing Blow Fighter Attack 3
Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: +17/4d6+16 vs. AC

Come and Get It Fighter Attack 7
Standard Action Close burst 3
Target: Each enemy in burst you can see
Effect: You pull each target 2 squares to a space adjacent to you. You cannot pull a target that
cannot end adjacent to you. You then make a close attack targeting each adjacent enemy.
Attack: +17/2d6+12 vs. AC

Inexorable Advance Dreadnought Attack 11
Standard Action Melee weapon
Targets: One or two creatures
Effect: You can shift 1 square before each attack.
Attack: +17/2d6+16 vs. AC, two attacks
Hit: Invigorating (+4thpcon)

Unbreakable Fighter Utility 6
Immediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: You are hit by an attack
Effect: Reduce the damage from the attack by 9.

Into the Fray Fighter Utility 10
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Move 3 squares, as long as you end adjacent to an enemy.


Brute Strike Fighter Attack 1
Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: +17/6d6+12 vs. AC
Miss: Reliable

Cometfall Charge Fighter Attack 5(MP,p.11)
Standard Action (Charge) Melee weapon
Attack: +17/6d6+18 vs. AC
Miss: Half damage.

Shift the Battlefield Fighter Attack 9
Standard Action Close burst 1
Target: Each enemy in burst you can see
Attack: +17/4d6+12 vs. AC
Hit: You slide the target 1 square.
Miss: Half damage.

Resounding Weapon
Free Action
Trigger: you hit with the weapon.
Effect: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.

Unstoppable Fighter Utility 2
Minor Action Personal
Effect: 2d6+4 thp.

Blood Iron Dreadnought Utility 12
Immediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: You become bloodied
Effect: Resist 5 to all damage until the end of the encounter.

Dagran is a solidly built bronze-skinned dwarf, with a deep black beard. His head is shaved, and he wears meticulously fit scale armor subly marked with element of the symbols of the City he lives for. Dagran was orphaned when his parents dies in a mining accident. Raised till the age of 10 by a city guardsman who took pity on him, he placed his heart into repaying the city and his foster father, who dedicated his life to Undhil's service. He left once, at 10 to join the Dwarves, but he did not work in their society. He returned to Undhil, and has had a notable career as a valuable too for destruction of Undhil's enemies. Dagran is convinced to his bones that he will die protecting his city, and despite his best efforts, he is yet unsuccessful in this.[/sblock]
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Kern Dalquas

I don't think you understand. You're going to tell us where you left the blaststones. And I don't care what we need to break to get you to tell us.

Male Human Death Dealer Rogue 12
Initiative +18, See Danger Sense; Senses Passive Insight 21, Passive Perception 21
HP 90; Bloodied 45; Healing Surge 22; Surges Per Day 7
AC 28; Fort 24, Ref 29, Will 21; See Two-Weapon Defense
Speed 7
Action Points 1
:bmelee:Subtle Mace +3 (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+15 vs AC; 1d8+10 damage.
:bmelee:Defensive Parrying Dagger +2 (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+15 vs AC; 1d4+9 damage.
:ranged:Magic Shuriken +2 (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
Range 6/12; +16 vs AC; 1d6+8 damage.
:melee::ranged:Disheartening Strike (standard; at-will) ✦ Martial, Rattling, Weapon
+16 vs AC. :melee:1d8+15 (Mace)/1d4+14 (Parrying Dagger) or :ranged:1d6+13 (Shuriken, Ranged 6/12) damage and target takes -2 to attacks until the end of Kern's next turn unless immune to fear.
:melee:Piercing Strike (standard; at-will) ✦ Martial, Weapon
+16 vs Ref. 1d8+11 (Mace)/1d4+10 (Parrying Dagger) damage.
:melee:Riposte Strike (standard; at-will) ✦ Martial, Weapon
+16 vs AC. 1d8+11 (Mace)/1d4+10 (Parrying Dagger) damage and if the target attacks Kern before the start of his next turn, he may make a secondary attack as an immediate interrupt. Secondary Attack: +15 vs AC. 1d8+10 (Mace)/1d4+9 (Parrying Dagger) damage.
:melee:Sizing Strike (standard; encounter) ✦ Martial, Rattling, Weapon
+16 vs. AC. 1d8+15 (Mace), 1d4+14 (Parrying Dagger) damage and Kern gains 10 temporary hp. If Kern has combat advantage, he adds +4 to the damage and temporary hp gained.
:close:Spring the Trap (standard; encounter) ✦ Martial, Rattling, Weapon
Close burst 1. +16 vs. AC. 1d8+15 (Mace), 1d4+14 (Parrying Dagger) damage, the target takes -2 to attacks until the end of Kern's next turn unless immune to fear, and Kern can shift one square.
:melee::ranged:Enforced Threat (standard; encounter) ✦ Martial, Rattling, Weapon
+16 vs AC. :melee:2d8+15 (Mace)/2d4+14 (Parrying Dagger) or :ranged:2d6+13 (Shuriken, Ranged 6/12) damage and target takes -2 to attacks until the end of Kern's next turn unless immune to fear. If the target is taking an attack penalty due to Kern's rattling attack, he gains combat advantage for the attack.
:melee::ranged:Termination Threat (standard; encounter) ✦ Martial, Rattling, Weapon
+16 vs AC. :melee:1d8+16 (Mace)/1d4+15 (Parrying Dagger) or :ranged:1d6+14 (Shuriken, Ranged 6/12) damage and target takes -2 to attacks until the end of Kern's next turn unless immune to fear. If the target is taking an attack penalty due to Kern's rattling attack, the target is also immobilized until the end of Kern's next turn.
:melee:Precise Incision (standard; daily) ✦ Martial, Reliable, Weapon
+16 vs Ref. 3d8+11 (Mace)/3d4+10 (Parrying Dagger) damage.
:melee:Deep Cut (standard; daily) ✦ Martial, Weapon
+16 vs Fort. 2d8+11 (Mace)/2d4+10 (Parrying Dagger) damage and ongoing 9 damage (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and no ongoing damage.
:melee::ranged:Rogue Recovery (standard; daily) ✦ Martial, Weapon
+16 vs AC. :melee:2d8+11 (Mace)/2d4+10 (Parrying Dagger) or :ranged:1d6+9 (Shuriken, Ranged 6/12) damage. Effect: If Kern has used all his encounter attack powers, he regains the use of one such power he used this encounter. Or, if Kern has combat advantage vs. the target, he can deal 2[W] extra damage with the attack.
Gruesome Kill (free when Kern reduces an enemy to 0 hp; at-will) ✦ Martial
Each enemy that can see Kern takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls against him until the start of his next turn.
Ferret Out Frailty (minor; encounter) ✦ Martial
Until the beginning of Kern's next turn, he gains combat advantage against one target within line of sight. If the target is rattled by one of his attacks, Kern gains combat advantage until the end of his next turn.
Reap the Rattled (minor; daily) ✦ Martial
Kern gains combat advantage against one target within line of sight that is rattled by one of Kern's attacks until the end of his next turn.
Executioner's Mien (minor; daily) ✦ Martial, Stance
Until the stance ends, all of Kern's attacks gain the rattling keyword.
Subtle Mace +3
Critical: +3d6. Property: +3 damage when attacking with combat advantage.
Defensive Parrying Dagger +2
Critical: +2d6. Property: When Kern takes the total defense or second wind actions, add a +2 item bonus to all of his defenses until the start of his next turn.
Feytouched Drowmesh +3
Property: +1 armor bonus to Reflex and +3 item bonus to initiative. Power (Encounter ✦ Illusion): Standard Action. Kern becomes invisible until the end of his next turn.
Boots of Striding (heroic)
Property: +1 item bonus to speed.
Iron Armbands of Power (heroic)
Property: +2 item bonus to melee damage rolls.
Bloodstinger Poison (13th)
Power (Consumable ✦ Poison): Standard Action. Apply to weapon or one piece of ammunition. Make a secondary attack against next target hit: +16 vs. Fort; Target takes ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
Elixir of Will (13th)
Power (Consumable): Minor action. Use power after elixir consumed. Once during encounter as an immediate interrupt, replace Will Defense with 25 against single attack. Counts a a magic item daily ability.
Lockburst Chalk (9th)
Power (Consumable): Standard Action. Kern makes a Thievery check on an adjacent locked object or locked object he is holding, gaining a +9 bonus instead of his normal bonus. A successful check destroys the lock.
First Strike
At the beginning of an encounter, Kern has combat advantage against foes that have not acted.
Sneak Attack
Once per round when wielding a crossbow, light blade, club, mace, or sling, he deals +3d8 damage to a target that grants Kern combat advantage.
No Respite
Adjacent enemies suffer a -2 penalty on saving throws.
Slaying Action When Kern spends an action point, he gains +2 damage per die of damage until the start of his next turn.
Bleeding Backstab
When using sneak attack with a daily rogue attack power, the target also gains 5 ongoing damage (save ends); this damage is in addition to any other ongoing damage.
Danger Sense
Kern rolls twice of initiative, taking the higher result.
Rogue Tactics (Ruthless Ruffian)
Rogue Weapon Talent
Alignment Unaligned; Languages Common, Goblin
Str 19 (+4) Dex 21 (+5) Wis 11 (+0)
Con 13 (+1) Int 9 (-1) Cha 13 (+1)
Athletics +15, Insight +11, Intimidate +12, Perception +11, Stealth +16, Streetwise +12, Thievery +16
Feats: Backstabber, Bleeding Backstab, Danger Sense, Improved Initiative, Toughness, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Proficiency (Parrying Dagger)
Gear Feytouched Drowmesh Leather +3, Subtle Mace +3, Defensive Parrying Dagger +2, Magic Shuriken +2; Bloodstinger Poison (13th), 2 Elixirs of Will (13th), Lockburst Chalk (9th); Lots of mundane equipment

The Dalquas family are from the Empire and obviously look it (whatever that means). While they are staunch supporters of the Republic, they are also devote worshipers of Bane (in his martial and civilizing aspects, not so much the more Evil aspects). This gets them in a lot of trouble, obviously. Kern has had to put of this drek all his life, but his ruthless ways get the job done for SCU and he is grudgingly respected for that.

Personality and Appearance
Kern is grim, to the point, and disciplined. He is not above using fear and threats to get his way, and is more than willing to use violence to back them up. He is very patriotic, almost fervently so, and will do almost anything to prove it.

Kern does not dress to draw attention to himself. He has a holy symbol of Bane that he wears around his neck, usually under his clothes.[sblock=MiniKern]Kern—Male Human Death Dealer Rogue 1
Initiative: +18, Danger Sense; Passive Perception: 21, Passive Insight: 21
HP: 81/90, Bloodied: 45, Surge: 22, Surges left: 6/7
AC: 28, Fort: 24, Reflex: 29, Will: 21; Two-Weapon Defense — Speed:7
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: Not Used
Powers -
Disheartening Strike
Piercing Strike
Riposte Strike

Sizing Strike
Spring the Trap
Enforced Threat
Termination Thread

Precise Incision
Deep Cut
Rogue Recovery

Gruesome Kill
Ferret Out Frailty
Reap the Rattled
Executioner's Mien

Full character sheet[/sblock]


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