D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Build Ideas


Staff member
Consider Sorcadin (traditionally Pal2/Sorc4/Spellsword1/AbjChamp5/SacEx8, in that order). Venerate Bahamut, a legal Pally deity due to his LG nature. Play it that Bahamut's order is more loosely organized than say...Heironeous', simply due to the draconic nature of Bahamut, and the traditionally more solitary nature of dragons. Then just wander the globe amassing treasure, helping people, and laying the holiest of smackdowns upon all that is ugly and evil (in that order). Your spells are your weapons and your armor.

Commit to the build: take the Draconic Heritage and Draconic Breath feats.

Learn mostly utility type arcane spells, use them mostly outside of combat, then breathe fire (or lightning) on foes that REALLY need a butt-whuppin'.

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First Post
The GM is also lifting the alignment and cross-class restrictions for the pally, so I was also debating the St. Cuthbert route and playing a Judge Dredd type, turning detect evil into detect chaos.

I know that I want to tote a 2hander, and the sorcadin actually sounds awesome. I'm assuming the basis for that combo is to take mostly buff/debuff spells to amp your melee/defense, while nerfing the baddies. I could justify going that route if it's not used primarily to nuke the battlefield.

Detect Evil is generally much much much more useful than Detect Chaos. If a person is evil, they are generally a bad guy, and generally guilty of something. If a person is chaotic, they might be working to overthrow some sort of establishment, which might be good or might be bad, and they might be operating within the law to do it (just because you aren't lawful doesn't mean you can't follow laws). There is a lot more grey area with law/chaos where a person might not be fit for smiting even if they ping as chaotic.

As far as the spells, yea. You buff yourself, primarily. Some touch based debuffs are useful if you get a Spellstoring item. The odds of you Fireballing the battlefield, however, are pretty low.


First Post
Ya, I'm not too wild about detect chaos for that very reason. Odds are, that I'll just be neutral good. It seems to be more on par with what I have in mind for this character.

I looked into the spell compendium and saw some pretty awesome spells for just augmenting melee/defense. Probably a few ranged things just for the versatility. How good is whirling blade? I couldn't imagine there would be many instances where there's a nice line of baddies waiting to get chopped up, outside of a hallway.


Staff member
Might I suggest a Marshal/Sorc (or BattleSorc)/______*?


Cha is the key stat for both, no alignment issues, and their abilities can complement each other- especially if going Draconic**, Infernal or Celestial heritage on the caster side.

You won't quite be fireballing the field, but it will be close enough.

* whatever your favorite "gish" PrCl is, EK, AbjChamp, whatever.

** as is pointed out in the Marshal's handbook link, Marshals can take Draconic auras...combining Draconic Aura and Double Draconic Aura with Draconic heritage means your Draconic Auras improve with level.
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