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D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 DnD Rogue discussion


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So I started playing a rogue in a recent campaign and would love some pointers and tips as well as some ideas for future roleplay. Currently the character is a 12 year old male human who is eventually going to have multiple "personalities".

The first personality is obviously himself, the rogue. The second will be a mage, which he will call himself Rune and will use his bluff skill along with crafted potions and other alchemical items to use as his "spell effects" right now I don't have the resources to go further then the spellbook and a thunderstone as well as a few spell components. He has a high set of stats so he can pull off a lot even after the negatives to my stats for playing a child character.

Now, I would love some ideas, tips, and pointers on how I should go about progressing this character. He is level 1 still and has maxed out bluff as well as a few other specific skills. He has quick learner and a high intelligence so gets many skill points per level. He also currently has the feat "Low Key" so that many people overlook him and forget he was there, which goes nicely with the rogue area of his personalities.

Should he cross class at any point, take some prestige class levels, stay completely rogue?

Anyone game to give me some help on this? I have never really played a rogue for more than one or two levels in some old 1st/2nd edition games, where I didn't do much good. Let me know what you think I can do and the like.

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Could you please tell me what Quick Learner and Low Key are, exactly? I know not of what they entail.

Offhand, my gut says that a feat that makes you less socially memorable is not very competitive with, say, Craven, which is a feat that gives you +1 sneak attack damage per character level. Especially since your social skills should take care of your social needs.

Now, while you may not need to prestige class - the Rogue's level 20 capstone is worth the wait in my opinion - a good prestige class for Rogues is Chameleon.


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Quick learner is the feat (from Ultimate Feats) which gives a character 1 more skill point per level, on top of any other bonuses they may already get (such as human bonus) but can only be taken at level one.

*Edit* "Benefit: You gain one bonus point every level" Then "Special: This bonus skill point stacks with the bonus point granted to humans. May only be taken at level one." *Edit*

Low Key is also a feat from Ultimate Feats and makes the character less memorable. It basically (as in the example from the book that I remember) is like the person you walked by on your way to the tavern, you don't remember what they looked like. Not because of some obscure reason other then they just didn't make a huge impression to you.

*Edit* I looked it up and found this. Low Key "Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all Disguise and Hide checks. You look so plain and normal that other tend to simply overlook your presence." Taken straight from the book.*Edit*

I will see if I can find which pages those two are on and give you them if needed.

Personally, I don't think I want to get more SA damage right off the bat. This character is more for roleplay then dps or powerhouse. The next feats I intend on taking (but not guaranteed) are Play Dead (it is what it sounds like really) which allows you to appear dead when you are analyzed for up to a set amount of minutes per con score or something. And the other is Night Owl which cuts the required time of sleeping and the like down by half, so for most that would be cutting it down to four hours a night. This does not affect spell preparation time though.

Now on the other hand, I have not looked through every feat out there or even all of those in the Ultimate Feats book, so there may be many more that would work better for this. Craven doesn't sound too bad though and I might pick it up at later levels if I have no others that supersede it.

Also I was thinking about taking the feat "Nymphs Kiss" but decided on quick learner instead. Nymphs Kiss gives +1 to all CHA checks which would be nice but I think that I would rather just get an item to increase that versus using one of my only feats for it. I am not sure but I think there might have been something else to that feat aswell but I am not sure.

I hope this clarified what you wanted to know.

Any other ideas?
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This character sounds like a Chameleon/Master of Masks.

I don't have permission to use the Master of Masks and its not quite how I wanted it to work out anyway. The Chameleon class is also not available due to game realm and the like. So in the end, I am making do with normal rogue, but chameleon might become a possibility down the road.

Any suggestions for personality quirks? How to play a rogue in general that doesn't go SA intensive? Any tips would be welcome as I normally play a spellcaster and I am trying to branch out to a non casting class while keeping the spellcasting bit in there.. even if it is faked. >:D


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You might dip Bard and then Arcane Trickster, or maybe Fortune's Friend or Uncanny Trickster?

Nymphs Kiss is great.
-Fey creatures regard you as though you were fey. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Charisma-related checks, and a +1 bonus on all saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. Starting with the level when you take this feat, you gain 1 extra skill point per level.


First Post
You might dip Bard and then Arcane Trickster, or maybe Fortune's Friend or Uncanny Trickster?

Nymphs Kiss is great.
-Fey creatures regard you as though you were fey. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Charisma-related checks, and a +1 bonus on all saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. Starting with the level when you take this feat, you gain 1 extra skill point per level.

Ah thanks for the info on Nymphs Kiss. I looked in my Ultimate Feats book and it isn't listed sadly. It gives more then I thought it did though. wishing now that I had taken that instead of Quick Learner.

Sadly my DM runs with the whole multiclass penalty so at most I can take one alternate class without penalty to my experience gain. I was thinking about Bard as well for the abilities and way the class works Roleplay-wise. Thankfully I am human so I get Any as my Favored class to bypass the penalty that way.

What and where is Uncanny Trickster? Is that from the PHB 2? As in the roles that you can take on in personas? Or is that an actual class? I like the sound of it just by its name. After all, my character is only 12 so anything that looks like mischief is normally right up his ally, so to speak.


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I thought EXP penalty applies only to base classes, and not PrCs.
All of those PrCs are in Complete Scoundrel.

Ah well then.. That changes everything. To my knowledge PrCs don't have an effect on experience penalties either. Thank you for that information, I will see about asking my DM about that book specifically. That one I might be able to get away with, so long as I don't go for anything to big. He tends to think most stuff in 3.5 is overpowered since he likes the 3.0 edition.

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