D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Edition Reprints


Interesting survey. No options to request reprints of 3.0e material. Speaking for myself, if they did reprints of "Monster Manual 2" and the "Fiend Folio" with 100% 3.5e-compatible stats, then I would buy those, but I won't buy straight reprints. (IIRC, FF was only 'mostly 3.5e', while MM2 was definitely a 3.0e book.)

To be honest, though, I won't buy any straight 3.5e reprints - I already have everything I might want. Other than a new PHB, perhaps, as I've found having a spare for the table is useful.

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First Post
Apparently I gave my 3.5E books to my brother (I say apparently because I had them, they disappeared, and were found at his apartment, but this was after 4E had come out, so no big deal), so I will pick a set of these up. I wonder if they are keeping the regular cover art of doing something similar to what they are doing with the 1E reprints.

To WotC:

Why not just buy Pathfinder? Its better written, streamlined, better organized, and (likely) cheaper.

I'm A Banana

I don't know how many I'd buy myself -- I already own a lot of 3e material.

But there are certainly books that need to be highlighted from that generation. The Draconomicon and Unearthed Arcana and the Tome of Magic come to mind first as awesome products. I tried to steer away from multi-volume product lines, even though I really like the Complete series and the Environmental series (and use a lot of them to this day!) and focused more on the really awesome products.

It's a little harder since 3e is comparatively much "fresher" than 1e. Still, since it's a game still being played in a slightly altered form, there's probably as much utility in it.

Wonder if they're gonna do some 2e reprints...maybe reprint each "setting line" for a brief period by itself. I'd shore up my collection with those, for sure!

El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
D&D 3.5E Reprints coming in September...

Outstanding! Woo Hoo!:D

I'm really starting to like this new WotC. Thay ain't perfect, but they're certainly trying. Good Job!
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Why not just buy Pathfinder?
First off, I want the 3.5E I played before I switched to 4E, not a rip off product.
Its better written
The rules language is essentially the same, I couldn't give a rip about the fluff they injected.
Not incredibly.
better organized
That is debateble.
and (likely) cheaper.
And yet still not D&D.

And yet, bottom line, I want these to replace books I no longer have. I won't be playing 3.5E any time soon if ever again.


First off, I want the 3.5E I played before I switched to 4E, not a rip off product.

The rules language is essentially the same, I couldn't give a rip about the fluff they injected.

Not incredibly.

That is debateble.

And yet still not D&D.

And yet, bottom line, I want these to replace books I no longer have. I won't be playing 3.5E any time soon if ever again.

Wow. "Rip off?" Someone has a real hate on for Pathfinder.

If Pathfinder isnt D&D because of the rules tweaks then by your definition neither is 4E or D&DNEXT for that matter. If branding is all that matters then ,well, you got me there.

I really love the fact that people like Char here apparently have short memories and have forgotten why Pathfinder exists on the first place. Then again I'm sure that the why is irrelevant to them and he'd love to do to Pathfinder what Char does to Kishisra Zabi at the end of MS Gundam movie III.
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This whole thing isn't apparently for me as I still HAVE all of my WOTC 3.5 books. Oddly enough I was looking to put most of them up on Ebay last week to free up space for my Pathfinder books. Just havent gotten around to it yet.

When they get around to reprinting the Rules Cyclopedia then they may have my money. I'll be paying for the re-release of the Dungeon Boardgame later on this year.


First Post
Reprinting the core books is a no brainer as they still command full price on the secondary (i.e. ebay) market. Other titles are hit and miss but some that still get decent prices like Drow of the Underdark, Magic Item Compendium, etc are more likely reprints than Complete Warrior. Time will tell but at least they are offering something that the gaming community has been asking for (both 1E and 3.5E).

I'd have to add another vote for reprinting Planescape...lots of fond memories and the prices (especially the boxed sets after the initial one) show that there's a demand.


First Post
I would think a 'complete compendium' single volume with the 'best of' the complete books might be an idea...

EDIT OK, probably way too much work. But I"d reckon it would sell.

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