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D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Need character ideas for joining new group


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After a year's long pause from roleplaying I may have found a new group (we haven't met yet, so if I fit with them is another matter) playing 3.5. The DM told me that the group has quite an eclectic mix of characters. The most unusal are a half-ghaele cleric and a gold dragon druid (who can only use druid powers in human form and vice-versa). As the group is already high-level I will start with a lvl 14 character.

So I was thinking about a more unusual character, possible with racial HD and LA, maybe some kind of a shapeshifter, because I've always wanted try one out. But the DM mentioned that the biggest gap ablity-wise is an arcane character, someone who can deal out lots of damage, as subtility isn't a part of the group's playstyle and doing something like infiltration is separating me too long from the others.

Unfortunately, racial HD and LA don't go well with the need of having a high-caster level. I think I can spend 1 or 2 levels on them without losing out too much, but I prefer a race which meshes well with an arcane class. I've been looking through some already, but nothing jumped out yet as the ultimate solution, be it race or actual class.

My DM is willing enough to take any suggestion into account, as long it isn't too overpowered and doesn't break the established campaign. The group is planes-hopping, so I'm not restricted to the more-standard fare. If you have any ideas regarding a race (doesn't have to be a shapeshifter) or a class/build, just post! Doesn't matter if it is WotC or 3rd party. :)

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First Post
Well, for an arcane type, I can't think of anything better than the Ultimate Magus (Complete Mage, I believe). Here is a 'preliminary' Handbook on it. The Wizard/Beguiler combo means you use only one stat (INT) for spells.

BTW, if you know it, it might help to know how stats will be rolled/bought. Or if you already have stats or potential stats that might be better. Will it be low-level magic world, mid, or high?


Staff member
There are all kinds of races out there with "otherplanar" roots that could be cool to play- Planerouched (aasimar, tieflings and genasi are the most common, but there are lots more), mephlings (size S doesn't affect caster efficacy), githyanki/githzerai (not particularly good casters, but definitely flavorful, with high stat mods).

Any creature not native (RAW) to your initial plane- such as a Changeling or Warforged in Athas or Greyhawk- would probably have an otherplanar backstory.

Wizards (esp. Specialists), Warmages, Sorcerers, Battle Sorcerers, Wilders, Psions, and (as I recall,) Erudites make some of the best blasters in the game.


Penguin Herder
Around level 14, the best thing a primary caster can do isn't usually damage. (Damage is king from level 5 to level 10 or so.)

IMHO you can get a lot of shape-shifting value from the arcane spell list at high level, so I wouldn't bother being a shape-changer. You are 1-2 levels away from polymorph any object, and 3-4 levels away from shapechange -- which is miles better than shape-shifting almost all of the time.

- - -

Okay, here's a kooky suggestion: Battle Sorcerer (see here).

It's a bit under-powered when compared to the regular Sorcerer, but still quite strong, and it gives you the one thing a traditional arcane spellcaster lacks: hit points. Usually arcane casters don't much care, but shape-changers tend to care, since they have the option to wade into melee. The main thing that never changes when you shape-shift are your HP, so you need to optimize for that if you want to take advantage of your shapes in combat. (You'll want a high Con score too.)

So, you need two high ability scores: your casting stat (Charisma) and your HP stat (Constitution). The rest of your ability scores don't matter, since you won't be using them, except to qualify for feats. You'll change shapes and use that shape's Str and Dex instead of your own.

Let's see, 14th level Battle Sorcerer spell list:
1st level (4/5) - mage armor, true strike, magic missile, silent image
2nd level (4/5) - alter self, mirror image, hideous laughter, gust of wind
3rd level (3/5) - haste, slow, gaseous form
4th level (3/5) - stone shape, polymorph, dimension door
5th level (2/5) - baleful polymorph, teleport
6th level (1/4) - greater dispel magic
7th level (1/2) - limited wish

That's a very transformation-themed list of spells, but I think you'll get good value from them. Note that you don't do a lot of damage, but you do have the ability to take people out of the fight entirely. If they look like they have a low Will save, cast hideous laughter; if they look like they have a low Fort save, cast baleful polymorph. (If they have lots of good saves, you can run away with teleport.)

Cheers, -- N


Penguin Herder
I recommend the Truenamer.
IMHO those are only playable by hardcore optimizers, and even in their hands the class is merely of average power.

If you've played one and had a different experience, I'd love to hear about it, because I love their flavor. It's just that their mechanics require a VERY specific progression, and they basically eat all your resources in your quest for the highest possible Truespeak check.

Cheers, -- N


Penguin Herder

that link said:
consider that there are rules for breakable ceramic tiles which function as potions... tiles that you can repair to full functionality with the Rebuild Item utterance
I find this advice highly questionable.

The use of hard-core optimization techniques (like the "masterwork tool" bonus to Truespeak checks) is also questionable, and does nothing to make me think the Truenamer is playable by non-munchkins.

Cheers, -- N


First Post
Thanks for the input so far. :) It hasn't occurred to me to ask about stat generation and magic pervasiveness, but it should be save to assume that I'll have 4d6, drop lowest at least. Magic doesn't look like to be stymied, too. I'd say it's better to aim too high than too low. My DM will tell me, if something is too much.

radmod, the Ultimate Magus combo with the beguiler looks really mean. :) It seems tho that I need to make good use on the PrC feature to learn wizard spells as spells known for the Beguiler part. Not sure how much that affects me overall, as this seems to run counter the idea to use the spontanous part for more combat-orientated spells and use the wizard slots for more special things.

Dannyalcatraz, to use a planetouched has occurred me, especially the fey'ri as they have shapechange as racial ability. Unfortunately, they have an LA +3. :( Maybe I'm allowed to by off the LA. I think that non-native races from other primary planes shouldn't be a problem. In worst case we can say they are from some other plane.

I have to check out still most of the proposed classes, but as suggested in that favorite class thread I've looked up Warlock. It seems that Warlock lacks the versitality and the damage output per encounter compared to a wizard. The question is how much do I actually lose? The "no paperwork"-aspect as the at-will powers are intruiging. But maybe I can simulate those with the Reserve feats?

I will look into the other suggestions, when I have more time. :)
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