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[3.5] The Demon Pub


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Hi :D

I created this place because it fits into my campaign. I just have some questions and maybe some work of fleshing it out.
The Pcs in my campaign are about level 8-10

It is an extradimensional room, because it´s unnatural large.
The Stone Door
It begins with a stone door on wich appears the face of a fiendish lion (very detailed but made of stone). The Lion tells the PCs that this is some sort of "Demon Pub" and everybody who is not a demon, has to pay the blood toll. (The Lion is a permanent version of the Statue Spell) Every Non-Demon has to pay 1 liter of blood ( ~ a quarter gallon, don´t know the exact conversion. A human has 6 Liters of blood in his body.)
Question: The blood loss is constitution damage. 1 liter of blood is quite much so i thought of 4-6 constitution damage. What´s your oppinion ?

The Blood Toll Chamber
The door opens and closes right behind the first PC entering. This room is circular with a radius of 10 feet. Now i need to flesh out this room
In this room the PCs have to pay the blood toll. but how should it look like ? Ideas appreciated ^^ I thought of a hovering sacrifice dagger where the players have to cut themselfs. The blood that drips down their body is collected in a channel that runs along the floor and through the other door. That door is the entrance to the Pub. The damage of cutting themselfs is already implemented in the constitution damage. or would you separate that too ? Damage + con damage ?

After the blood toll is paid a second door opens which leads to the bar.
When the PC goes through that door, the second pc may enter the blood toll room.

The Pub (I need a name for the pub. feel free to make suggestions^^)
The Pub is 70x70 feet and 30 feet high.
The walls and the floor are made of stone. The ceiling and the floor are blotched with 1 inch wide holes. You can´t see something if you look in one of the holes.
On the bottom left side is the bar. In the room are tables and seats, made of grey stone, for medium sized and even large or some huge creatures.
Behin the bar is an illusionary stone wall, that leads to the pantry where the wines and foods are stored. The most weired feature in this Pub is the gagged and chained Astral Deva on a 5 feet high 5 feet radius platform.
The Deva is badly injured and a big two handed sword sticks in her chest, that goes in and out her body. the platform has no floor holes but ceiling holes where raindrops are falling on the angel.

Around the platform are 3 narrow channels carved in the floor. All with a 5 foot difference between them.
(The Angel is the anchor point. 5foot radius platform in the middle -> 5 foot space, -> 1st circular channel, 10 feet radius. -> 5 foot space, 2nd circular channel 15 feet radius, .> 5 foot space, 3rd circular channel 20 feet radius. I hope you know what i mean^^
In the bar are creatures at the moment. A Babau (the baarkeeper) and a travel group of 2 Bar Igura and their 10 slaves of Mane (All BoVD Monsters) They don´t like the presence of the Pcs, but stick to the rules and won´t attack them. (except the Pcs start first or start to offend them)

The pantry: You can fill it with stuff you like ^^

I am going to make another post now. with attitude of the npcs and the mechanics surrounding the angel. so don´t post yet please ^^

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First Post
that would work well the blood loss as long as there willing to go through with it
because not everything you make pcs are willing to do as I have found
out two possible tavern names are Fire and Brimstone or Bloody Mary's Pub and Grill. for the room were they pay the blood sacrifices how about a
sacrfical bowls underneath floating knifes
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First Post
The holes in the whole Pub:
The 1inch wide holes you can see everywhere in the pub are just for the movement of the Black Puddings. They are something like the cleaning staff here. That’s why all the tables/seats/etc. are made of stone. Black Puddings can´t damage stone.

The Angel
The angel is an Astral Deva. Gagged and bound for several hundred years. In her chest is a +2 two handed sword which cuts around in her every round. Due to its long capitation and torture the Deva has –10 to all physical stats. Every hour it starts to rainfor 1 round on the platform. The raindrops falling on the the angel heal the angel 2d8 hit points (The sword can´t overcome the angel´s damage reduction so that should be quite fair to keep it alive.)

The mechanics surrounding the Angel:
Here is an image how I imagined the whole thing. Just a sketch, to help you ^^

The carved channels are the marks where the rotating Walls of Force are. Every Wall of Force has a 5 foot wide gap to step through, except the Wall of Force directly surrounding the Angel.
The outermost Wall rotates clockwise with a speed of 1 square per round
The second Wall rotates counterclockwise with a speed of 3 squares per round
The third Wall rotates clockwise with a speed of 2 square per round
The distance between 2 walls is 5 foot.
Would you change something here ? Maybe the rotating speed?

When the first PC steps through the first wall, a Cloudkill spell goes off in the inch wide holes in this 5 foot wide circular area and disappearing in the holes in the ceiling. That avoids that the Cloudkill spreads into the Pub area or the second circle area.
If nobody is in this area, the Cloudkill effect wears off, starting again if somebody enters the are.
When the first PC steps through the second wall, 1-2 Black Pudding drop from the holes in the ceilings attacking the PCs. The Black Pudding won´t move willingly into the cloudkill area but they follow the PCs if they step through the third wall.

Now it gets a bit difficult to explain.
When the first PC steps through the third wall, the platform starts to move downward, like an elevator with a move speed of 30feet per round. The platform reaches the ground in 5 rounds.
So the cylinder is 150 feet deep. The innermost circle starts to move too, but it becomes a stairway that leads down to the ground of the cylinder. If the PCs are fast enough they can jump on the platform here.
After the platform moved 60 feet it gets surrounded by a Wall of Magma. The magma gets pumped through pipes to a certain point (the 60 feet point) where it drops down. The platform then is surrounded by a sheet of magma. There is no danger for the PCs if they use the stairway. Inside this magma tube, every creature gets 3d6 points of fire damage per round because of the heat. Every creature passing through the magma wall takes 10d6 points of damage.
The manacles which bind the Angel have20-40 HP hardness 8, and need a strength check DC25- 30(?) to break free.

Problem: If the Angel is rescued would the guests and the barkeeper attack the PCs ?
“you destroyed our attraction you f****ing punks” or should they play fair game ?
If they attack the PCs the number of guests should be reduced. I don´t think the Players can handle such a challenge and a fight after it. But I am not sure. What is you opinion ?

Now the other questions: Is it too hard ? is it impossible ? What would you change ?
That is the part I worry most.^^ So I hope you can help me^^ I planned that for 4 players level 9-10

If they can´t rescue the angel, they still can get the +2 two handed sword.
If they rescued the angel he will give the players a present and bring it to them as soon as he has recovered a bit. (Feel free to tell me your opinion about the extra reward)
Plus the exp for the Blood toll, (or shouldn´t the blood toll give any exp?), the cloudkill, the 2 Black Puddings (ore only 1 if 2 are too strong^^) and the Wall of Magma. And maybe the killed demons.

I thought of that:
Ring of Resurrection
This ring has one charge of the Spell Resurrection in it. As a standard action you can activate the ring and touch the dead body you want to revive. The ring is discharged then and the dead body gets revived in 1-2 minute (inclusive the boni the spell grants)
Once the ring is discharged, you can recharge it with a Raise Dead, Resurrection or True Resurrection spell as a standard action. You still have to pay the material costs to cast the spell.
Market Price: 20,000 GP – 30,000GP
(Too strong ? Too weak ? too worthless, expensive, not appropriate, too cheap or just not enough as a bonus reward? You can´t use it in an aggressive way (example: dead ally -> ring use-> ally alive -> time waste: only 1 standard action)) because of the 1-2 minute passive casting time. Advantage: It reduces the cast time of Resurrection or True Resurrection to 1-2 minutes. (maybe more if it´s too overpowered) And every player can use it. + A already charged ring with a 7th level spell in it.

NPC Attitude
Babau(Barkeeper) This guy needs a name *omg*
attitude: "you can kill each other if you want, but first you have to buy some drinks. then you can do what you want"
He doesn´t like strangers very much who come through "the door" because that are normally low level demons who have no money, or non-demons.
"high lvl demons can teleport, ya know"
He takes bets on 1vs1 fights, and he takes bets on "Rescue the Angel"
"you can try if you want. the best who tried died... short until he left the area haaahaaaaa" (this guy died in his way back on the cloudkill) but he won´t tell the Pcs nor somebody else what they have to expect or what dangers the are confronted with.

The Guests:
2 Bar Iruga with their 8 slaves (Manes) [ all BoVD Monsters]
They won´t attack the humans, except the humans start a fight, or start insulting them. They hate every non demon but they know that non demons can enter the bar. They try to push them to the "Rescue the Angel" "game"
because they know nobody survived it and it would be even much more fun to hear the screams of the angel and the death screams of weak humans.


Thanks for reading, judging and improving this encounter. Maybe you are interested in using it in your campaign too ^^
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First Post
The holes in the whole Pub:
The 1inch wide holes you can see everywhere in the pub are just for the movement of the Black Puddings. They are something like the cleaning staff here. That’s why all the tables/seats/etc. are made of stone. Black Puddings can´t damage stone.

The Angel
The angel is an Astral Deva. Gagged and bound for several hundred years. In her chest is a +2 two handed sword which cuts around in her every round. Due to its long capitation and torture the Deva has –10 to all physical stats. Every hour it starts to rainfor 1 round on the platform. The raindrops falling on the the angel heal the angel 2d8 hit points (The sword can´t overcome the angel´s damage reduction so that should be quite fair to keep it alive.)

The mechanics surrounding the Angel:
Here is an image how I imagined the whole thing. Just a sketch, to help you ^^

The carved channels are the marks where the rotating Walls of Force are. Every Wall of Force has a 5 foot wide gap to step through, except the Wall of Force directly surrounding the Angel.
The outermost Wall rotates clockwise with a speed of 1 square per round
The second Wall rotates counterclockwise with a speed of 3 squares per round
The third Wall rotates clockwise with a speed of 2 square per round
The distance between 2 walls is 5 foot.
Would you change something here ? Maybe the rotating speed?

When the first PC steps through the first wall, a Cloudkill spell goes off in the inch wide holes in this 5 foot wide circular area and disappearing in the holes in the ceiling. That avoids that the Cloudkill spreads into the Pub area or the second circle area.
If nobody is in this area, the Cloudkill effect wears off, starting again if somebody enters the are.
When the first PC steps through the second wall, 1-2 Black Pudding drop from the holes in the ceilings attacking the PCs. The Black Pudding won´t move willingly into the cloudkill area but they follow the PCs if they step through the third wall.

Now it gets a bit difficult to explain.
When the first PC steps through the third wall, the platform starts to move downward, like an elevator with a move speed of 30feet per round. The platform reaches the ground in 5 rounds.
So the cylinder is 150 feet deep. The innermost circle starts to move too, but it becomes a stairway that leads down to the ground of the cylinder. If the PCs are fast enough they can jump on the platform here.
After the platform moved 60 feet it gets surrounded by a Wall of Magma. The magma gets pumped through pipes to a certain point (the 60 feet point) where it drops down. The platform then is surrounded by a sheet of magma. There is no danger for the PCs if they use the stairway. Inside this magma tube, every creature gets 3d6 points of fire damage per round because of the heat. Every creature passing through the magma wall takes 10d6 points of damage.
The manacles which bind the Angel have20-40 HP hardness 8, and need a strength check DC25- 30(?) to break free.

Problem: If the Angel is rescued would the guests and the barkeeper attack the PCs ?
“you destroyed our attraction you f****ing punks” or should they play fair game ?
If they attack the PCs the number of guests should be reduced. I don´t think the Players can handle such a challenge and a fight after it. But I am not sure. What is you opinion ?

Now the other questions: Is it too hard ? is it impossible ? What would you change ?
That is the part I worry most.^^ So I hope you can help me^^ I planned that for 4 players level 9-10

If they can´t rescue the angel, they still can get the +2 two handed sword.
If they rescued the angel he will give the players a present and bring it to them as soon as he has recovered a bit. (Feel free to tell me your opinion about the extra reward)
Plus the exp for the Blood toll, (or shouldn´t the blood toll give any exp?), the cloudkill, the 2 Black Puddings (ore only 1 if 2 are too strong^^) and the Wall of Magma. And maybe the killed demons.

I thought of that:
Ring of Resurrection
This ring has one charge of the Spell Resurrection in it. As a standard action you can activate the ring and touch the dead body you want to revive. The ring is discharged then and the dead body gets revived in 1-2 minute (inclusive the boni the spell grants)
Once the ring is discharged, you can recharge it with a Raise Dead, Resurrection or True Resurrection spell as a standard action. You still have to pay the material costs to cast the spell.
Market Price: 20,000 GP – 30,000GP
(Too strong ? Too weak ? too worthless, expensive, not appropriate, too cheap or just not enough as a bonus reward? You can´t use it in an aggressive way (example: dead ally -> ring use-> ally alive -> time waste: only 1 standard action)) because of the 1-2 minute passive casting time. Advantage: It reduces the cast time of Resurrection or True Resurrection to 1-2 minutes. (maybe more if it´s too overpowered) And every player can use it. + A already charged ring with a 7th level spell in it.

NPC Attitude
Babau(Barkeeper) This guy needs a name *omg*
attitude: "you can kill each other if you want, but first you have to buy some drinks. then you can do what you want"
He doesn´t like strangers very much who come through "the door" because that are normally low level demons who have no money, or non-demons.
"high lvl demons can teleport, ya know"
He takes bets on 1vs1 fights, and he takes bets on "Rescue the Angel"
"you can try if you want. the best who tried died... short until he left the area haaahaaaaa" (this guy died in his way back on the cloudkill) but he won´t tell the Pcs nor somebody else what they have to expect or what dangers the are confronted with.

The Guests:
2 Bar Iruga with their 8 slaves (Manes) [ all BoVD Monsters]
They won´t attack the humans, except the humans start a fight, or start insulting them. They hate every non demon but they know that non demons can enter the bar. They try to push them to the "Rescue the Angel" "game"
because they know nobody survived it and it would be even much more fun to hear the screams of the angel and the death screams of weak humans.


Thanks for reading, judging and improving this encounter. Maybe you are interested in using it in your campaign too ^^
Not yet my Pc's are to low
make the rescue the angel game also part of the attraction for the demons they basically come just to watch mortals die in the attempt and maybe gather souls as well and add a few traps and make escaping the inn part of the adventure no exp for the blood toll only the con damage though if they survive they should get exp for rescuing the angel another problem with it for my campaign at least all my characters are N or evil so
it is not going to work out that well unless I use a bribe

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