30D - Table 1 - RG

Charwoman Gene

Post Characters.

I will accept a Character Builder summary, but you MUST Provide me explicitly with:

Healing Surges
Healing Surge Value
Opportunity Attacks

Passive Perception
Passive Insight
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First Post
Mathas the Stalker

I live this life, for the memories of what I once could have been haunt my every waking moment.

Male Deva Panther Shaman
Initiative +0; Senses Low-light Vision; Passive Insight 14, Passive Perception 19
HP 25; Bloodied 12; Healing Surge 6; Surges Per Day 8
AC 16; Fort 12, Ref 14, Will 15
Speed 6
Action Points 1
Exp: 0
:bmelee:Longspear(standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+2 vs AC; 1d10 damage.
:ranged: Dagger(standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+3 vs AC; 1d4 damage.
:area: Call Spirit Companion (Minor; at-will) Conjuration, Primal
You summon the spirit in an unoccupied square. Enemies can't move through it, but allies can. When I take a move action, I can move the spirit 6 squares. If a spirit takes damage from a single ranged or melee attack equal to 10 hp it is destroyed and I take 5 damage.
:melee:Spirit's Fangs (opportunity action; at-will) ✦ Implement, Primal, Sprit
Trigger: An enemy leaves a square adjacient to your spirit companion without shifting
+4 vs. Reflex; 1d10+4 damage.
:melee: Watcher's Strike (Standard; at-will) ✦ Implement, Primal, Sprit
Melee Spirit 1; +4 vs Reflex; 1d8+4 damage. Until the end of your next turn you and your allies gain a +1 on attack rolls and a +5 on perception checks while adjacient to my sprit companion.
:melee:Stalker's Strike (standard; at-will) ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit Melee Spirit 1; +4 vs. Fort, if the target is bloodied I gain a +2 to the attack; 1d10+4 damage, and until the end of my next turn my sprit companion can flank with my allies.
:area:Healing Spirit(minor; twice an encounter) ✦ Healing, Primal
Burst 5; The target can spend a healing surge. One ally adjacient to my sprit companion can regain 1d6 hp.
Speak with Spirits(minor; encounter) ✦ Primal
During this turn I gain a +4 on my next skill check.
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes (no action; encounter)
I make a attack, save, skill, or ability check and dislike the result. Add 1d6 to the triggering roll.
:ranged:Twin Panthers (Standard; encounter) ✦ Implement, Primal
Range 5; +4 vs ref(If the target is bloodied I gain a +4 to the attack; 1d8+4 damage and until the end of my next turn you and your allies have CA with melee attacks against any enemy adjacient to my spirit companion. Effect: Make the attack again against the same target or a different one.
:area:Sprit of the Healing Flood(standard; daily) ✦ Healing, Implement, Primal
Close Burst 5; Each enemy in burst; +4 vs Fort; 1d8+4 damage; Miss: Half damage; Until the end of the encounter, you and each ally in the burst gain regeneration 2 while bloodied. As a minor action, a character can end this effect to regain 10 hp.
Stalker Spirit Boon
Any ally adjacient to my spirit companion gains a +4 to damage rolls against bloodied enemies.
Skill Bonuses
I gain a +2 on history and religion checks
Astral Majesty
I gain a +1 to all defenses against attacks made by bloodied enemies
Astral Resistance
I have resistance 5 to radiant and necrotic damage.
Immortal Origin
I am considered an immortal creature.
Alignment Good; Languages Common, Goblin, Draconic
Str 11 (+0) Dex 10 (+0) Wis 18 (+4)
Con 13 (+1) Int 18 (+4) Cha 8 (-1)
Athletics +5*, Heal +9*, Nature +9*, Perception +9*
* Trained Skill
Feats: Stalker Sprit Adept
Leather Armor
Standard Adventurer's Kit
64 gp

Mathas is tall 6'4" and about 220 lbs. His skin is jet black with grey highlights. His hair is also dark. Mathas live a more practical life than most of his kind. Five long jagged scars trace down his cheek. He has no adornments to his clothes or armor in the form of wings or halos. He wears a simple suit of leather armor. A totem of black wood is in his hand. The end of the totem is the face of a snarling panther. Several leather thongs have pierced through the middle of the totem. Knotted at either end of each thong is the claw of a bit cat. A longspear is over his shoulder, and a dagger through his belt.[/sblock]

Mathas was reincarnated by a mountain pool. He awoke looking up at the blue sky. He remembered traces of his previous lives. A baker, a warrior, a charlatan, a farmer, a priest. The last one was different, he wanted to help people. The power was too great. The service to his deity consumed him, until it nearly changed him. Looking into the pool of cool water he examined his new face, new body. His skin was a dark ebony, and a cool grey, like the stones lining the mountain stream. He was nearly corrupted, the blue of his priestly skin was now black; black as his soul had nearly become. Had he repented at the last moment? He didn't remember.

He sat at the edge of the pool, looking at his reflection. He heard the gurling stream, the mountain winds. The call of the hawk and the chirping of the birds. He reached down to the water, and drank deeply. He washed his face and hands, wiping away the sin of his previous life, or hoping to at least.

He heard the spirits around his speaking to him. He stayed at the pool, contemplating his fate, listening to the advice of the sprits. On his third night, he realized he was being watched, stalked. The panther struck out of nowwhere, clawing his cheek, leaving bloody trails. The deva stood to his full height, and the panther stood back and lowered it's head to him. The graceful cat then leapt off into the failing light, disappearing into the shadows.

Mathas stood at the pool, looking at the bloody scratches in the reflection. It was time, the panther was a sign. It was time for him to start doing something. Something he had started in his life as a priest. He would not make the same mistakes twice. He forswore the gods for which he had eternally fought for. Instead he would listen to the spirits around him. They would be his guide in this life.[/sblock]
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Maavnod Warpspire

"The greatest fight is against the chaos within."

Male Goliath Warden 1
Initiative +0; Senses Passive Insight 10, Passive Perception 15
HP 33; Bloodied 16; Healing Surge 8; Surges Per Day 12
AC 16; Fort 16, Ref 10, Will 12
Speed 6
Action Points 1
Heavy War Pick (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
:bmelee: +7 vs AC; 1d12+7 damage.
Javelin (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
Range 10/20; +7 vs AC; 1d6+5 damage.

Thorn Strike (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon, Primal
:ranged: Range: Melee 2; +7 vs. AC. Hit: 1d12+7 dmg and pull target 1 sq.

Weight of Earth (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon, Primal
:melee: +7 vs. AC. Hit: 1d12+7 dmg and target slowed until end of my next turn.

Warden's Fury (immediate interrupt; at-will) ✦ Weapon, Primal
:melee: +7 vs. Fort. Trigger: Marked Enemy makes an attack that does not target me.
Hit: 1d12+7 dmg and target grants combat advantage to me and allies until end of my next turn.

Warden's Grasp (immediate reaction; at-will) ✦ Primal
:close: Close Burst 5; Target: triggering enemy in burst. Trigger: Marked Enemy is within 5 sq and makes an attack that does not target me. Effect: slide target 1 and slowed and cannot shift until end of its turn.

Stone's Endurance (minor; encounter)

Gain resist 5 to all damage until end of my next turn.

Hungry Earth (standard; encounter) ✦ Weapon, Primal
:close: Close Burst 1; Target each enemy in burst; +7 vs. Fort. Hit: 1d12+7. Effect: Each sq. in burst is difficult terrain for enemies until end of my next turn.

Form of the Fearsome Ram (minor; daily) ✦ Polymorph, Primal
Effect: +2 power bonus to speed, +2 bonus to charge attack rolls. When hit target with an at-will, push target 1 sq. Special: once during encounter use Form of Fearsome Ram Attack.

Form of the Fearsome Ram Attack (standard; encounter) ✦ Polymorph, Primal, Weapon
:melee: Effect: shift speed before attack. +7 vs. Fort. Hit: 2d12+7 dmg and push target 3 sq. and knock it prone. Then shift into an adjacent space.
Miss: half damage, and push target 1 sq. Then shift into the vacated space.

Font of Life: At the start of my turn, roll a saving throw.
Earthstrength: Add mod to AC when using Second Wind.
Nature's Wrath: 1/turn, free action, mark all adjacent targets.
Alignment Good; Languages Common, Dwarven
Str 20 (+5) Dex 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0)
Con 16 (+3) Int 08 (-1) Cha 10 (+0)
XP: 0
Skills: Athletics +11, Endurance +7, Nature +7, Perception +5
Feats: Goliath Greatweapon Prowess
Gear: Hide Armor, Heavy War Pick, Javelin, Standard Adventurer's Kit, Tanglefoot Bag; 5gp (68lbs)

Description: Maavnod is short for a Goliath, which is still quite tall in polite society. Standing at around 6 feet tall and generally as heavy set as his kind, he is still an imposing figure. As with most of his kind, Maavnod has gray mottled skin, though for him the patches stand apart with a fierce reddish brown. The lithoderms on his body tend to accent the reds with darker browns almost fading to black. His limbs are devoid of the typical hair that most male Goliath's sport. His eyes glow a brilliant red, which is - like most things about him - atypical for his race. He carries a big heavy pick engraved with various iconographic images.

Personality: Maavnod is on the run, not from someone or something but from himself. Ever since his ill fated hunt, he has been corrupted by what he encountered there. While nothing but physical changes have been wrought, he worries that some day he would be corrupted by what ever affects him. He has turned from his roots to the wider world, afraid to go back. Wandering the lands below he has become increasingly involved in the larger world. With so many people he hopes that someone out there might be able to help return him to his former self and prevent him from loosing himself. He is generally removed though, finding it difficult to relate to most polite society.

Background: The mountains have long been home to a few loose tribes of Goliaths. Not known to the wider world, these reclusive beings are content to remain hidden in their high mountain passes and dark caverns out of the sight of both demons and fey. In the traditions of Kaal-Rog, Maavnod's tribe, upon gaining adult-hood, goliath's descend the far side of the mountains to hunt.

Maavnod's own hunt was quite successful. He had battled demonic hounds, sand wyrms, and other strange fauna. He came upon a black citadel spiralling into the air above the cracked bitter ground. Red smoke oozed out of the base of the citadel wrapping around it and warping the air high into the sky. Still without a true demon to his name, Maavnod knew that he had come to the place of his destiny.

Summoning the spirit of his totem and girding his strength with the power of the mountains he battled his way past two earthen gargoyles and into the centre of the tower. The tower turned out to be hollow and inside a great glob of oozing red liquid burning with a malevolent light spun in mid air, its colors shifting between a million shades and tints of crimson. Beneath it a great helmed warrior stood attempting to syphon power from the ooze. Seizing the opportunity Maavnod shouted a battlecry and lunged forward. As he struck the demonic warrior, the ooze touched them both. A titanic battle insued as the two combattants were warped and twisted by direct contact with the pure chaos swirling about them.

After a lengthy melee his opponent lay dead in his grasp. Maavnod smiled and looked about to take in the warped landscape he had been ignoring during the battle. All about him the ooze touched tower wall and hard packed ground. Where it fell the surfaces stretched and warped. Some began to burn others turned to solid purple. Maavnod picked up the demon's dead body and weapon and tried desperately to find a way out. With only a small section of wall nearby untouched so far he rushed at it. Luckily the fell weapon of his opponent shattered the wall revealing cracked earth beyond.

Maavnod climbed a nearby rise to escape the citadel as it began spinning and turning inside out, raw chaos consuming the tower in its entirety. Maavnod stripped his demonic opponent of it's gear and left him for dead as he set off back towards the mountains. The next day when he woke, Maavnod found himself largely changed by the chaos that he had felt. As he continued his journey more changes emerged as his lithoderms and color patches changed shade and colouration.

Afraid of what he was becoming, Maavnod took the long way around his home, making his way to the societies that his people had long shunned.
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I aim to misbehave
Warrick Grey, Male Elven Avenger

Warrick Grey [Male Elven Avenger] (Played by Keia)

”There are times when you truly discover the man inside, realize the wrong you have done. Pray you redeem yourself before I come looking for you.”

[sblock=Background and personality]Warrick Grey
Grey is not his family name, nor is Warrick his real first name. Giving away his real name was one of the last steps in becoming an Avenger for the faith at the monestary where Warrick grey up. (more to come) [/sblock]

[U]Ability scores[/U] 
Strength     : [B]10 (+0)[/B]     Hit points : [B]27[/B] [Base 14 + Con 13] 
Constitution : [B]13 (+1)[/B]     Bloodied   : [B]13[/B] 
Dexterity    : [B]16 (+3)[/B]     Surges     : [B] 6[/B] 
Intelligence : [B]14 (+2)[/B]     Surges/day : [B] 8[/B] [Base 7 + 1 Con] 
Wisdom       : [B]18 (+4)[/B]     Initiative : [B]+3[/B] [Level 0 + Dex 3] 
Charisma     : [B] 8 (-1)[/B]     
Armour class : [B]18[/B] [Base 10 + level 0 + Dex 3 + Armor 2  + class 3]
Fortitude    : [B]12[/B] [Base 10 + level 0 + Con 1 + racial 0 + class 1]
Reflex       : [B]14[/B] [Base 10 + level 0 + Dex 3 + racial 0 + class 1]
Will         : [B]15[/B] [Base 10 + level 0 + Wis 4 + racial 0 + class 1]
Acrobatics:   [b]+ 8[/b] [Level 0 + Dex  3 + training 5]
Arcana:       [B]+ 2[/B] [level 0 + Int  2] 
Athletics:    [b]+ 0[/b] [level 0 + Str  0]
Bluff:        [B]- 1[/B] [level 0 + Cha -1]
Diplomacy:    [b]- 1[/b] [level 0 + Cha -1]
Dungeonering: [b]+ 4[/b] [level 0 + Wis  4]
Endurance:    [b]+ 1[/b] [level 0 + Con  1]
Heal:         [b]+ 4[/b] [level 0 + Wis  4]
History:      [B]+ 2[/B] [level 0 + Int  2] 
Insight:      [b]+ 4[/b] [level 0 + Wis  4]
Intimidate:   [b]- 1[/b] [level 0 + Cha -1]
Nature:       [b]+ 4[/b] [level 0 + Wis  4]
Perception:   [b]+10[/b] [level 0 + Wis  4 + training 5 + background 1]
Religion:     [B]+ 8[/B] [level 0 + Int  2 + training 5 + background 1]
Stealth:      [b]+ 8[/b] [level 0 + Dex  3 + training 5]
Streetwise:   [B]- 1[/B] [level 0 + Cha -1]
Thievery:     [b]+ 3[/b] [level 0 + Dex  3]

Languages: Common, Elven, one other

Racial traits
Speed 7, Vision Low-light, Languages: Common, Elven, Skill Bonuses: +2 Nature, +2 Perception, Elven Weapon Proficiency: proficiency with the longbow and the shortbow,
Fey Origin: considered a fey creature, Group Awareness: non-elf allies within 5 squares of you a +1 racial bonus to Perception checks, Wild Step: ignore difficult terrain when shift, Elven Accuracy: Elven accuracy as an encounter power.

Silent Hunter: Benefit: You add Stealth and Perception to your class skill list, and you gain a +1 bonus to Stealth and Perception checks.

Class features
Armor of Faith, Avenger’s Censure (censure of pursuit), Channel Divinity, Oath of enmity

[1st lvl]: Armor Proficiency (leather)

Weapon Proficiency:
Simple melee, Military Melee, Simple Ranged, Short Bow and Long Bow (racial)

Size: Medium
Speed: 7 squares
Vision: Low light [/sblock]

[sblock=Powers]:ranged:10 Radiant Vengeance: Wis +4 vs Reflex, Hit: 1d8+4 [Wis]damage, Gain temp hit points equal to Wisdom Mod [+4]

:bmelee: Overwhelming Strike: +7 [Wis 4 + Prof 3] vs AC, 1d10 + 4 Wisdom modifier damage. You shift 1 square and slide the target 1 square into the pace you occupied.

:ranged:10 Oath of Enmity: Minor, Close burst 10, Roll twice on melee attacks.

:ranged: 5 Channel Divinity: Abjure Undead: Standard, Close burst 5, Wis +4 vs. Will, 3d10 + 4 Wis radiant damage, pull the target 5 squares [Wis 4 + 1]. The target is also immobilized until the end of your next turn. Miss: Half damage, and you pull the target 1 square.

:ranged:10 Channel Divinity: Divine Guidance: Immediate Interrupt, Close burst 10, Trigger:An ally within 10 squares of you makes an attack roll against your oath of enmity target. Effect: The target makes a second attack roll and uses either result.

:bmelee: Angelic Alacrity: Standard, +7 [Wis 4 + Prof 3] vs AC, 2d10 + 4 Wisdom modifier damage. Effect: Before the attack, Shift 2 squares. Censure of Pursuit: The number of squares you shift equals 1 + your Dexterity modifier.

:bmelee: Temple of Light: Standard, Attack: +7 [Wis 4 + Prof 3] vs AC. Hit: 2d10 + 4 Wisdom modifier radiant damage. Effect: The attack creates a zone of radiant energy in a burst 2 centered on the target. The zone lasts until the end of the encounter. When the target moves, the zone moves with it, remaining centered on it. Whenever you hit a creature that is within the zone, that attack deals 1d6 extra radiant damage. [/sblock]

Adventurer's Kit, Holy Symbol, Greatsword, Leather Armor, Dagger, Climber's Kit, Oil (1 pint) (2)[/sblock]
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