30th level Monster Conversions

the Jester

This is a continuation of the Monster Project.

Obviously I am skipping ahead; I would anticipate a lot more skipping around in the future! :)

30th Level Monsters to be Converted

(Strikethrough indicates that there is an official 4e version of the monster; I shan't bother doing my own in these cases.)

Elder Brain
Gargantuan, Devastation Wasp
Genius Loci
Thunder Worm

30th Level Monsters Already Converted
Blue whale mage (level 30 controller)
Elder night twist (level 30 controller)
Aag villain (level 30 minion brute)
Creation of Epimetheus (level 30 minion soldier) titan, classical
Sirrush pack hunter (level 30 minion skirmisher)
Ragewind follower (level 30 minion soldier)
Devastation wasp (level 30 elite skirmisher) Gargantuan
Elder leshay stag warrior (level 30 skirmisher)
Ki-rin lightning rider (level 30 skirmisher)
Adamantine golem (level 30 solo soldier)
Epimetheus (level 30 soldier) titan, classical
Golem, Adamantine (level 30 solo soldier) golem
Infernal (level 30 solo soldier) abomination
Solar (level 30 elite soldier leader) celestial

31st Level Monsters Already Converted
Coeus, the Fear from the North (level 31 artillery) titan, classical
Phaethon (level 31 solo brute) abomination
Dream larva (level 31 solo controller) abomination
Spell weaver worldmaster (level 31 solo controller)
T'uen-rin aeromancer (level 31 controller) ki-rin
Valkyrie commander (level 31 soldier)

32nd Level Monsters Already Converted
Prometheus (level 32 controller) titan, classical
Creation of Prometheus (level 32 minion soldier) titan, classical
Ki-rin defender (level 32 minion soldier)

33rd Level Monsters Already Converted
Koriel the Swift, King of the Ki-Rin (level 33 solo skirmisher) ki-rin

34th Level Monsters Already Converted
Atlas, Strength Personafied (level 34 elite brute) titan, classical

37th Level Monsters Already Converted
Kronos, King of the Titans (level 37 elite controller) titan, classical
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the Jester


Gargantuans are creatures of truly immense proportion. Every gargantuan is of Gargantuan size, and most take up a space of at least 8x8 (and sometimes much more). Gargantuans, sometimes called kaiju or devastation beasts, are tremendous forces of nature of incredible power, and when they are awoken or otherwise come into contact with civilized areas, incredible destruction results.

Gargantuans of different types often fight when they meet.

DEVASTATION WASP--- Level 30 Elite Skirmisher
Gargantuan natural beast (insect); XP 38,000
Initiative +26; Senses Perception +24
Windstorm aura 10; at the start of the devastation wasp’s turn, make an attack against each creature in the aura: +31 vs. Fortitude; Hit: the target is pushed 4 (but not past the first square outside the aura) and knocked prone; Miss: a large or smaller opponent is pushed 1.
HP 546; Bloodied 273
AC 46; Fortitude 44; Reflex 46; Will 42
Vulnerable 10 fire
Saving Throws +2
Speed 8, fly 16 (perfect)
Space 12x12
Action Points 1
[Melee basic] Bite (standard; at will): Reach 5; +35 vs. AC; 3d8+10 damage.

[Melee] Sting (standard; at will) Poison: Reach 5; +35 vs. AC; 2d8+10 damage plus ongoing 10 poison and target is weakened (save ends).

[Melee] Droning Flight (standard; at will) Thunder: The devastation wasp flies up to 16 squares. It may make one bite attack and one sting attack during its move. If it hits with either of these effects, it deals an extra 10 points of thunder damage.

[Melee] Surprising Strike
(immediate reaction; when an enemy moves within 5 squares of the wasp): Reach 5; +35 vs. AC; 3d8+10 damage.

Gargantuan Scale: If an effect slides, pushes or pulls the gargantuan, reduce the number of squares it is moved by four.
Alignment unaligned; Languages -
Str 28; Dex 32; Wis 28
Con 25; Int 3; Cha 16
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First Post
With wings this big beating this fast, there begs to be a damaging push/prone aura around this critter, for lesser creatures anyway.

It IS 30th level after all. I think it isn't going to break anything and it just adds flavor which is buzzing (sorry) to be there.

the Jester

With wings this big beating this fast, there begs to be a damaging push/prone aura around this critter, for lesser creatures anyway.

It IS 30th level after all. I think it isn't going to break anything and it just adds flavor which is buzzing (sorry) to be there.

Great idea! I'll add that in!

(Note that it's an elite, not a solo. This is because I love the idea of an encounter with two battling giant monsters. :))

the Jester

UMBRAL BLOT (Blackball)

Source: Mentzer D&D, 2e Mystara Monstrous Compendium Appendix, 3e Epic Level Handbook

An umbral blot, also known as a blackball, is a sphere of utter void. Appearing as a flat black hole in space, similar to a sphere of annihilation, an umbral blot utterly obliterates nearly anything that it touches.

The origins of the blackball are a mystery. They are extremely rare and are most commonly encountered on demiplanes or in pocket dimensions. However, they seem to be able to slip through cracks or tears between the planes and are rarely found even on the material world.

Some sages have speculated that umbral blots were created by a hypothetical prior generation of gods. These sages have taken to calling blackballs “Assassins of the Elder Gods,” claiming that the deadly spheres turned on and destroyed their makers. However, they have no evidence to back these tales, and other sages speculate that umbral blots are of the Shadowfell, the Abyss or even the Far Realms.

Umbral Blot --- Level 30 Skirmisher
Tiny shadow animate --- XP 19,000
HP 273; Bloodied 136 Initiative +29
AC 44; Fortitude 42; Reflex 44; Will 42 Perception +27
Speed fly 15 (perfect) Blindsight 30
Immune forced movement, prone


An umbral blot takes half damage from all sources except force damage.

Nearly Indestructible
An umbral blot takes no damage from creatures or objects of below 20th level. (If a creature or its weapon are 21st or higher level, it can harm an umbral blot.)

Distorted Space
Whenever an umbral blot is subject to a teleportation effect, it loses insubstantial until the end of its next turn.


(mbasic) Annihilation * At Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +33 vs. Reflex.
Hit: If the target is 20th level or below, it is annihilated. If the target is 21st level or higher, it instead takes 6d10+5 damage.

(melee) Hurtling Annihilation * At Will
Effect: The umbral blot shifts up to 8 squares and then uses annihilation.

(close) Vortex * Encounter
Attack: Close burst 20 (each creature in burst); +31 vs. Reflex.
Hit: The umbral blot pulls the target 6 squares.
Effect: Until the end of the umbral blot's next turn, the burst becomes a zone. Moving away from the umbral blot requires one extra square of movement per square moved. After the attack, the umbral blot uses annihilation against each creature adjacent to it.
Sustain Minor: The umbral blot cannot sustain this power if an enemy is adjacent to it. It makes the following attack:
Secondary Attack: Close burst 20 (each creature in burst); +31 vs. Reflex.
Hit: The umbral blot pulls the target 6 squares.
Effect: The burst becomes a zone until the end of the umbral blot's next turn. Moving away from the umbral blot requires one extra square of movement per square moved.


Annihilating Movement * At Will

Effect: The umbral blot moves up to its speed, passing through any objects, barriers or effects in its way. Any objects, barriers or effects that it moves through are destroyed.


(melee) Annihilating Touch (keywords) * At Will

Trigger: An enemy hits the umbral blot with a weapon or a natural weapon.
Attack (Free Action): Melee 1 (the triggering creature or weapon); +33 vs. Reflex.
Hit: If the target is 20th level or below, it is annihilated. If the target is 21st level or higher, it instead takes 6d10+5 damage.
Str 1 Dex 35 Wis 25
Con 25 Int 20 Cha 20
Alignment unaligned Languages -


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the Jester


Source: 3e Epic Level Handbook.

A genius loci is the primal spirit of a large area of landscape, such as a mountain, small lake, isolated valley, small forest or deep cavern. Sometimes entire small demiplanes are actually genius loci. It is difficult to spot a genius loci before it is roused to action, as it appears similar to any other landscape, and natural animals and plants live on and around it just as they would were it an entirely natural area.

Ensnared Guardians: Most genius loci have an enslaved guardian creature, mystically bound to defend the genius loci. Such a guardian inhabits the genius loci in whatever manner best suits it, constructing shelter if intelligent, feeding on the native plants and animals and so on. Often, other creatures living in the area that makes up the genius loci will also work with it, bargaining for food and treasure from creatures that disturb it.

A genius loci's ensnared guardian does not age while within the genius loci's demesnes. The genius loci also imitates the guardian creature's intelligence score.

Imitative Intelligence: A genius loci has no innate intelligence, but instead imitates the intelligence of the creatures inhabiting its area, including any guardian that it has ensnared. When awakened, a genius loci's intelligence score is equal to that of its guardian creature, if any. If it has no guardian creature, the genius loci's intelligence score is equal to the highest intelligence of any creature that lives in its area, minimum of 1. However, regardless of the intelligence of the creatures it imitates, a genius loci never acts or plots outside of its own area.

Relatively Common, but Quiescent: Unlike most epic monsters, genius loci are very common in the world. Most large geographical features have a genius loci, but these creatures are usually quiescent and very hard to rouse. A significant threat to the genius loci's area might not even be enough to rouse it; some sleep through even their own destruction. When this happens, a genius loci manifests in a distinct area; it is this animation that adventurers can fight. However, the true body of the genius loci is much larger, typically comprising an area several miles or more in diameter.

Genius Loci --- Level 30 Solo Controller
Gargantuan fey animate --- XP 95,000
HP 1172; Bloodied 586 Initiative +13
AC 44; Fortitude 44; Reflex 42; Will 42 Perception +27
Speed 4, burrow 4 Tremorsense within entire environment
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2

I Am the Land

A genius loci ignores all terrain, including blocking terrain, within its own environment.

Primal Power
If the genius loci is dazed, it instead loses its minor action. If the genius loci is stunned, it instead grants combat advantage and may only attack three times when using I am everywhere. If the genius loci is dominated, it cannot attack the dominator. In addition, the only standard action it can use is the land comes alive.


(mbasic) The Land Comes Alive * At Will

Attack: Melee 10 (one creature); +35 vs. AC.
Hit: 4d10+16 damage.

I Am Everywhere * At Will
Effect: The genius loci uses the land comes alive up to five times against different targets.

(area) Bury (zone) * Recharge when first bloodied
Attack: Area burst 2 (each creature on the ground in the burst); +31 vs. Reflex.
Hit: The target is knocked prone and buried. While buried, the target takes ongoing 30 damage and is restrained. To escape, a target must make a total of three Acrobatics or Athletics checks (DC 32) as move actions. A creature that is adjacent to a buried creature can contribute move actions and Athletics (but not Acrobatics) checks to help the buried creature accrue successes.
Effect: The burst permanently becomes a zone of difficult terrain.

(area) Sudden Eruption (fire) * Encounter
Attack: Area burst 2 within 30 (each creature in burst); +31 vs. Reflex.
Hit: 3d10+7 damage, plus 30 fire damage.
Miss: Half damage, plus 15 fire damage.

(area) Rumbling Sky (lightning, thunder) * Encounter
Attack: Area burst 1 within 30 (each creature in burst); +31 vs. Reflex.
Hit: 4d12+8 lightning and thunder damage, and the target is stunned (save ends).

(ranged) Enslave (charm) * Encounter
Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +33 vs. Will.
Hit: The target is dominated (save ends).
Second Failed Save: The target instead becomes the willing guardian of the genius loci. Only a break enchantment, remove affliction or similar effect will end this effect.


Movements of the Earth * At Will

Effect: The genius loci changes up to 4 unoccupied squares on the battlefield to clear, difficult or blocking terrain.

Here, There and Everywhere (teleportation) * Encounter
Effect: The genius loci teleports up to 40 squares.


(melee) Boggy Grasp * At Will

Attack: Melee 10 (one creature on the ground); +33 vs. Reflex.
Hit: The target is immobilized (save ends).

(area) Sinkhole (zone) * At Will
Effect: Area burst 1 within 30; the area of ground permanently sinks to a depth of 20', becoming essentially a 15' diameter pit. It requires an Athletics check, DC 24, to scale the crumbling, slimy walls of the pit.

(melee) Moving Earth * At Will
Attack: Melee 10 (one creature on the ground); +33 vs. Reflex.
Hit: The genius loci slides the target up to 4 squares.

(area) Sudden Growth * Recharge when first bloodied
Attack: Area wall 8 (each creature in the wall); +31 vs. Reflex.
Hit: The target is restrained and takes ongoing 10 damage (save ends both).
Miss: The target shifts to the nearest space outside the wall as a free action.
Effect: The area permanently becomes a wall of thorny shrubs. It requires 2 extra squares of movement to enter a square of the wall; a creature doing so other than the genius loci also takes 15 damage.
Str 35 Dex 6 Wis 24
Con 45 Int see Imitative Intelligence, above Cha 26
Alignment unaligned Languages -


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