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D&D 5E 3d6 in Order


First Post
Excellent topic for my first post ^^ (Hi to all).
I remember the time when this was the standard metod (and my stupor when my brother came up with an "all 18" character... rolling the dices under my own eyes).
I like the point buy system but I lament the "no less than 8" in any ability (I really like a good flaw in a Pc/Npc) and sometimes I miss the imput and inspiration for strange and unusual random generated characters.

Str 4
Dex 12 -> 14
Con 10
Int 7
Wis 9
Cha 16 -> 17

mhmm really weak, not too bright, a little distracted, a little limber and really cute...
I will go with a child, an Halfling one (no weaker or cuter than that).
So, Jebedia Nastypotter is a skinny 8-12 Years Old Lightfoot halfling.
Jebedia is tecnically a Bard (Lore)... but I will refluff that in something resembling a sorcerer, a natural caster instead of a scholar (his spells are of the buff/debuff, illusion and social kind).
His idea of vicious mockery and cutting words are "You smell like poo" or to make the "cry face" to embarrass and make falter the enemy resolution.
Jebedia is an orphan urchin (just to explain why He is all alone in the world), the group may consider him a mascotte or maybe one of the othe pc can be his parent/tutor/sibling (uhmm what about a family of adventurers? .. an idea for another time).
His specialty will be Stealth, Persuasion and Deception... well his own kind anyway :p (Like obnoxius child until you do as he say).
The ASI will be spent to maximize Cha and to simulate his growth (I will say until 10 to Int and Wis and 7 to Str... for a skinny halfling 7 is not bad I think).

Hope you like it. I will insert him like an npc in the next session (I'm currently the DM of my group).

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Steeliest of the dragons

FINALLY have a few free minutes to get in on the fun!

Let's do this!

<roll, roll, roll> 9

<roll, roll, roll> 9

<roll, roll, roll> 10

<roll, roll, roll> 13

<roll, roll, roll> 16

<roll, roll, roll> 14

So, we have...
STR: 9 -1
DEX: 9 -1
CON: 10
INT: 13 +1
WIS: 16 +3
CHA: 14 +2

Looks like a cleric to me. A fairly average scholarly/learned type. Not big on the melee mace-bashing. Either a knowledge or magic deity...maybe a love goddess or just a scholarly [western] monk/parish priest type of any deity. Alternately, maybe a particularly "wise" bard or warlock.

hmmm...or if we want to use the Old School run-down...
Str: 9 -1
Int: 9 -1
Wis: 10
Dex: 13 +1
Con: 16 +3
Cha: 14 +2

Tough lil' bugger. Could go charmer rogue, maybe [very] unsuspected assassin? or dullard Sorcerer...or, probably best, too average for any real magical talent, so goes the cheating route and signs up for magical power via Warlock. Could even do cautious Fighter. Won't do much in the damage department but can "hang tough"/last in a fight with the high Con/extra HP.

Alright...let's start simple...

I simply refuse to follow 5e's Humans are "all abilities +1" nonsense. So, I'll add 1 to two abilities of my choice.

Brother Algelond (D'Larek), of Redcrest ["hard" G: "guh", not "juh". Al-geh-lond]
Cleric (of Scrivener god of Knowledge, Noble BG)/1 . . . Align [can't believe I nearly forgot Alignment!]: LG
HP: 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AC: 14 (Scale worn over his simple brown robe and cowl)

STR: 9 (-1)
DEX: 9 +1 = 10
CON: 10
INT: 13 +1 = 14 (+2)
WIS: 16 (+3)
CHA: 14 (+2)

Proficiencies: Bonus: +2
Armor: Light, Medium, shields. Weapons: All simple. Tools: Gaming set (chess)
Saves: Wis. & Cha.
Skills: Insight (+5), Religion (+4), Nature (domain, +6), Arcana (domain, +6), History (background, +4), Persuasion (background, +4)
Languages: Common (race), Elfin (race), Goblin (domain), Giantish (domain), Dwarven (background)

Spells: +5, Save DC 13
Cantrips known: 3, Guidance, Light, Resistance
Slots: 2 1st; Prepared (Wis + level): 4
normally prepared: Bless, Detect Evil/Good, Detect Magic, Sanctuary, Command (domain), Identify (domain)

d6, bludgeoning
Quarterstaff: d6 (versatile, d8), bludgeoning
Command: target makes Wis. save or follows single word instruction

Priest's Pack [backpack, lanket, 10 candles, tinderbox, alms box, 2 blocks incense, censer, vestments, 2 days rations, waterskin], Scroll cases (2), Parchment (10 sheets), ink (1) & quill, pouches (2), Healer's Kit, Mace, Scale mail, Quarterstaff, Holy Symbol, set of fine clothes (in pack), signet ring (on chain around neck, inside robes), scroll of pedigree.

6 GP

Background Features & Traits:
Position of Privilege.
The common folk love me for my kindness and generosity. It is my duty to protect and care for those beneath me. My loyalty to my [deity] is unwavering. I hide a scandalous secret (t.b.d.).

Algelond D'Larek was born the second son into a very wealthy, though minor in title, noble house in the Duchy of Redcrest. As such, he led a life of privilege and education, with access to learning and tutors that few others receive. As the second son, the weapons and warrior training showered upon his older brother were not for him. His skill in letters, thirst for knowledge and learning, and purity of heart won him the notice of a visiting priest and shortly thereafter, Algelond took his vows and entered the blessed service of <deity of knowledge/history>. He is very satisfied with his life choicess [all but one, see t.b.d. scandal above] and thoroughly at peace with balancing his noble "duty" to the common folk and his holy duty to his deity. Fortunately, the two often go hand in hand. He does not like to flaunt or be reminded of his family's power or affluence, but he does not shirk from his birthright/name either if he sees a way for it to help others. He eagerly donates to his temple (or other worthy causes) all but his most basic needs, living a nearly mendicant lifestyle in his travels and this humility also contributes to his high esteem among the commoners he encounters in his travels.

...Sure. That'll do. Who's DMing? :D
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Patrick McGill

First Post
Well this might be a fun distraction.

Zeluphet, the Brass Dragonborn Paladin

STR - 13 (15)
DEX - 10
CON - 14
INT - 7
WIS - 8
CHA - 13 (14)

I imagine Zeluphet as someone who knows how to lead, but does so via delegation. He doesn't have the best sense of tactics and planning, but he knows how to motivate those that can. He's probably a lower-rank knight, someone that wants to do good but tends to be a bit naive and hapless about it.

Again again...

Str 11
Dex 8
Con 8
Int 11
Wis 12 +2 = 14
Cha 8

Wow. Vanilla much.

I'll go for a Variant Human Cleric with the Lucky feat, because by all the gods, he's gonna need it.


First Post
My turn. And I'm going to go random on the race as well. And I'll be randomly rolling up his background and only then will I have any kind of idea for his class.


Well, I think it's clear where we lean, but let's go for the rest. Overall, not great stats.

* Human Male
* Of the local culture
* Barbaric culture
* Of a comfortable social status
* Legitimate child
* Only one parent (mother)
* 4 siblings (sister, brother, US, brother, brother)
* Born September 14
* Born on a ship at sea. I guess that means we're coastal.
* No unusual circumstances of our birth

* Has a single occupation. She is a craftsman, specifically a journeyman carpenter.
* Is trusting
* Is a devoted Hobbyist, specifically a skilled sculptor
* She wants to accomplish something in her future, specifically to play a key role in a rebellion against the local government.

* At age 1, we lose a valuable possession. Poor Mom had to put up with that crying.
* At age 5, tragedy strikes! Mom's rebellion fails and the whole family is rounded up. I don't know what happened to them but I suspect they were killed.
* At age 7, we begin to learn mom's skill of carpentry. Not sure how since she's probably dead.
* At age 8, we befriend an Orc! I guess he's our new guardian.

* At age 13, we make another friend. She is a retired adventurer, possibly even a mentor. Certainly a better guardian.
* At age 17, something terrible happens! We get molested by a foreign half-elf villain of days gone by. This villain apparently wanted to expand his area of domination. He was completely evil, a deviant (obviously) and potentially threatens the whole world. Oh, and he tortured us too. I already want to quest to kill this guy.

* We turn to illegal activities. It seems we have developed a pathological urge to do wrong. We become a bandit! I blame the half-elf up above.
* One of the bosses of our gang is killed and we are blamed. Run for the hills!
* We get arrested for assault and battery at some point later, and serve 3 years in jail. After we get out, we go straight but keep a few criminal contacts. You know, so we can know if our old pals are coming after us.

* At some point after this we meet a small child and dedicate ourselves to them (I'm Jean-Valjean!)
* We have with us a small trinket (roll from the table) as a memoir of our past.
* At this point in our life, all we want is peace.
* We are helpful.
* We are also a little lazy, and we still shortchange people from time to time.
* We are more even tempered and value the aesthetics in items.
* We have developed a pretty bad stutter.

At this point, I'd say our alignment is sitting pretty neutral, maybe leaning neutral good. Our background is most certainly that of a criminal. We also would not be terribly out of place in Game of Thrones with a history like that.

Our class, after some deliberation, is probably going to be abjurer wizard! If we want to help people and protect them, our stats certainly lean towards that of the arcane. I suppose we could swing cleric, but our background make no mention of a deity. I suppose that Eldritch Knight is also possible, but that con... That villain did a number on us that we never recovered from.

EDIT: Actually, we could potentially also go Moon Druid for th.

So, final results.


Wizard (School of Abjuration) OR Druid (Circle of the Moon)

Background: Criminal

11 strength
8 dexterity
6 constitution (+1 from human)
14 Intelligence
12 wisdom (+1 from human)
10 charisma

Our feat: War Caster. We served time as a bandit so it makes sense. I would also entertain Savage Attacker if we went Moon Druid because why not?

Skills: Deception +2, Stealth +0, Medicine +3, and History +4. Add on Survival +3 from human.

All rolled up using the 1995 edition of Heroes of Legend, as Spoony demonstrated in a video on the first page.
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That one looks decent. I'd make it a variant human Sharpshooter slinger who was raised by his parents to never eat anything he hadn't killed with his own sling. Dex 12 and Sharpshooter is not bad at all, and Con 8 (malnutrition) isn't terrible for an archer fighter.

I'm going to blame the Int 4 on inbreeding. :)

[MENTION=6787650]Hemlock[/MENTION] yeah I'd added a +2 to one stat instead of +1 to two. My mistake (I don't do humans much)!

And a malnourished, inbred slinger? Marvellous idea. Slings don't get the live they used to from basic D&D times.

Free ammo...he bites it, if it's food he eats it, if it isn't food he shoots it.

He has only a few teeth left.

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