3e Left in the Library


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Which modules or Dungeon adventures did you not get to use before the edition change, but really wanted to? Why did you want to use it?

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I have yet to run City of Brass. Awesome adventure/setting with lots of potential scenarios and plot hooks. Can't wait to find the right time or group to run it.

The Lost Muse

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The bulk of Ptolus, and anything after the Temple of Dissolution (or whatever it's called under the moathouse) in Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil.

Edit: But I didn't really have a desire to finish Rttoee

Edit #2: I wanted to run through the Night of Dissolution as a switch to 4e adventure, but didn't have enough time. I'm still using it, I just have to convert stuff to 4e.


Expedition to Castle Ravenloft, Expedition to the Demonweb Pits, Red Hand of Doom ... I plan to use them all in 4E (at least the maps!)


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Way too many. I only ran about 10 of the 52 DCCs. I got through 4 of the 5 Eberron modules, so that was good. I did 5 of the 8 original 3e modules wizards put out. Never got to Red Hand of Doom or the Expedition modules. Never got to any of the Green Ronin or Piazo modules either. Did a few of the Necromancer modules but none of the cool box sets they have,


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Crothian said:
Way too many. I only ran about 10 of the 52 DCCs. I got through 4 of the 5 Eberron modules, so that was good. I did 5 of the 8 original 3e modules wizards put out. Never got to Red Hand of Doom or the Expedition modules. Never got to any of the Green Ronin or Piazo modules either. Did a few of the Necromancer modules but none of the cool box sets they have,
Ditto here.

I have some Necro modules I will likely convert to 4e, along with some DCCs. I never got to run the Pathfinder APs, nor Shackled City.

Geez... as a module "collector", I didn't get to run most of the ones i have, but I would steal from them now and again.


I think that's probably par for the course; most DMs don't get to run all the modules they collect. There's simply not enough time to churn through all the great content out there. I never did Red Hand, and i thought it looked awesome.


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My biggest problem was that every time I would start a module my group would start pursuing an angle I never thought of and this would generally mean abandoning the module so as to follow the adventure. However the module I really wanted to run that I have yet to is Ruins of Greyhawk. I ran it back in second ed and had a great time.

of course I bought a bunch of the DCC modules and even managed to run a couple of them.


The Promenade level from Mona and crew's recent Expedition to Ruins of Greyhawk. I'm not running it as suggested or in 3E, but it is good dungeon design.

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