3rd Level Monsters


First Post
Similarly it would seem to me that the shadow has been subsumed into the regular wraith, as wraiths now inflict the weakened condition.

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Then, what does this mean? Take the shadow or allip, and do something new with it!

Allip: Possess targets and do self-destructive things? (They are, after all, insane or suicide victims).

Shadow: Hide in the target's own shadow, and "Leech" from them?

the Jester

IanB said:
Similarly it would seem to me that the shadow has been subsumed into the regular wraith, as wraiths now inflict the weakened condition.

Nah, that one I don't agree with. They eliminated energy drain, so they had to do something with the wraith. I looked at the wraith pretty closely when I did the shadow earlier, and tried to make 'em distinct enough that they were worth having as a separate monster without straying too far from the original.

I think I'll leave the allip alone, though; the mad wraith is a pretty dead perfect conversion imho.


You know, all the monsters you've made Jester would be great for a Cave adventure.

I can just see the ground crumbling beneath the PCs, dropping them into a deep cavern complex, filled with darkmantles, bat swarms, centipedes and scorpions, cave fishers... :D

the Jester

EDIT: As there is an official version of these things, I shan't update to MM3 standards.

CAVE FISHER--- Level 3 Lurker
Medium natural beast--- XP 150
Initiative +5; Senses Perception +3, tremorsense 6
HP 36; Bloodied 18
AC 17; Fortitude17; Reflex 13; Will 15
Speed 6, climb 4
[Melee basic] Claw (standard; at will): +8 vs. AC; 1d10+3 damage and target is grabbed (until escape).

[Ranged] Strand (standard; recharge 4 5 6): The cave fisher fires a sticky strand that it uses to reel a foe in to it. Only one strand at a time; minor action to retract if it has no prey on it; range 16; +6 vs. Reflex; target is stuck to the strand (Athletics or Acrobatics, DC 22, to escape).

A cave fisher may also leave its strand in place, hoping prey will walk into it (it is nearly impossible to see, requiring a DC 20 Perception check to detect it before walking into it (consider this an automatic hit by the strand).

Reel In
(minor; at will): Only when a target is stuck to its strand; +6 vs. Fortitude; Hit: target is pulled 3; Miss: a medium or smaller target is pulled 1.
Alignment unaligned; Languages -
Skills Stealth +6
Str 18; Dex 10; Wis 14
Con 12; Int 1; Cha 6
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the Jester

EDIT: Revised to MM3 standards and format here.

GREEN VISAGE--- Level 3 Controller

A green visage is a tall plant with a large, melon-like bulb at the top. This bulb has the face of whatever creature’s grave the green visage has grown atop of, and the visage largely possesses the creature’s memories as well. Some green visages are cultivated by communities that do not want to lose the lore of a beloved leader or elder.

Medium natural animate (plant)--- XP 150
Initiative -1; Senses Perception +5
HP 46; Bloodied 23
AC 17; Fortitude 15; Reflex 15; Will 17
Speed 3
[Ranged] Destiny Dissonance (standard; at will) Psychic: Range 5; +7 vs. Will; 2d4+3 psychic damage and target slides 4 squares.

[Close] Psychic Grumbling (standard; recharge 5 6) Psychic: Close burst 4; +5 vs. Will; Hit: 2d8+3 psychic damage and target is dazed (save ends); Miss: target is dazed (save ends).
Alignment any; Languages any spoken by body the green visage is growing upon
Skills any one knowledge skill +8
Str 9; Dex 6; Wis 18
Con 14; Int 14; Cha 16
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Deliiiicious lurkers.

Lurkers are by far my favorite, I think. Though it's hard to use them on a regular basis without the PCs going "STOP AMBUSHING US!"

the Jester

EDIT: Fungi revised to MM3 standards and expanded here.

VIOLET FUNGUS--- Level 3 Lurker
Medium natural animate (plant)--- XP 150
Initiative +2; Senses Perception +1; blind, tremorsense 6
HP 42; Bloodied 21
AC 17; Fortitude 17; Reflex 9; Will 12
Immune poison
Speed 3
[Melee basic] Rotting Slam (standard; at will) Necrotic: Reach 2; +8 vs. AC; 1d8+3 damage plus ongoing 5 necrotic.

[Close] Violet Burst (standard; encounter) Poison: Close burst 3; targets living creatures in the burst; +4 vs. Fortitude; Hit: target is slowed and blinded (save ends both); Miss: target is blinded until the beginning of its next turn.
Alignment unaligned; Languages -
Str 13; Dex 5; Wis 10
Con 18; Int 1; Cha 3

ASCOMOID--- Level 4 Skirmisher
Medium natural animate (plant)--- XP 175
Initiative +4; Senses Perception +2; blind, tremorsense 12
HP 56; Bloodied 28
AC 18; Fortitude 17; Reflex 12; Will 12
Speed 6 (and see gather momentum)
[Melee basic] Rolling Attack (standard; at will): Only when the ascomoid first moves at least 1 square; +9 vs. AC; 2d8+4 damage.

[Ranged] Spore Jet (standard; at will) Poison: Range 4; +7 vs. Fortitude; 1d10+4 poison damage.

Gather Momentum (free; at will): When the ascomoid takes a double move, charges or runs, its speed increases by 2.
Alignment unaligned; Languages -
Str 19; Dex 10; Wis 10
Con 16; Int 1; Cha 3
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the Jester

EDIT: Revised to MM3 standards (and dire bunyip added) here.

BUNYIP--- Level 3 Skirmisher
Medium natural beast (aquatic)--- XP 150
Initiative +5; Senses Perception +3, low-light vision
HP 47; Bloodied 23
AC 17; Fortitude 17; Reflex 15; Will 15
Speed 6, swim 6
[Melee basic] Bite (standard; at will): +8 vs. AC; 1d10+3 damage (1d10+8 if target is in the water and does not have the aquatic keyword).

[Melee] Underwater Attack (standard; recharge 4 5 6): Only against a creature without the aquatic keyword that is in the water. The bunyip swims 4 squares underwater and attacks: +10 vs. AC; 1d10+3 damage and target slides 2 squares.

[Close] Roar (standard; recharges when first bloodied) Fear, Thunder: Close burst 6; attacks living enemies; +4 vs. Will; Hit: target is dazed (save ends); Miss: target suffers -1 on attack rolls until the end of its next turn.

Underwater Escape (immediate interrupt; when a creature without the aquatic keyword that is in the water hits the bunyip with a melee, close or area attack; encounter): The bunyip ducks under the water and gains Resist 5 against the triggering attack.
Alignment unaligned; Languages Bunyip
Skills Athletics +10, Stealth +8
Str 18; Dex 15; Wis 15
Con 15; Int 6; Cha 13

GIANT BUNYIP--- Level 15 Brute
Large natural beast (aquatic)--- XP 1200
Initiative +12; Senses Perception +12, low-light vision
HP 175; Bloodied 87
AC 27; Fortitude 29; Reflex 27; Will 27
Speed 6, swim 6
[Melee basic] Savage Bite (standard; at will): +18 vs. AC; 2d8+6 damage (2d8+11 if target is in the water and does not have the aquatic keyword).

[Close] Roar (standard; recharges when first bloodied) Fear, Thunder: Close burst 6; attacks living enemies; +14 vs. Will; Hit: target is dazed (save ends); Miss: target suffers -1 on attack rolls until the end of its next turn.

Underwater Escape (immediate interrupt; when a creature without the aquatic keyword that is in the water hits the bunyip with a melee, close or area attack; recharges when first bloodied): The bunyip ducks under the water and gains Resist 10 against the triggering attack.
Alignment unaligned; Languages Bunyip
Skills Athletics +19, Stealth +12
Str 25; Dex 20; Wis 20
Con 15; Int 9; Cha 18
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the Jester

EDIT: Revised later in the thread here. This version saved only for the sake of posterity. The new entry includes a high level minion version.

ASSASSIN VINE--- Level 3 Lurker
Large natural animate (plant)--- XP 150
Initiative +4; Senses Perception 3x, blind, tremorsense 10
Lashing Foliage aura 3; at the start of the assassin vine’s turn, it makes a basic melee attack against each target in the aura.
HP 38; Bloodied 19
AC 16; Fortitude 17; Reflex 16; Will 15
Vulnerable fire 5
Speed 4
[Melee basic] Vine Lash (standard; at will): Reach 2; +8 vs. AC; 1d6+3 damage.

[Melee] Grasping Vine (standard; at will): Reach 2; +8 vs. AC; 1d6+3 damage, plus target is grabbed (escape ends).

[Melee] Strangle (standard; recharge 5 6): Only against a grabbed target; +6 vs. Fortitude; 2d10+3 damage
Alignment unaligned; Languages -
Str 18; Dex 16; Wis 14
Con 14; Int 1; Cha 8
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