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4 Arms and LA+0?


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I was thinking of having a 4 armed race in my next campaign, however I don't want to dabble in the realms of LA. Can A 4 armed race be LA+0? If so, what else can you fit onto a 4 armed race while still keeping LA+0?

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Silverthorn Games has Frenaqi la +1

Silverthorn games has some very nice races for free download on RPGnow. One of them. the Frenaqi, is 4 armed but LA +1. Honestly I don't really know how you could be la 0 with two extra arms. Maybe if you give up your legs in balance.

They are really nice races and worth a look. I was impressed.

Sounds like the story of the guy who'd give his right arm to be ambidextrous :)



First Post
Give him four arms, heck, add a racial +2 to str and the ability to make attacks with all of them.

Just slap a -6 Con modifier on the race.

snarfoogle said:
I was thinking of having a 4 armed race in my next campaign, however I don't want to dabble in the realms of LA. Can A 4 armed race be LA+0? If so, what else can you fit onto a 4 armed race while still keeping LA+0?


First Post
Let's see..... I'd make it something like this perhaps.....

Quan-Ri (random name from mutilating the word quad, probably too close to yuan-ti)

Small Outsider (humanoids are supposed to conform closely to the general human shape, and while a tail is acceptable, an extra two arms might be a bit too different)
As Small creatures, Quan-Ri gain a +1 size bonus to Armor Class and on attack rolls. They also gain a +4 size bonus on Hide checks. They require less food and drink than Medium creatures would,a nd they use mostly lighter-weight gear. However, they also have less carrying capacity and so does their gear. As Small creatures, they deal only 1d2 subdual damage with unarmed strikes, and they must use smaller weapons than Medium creatures do. They suffer a size penalty on certain checks as well, in cases where greater height and mass would have been advantageous, such as when grappling.
As outsiders, Quan-Ri are not subject to effects that only function on humanoids, such as Enlarge Person or Charm Person, but instead they are vulnerable to effects that function against outsiders, such as the hedging effect of Protection from Alignment spells. However, Quan-Ri are considered native to the Material Plane, so they need to eat, drink, sleep, and breathe just like humanoids do, and they age like humanoids as well.

-2 Strength, -2 Charisma: Quan-Ri are small and have less muscle mass than most humanoids, and their extraplanar origins give them an odd mindset, even though they have long since become attuned to the Material Plane since their exodus there. Quan-Ri are also wary of other intelligent creatures and their general distrust of others makes it more difficult to deal with other races. Their torsos are somewhat bulky; and on such a squat frame, their four arms tend to get in eachother's way as often as not. Thus they lack some of the grace and dexterity of other small folk.

Speed: Quan-Ri base speed is 20 feet.

Four-Armed: The Quan-Ri are mostly humanlike in form, but have four arms, two on the left side of their torso and two on the right. Quan-Ri have access to, but do not automatically gain, the Multidexterity and Multi-Weapon Fighting feats. Any effect that would grant a Quan-Ri Ambidexterity instead grants them Multidexterity, and any effect that would grant a Quan-Ri Two-Weapon Fighting instead grants them Multi-Weapon Fighting. Any effect that would grant them Improved Two-Weapon Fighting instead grants Improved Multi-Weapon Fighting. However, like humans, most Quan-Ri are only particularly skilled with one hand, with the few others being those who take the aforementioned feats as some of their normal character level feats.

A Quan-Ri is able to use each arm as effectively as a human would, except for the Quan-Ri's lesser Strength and size. As noted above, Quan-Ri normally have one primary hand and three off-hands. Each arm can be used for unarmed strikes or wielding weapons or using shields or other activities. However, like a human, the Quan-Ri cannot effectively use more than one shield at a time for defense. Quan-Ri gain a +1 racial bonus on Climb checks when they use three hands to climb, or a +2 racial bonus when using all four hands to climb. Likewise, if using an extra hand for grappling, they gain a +1 racial bonus on grapple checks, or a +2 racial bonus if using both extra hands for grappling.

Darkvision 30 feet: Quan-Ri have a limited capacity to see without light, out to a distance of 30 feet. Darkvision is black and white only.

Endurance: Quan-Ri gain this as a racial bonus feat. Former slaves from the Elemental Plane of Earth long ago, their people are used to toil and hardship, which left its mark on them even if they now live relatively free.

Stonecunning: From their long heritage in the Elemental Plane of Earth, the Quan-Ri have keen instincts for finding their way safely and consistently through vast tunnel warrens. They have the Stonecunning trait exactly like that of Dwarves.

+2 racial bonus on Balance, Climb, Craft, and Profession (Miner) skill checks: The Quan-Ri retain many talents and instincts from their generations of servitude as little more than slave-labor chattel to Dao, the earth-elemental relatives of Djinn and Efreet.

Spell-Like Ability: Once per day, a Quan-Ri can use either Soften Earth and Stone or Endure Elements as a spell-like ability. This functions as per either druid spell of the same name, but has no components. Their effective druid level for this purpose is equal to their character level. Any save DCs are Charisma-based, as normal for spell-like abilities.

Automatic Languages: Common and Terran.

Bonus Languages: Any, except secret languages like Druidic.

Favored Class: Highest-level class at any given time.


First Post
If all four arms can be used (have hands), then its too good for LA +0. Just the additional str bonus that can be applied when four-handing a sword would be too much.

Either you are going to have to hit it with some nastie disabilities. Make it +1 or more LA or give it some hit dice and some monster class levels.

Can you give us some more information on what you want out of the race?


A suffusion of yellow
Vierarme Small Monstrous Humanoid
-2 Strength, -2 Dexterity

Small size: +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus on attack rolls, +4 bonus on Hide checks, -4 penalty on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits ¾ those of Medium characters.

Base land speed is 20 feet.

Darkvision out to 60 feet.

Four armed: The Vierarme has four arms two on each side of its body beginning at the shoulder socket. Vierarme can use all its arms effectively however this is with limited 'range of motion' (-2 Dex penalty). Vierarme have access to the Multidexterity and Multi-Weapon Fighting feats and may take them in place of their normals feats gained according to its character class.

Automatic Languages:
Favored Class: Rogue

Hows this? BTW its based on a kobold with even its bonuses stripped away!
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First Post
Now how do you even propose the character would wield a weapon with four hands? As it is, one-handed and two-handed weapons can't be used with more than two hands. Period. At best a 4-armed character will be wielding two weapons that are each two-handed. With their Strength penalty and Small size, that's still not going to be awesome damage.


1st-level human fighter wields a greatsword. Str 18. Weapon Focus, Power Attack, and Cleave for initial feats. Always uses PA since his WF feat balances out the penalty. So each round he attacks once for 2d6+8 damage, with +5 on the attack roll, whether it's a standard attack or full attack or charge or attack of opportunity or whatever.

1st-level Quan-Ri fighter wields two Small greatswords. Str 16. Multi-Weapon Fighting and Power Attack feats. Always uses PA just because he likes to pretend that he's as good as the human fighter. On rounds where he can full-attack, he gets off two strikes at +0 to the attack roll (that's right; +3 Str, +1 size, +1 BAB, -1 PA, -4 for two weapons with neither being light). The Quan-Ri deals 1d8+6 damage per hit with the primary hand, 1d8+3 damage with the off-hand. So on a full-attack, he deals at best 2d8+9 damage, mildly better than the human fighter, but at a much reduced attack bonus.

Perhaps a better comparison in this context. 1st-level human fighter wielding two bastard swords. Str 18. Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Two-Weapon Fighting, Power Attack. On a full-attack, gets two attacks at +0 each, deals 1d10+6 damage with the primary hand and 1d10+4 damage with the off-hand. Total of 2d10+10 potential damage. Slightly superior to the Quan-Ri. Spent the human bonus feat on EWP to match and exceed the Quan-Ri's own racial benefit of four arms.

Final comparison..... 1st-level Quan-Ri fighter wields four Small bastard swords. Str 16. Multi-Weapon Fighting and Exotic Weapon Proficiency feats. On a full-attack action, he gets four attacks at +1 each, dealing 1d8+3 damage with the primary hand and 1d8+1 damage with each of the three off-hands. Total potential of 4d8+6 damage. Now this is the only terrible scenario.

Taking that last scenario into consideration..... The racial Strength penalty should probably be -6, or -4 with an additional -2 Dexterity penalty. This would make it very difficult to get the necessary Str and Dex scores to acquire Multi-Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword or Dwarven Waraxe), and so on. If we went with -6 Strength instead of -2..... Then the first scenario would have the Quan-Ri taking Weapon Focus instead of Power Attack (as their Str would be insufficient at 12), getting two attacks at +2 each for 1d8+1 and 1d8 damage, for a total of 2d8+1 damage, quite reasonable considering the feats and penalties involved (as shown by the example human using two bastard swords; even two longswords or perhaps two shortswords would out-do the Quan-Ri in this case). With -6 Str instead of -2, the later (aka worst case) scenario would have the Quan-Ri wielding four Small longswords, with Str 12 and Weapon Focus, getting 4 attacks at +0 each (+1 size, +1 Str, +1 BAB, +1 WF), each dealing 1d6 damage (though +1 damage for the primary hand). So 4d6+1 damage (avg. 15, max. 25) compared to a human doing 2d10+10 (avg. 21, max. 30). This would make the race quite fair for LA +0 (probably even a bit underpowered considering their Cha penalty and the crippling Str penalty for those PCs who don't invest a base score of 18 into Str to get 12).

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