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[4e] Campaign discussion thread (Full)

Steve Gorak

Grobble...fey pact initiate rogue?

Bah. That's what I was working on.

Okay. Um.

And we have a wizard too.

Dang, I kinda dunno what to do then. A ranger, maybe...but I was really hoping to hold out until I could do a beastmaster build...

Hey Shayuri! Sorry anout that... this is a char that I've been working on for a while. Actually, this is the Eladrin rogue that I refered to in my first post, the one I wanted to play...


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Registered User
As far as pace, no worries Steve. When the IC thread starts I imagine the pace will slow down, at the moment we're incubating ideas and it's easy to fire off questions and easy for me to give repsonses. Until then, if you get lost and can't keep up, drop a line in here or drop me a PM and I'll catch you up.

This post got long on me... bear with...


Fast Advancement

Everyone keeps putting it in quotes, like it's impossible. It's not, because in this game, in addition to the XP for adventuring the PCs will get XP because the game thread exists.

I know, I hear ya, 'But, Sparky, that's cheating. We didn't earn that! Our PCs shouldn't get anything for FREE!'

Malarkey. See... I have this theory about PbP - there's a certain amount of epic-ness and quality that rubs off on a game entirely because of the amount of real time that passes for the people playing. That's worth something. It really is. Your time is worth something. And - perhaps most important to PbP - your return (because there'll be absences) is worth something.

So, when the game starts, for each month of real time that passes, I'll award XP. Possibly as much as a Major Quest, but probably more on the order of a Minor Quest or two.


No worries about dupe PCs folks, play what you're excited about. If I need to add some NPCs to the mix, it's always good to have a catspaw in the PC par--er... it's always good to help the PCs out.

@Shayuri, Steve: I suggest you two work together on the Eladrin Rogue PCs to make sure you're not missing any opportunities to tie them together or make them more distinct (I see either goal as great).



The ancient setting will be a mythic time when the Mythic PCs lived, labored, loved, lost... a time from which there are few records and many legends. As you're building the Mythic PCs, be sure to include the elements that are the central conceit of this game - "What do you want in your campaign?"

Seriously, go nuts on these Mythic PCs. Even stretching the bounds of "PC" if that gets your socks rolling up and down.

Use the Points of Light setting as a base - the core setting's gods, names and places. Feel free to add elements that support your PCs. Also - feel free to alter basic premises about the Points of Light setting (names, events, who was around, who wasn't, Bael Turath, the Nerathi Empire, the fall of the Dragonborn, etc).


First Post
Steve, it's okay. It's my own darn fault. :)

Here are the two ideas I'm grappling with so far, just to sort of lay "claim" to them.

Thorn - Doppelganger rogue multiclass w/Wizard. One of the pre-eminent rascally thieves of the day, I see Thorn as being relatively popular among the common folk. This is not because she's particularly prone to giving to the poor...but she does tend to target the rich and powerful and important...and she has a snarky sense of poetic justice when doing so. With her innate abilities to change form, coupled with her dabbling in magick, she is a nightmare for any guardian. Thorn has decided to embark on the greatest heist of all time...to steal the Egg of Aeons, and then sell it to the highest bidder. Of course, something like the Egg won't sell for mere COIN...no, she's after altogether more enduring compensations.

Mask - Doppelganger Wizard multiclass with fey warlock. A sorceress of power and means, Mask keeps herself to the shadows and remains an enigmatic figure. When she appears as "herself" she always wears a face-covering mask and heavy cloak. There is considerable speculation about who or what Mask really is, or even if there might be more than one "Masks," a sort of conspiracy of mages all masquerading as a single force. Her tendrils seem to extend everywhere, keeping her well supplied with the only treasure she truly values: Knowledge. The more rarefied and the more secret, the better. Some of these things she peddles for favors and influence. The truly juicy tidbits she reserves for herself...or possibly parcels out to those who can repay with equally obscure secrets, or can offer truly epic reimbursement. Mask's interest in the egg is professional. What it is, and what's within, could be the greatest and most important secrets of the Age. At all costs she must possess it, must unravel it.

Just as a note - I haven't yet decided which of these I want more, so if y'all have ideas for how one of them might connect to the setting, plot, or to another character...please do let me know. It'll help me decide!


Registered User
Are these Mythic concepts or 1st level concepts? I can see them going either way.

EDIT: Though at first glance, they look like 1st level characters, in which case I'd like to refocus us on the Mythic PCs.
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Registered User
Also - I'll repeat - duplicate character class/race is not a problem... you could all play human fighters and the characters themselves could be wildly different... I mean, sheesh... two eladrin rogues... how awesome would that be?

"What the--?" (spins)
"Ow! Hey!"
"Where did yo--"
"OW! Cut it out!"


Registered User
I'm liking the idea that perhaps no one knows where the soul or spark that animates warforged comes from, but perhaps they all are spun back out once they return to that source. There's no recorded instance of a warforged remembering past lives, but... sometimes a young warforged emerges from the creation forges with a sense of destiny, of great things both past and future, that the wise can discern.

Naturally, my modern warforged would have the spark of the great legend from the past.

It could even be that a Magus of somekind was trying to work out how to put a spark into a being and give it a soul, because he loved/hated/was-curious-about-the-rumored-lack-of-soul-and-spark-in doppelgangers - the pinnacle of his research (or perhaps just an unforseen side-effect, scholars disagree in their interpretations of the texts and legends) was the creation of the warforged.


First Post
Are these Mythic concepts or 1st level concepts? I can see them going either way.

EDIT: Though at first glance, they look like 1st level characters, in which case I'd like to refocus us on the Mythic PCs.

No no, these are mythic ideas. They're way too powerful to be 1st level. :)

A 1st level character wouldn't have a big information network, nor would one be a legendary thief/trickster. :)

Also to clarify, at no time was I considering an eladrin rogue. Nor am I considering one now. My idea was for a doppelganger rogue, multiclassing with fey warlock. I've now changed that to a doppelganger rogue multiclassing with Wizard. There's not nearly as much synergy, but I think I can make it work.

Steve Gorak

Hey Shayuri,

If you really like Thorn, I'm ok with switching concepts (aint't I a nice guy ;-) and create full fledged feylock (race TBD - still need to think about it more). Maybe our characters could have the same pact - which could be an interesting hook...


Steve Gorak

Ok guys, here is my 1st level half-elf feylock.

Edit: switched to thiefling ;-)


Name: Ethyan
Race: Thiefling
Class: Warlock (Fey pact)
Role: Striker
Level: 1

[U]Ability scores[/U]
Strength     : [B] 8 (-1)[/B]     Hit points : [B]25[/B]
Constitution : [B]13 (+1)[/B]     Bloodied   : [B]12[/B] 
Dexterity    : [B]10 (+0)[/B]     Surges     : [B] 6[/B]
Intelligence : [B]15 (+2)[/B]     Surges/day : [B] 7[/B]     
Wisdom       : [B]10 (10)[/B]     Initiative : [B]+4[/B]
Charisma     : [B]20 (+5)[/B]     

Armor class  : [B]14 [/B] [spoiler]+2 Armor +2 int[/spoiler]
Fortitude    : [B]11 [/B] [spoiler] +1 con[/spoiler]
Reflex       : [B]13 [/B] [spoiler] +1 warlock + 2 int[/spoiler]
Will         : [B]16 [/B][spoiler] +1 warlock + 5 Cha[/spoiler]

Arcana  (Int): [B]+ 6 [/B] (trained)
Bluff (cha): [B]+ 12 [/B] (trained, +2 Thiefling)
Insight (Wis): [B]+ 5 [/B] (trained)
Intimidate(cha): [B]+ 10 [/B] (trained)
Diplomacy (Cha): [B]+ 5 [/B]
Stealth (dex): [B]+ 5 [/B] (+2 Thiefling)
Common, TBD

Racial traits
Languages: Common, choice of one other
Skill Bonuses: +2 Bluff, +2 Stealth
Bloodhunt: You gain a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against bloodied foes.
Fire Resistance: You have resist fire 5 + one-half your level.
Infernal Wrath

Class features
Eldritch blast (con),
Eldritch Pact (Fey),
Prime Shot (+1 ranged attack rolls if no ally is closer to target),
Shadow Walk: On your turn, if you move at least 3 squares away from where you started your turn, you gain concealment until the end of your next turn.
Warlock’s Curse: minor action, target ets 1d6 extra damage if hit by warlock

Feats: Improved initiative

Weapon Proficiency:
Simple melee, simple ranged,

Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Low-light[/sblock]

[at will] Eldrich blast, eyebite
[Encounter]Dreadful word
[daily] Dread star

Basic attack
:melee: Attack: +1 vs. AC; Damage: 1d8-1

:melee: Attack: +2 vs. AC; Damage: 1d4-1

Eldrich blast (Arcane, Implement)
:ranged: Standard action, Ranged attack 10: +5 vs. Dex; Damage: 1d10 + 5

Eyebite (Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic)
:ranged: Standard Action; Ranged Attack 10: +5 vs. Wil Damage: 1d6+5, invisible to target till beginning of next turn

Infernal Wrath
:melee: Minor Action Personal:
--- Effect: You can channel your fury to gain a +1 power bonus to your next attack roll against an enemy that hit you since your last turn.
If your attack hits and deals damage, add your Charisma modifier as extra damage. ---​

Witchfire (Arcane, Fire, Implement)
:ranged: Standard Action, Ranged attack 5: +5 vs. Ref Damage: 2d6 +5
--- Target has -4 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn ---​

Dread star (Arcane, Fear, Implement, Radiant)
:Ranged: Standard Action; Ranged attack 10: +5 vs. Wil Damage: 3d6 +5
--- Hit: Target is immobilized until the end of your next turn. ---
--- Effect: Target takes -2 to Will defence (save ends) ---​

30 gp. 

[U]Equipment           Price    Weight    Other[/U]
Leather armor       25 gp    20 lb.    Light armor
Staff		     5 gp     4 lb.
Dagger               1 gp     1 lb.    light thrown

Adventurer's kit    28 gp    30 lb.    
  Backpack           2 gp     2 lb.
  Bedroll            1 sp     5 lb.
  Flint & Steel      1 gp      -
  Pouch, belt        1 gp   1/2 lb.
  Rations, trail   2.5 gp     5 lb.    5 days
  Rope, silk        10 gp     5 lb.    50 ft.
  Sunrod (2)         4 gp     2 lb.   
  Waterskin          1 gp     4 lb.      

Gold		    12 gp     1 lb.	

[B]Total           100 gp   78.5 lb.[/B]

Normal load:    80 lb.
Heavy load:     160 lb.
Max. drag load: 400 lb.


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First Post
Here is what I've got so far:
[sblock=Rhoskan, Dragonborn Cleric]
Name: Rhoskan
Dragonborn Cleric 20 (Radiant Servant)
Alignment: Lawful Good

Humanoid, tall, lbs, yrs old
hair, eyes, skin

Languages: Draconic, Common
Vision: Normal

Ability Scores

Str: 15 (4th, 11th)
Con: 13 (11th)
Dex: 11 (11th)
Int: 14 (11th)
Wis: 21 (4th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 18th)
Cha: 20 (8th, 11th, 14th, 18th)

Basic Combat Stats

Hit Points: 119
Bloodied: 59
Healing Surges: 12
Healing Value: 30

Initiative: +10
Speed: 5 squares (6 Base -1 armor)
Action Points: 1


AC: 34 (20 +13 armor +1 Shield)
Fort: 30 (20 +2 Str, +2 feat +2 armor +4 enhancement)
Ref: 29 (20 +2 Int, +2 Feat, +1 Shield +4 enhancement)
Will: 31 (20 +5 Wis, +2 Class +4 enhancement)

Basic Attacks

Melee: +4 Mace Hit: +18 (10 +2 str +4 enhancement +2 prof) damage: 1d8+6 (2 str +4 enhancement)
Melee: Hit: Damage:
Ranged: Hit: Damage: Range

Weapon & Implement Attack Bonuses for use with Powers

Melee: Hit:
Melee: Hit:
Ranged: Hit:
Implement: Hit:

Passive Skills



Acrobatics +10 (10 +0 Dex)
Arcana +17 (10 +5 trained +2 Int)
Athletics +12 (10 +2 str)
Bluff +15 (10 +5 cha)
Diplomacy +20 (10 +5 cha +5 trained)
Dungeoneering +15 (10 +5 wis)
Endurance +11 (10 +1 con)
Heal +20 (10 +5 wis +5 trained)
History +17 (10 +2 Int +5 trained)
Insight +15 (10 +5 Wis)
Intimidate +15 (10 +5 Cha)
Nature +15 (10 +5 Wis)
Perception +17 (10 +5 wis +2 Feat)
Religion +17 (10 +2 Int +5 trained)
Stealth +10 (10 +0 Dex)
Streetwise +15 (10 +5 cha)
Thievery +10 (10 +0 Dex)

Shield Proficiency (Light)—1st
Armor of Bahamut—2nd
Trained Arcana—6th
Enlarged Dragon Breath—8th
Improved Initiative—10th Retrained to Armor Proficiency (Scale) at 11th
Devastating Critical—11th
Point Blank Shot—12th
Lightning Reflexes—14th
Great Fortitude--16th
Empowered Dragon Breath--18th
Uncanny Dodge--20th

Racial Traits and Powers
Draconic Heritage
Dragonborn Fury
Dragon Breath

Class Features
Channel Divinity
Healer’s Lore
Healing Word
Ritual Casting
Illuminating Attacks
Radiant Action

At Will Powers
Lance of Faith
Priest’s Shield

Encounter Powers
Dragon Breath—Lightning, Blast 5 Str+4 vs. Ref, 2d10+con mod damage
Divine Glow
Daunting Light
Searing Light
Solar Wrath
Mantle of Glory
Thunderous Word

Daily Powers
Beacon of Hope
Spiritual Weapon
Flame Strike
Purifying Fire
Fire Storm
Radiant Brilliance

Utility Powers
Shield of Faith
Bastion of Health
Mass Cure Light Wounds
Healing Sun
Hallowed Ground

Gentle Repose

+4 Salubrious Stormscale armor (+2 AC bonus whenever you heal hit points)
+4 Symbol of the Warpriest
Ring of Tenacious Will
Amulet of Protection +4 (45,000)
+4 Mace (45,000)
Healer's Shield (10th, 5,000)
Steadfast Boots (3,400)
Holy Gauntlets (8th, 3,400)
Shroud of Revival (2,600)

Coins- 400gp, 0sp, 0cp
I'm working my way through his background. The short version (to be expanded as I find time) is that he earned his reputation in a holy crusade launched by Arkhosia, then continued to show his dedication to Bahamut as he aged. Ultimately, he was given the holy task of protecting and sheltering an all-important egg for the Father of Dragons.
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