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D&D 4E 4E combat illustrated

Here is a blow by blow account of using the quickstart rules with the first encounter.


Surprise Round
Kobolds rolled stealth for a total of 21
None of the party was able to beat that on their perception Roll
The Kobolds have surprise which allows them one action.
The Slinger fires a glue pot at the Fighter rolls a natural 20 inflicts the maximum 9 points plus the fighter is now glued
The Kobold Minions move in a line up the road intending to throw Javelins at the party
The Kobold DragonShields move up behind the Kobold Minions

Kobold Slinger 18
Dwarven Fighter 16
Kobold Dragonshield 16
Dragonborn Paladin 14
Human Wizard 12
1/2 Elf Cleric 11
Kobold Minions 11
Halfling Rogue 10


1st Round
Slinger rolls a total of 22 cracks a fire pot on the fighter for 6 points plus 2 continuing fire

The pissed off Dwarven Fighter readies a dagger and throw at one of the minions at long range. He rolls a 19, hits, and kills the sorry kobold minion. He can't move because of the glue, so he re-readies his maul.

Both of the Dragonshields delays, although not in the quickstart it is a common sense rule. They want to wait for the minions to swarm in so they can maximize their bonus for the mob attack.

Dragonborn Paladin moves up and let's loose with his Dragon breath. The close blast 3 effects allows him to encompass 3 minions and both dragon shields. He rolls the totals of 7,22,19,18,17. These are compared the minion and dragonshield reflex score. He hits 2 of the 3 minions and kills them. Both Dragonshields take 3 points each.

The Human Wizard
doesn't move and let's lose a scorching Blast on the remaining minion and the 2 Dragonshields. He rolls a 18, 5, 13. Kills the minion and misses both of the Dragonshields.

The Cleric
moves up and hits the first Dragonshield with a lance of faith with a roll total of 20 and does 9 points of damage and elects to give the Paladin +2 to hit on his next attack.

The last Kobold Minion screams and moves to the Paladin. Rolls a total of an 8 and misses.

The first Dragonshield elects to take his turn and move to the Paladin. The presence of the Minion gives him an extra +1 to hit. He rolls a total of 16 which misses the Paladin 20 AC.

The second Dragonshield also moves and gets an additional +2 to hit because of the minion and the other Dragonshield. He rolls a total of 15 and misses.

The Halfling Rogue moves next to the last Kobold Minion. Elects to a Deft Attack and move two squre further to the right to get behind the Kobolds. This provokes an attack of opportunity from the Minion. Despite the Halfing's total AC of 21 against AoO the Minion manage to hit with a roll total of 23 and does 4 points of damage. The halfling then strikes with his Deft Attack hitting with a roll total of 22 and kills the Minion.

At the end of round, the Dwarven Fighter rolls a 12 and saves against the glue effect. But he blows his roll with a 1 against the fire effect.


2nd Round
The Dwarven Fighter takes another 2 points of damage from fire. He has taken 17 damage out of 31 hit points.

The Kobold Slinger Shifts 1 square to get a better Line of Sight. Roll a total of 11 against the Paladin and misses with his last fire pot.

The Dwarven Fighter Moves up and does a Sprinning Sweep on the 2nd Dragonshield. He wants the Dragonshield prone to finish him off. Unfortunally a roll total of 12 fails against a AC of 16.

The Dragonshields shift 1 square to the left trying to gain a combat advantage on the Paladin. The shift ability doesn't provoke AoO. The first Dragonshield shifts and misses with a roll total of 9 against the Paladin's AC 20. The second Dragonshield shift and also misses with a roll total of 11.

The Paladin does a Divine challenge against the first Dragonshield which marks him. Then swings a Holy Strike with a +2 modifier from the cleric from last round. But he rolls a total of 12 and misses due the Dragonshield's AC 16.

The wizard moves gaining a clear shot at the first Dragonshield. He lets loose a magic missles and rolls a total of 15 which hits as the Dragonshield reflex is only 13, The wizards does 8 points of damage. The first Dragonshield now has taken 20 damage out of 36 hit points.

Because the first Dragonshield had shift next to him the Cleric decides not to provoke an AOO and swings with the mace. The clerics rolls a total of 20 which hits and does 7 more damage to the first Dragonshields. The first Dragonshield is down 27 out of 36.

The Rogue exploits the gap between the Dragonshields and the slingers and moves behind the second Dragonshield. Rogue now has a Combat Advantage as the paladin is on the other side. However the Rogue's total roll of 16 misses the Dragonshield AC of 18.

At End of Round the Dwarven Fighter still burns merrily has he rolls a 2 for his save against fire. (He looking to roll 10 or higher)


3rd Round
Dwarven Fighter takes another 2 points of damage. Taken 19 out of 31 hitpoints.

The Slinger moves further from the fight and decides to try to finish off the Fighter. However a total roll of 15 with the sling misses.

The Fighter uses his Maul for a reaping strike on the 2nd Dragonshield. WHile the total roll of 9 is a miss he still does 3 points of damage to the 2nd Dragonshield. The 2nd Dragon shield has taken 6 points of damage and started with 36 hit points.

Not ignoring the challenge the First Dragonshield swings his shortsword at the Paladin for a total of 9 which misses.

The 2nd Dragonshield swings at the paladin and rolls a total of 23 which hits despite the Paladin's AC of 20. 8 points of damage are dealt.

The Paladin elects to call on his god's divine strength to give +4 damage to finish the first Dragonshield. However the following Holy Strike with his longsword misses with a total roll of 13 vs 18 AC of the first Dragonshield.

The wizard laughing at the cluminess of the Paladin finds himself cursing when his Magic Missile misses the first Dragonshield with a roll total of 10.

The Cleric calls on Divine Fortune to give him +1 to hit. A healing strike with the Mace connects with a total roll of 19 on the 1st Dragonshield. 7 points of damage is inflicted along with the Dwarven Fighter gaining a Healing Surge of 7 points. The first Dragonshield now taken 34 out of 36 hitpoints.

The Rogue still retains combat advantage and rolls a total of 21 to hit the 2nd Dragonshield. He does 24 damages. The 2nd Dragonshild now has taken 30 out of 36 hitpoints.

Note: I plum forgot to use the Kobold's shift ability in this round.

During the End of Round the Dwarven Fighter finally save against fire with a roll of 14.

4th Round
The Slinger runs away after seeing the two Dragonshields bloodied

The Fighter aims to finish off the 2nd Dragonshild and does a reaping strike with his maul. He misses with a natural 1 but still does 3 points of damage.

The First Dragonshield connects with a roll total of 27 and does 9 points of damage to the Paladin

The 2nd Dragonshield shifts to get out of the Combat Advantage the Rogue has over him. He strikes the Paladin and hits with a roll total of 21, Does 5 points of damage.

The Paladin is now down 22 points. He tucks his sword under his shield arm (readies a touch attack), performs Lay On Hands and heals 7 points of damage, then re-readies his sword.

The Wizard is not humored when his second magic missile goes awry with a roll total of 12

The Cleric utters a healing word and the Paladin is healed for another 13 points. Then the Cleric strikes with his mace but misses with a total roll of 13.

The Rogue moves two square to the left with a Deft Attack provocating a AOO from the 2nd Dragonshield. The Dragonshield's roll total of 15 misses the Rogue Ac 21. The rogue then gains combat advantage and strikes. Hitting exactly with a roll total of 18. Does 18 points of damage and the 2nd Dragonshield goes down.


Round 5
The Slinger is running far far away.
The Dwarven Fighter uses his Reaping Strike and misses with a roll total of 15. However the 3 points of damage done on a miss still brings down the last Dragonshield.

Combat Ends


Rob Conley

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First Post
Awesome. I'd like to see more of these along w/ a discussion of tactics, so that GMs can bring the hammer down on our players.


First Post
Perhaps it is me not remembering correctly, but I recall reading somewhere that for Area spells, there is only one attack roll, which applies to all affected. I remember this because the discussion that it generated.

Has this changed and one now rolls for each target in the AoE? What do the quick start rules say?


First Post
That was a good AAR. Thanks.

You make one damage roll for the effect, but a separate attack roll for each target included in the area.


First Post
Korgoth said:
That was a good AAR. Thanks.

You make one damage roll for the effect, but a separate attack roll for each target included in the area.

Thanks. That clears that up for me.


First Post
BlackMoria said:
Perhaps it is me not remembering correctly, but I recall reading somewhere that for Area spells, there is only one attack roll, which applies to all affected. I remember this because the discussion that it generated.

Has this changed and one now rolls for each target in the AoE? What do the quick start rules say?

One roll for damage, separate rolls to hit.


First Post
Area attacks: one damage roll, separate attack rolls

Note that Ongoing effects (the fire damage the fighter was taking) happen at the 'Start of Your turn, not the start of the round

Similarly, saves are made at the 'End of Your turn, not the end of the round..

So, the dwarven figher takes the damage right before he takes his actions on his turn, and makes his saves at the end of his turn, after he has taken his actions for this turn.

[sblock]The tactics for the kobolds in this encounter state that the Kobolds will fight to the death, as they fear the torture they would get if they go back defeated...so the slinger shouldn't have run away. (tho having him run away was probably not a bad thing--he doesn't have to head back to the Kobold lair )[/sblock]


First Post
First of all...great job Estar, very cool that you took the time to do this.

Couple of things...

Was the fighter just not marking because he was already so beat up?

Also, (the way I read it) the fighter's Combat Challenge ability lets him attack someone that is adjacent to him that either shifts or makes an attack that does not include him. So when the 2nd dragonshield keeps attacking the paladin, the fighter should be getting free attacks on him. Since it's an immediate action the fighter can only do this once per round...but it didn't look like he was doing it at all.

In addition, whenever an enemy that is adjacent to you shifts or makes an attack that does not include you, you can make a melee basic attack against that enemy as an immediate interrupt.

It seems pretty clear to me that this applies to any enemy adjacent to him, not just the one that he has marked. The way he was rolling it probably wouldnt have helped, but it's worth mentioning.

Also, ongoing effects actually hit at the beginning of the turn of the person affected by them (not at the beginning of the round), similarly, they make their save at the end of their turn. Sometimes the timing on that stuff is important.

Voidrunner's Codex

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