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4E D&D - Are you playing already (or ever)?

Are you already playing a 4E campaign?

  • I own 4E books and we have started a campaign

    Votes: 168 52.5%
  • I own 4E books, but have only played a one-shot or a few test sessions.

    Votes: 30 9.4%
  • I own 4E books and read them, but didn't have the opportunity yet to play a game.

    Votes: 24 7.5%
  • I own 4E books, but decided not to play after playing one or more sessions.

    Votes: 16 5.0%
  • I own 4E books, but decided not to play after reading them.

    Votes: 19 5.9%
  • I don't have the 4E books, but we have started a campaign or played a one-shot/test session.

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • I don't have any 4E books, but I am planning to do so.

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • I don't have any 4E books, do not plan to buy them, but I will play.

    Votes: 8 2.5%
  • I don't have any 4E books, but played and decided not to buy or play anymore.

    Votes: 4 1.3%
  • I don't have any 4E books, and I do not plan to buy them or play the game.

    Votes: 40 12.5%
  • I had the 4E books, but I got rid of them after reading it.

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • I had the 4E books, but I got rid of them after playing it for a while.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'd really like to have the books and play, but I totally lack time/money/group/etc.

    Votes: 3 0.9%
  • I don't want the books nor play, but I lack time/money/group/etc. anyway

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Poll closed .
I'd like to see a poll in a year or two from now asking what was your choice then, what is your choice now?
I hope to do that. But no promises. ;)

I know (anecdotally) that I bought the 3e playerss at a convention one day. Thought "Eh I doubt I'll ever play this." About a year later I decided to give it a try.

3.5 happened, I thought: Damnitall I've spent a ton on these 3e books, and now they have NEW stuff??? Screw 3.5 3e works just fine! Didn't buy it. Then I bought some 3.5 stuff and my 3e campaign became a 3.25 campaign... Then about 2 years later I started running a 3.5 campaign.

Well, anecdotally speaking, my first D&D experience hardly wowed me. Hit points, levels, vancian magic (not that I know that term then), all seemed pretty stupid to me compared to what Shadowrun offered. (I might have thought "video-gamey" :) )

And 3.5 - our group didn't like the idea much. We created our own 3.1 house rules document that incorporated a few changes. One of the members of my group spend a lot of effort into it, basically creating a new PHB (lite). Eventually, all campaigns gradually moved to 3.5. I think the only change was that we increased the animal buff duration at 10 minutes/level...
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I am not sure how I missed this one :)

I play 4e! (I bet some of you were surprised by that statement, huh?)

Got the books, got the campaign. Every Tuesday for about 5-6 hours. I also get to be a player, which is amazing. We play about 10-12 hours every third weekend, or so. So lots of 4e, and very happy about it. It ain't perfect (a few rules that are too gamist, and a wizard that is a bit too bland) but it will do for now.

I expect to re-write a few things next summer, when things are more thoroughly tested.


We have books and are currently playing KOTS. I am playing in this campaign with friends but won't be running any 4E. Last Friday an entire session was spent on one encounter with kobolds. Problems with minions and powers aside it just seems that everything has far too many hit points and combat becomes very repetitive and drawn out. Where oh where are my (non minion) kobold troopers that go splat in one good hit.

1st level characters used to have 1/2 or less the HP, not nearly as many "kewl powerz" as those of 4E but felt a hell of a lot more heroic. Charging a group of kobolds or goblins and stomping them down in a couple rounds felt more heroic than the all day grindfest. I just feel like the kobolds will eventually fall over from boredom before they run out of hit points. I see why they came up with daily powers now. Use these puppies every fight to help keep the battle from lasting ALL DAY.

I enjoy gaming with my friends and I will keep playing 4E as long as someone else runs it but when my turn comes to run again it will be something faster paced and rules light.

Verys Arkon

First Post
I've got one group going through the H-X series, including two players that have never played D&D before. They are loving it, and are enthusiastic.

I'm also starting as a player in a new 4e game where we'll be doing a converted Temple of Elemental Evil. Our 3.5 campaign just ended, so I'm fully converted now. Looking forward to being a player finally - only problem is deciding which character to play!

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