[4e] drothgery's arcane game - Clash of Steel


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"We examined the corpse of one of the thugs who appears to have been magically altered. Have your guards reported any similar findings?"
"That is interesting. I was not aware of anyone here who could do something like that." She said.[sblock=Vanri]You get the impression she may be telling the literal truth about this, but knows, or at least suspects something.[/sblock]
GM: Lady Stella gives a small, satisfied nod. "You seem competent
as investigators. I am sure we can arrive at suitable remuneration
for your services."

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Then perhaps you can tell us what you brought us here and the story around it. For every story has its beginning and middle, with the plots and schemes of its actors, both open and secret, known and suspected. The more we know, the better we can end this tale for everyone's betterment. The gnome's words had a magic about them.
OOC: Spill the beans, woman! ;) Diplomacy (w/ words of friendship): 39


First Post
"I should have remembered that I was dealing with Imperials." She said, after a long pause. "You would much rather get on with business than haggle over price, then?"
GM: Lady Stella leans back. "The situation is urgent, but it is also of an extremely sensitive nature. I would prefer not to discuss the particulars in this somewhat public location. Please meet with me privately at my home this evening for supper."
OOC: 4 successes, no failures so far, but you're not following the script :)


"I'm no Imperial." Soril says to the Lady. "And I don't fight for gold." He tilts his head to the side for a moment as if reconsidering. "Though coin in hand is a nice bonus after the battles won."

"I would advise your Council to find the resources to guard the docks. You've made parts of this city habitable..." He says, motioning out the window with his dragonhead rod, "...but if you expect to attract more than cutthroats and rogues you'll need a secure landing. If your guard captain requires a reminder of this, I know several stories the Blades tell new recruits that I'd be happy to share with him." Soril says with a grin. His allies recall that these stories are more horror than instruction, seeking to scare the fresh Blades into keeping a tight watch.

[sblock]History, I suppose. [/sblock]


First Post
She considers again. "No, Syraxan, you are not an Imperial yet, though it seems these days that we are all fated to become like them, join them, or fade to irrelevance. When Coral Azurellan gave her allegiance to the Hyells -- which was well within her rights; your great nobles are a small step removed from being independent kings in their own right -- they understood in Taoul di Jikaic that they would have to change or watch others follow; no dragon can accept being second-best easily. Faced with that, adopting Imperial methods became a far less daunting challenge, no?"

"It was not long ago, at least as I reckon things, that this whole town was a lawless as it is outside the walls. But I imagine you can help. And as I said, I would prefer not to speak of the details here." She continued.
OOC: Lady Daybringer will not give any details here and now, so there's a bit of a break in the skill challenge for a few hours. You can use the time to get settled at an inn, do some background investigation, or anything else you'd like to do before supper.
Also, that's it for History and Intimidate.
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First Post
Althaea Ripace

"Not all of us are Imperials yet. Belov[FONT=&quot][/FONT]èd House Ripace would have nothing to do with outsiders," Althaea notes with a tinge of disdain. "In any case, we'll reconvene at supper," she offers, motioning towards the door. "Thank you for your time, Lady Daybringer." The noble repeats her bow before moving to open and hold the door for the rest of her companions.

OOC: So what's the next step? I think lodgings are a good start.

Walking Dad

First Post
Teclis Stormborn

Teclis makes a slow bow before leaving through the opened door.


[sblock=Quick Sheet]
Teclis Stormborn
Perception: 23 Insight: 23 Low-light Vision
AC 27 Fortitude 27 Reflex 24 Will 30
Initiative: +8
Hit Points: 92 / 92 Bloodied: 46
Temporary Hit Points: -
Resist: Lightning 10
Saving Throw: +2 vs slowed, immobilized, and restrained; +1 vs death
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Milestones: 0.5
Healing Surge: 23 Surges per day: 11 / 11
At-Will Powers: Elemental Bolt, Howling Zephyr, Ignition, Eldritch Strike
Encounter Powers: Elemental Escalation 4/4, Wind Burst, Lightning Shift, Fog Form, Bracers of Mental Might
Daily Powers: Zephyr Wings, Robe of Scintillation




Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Silas smiles as he excuses himself, but closes up after they leave. We need to know the whispers on the winds, the secrets of the streets. I will listen. I will find the words of the high; perhaps someone else can find those of the low. The gnome finds a reputable establishment and then attempts to find a friendly, well-healed poker game, lounge, or other gathering of the wealthy and knowledgeable.
OOC: Streetwise, go: 18 (ouch)

Walking Dad

First Post
Teclis Stormborn

"Anyone interested in exploring the underbelly of this place with me?"
Whether or not, Teclis makes his way to the less savory parts of the town. As impossible at it seems, he seems quite at home there, despite being there the first time. Carousing and telling stories and asking questions, he gathers a complete overview of the happenings.

second 20 in a row :D

[sblock=Quick Sheet]
Teclis Stormborn
Perception: 23 Insight: 23 Low-light Vision
AC 27 Fortitude 27 Reflex 24 Will 30
Initiative: +8
Hit Points: 92 / 92 Bloodied: 46
Temporary Hit Points: -
Resist: Lightning 10
Saving Throw: +2 vs slowed, immobilized, and restrained; +1 vs death
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Milestones: 0.5
Healing Surge: 23 Surges per day: 11 / 11
At-Will Powers: Elemental Bolt, Howling Zephyr, Ignition, Eldritch Strike
Encounter Powers: Elemental Escalation 4/4, Wind Burst, Lightning Shift, Fog Form, Bracers of Mental Might
Daily Powers: Zephyr Wings, Robe of Scintillation




First Post
GM: Streetwise: Making inquiries in gang-controlled
neighborhoods or speaking with local experts reveals
the following.

DC 10: Gangs are the de facto government of the
poorer areas. In the market and waterfront districts, no
one gang has control and turf struggles are common.
Heavily patrolled areas, such as the Circle and the Peerage,
and the more exclusive shopping district, have no
gang presence. The shantytown outside the river gate
is a no-man’s-land in which any sort of criminal roams
freely. Proxy turf wars are common there.

DC 15: There are three major gangs, as well as a handful of small
groups that exist mainly in the shantytown and in
small corners of the poorest areas.
The Bloody Knives are the largest and most powerful
gang. They control much of the waterfront and
Fireside, a poor working-class district. The River Rats
are the second-largest group and claim the rest of the
waterfront—they are in constant turf struggles with the
Bloody Knives there. They also have some influence
in the dirt-poor Stumpton district. The third gang, the
Black Hearts, is much smaller than the River Rats and
largely confined to the worst sections of Stumpton.

DC 20: Lately the Bloody Knives have been more
aggressive in their turf wars, and they have been
cracking down more brutally in the areas they control.
There have been some brazen attacks on watch
patrols recently, and rumors swirl that the Knives are
behind them. The gang’s leader, Sven the Fist, has been
uncharacteristically aggressive these last few months.

DC 22: Stella Daybringer, who now holds the title
of countess, established an antiquities and rarities business
as an example of legitimate commerce. She deals
in consignment by appointment only. Rumors persist
that she is still in contact with the gangs, but no one
has ever discovered any evidence to that effect.

DC 25: Stella’s rival in the Circle, Lord Erinblad de
Vast, has been the most vocal public figure condemning
the gangs. He has recently begun consorting with
a veteran of the bandit wars, and since that time has
begun to claim that Lady Stella knows more about
them than she has let on.

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