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[4e, Maptools] Players wanted for Long Term Game


I am seeing if there is interest in this game. I'm looking to run a long-term campaign. I expect folks to show up, to communicate between sessions, and to work on their characters (more on that later).

Day & Time

The game would be bi-weekly; every two weeks. My target day is Saturdays or Sundays, for 4-6 hour sessions. I'm East Coast.


Maptools (obviously), and a Voice Chat program - I'd prefer Ventrillo. It's just easier to work with that way.

As far as frameworks for macros, I don't know. I'm not Maptools finessed; I've used it, but I am no coder. If anyone more versed in Maptools would like to assist, that would be great.

What's allowed

Any class (except the Monk for now). Yes, this also means the Assassin. Races, any, but be aware their fluff might be adjusted to fit the setting.

I also have some houserules which may give more of an incentive to avoid the Perfect Race/Class Combo, so you don't NEED that Deva for the Avenger or Dwarf for the Druid.

Reliability and Contribution

I want players who don't have a crazy ass work schedule that might change at the drop of a hat. Since it's bi-weekly, for a fat block of time, missing a game will suck. If you miss two games in a row, you're out (barring obvious things like being hit by a car and such).

I expect players that will read and answer their emails in a timely fashion. There will be a between-game component, on a forum I will set up, where interaction, skill challenges, campaign notes, etc, will be posted. I expect players to at least look at that on a timely fashion.

There is a hypocritical caveat to the above. I'm a Graduate student. My schedule might be utterly slammed. I will try to plan ahead, but I might not have time to do the maps, etc. I will try to not cancel sessions. If I do, I will try my best to reschedule. But I can make no promises.

Player/Character Contributions

One thing I'm very big about is getting a player involved with the game. If you want to create an organization that your PC is a part of, DO IT. Come up with your own God your PC follows. Want to be a Noble? Make a noble house. This goes especially true for the Campaign #1 idea (see below); coming up with, or fleshing out, some of the existing areas where your PC comes from. Help flesh out the map/world.

I also love it when players get their own goals (and expect it with Campaign #1). Deciding their own quests during the game, deciding your direction, etc; I love a motivated PC.

And the more reason your character has to be with the group and the campaign as a whole, the more I am happy. I expect your character to have a reason to play with the group.

Additionally, if you want to reskin a class (The Spirit Companion of the Shaman isn't a spirit, but pulling the enemies' fears out of them and attacking them with it; it's an ancestral guide; it's a shard of the character's soul given form), I'm very lenient.

Of course with all the above, I have veto; some things might not fit with the story (for instance, Campaign #2 begins on the boat headed to the New World, so if you're a native of said new world, you need to have came over previously and now are going back).

When you first respond to this thread

Rate which campaign you prefer (and if you're fine with the one you didn't pick).
What day (and what times) on the weekend you can commit to the game.

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The Campaigns

[sblock]This is no age for heroes.

The Northern Empire is long dead, smote by plague, famine, and the death of its God Empress and her Holy Daughters, angels made flesh that healed the sick. Now ice-faced fiends lick at the southern borders, omens of death. To the East the Great Walls of Zinna built by Erathis himself have tumbled and shattered as the earth shakes beneath the horde of the Horseaters, flooding past the tumbled walls. Holy men, sworn to peace and love, take arms to defend themselves, as the citizens turn to savage gods of slaughter for protection. Spirits and elementals of the Southern deserts revolt against the people that need them. The jungles of the far West have filled with a fog. The masked mute tribes have fled their ancestral home, and are now gaunt, sometimes marked with wounds and lashes, and their masks twisted into expressions of pain and fear.

It is not only the humans that have seen signs of the end. Dragonborn eggs hatch and spill out nothing but blood and bones. Tieflings turn on their kin and slaughter friends and family in the night when the Black Moons turn and run, still covered in blood, to the west, which you'd think might be normal for the demonspawn but as the Black Moons approach the Tieflings go white as salt with fear. Shifter oracles without warning scream and scream until they drown in their own blood.

This is no age for heroes. It is an age for Saints and Miracles, else the light will be swallowed by the night.

Campaign Elements: Dark-toned High & Epic fantasy. Character Goal driven adventures. Minor sandbox, politics and nation building. Combat medium, roleplay light to medium.

Props to Sons of Kryos, where I totally stole 90% of this material from.[/sblock]

What you need to know about this campaign:
[sblock]This campaign is about turning the tide. Making the world a better place. You are practically the last hope to keep the whole place from plunging into the abyss.

Because of this, I'm going to do it very open-ended. The party points to a place on the "map" and says, "We start here". And that's where you start. You are welcome to "go" anywhere, as long as you follow through when you find something you want to accomplish.

But I expect goals for your characters. Like "I want to avenge my family/clan" "I want to save the plight happenign to my race" "I want to carve out a safe haven in this world" "I want to solve Y". Players can choose quests to accomplish at any time.I expect you to play heroes. You can be a dark, tortured anti-hero, but you should still have a goal that ties you to the campaign. You also have to have a reason to adventure with the group.

You are welcome to flesh out areas on the map pertaining to your background (or well, anything). Add new places, or give more detail to certain areas. Don't like the plot hook I have for your race? Pitch me a new one. There isn't one for your race? Toss out one. You want to create a new god your character wants to worship? Bring it.[/sblock]

[sblock]Two years ago, ships reported a new land. They set up camp. Ships were launched.

One year ago, all communication was lost, and none have returned. Now, curiosity and ambition have won over the fear of the unknown. A new world rife with mystery and resources. Untamed land to be explored. Natives to be converted.

You are on the first boat for that far off destination of the unknown. Welcome to Tajande, the dark continent. You have a claim in the colony to be established. What you do when you reach those tropical shores is yours to make.

Campaign Elements: Exploration, politics and nation building. DM and Group goal oriented adventures. Combat medium to heavy, roleplaying light to heavy.[/sblock]

What you need to know about this campaign
[sblock]This campaign is more narrowly focused, but with wiggle room. I'm only going to give bare bones about the "home continent", so you're welcome to flesh it out for character background purposes.

Certain races and classes are "limited" to originating in the "New World". if you're going to play one of the races/classes/cultures that come from the "New World", then you have to have come over to the "Old World" before the first colony disappeared, and are now going back. Also, your character must have a reason to go to the New World, and a reason to stick with the party once everything is said and done.

The nature of the campaign's focus depends on what the group wants. If the idea of actually RUNNING the colony excites you, your characters can be in charge, and running the colony, gathering resources, expanding it, etc, can play heavily on the types of adventures. If the group would prefer more exploration, than being Lewis and Clark is definitely doable. If the group prefers politics and intrigue, then negotiating with natives and making power plays with the local spirits is in order. The campaign will have elements of all of these, but the extent will depend on the group's tastes.

Also, the nature of the new colony is up to the players as well. It could be an extension of a nation back home, a merchantile endeaver (seeking resources) funded by Nobles, maybe religiously motivated (missionaries or a persecuted sect), a refugee group from the "Old World", or a penal colony. Your character concept isn't limited by the colony's nature, but colony's purpose sets a certain tone and offers flavor, so that's up to the players what they would like.[/sblock]


First Post
the first of the two is my fav, and the other is also fine for me. At this point like past 6pm should work fine. the character i would have prefrence in playing would be this.

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Paik The Thunder Bringer, level 1
Changeling, Sorcerer
Build: Storm Sorcerer
Spell Source: Storm Magic
Background: Arcane Refugee (+2 to Arcana)

Str 10, Con 11, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 20.

Str 10, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 18.

AC: 13 Fort: 10 Reflex: 13 Will: 18
HP: 23 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 5

Arcana +7, Intimidate +10, Diplomacy +10, Bluff +12

Acrobatics +3, Dungeoneering -1, Endurance, Heal -1, History, Insight +1, Nature -1, Perception -1, Religion, Stealth +3, Streetwise +5, Thievery +3, Athletics

Level 1: Implement Expertise (staff)

Sorcerer at-will 1: Storm Walk
Sorcerer at-will 1: Lightning Strike
Sorcerer encounter 1: Whirlwind
Sorcerer daily 1: Howling Tempest

Adventurer's Kit, Quarterstaff, Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing)
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======


I'm curious what kind of background you're thinking of, as far as the first campaign.

Also, I notice your ability scores and interesting choice in race for the class, and you took Expertise. I want to show you my houserules (particularly the first), so that you can get an idea that it's not Necessary.

[sblock=Houserules] Change to To-Hit formula

Normally you determine your attack bonus this way:
Primary Ability Score + ½ level + Weapon Proficiency + Enhancement + Feat

I propose the following change:
5 + ½ Level + Weapon Proficiency + Enhancement + Non-Expertise Feat
+1 at levels 5, 11, 15, 21, 25.

Damage for an attack still depends on the primary score of the power used (such as 1[W]+Dex for a ranged basic attack).
[sblock=Rechan, why are you doing this crazy thing?!]The above rule assumes that you have a 20 in every stat for the purposes of attacking. There are several reasons I want to do this.

  • Address the need to get high primary/secondary scores, at the expense of defenses, HP, and skills.
  • Multi-classing. When there's a big incentive to have a high primary/secondary score, then it's only a good idea to multi-class into a class that uses your primary/secondary for attacks. This limits your choices and character concepts. My way, you at least have a good chance of hitting with your multi-class power.
  • Removes feat taxes like Melee training and Expertise.
  • Removes non-sensical race/class combos. Some races just make better options for classes, due to their ability score mods. But, they don't make sense in terms of the FLUFF of the race/class combo (why would Drow and Halflings make great Chaos sorcerers? The fluff doesn't line up!). This way, you can have the race you want and the class you want, without being "subpar".
This does mean that a fighter and a wizard wielding the same weapon have equal likelihood of hitting. That might get under some folks' skin. However, I figure the differentiation is fine; it means that while the wizard can still hit you with his staff, the fighter is going to do more damage, and he has powers which key off his weapon.[/sblock]
Power Stunts

Some times you want to do something very cool, that fits in line with your character’s theme, but there isn’t a rule for it. Such as a druid causing roots to spring out of the side of a cliff, aiding in climbing, or a Priest of Moradin causing a cave in to halt the retreat of enemies.

To do this, you must spend an Action Point + a Healing Surge. This gives you the opportunity to do something badass. You still have to roll an attack or skill check (whichever better represents it). A normal Power Stunt is on par with the power of an Encounter. You may also modify an Encounter power – making it effect more targets, etc. A modified Encounter power can be no more powerful than a Daily. A Daily can be modified, but it must be within reason (and my have drawbacks). What’s kosher is up to DM.


If you miss with an Encounter, you roll a d6 at the beginning of your turn; if you roll a 5 or 6, it recharges. If you miss with a Daily, you roll a d6 at the beginning of your turn; if you roll a 6, it recharges. Only one power can be recharged on a roll at a time.

If you want to recharge a power with a “Miss” or “Effect”, then you must choose to not benefit from these effects when you miss the first time (in other words, the action you use your daily on is just lost, nothing happened).


Milestones (Which are necessary to gain Action Points) are not related to every two fights, but occur when something significant is achieved. Such as stopping an enemy’s ritual mid battle, or removing unhallowed ground, etc. Other opportunities for gaining Action Points will occur.

At level 1, everyone receives a free racial feat.

Against Solo Monsters, Stun = Loss of a Standard Action, Daze = Loss of a minor.

Sure Strike/Careful Attack – Add following. Effect: You gain a +2 on the next attack you make.

Crafting will be handled with a skill challenge.

Other, smaller rules don’t need to be outlined now (fiddling with rituals, certain items or powers retooled, etc), this is just a general overview of the biggest changes.[/sblock]
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First Post
as far as my character goes if on the first campaign my character's goals might look something like this.

.trying to stop rogue elemental manifestations who by an "unkown" power were raised with powerful necromancy to be set lose upon the world.
(aka in the sense my character theme is storm centered the others would be fire,cold,earth with some kind of undead template on them)


First Post
updated with house rules.

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Paik The storm Bringer, level 1
Changeling, Sorcerer
Build: Storm Sorcerer
Spell Source: Storm Magic
Background: Arcane Refugee (+2 to Arcana)

Str 11, Con 13, Dex 18, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 18.

Str 11, Con 13, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16.

AC: 14 Fort: 11 Reflex: 14 Will: 17
HP: 25 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 6

Arcana +7, Intimidate +9, Diplomacy +9, Bluff +11

Acrobatics +4, Dungeoneering -1, Endurance +1, Heal -1, History, Insight +1, Nature -1, Perception -1, Religion, Stealth +4, Streetwise +4, Thievery +4, Athletics

Free racial: Shapeshifting Contortionist
Level 1: Mark of Storm

Sorcerer at-will 1: Lightning Strike
Sorcerer at-will 1: Storm Walk
Sorcerer encounter 1: Whirlwind
Sorcerer daily 1: Howling Tempest

Adventurer's Kit, Quarterstaff, Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing)
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======
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First Post
I'm very interested, particularly in the first campaign. Would have to put some thought into a character.

Saturdays I am free all day, Sundays after noon. (pacific time)
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Unfortunately, there wasn't a whole lot of response to this. Not the number of which I was anticipating. Not enough to really get it off the ground.

So I'm going to put this on hold until I can retool it.

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