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D&D 4E 4E PrRC ~v2.7~ FINAL UPDATE May 29.08


First Post
Just wanted to drop a line to convey my appreciation.

Thank you, Verys Arkon, for all the hard work you did to maintain this resource.

Thank you, ENWorld Community, for taking the time to contribute your scoops.

I deeply appreciate it. Your dedication whetted my appetite and helped reignite my passion for this hobby.



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First Post
Verys Arkon,

Thanks for all of your help these past few months... without your help I'd be a good month or so behind on my design notes for 4e and would not have decided to try to create a martial controller (which just released its Version 0.04 today). If you ever want to do some playtesting for my 4e projects just let me know and I'll see what I can do for you ;)


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Thanks for all of the crazy copy-and-paste'age and all the leet PDF-work, Dude!

You will always Roxors in my book!



Verys Arkon said:
With only a week to go until the Core Ruleset is available, v2.7 will be the final update for the PrRC.

Verys, who knows what we would have spent the last few months discussing if you hadn't made the effort to compile and update all the pre-released information for us? You did a great job, and we really appreciate all the work you put into it. I nominate you for some kind of award, or medal, or do-hickey-type-thing!


First Post
Thank you so much, I've been following the PrRC rules since you've started. They've been a big help.

Second, do you have any plans to post a list of known errors in the 2.7 version once the books are out. Or for example, a version that slows all incorrect information in red. I feel like this would be extremely useful to many people (myself included) so we don't have to figure out what is different between every rule. Basically, to avoid confusion that might arise from people who've used the PrRC for a while.

Much thanks,



Yeah, Verys, you are a hero in my eyes for having put this together (with the help of our fine community). Without it, I don't think any of us would have been as organized enough to have started coming up with ideas, which in turn spurred VB to start the Original Creations I took over. It's been a hit. Thank you.


I just wanted to say thank you to Verys and everyone else who contributed to the PrPC - it has been an invaluable source of information for me regarding what was to come for many months, and I often came to these forums anticipating the day when it would be updated yet again.

Your efforts to evangelize for 4e in getting and keeping the fires stoked were I think an invaluable resource to both the D&D community and WotC themselves. They sure owe you one. As do all of we.

So again, thank you all for your efforts.

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