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D&D 4E 4e Soulknife


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So, I always really enjoyed the idea of the Soulknife class from 3.5, and I was wondering if anyone had tried their hand at updating it to 4e, or if anybody might be interested in doing so. I have no idea how to make powers or anything like that otherwise I'd try myself.

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This is one of those cases where reskinning is probably a better option.

I have a friend who wanted a Soulknife; instead of designing a whole soulknife class, we decided to use an existing class and simply do a reskin, as well as maybe change a few damage types and names. Then, just describe whatever weapon you have as a psychic manifestation of your will to kill (or whatever) and BOOM, soulknife.

Avenger was our choice of class, although Assassin could work reasonably well. Hell, Monk might fit too; really, any highly mobile striker (or possibly defender) will do.


First Post
How feasible would it be to take the base power structure of one class and swap out say a striker damage mechanic?


What do you mean by 'swap out'? You can't exactly remove a barbarian's and replace it with a rogue's - the extra damage is built into the barb's powers.

There are several types of striker effects;

Built in - Barbarian
Increased Accuracy - Avenger
Extra Dice - Ranger, Rogue, Warlock (each slightly different)
Bonus static damage - Sorcerer
Bonus attack - Monk
Escalating one-off damage - assassin

I'd be hesitant to switch those around for any other.

Or are you talking names? You could easily use, say, Rogue as a base, and then call its Sneak Attack 'Psychic Strike' or whatever.

the Jester

I converted it as a monk paragon path.

“Your clumsy blade is made from metal, but mine comes from a much stronger source.”

Prerequisite: Monk

In your quest for the ultimate unarmed fighting techniques, you have learned to use psionic power to shape a blade of psychic energy from your hand. This mind blade is a part of you, springing from your mind into deadly reality, as your foes discover to their chagrin.

Soulknife Path Features

Mind Blade (11th level):
As a minor action you can create a mind blade, which appears to be a sword made of psychic energy. Your mind blade lasts until you lose contact with it, you dismiss it with a free action or for five minutes or until the end of the encounter. Your mind blade requires one hand to wield, and you can use it to deliver your monk and soulknife melee and close attack powers. While you wield your mind blade, you may choose to have half the damage you inflict with it be psychic damage.

Implements such as ki foci work fine with a mind blade.

Soulknife Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, until the end of your next turn you score a critical hit on a 19-20 with monk and soulknife attacks delivered through your mind blade.

Synapse Strike (16th level): When you score a critical hit with an unarmed attack delivered through your mind blade, the victim grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.

Soulknife Disciplines

Mind Blade Strike--- Soulknife Attack 11
You lash out with your mind blade, disrupting your enemy’s mind.
Encounter--- Implement, Psionic, Psychic
Standard Action--- Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Will
Hit: 2d8 + Dexterity modifier psychic damage, and the target is stunned until the end of its next turn. If the target has resist psychic, it is not stunned.

Strike the Mind--- Soulknife Utility 12
You attack your enemy’s mind, not his body.
Daily--- Psionic
Free Action--- Personal
You make an attack that targets AC, Fortitude or Reflex.
Effect: The attack instead targets Will.

Hurl Mind Blade--- Soulknife Attack 20
You hurl your mind blade, and it maintains its integrity long enough to strike, imperiling your foe’s mind and body.
Daily--- Implement, Psionic, Psychic
Standard Action--- Ranged 10
One enemy
Attack: Dexterity vs. Will
Hit: 3d8 + Dexterity modifier psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
-Aftereffect: The target takes psychic damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed until the end of its next turn.

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