[4e] The Dustbowl (QA) [Recruitment - OPEN(1)] (OOC)


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New Dustbowl round has begun! Lots of action here, so please remember to read it all thoroughly. One important change is that if you two people have post their actions, please wait for me to resolve the actions of those people in a quick update post so we can keep the flow of the game going a little smoother.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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If Caden attacks BN1, and BN1 is the skelly Rashka hit, the healing setup by Rashka's power is wasted. As Caden has not taken any damage to be healed...

Hence the IC instruction for Caden to attack BN2 from Rashka.

If Caden waits until Stick is in position...

Not worried this round, but the party should be aware in the future, if someone is injured, let them hit the Astral Seal target first...


First Post

I see what you mean on that. I went with Caden's actions first and he mentioned specifically that he wanted to move to whoever he could flank, and BN1 was the only flank-able target (since BN2 is already flanked and there is no other way to flank him and gain combat advantage). Unless I have the rule wrong, Caden must be one of those flanking the enemy in order to receive combat advantage.

Caden, if you don't want to worry about flanking and finish off BN2 instead, let me know and I'll rewrite the update.


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Fred, I think you might have accidentally rolled a 1d2 (at least, according to what I see from Invisible Castle) instead of a 1d20. Can you please go back and double check? Also, I'm waiting on Legildur to see if he wants to attack BN2 instead of BN1. If that's the case, then you are welcome to change your attack's target and reroll.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
By golly you're right. Fixed. Still a miss with a lousy 3, but at least it's not a one. :) Added a mini-stat block while I was at it (shamelessly borrowed from Renau1g; Thanks). If Caden drops BN2 before then, I'll come up with something else.

EDIT : namely Luring Strike on BN1 with shift to F10. Flanking teleport if his mark activates.

Caden, if you go with attacking BN2, how about doing it from H9? If the teleport activates, we can then flank BN1 right off and if he follows me instead you get an AoO.
Thanks Eblue.
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play as is for now, just mentioning it for the future.

It'll make for good banter, when I get the time to put together an IC post.

No need to go changing actions around!


First Post
Sorry Binder Fred, I've never seen a swordmage in play and was ignorant of that healing advantage.

Yes eblue, Caden needs the flanking for the combat advantage to gain Sneak Attack damage. Without the CA, Caden would do a minimum of 14 damage if he just threw his dagger from his current square (which would have been an attack roll of 28 instead of 30).

If BN2 looks significantly damaged such that the extra sneak attack damage is unnecessary, then Caden would happily retcon his attack to that if that suits everyone and then move to N10 and make a Stealth check move 3 squares (1d20+11-5=13) to try and gain combat advantage on BS2.
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