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[4e] The Wolfcrown, Chapter 1


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Thomas, Summoner Wizard

Hoping to continue restraining the enemy war-forged, Thomas casts another Chilling Cloud spell, but his concentration falters and he stumbles over the final words.

Chilling Cloud, INT vs FORT (1d20+5=11)

Likely a miss.

Thomas HP 24/24

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First Post
Thorn hurries around the table to the center of the room. At first it doesn't seem as if any of the creatures are within reach of her weapon...but she reaches out with her sword anyway. Her shadow, stretched long along the floor, slashes at the golem-like dog near the warforged and despite merely being a shadow it draws sparks from its armored hide!

(Inescapable Blade 11 to hit, 4 damage.)
Roll Lookup

In response to Squeal's attack against Claymore, one of the mechanical beasts lashes out with its teeth. Fortunately, Squeal's momentum carries him slightly out of the monster's reach.

[sblock=Immediate Reaction]The mechanical beast seems to be able to attack an enemy that attacks its master.[/sblock]

[sblock=End of Round 2]
Hero Status
Doren: 26/26
Thorn: 24/24
Thomas: 24/24
Baern: 26/26
Torath: 24/35 (Marked to Crag Claymore in Round 3)
Squeal: 31/31

NPC Status
Guard 1: Bloodied
Guard 2: Severely Bloodied

Enemy Status
Mechanical Beast 1: Taken 0 damage, Not Bloodied
Mechanical Beast 2: Taken 14 damage, Not Bloodied
Crag Claymore: Taken 11 damage, Not Bloodied (Marked to Torath in Round 3, 1 Assassin's Shroud)[/sblock]

Each of you attempts to strike at Claymore, but his ornately carved armor seems impenetrable. Every attack bounces off harmlessly, as if brushed aside by one of Munsu's own tricks. He scoffs, and with a creaky, rusted voice, he shouts.

"Bah! You bunch of fools are pathetic! Feel the wrath of The Cloak!"

Claymore swings his heavy blade at Torath, but a burst of radiant light from the paladin's eyes temporarily distracts him, and his sword misses its mark. The nearby mechanical beast lunges at Torath in an unsportsmanlike gambit, but pitifully stumbles over itself. It retreats a step back in preparation for a charge.

The first guard catches an opportunity to crack Claymore in the face with his sword. The guard heaves a sigh of relief. Although still bloodied, this guard seems hopeful.

The second guard is not so lucky. The monster attacking him leaps into the air and comes down on him. As the beast sinks its teeth into the guard's throat, the guard's sword pierces the golem's thick hide. Sparks fly, but within seconds, only the beast is left standing.

[sblock=Round 3 Actions]
Crag Claymore makes MBA against Torath, misses.
Mechanical Beast 1 makes MBA against Torath, misses.
Mechanical Beast 1 shifts to F6.
Mechanical Beast 2 makes MBA against Guard 2, hits for 8 damage.

Guard 1 makes MBA against Crag Claymore, hits.
Guard 2 makes MBA against Mechanical Beast 2, hits.
Guard 2 falls unconscious.


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Thy wounds are healed!
5' step to C7

The armored creature offends Torath with its taunts, but the paladin is still smiling. The flash that helped save him from the creatures blade, was a like a message from Munsu himself. The Four are with you. "The Four are with ME!!" Torath yells as he brings his sword down hard.

Minor = Divine Strength
Standard = Holy Strike STR vs AC 14
Damage equals 10 pts.

Note: I wasn't moved on the current map, I was trying to get away from the dog and start a flank with the guard against the warforged. If I couldn't move there last round let me know I will edit in a move this round. If that spot is good I will stay and offer a flanking bonus to whomever. (wish I could get it might be the difference between hit and miss with that roll of 14) [/sblock]

HP: 35/35 (17) Surges: 12/13 SV: 8
AC:20 Fort: 14 Reflex: 14 Will: 14

Divine Mettle
Divine Strength
Shielding Smite
Dazzling Flare
Second Wind
Glorious Charge [/sblock]
Last edited:


First Post
Doren watches as the golem beast tears into the second guard as his eyes flash a bright white for a moment... You will NOT have that guard without Blackmoors WRATH metal beast! the priest barks as he prepares to drench the metal protector beast in a vengeful flame! Looking to Torath he notes his wounds and sends him a bit of help to keep his wounds closed and keep him within the fight!


Minor Action: Class Encounter: Healing Word
Encounter (Special) ✦ Divine, Healing
Special: You can use this power twice per encounter, but only
once per round. At 16th level, you can use this power three
times per encounter.
Minor Action Close burst 5
(10 at 11th level, 15 at 21st level)
Target: You or one ally
Effect: The target can spend a healing surge and regain an
additional 1d6 hit points. (1d6=3) [On Torath]

Move Action: None

Standard Action: At-will Level 1: Sacred Flame
At-Will ✦ Divine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage, and one ally
you can see chooses either to gain temporary hit points
equal to your Charisma modifier + one-half your level or
to make a saving throw. (*sighs*) (1d20+3=5 on Mechanical Beast 2... MISS!*)[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]Sorry, Holyman. I forgot to move you. I've noted it on my map now. Also, please repost with your updated HP since Doren has healed Torath. Btw, both of you guys miss. This warforged is one tough bastard.[/sblock]


Squeal, Warforged Barbarian

Squeal shifts it's focus, noticing the badly wounded guard. Moving nimbly the warforged press the mechanical dog harrying the guard looking to make some space for the guard to escape.

"Locate backup" Squeal calls out to the guard.

Standard - Pressing Srike, Shift to D8, Attack Metal beast 2, 21vs AC, 13 Damage, push the beast to F9

Move - Shift to E9


[sblock=Phaezen ooc]Castle Guard 2 is already in Square D9. You can push the enemy past him, but you can't share a square while he is technically conscious. You can pick a new spot to move to if you like. Your attack does hit, though.[/sblock]

Squeal's strike seems to cut an important cable inside of the monster, as its body shudders and a spray of an oily, black substance sprays from the gaping hole in its armor.

[sblock=Enemy Update]Mechanical Beast 2 has become bloodied.[/sblock]


First Post
When the golem dog lands next to her, still woozy from the battering Squeal gave it, Thorn wastes no time in giving it a quick slash. The shadows nearby...her own, the dog's, Squeal's...all seem to bend around and claw at the metal beast at the same time; ephemeral, but leaving real marks just the same. Even as the warforged creature is getting its bearings back, Thorn steps into its shadow and vanishes, reappearing out of Squeal's on the opposite side.

Still wearing Corporal Hedges' face, 'he' gives his ally a nod and looks over at Claymore.

"So confident," he says in a voice that drips with contempt. "Those born to flesh know fear. It's in their bones...a constant companion. I can see you will still need to be taught."

The shadows gather and thicken pregnantly around Claymore, and in them he can see suggestions of gleaming eyes and tearing claws, ready to lunge and attack. Wherever he looks, something awful seems to slither back just out of sight into the gloom.

(Standard: Shadow Storm on dog 2. 21 to hit, 14 damage.
Move: Shadow Step to D9.
Free: Shroud Claymore.
Roll Lookup
Action point!
Standard: Nightmare Shades on Claymore. 13 to hit vs Will, 10 damage.
(Invisible castle! DAMN YOUUUUUU!!)
Roll Lookup )


Still focusing his energies on the Warforged, Baern unleashes another fount of radiance in Blackmore's name.

[sblock=Actions]Move: None
Standard: Attack Crag Claymore; Avenging Light hits FORT 20 for 12 damage (Roll Lookp)
Minor: None[/sblock]
[sblock=Baern Stoneheart stat block]Baern Stoneheart- Male Dwarf Invoker 1
Passive Perception: 15, Passive Insight: 20
AC:16, Fort:14, Reflex:11, Will:16 -- Speed:5
HP:26/26, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:7/9
Initiative +0
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers: Avenging Light, Grasping Shards, Rebuke Undead, Armor of Wrath, Thunder of Judgement, Angelic Echelon

Voidrunner's Codex

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