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[4e] The Wolfcrown, Chapter 1


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Thomas, Summoner Wizard

"I can try and keep him where he's at, if someone gives the word!", Thomas cries as he again fails to recast his chilling cloud.

Chilling Cloud, INT vs. FORT (1d6+5=8)
No other actions, but Thomas has a couple of spells that will punish the enemy warforged for moving. Let me know when would be the best time.

Thomas HP 24/24

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Thorn sinks her blade deep into the monster's side, and its entire iron body shuts down. It sinks into a heap on the floor.

Thorn and Baern unleash a focused volley of attacks against Claymore, charring his armored plating into a smoking shell. He coughs and sputters. An oily substance spouts from his mouth, and his crimson eyes flicker, almost as if he is close to shutting down as well.

[sblock=ooc Shayuri]Since you spent an action point on your second attack, I allowed it to hit at normal damage, but with no other effects (if there were any).[/sblock]

[sblock=Enemy Update]Crag Claymore has become bloodied.
Mechanical Beast 2 has been killed.[/sblock]

[sblock=End of Round 3]
Hero Status
Doren: 26/26
Thorn: 24/24
Thomas: 24/24
Baern: 26/26
Torath: 35/35
Squeal: 31/31

NPC Status
Guard 1: Bloodied
Guard 2: Unconscious

Enemy Status
Mechanical Beast 1: Taken 0 Damage
Mechanical Beast 2: Dead
Crag Claymore: Taken 38 damage, Bloodied (Marked to Torath, 2 Shroud)

Most Damage Dealt This Round: Thorn [24]
Most Damage Taken This Round: n/a
Most Damage Dealt This Encounter: Thorn [24]
Most Damage Taken This Encounter: Torath [11]

Seeing one of his guardians fallen, Claymore stands tall. Even though his armor is shattered in some places, his joints twisted in strange angles, and his sword-handle cracking, he becomes determined to fight on.

"No death shall claim me tonight."

Claymore laboriously swings his sword at Torath, but the paladin easily sidesteps it. The warforged then orders his remaining guardian to charge, but the creature stumbles in its approach and misses its chance to attack.

[sblock=Round 4 Actions]
Mechanical Beast 1 charges Torath, provoking an OA from Guard 1.
Guard 1's OA misses.
Mechanical Beast ends its charge in D6.
MBA against Torath misses.

Crag Claymore grants himself THP.
Crag Claymore makes MBA against Torath, misses.

Guard 1 makes MBA against Crag Claymore, misses.
Guard 2 succeeds on a death-saving throw.


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Baern sees the warforged and his pet falter, and takes the opportunity to change tactics. Again, he strikes the head of his hammer with his divine rod, and a great thunder roils.

[sblock=Actions]Move: None
Standard: Thunder of Judgement vs. Crag Claymore & mechanical beast; 1d20+5 hits FORT 16, 24 for 13 damage
Minor: None

Attack Rolls; Thunder Damage

Likely a miss on Claymore. If MB1 is hit, it is pushed 3 squares to A3 and is dazed until the end of Baern's next turn.[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
Fighting off the metal beast, Torath steps back and let's the power of his faith defeat this monster where it seems his force of arms can not. His holy symbol flares as he points a finger at the beast. A dazzling light flys straight at the warforged villian.

5' step to D7
Standard Action: Dazzling Flare CHA vs Reflex to hit 14, dmg = 12

HP: 35/35 (17) Surges: 12/13 SV: 8
AC:20 Fort: 14 Reflex: 14 Will: 14

Divine Mettle
Divine Strength
Shielding Smite
Dazzling Flare
Second Wind
Glorious Charge [/sblock]


Seeing the mechanical beast go down, Squeal turns its attention to the opposing warforged, determined to bring it down.

Standard - Pressing Strike - Shift to C7, Attack Crag, 25 vs AC 8 Damage, will not push him
Move - Nothing, unless the atack drop Crag in which case move to A4
Minor - Nothing

Alternate - If Crag is down before Squeal goes, move to attack the remaining beast
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Baern's attack blasts the mechanical beast and knocks it out into the corner of the room. Torath's ray of light seems to move around the warforged like water around a stone. Claymore stands resiliently.

Squeal's attack forces Claymore to dodge too hard, and he begins to lose his balance. The resilience he gained previously has already started to waver. However, the fierce glimmer of intellect still shines in his flickering eyes.

[sblock=ooc]Still waiting on Thomas, Thorn, and Doren.[/sblock]
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First Post
Thorn repeats her fancy trick of leaping from shadow to shadow, sinking into the shaded flagstones at her feet in front of the castle guard, and bursting out next to the clockwork dog. As the shades coalesce around Claymore, dark enough now that they almost seem to have hands and faces, Thorn attacks the metal beast!

(Shadow step to E6. Place another Shroud on Claymore. Attack mech dog 1 with Shadow Storm. 15 to hit, for 15 damage.)
Roll Lookup


First Post
Doren again tries to give Claymore a bit of a piercing with his holy lancing effect of from Blackmoor himself hoping bringing justice to the felled guard lying unconscious on the floor near him. The lawful cleric would avenge the fallen man and lead him to his safety by hopefully taking down the giant warforged machine-man!

Minor: None

Move Action: Shift to C5

Standard Action: Encounter Level 1: Healing Strike
Encounter ✦ Divine, Healing, Radiant, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier radiant damage, and the
target is marked until the end of your next turn. In
addition, you or one ally within 5 squares of you can
spend a healing surge.
1d20+4=16 to hit (I have not added flanking or any other mods to this at all) for 2d8+2=9 damage
(Seeing as we mostly all seem ok.. I'm going let the unconscious guard 2 spend a healing surge this time!)[/sblock]
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Doren's attempt to heal the fallen guard fails, but Thomas' icy blast slows the gears churning in the the mechanical beast's shoulder and jaw as it's pushed toward the back of the room.

[sblock=End of Round 4]
Hero Status
Doren: 26/26
Thorn: 24/24
Thomas: 24/24
Baern: 26/26
Torath: 35/35
Squeal: 31/31

NPC Status
Guard 1: Bloodied
Guard 2: Dead

Enemy Status
Mechanical Beast 1: Taken 18 damage, not bloodied. Dazed, -2 to atk rolls.
Mechanical Beast 2: Dead
Crag Claymore: Bloodied, Marked to Torath, 3 Shrouds

Most Damage Dealt (Round): Baern [13]
Most Damage Dealt (Encounter): Baern [31]

Crag Claymore, grievously wounded, decides to take his chances on the run, rather than continue the fight. In a throaty, metallic rasp, he shouts "Damn the gods!" He turns in order to scramble over the table behind him.

[sblock=Opportunity Attacks]Torath and Squeal may make opportunity attacks against Crag Claymore. Note: If Claymore survives the opportunity attacks, he'll successfully make it upstairs. Thus, you won't be able to see him this round.[/sblock]

Claymore makes a careful dash for the upstairs, seemingly hoping to get away from the wrath of his powerful foes. His mechanical ally attempts to move into a covering position, but its movement is hindered thanks to Thomas' icy cloud.

The remaining castle guard drops his sword and moves to his fallen comrade. "He's dead," the guard mutters, fighting back tears. He looks at Thorn, whom he still believes to be his commanding officer. "What do we do, sir?"

[sblock=Round 5 Actions]
Crag Claymore triggers opportunity attacks from Guard 1, Squeal and Torath.
Guard 1 opportunity attack misses.
Crag Claymore takes double move upstairs.

Mechanical Beast moves to A9.

Guard 1 moves to E8.[/sblock]


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