D&D 4E 4e tiefling art vs. previous edition tiefling art?


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Irda Ranger said:
I always thought that the creepiest monsters on Buffy and the like were always the guys that looked normal ... and then they blinked, and you realized their eyelids were sideways.

That's what I want Tieflings to be.

Oh my. Save that for the far-realm touched creatures.

Thus far, I'm slightly apprehensive about how similar the tieflings in concept sketches appear. However, all those sketches look completely awesome, especially Steve Prescott's. I'm confused.

I support the notion that tieflings grow more fiendish in appearance as they grow more powerful, and hope that the concept gets applied to all races of monstrous ancestry.

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Aloïsius said:
As I said, I think 4e Tieflings are NOT the tieflings we knew. They are probably a true race, rather than strange human with dubious ancestry.
Blergh. I really really really really really really really hope not. Really.

Doug McCrae

I would like to get down with the tiefling that frankthedm posted. By which I mean that I would like to have sex with her. She has wide hips and I like that in a woman.


Doug McCrae said:
I would like to get down with the tiefling that frankthedm posted. By which I mean that I would like to have sex with her. She has wide hips and I like that in a woman.
Real women have curves. Even really evil women. :cool:


First Post
Dragonbait said:
the tiefling looked like "she ate too many bon-bons" in DiTerlizzie's own words,
I think she ate just enough! Why is it some folks think women with good sized, child bearing hips look fat? :p There is no belly bulge on her. Thats like how most body mass indexes say a top heavy woman is overweight many pounds before she actually is.

Simia Saturnalia

First Post
Dragonbait said:
Re: The curvey tiefling: DiTerlizzie tried to draw atypical and rarely imagined versions of the monsters for the 3ed MM. Not a great decision when those images would establish what people picture as the norm for the monster. The treent was young looking, the aasimar was frail and old, the tiefling looked like "she ate too many bon-bons" in DiTerlizzie's own words, and so on. There is a much more lean version of her in one of the old Planescape books.
:confused: man what
She looks like she does in fact eat, which is kinda refreshing. There's some natural female curvature there. I love DiTerlizzi's style to death, but a startling number of his women are 'lean' enough it'd be like having sex with a bag of rakes.

EDIT: And before everybody gets all up in arms, that's about the twentieth thing I think when I look at his character art. Generally the top two are "Man I love this style" and "Could he even draw a rounded ear if you put a gun to his head?".


While I like the 4E tiefling artwork - because it is well done and coherent - I dislike the conception of the 4E tiefling. A bit more subtle is better, at least from my point of view. The 4E tieflings look like half-fiends. Well, I know that I'll though half of the 4E flavour out of the window, while preserving the solid mechanics.

Cheers, LT.

Aloïsius said:
As I said, I think 4e Tieflings are NOT the tieflings we knew. They are probably a true race, rather than strange human with dubious ancestry.

I've been thinking that if the Eladrin and Elves were fey that have colonized the mortal world then 4e Tieflings might be a race of fiends that did the same.

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