D&D 4E 4ESingleSide.pdf - The One-Sided 4E Character Sheet PDF Form!


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New! Updated to Version 2.0, which does away with the Basic Attacks section to make room for a Feats list, two columns of inventory and currency, and a bigger area for taking notes (such as for HP and surge values and such). I left the old one up here in case someone still wants that.

Inspired by the work of kiznit and the form fillable help of neolithic I've gone and created 4ESingleSide.pdf. This is a PDF form that does limited calculations that has all crucial character information on a single side of 8.5x11 paper, for the minimalist gamer who likes to help save trees!

Frequently used numbers are a decent size, but the vast majority of the sheet relies on extremely fine print. Yes, it's small... but it is legible (assuming your eyes are still good, of course).

The sheet does go under the assumption that you will be using Power Cards or some other reference for what individual powers do. I highly recommend using Magic Set Editor and one of the many cool templates found in this thread to print out your character's powers on a power-by-power basis. And with this sheet only taking up a single side of paper, you can turn it over and doodle entire novels of notes during your adventures, then transfer any new items and such over to another print out for your next session.

Comments welcome, but please note the following:

- I don't plan on doing any more auto-calculation than is already present on the form. It calculates defense and skill totals only. Everything else you'll have to manage to do in your head when you enter your character. If you really need a version of the form that does NO calculations, feel free to PM me and I'll see what I can do.
- Encumbrance isn't something I think needs to be tracked. However, the "Equipment, Items, Currency" section allows for plenty of room to put both cost and weight in the cost column if you and/or your DM care about such things.


  • 4ESingleSide_Example.gif
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  • 4ESingleSide.rar
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  • 4ESingleSide_v2.0.rar
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  • 4ESingleSide_v2.0_preview.gif
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- Minor fixes to a few field sizes causing inconsistent letter sizes.
- Moved the Basic Attack bonus totals to be right next to the Weapon/Power (instead of all the way to the right). Turned out that while playing I really didn't care about where the bonuses came from, I just wanted to know what the bonuses were for which weapon.
- Increased the width of the Feats area to allow for more text (in case you want to type in the Feat Summary for each feat... at least at low levels).


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Got a request for me to attach my latest iteration of this thing now that I have a number of tabletop games under my belt. See original post's attachments for the new hotness.

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