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4th ed -- yeah, but are you actually ready to leave behind the 3rd?

Talk versus action

  • I like to talk 4th ed, and I'm ready to leave 3rd behind.

    Votes: 33 9.7%
  • I like to talk 4th ed, but I'm not ready for a move yet.

    Votes: 78 22.9%
  • I'm not really interested in chatting 4th ed or moving toward it.

    Votes: 184 54.0%
  • I paradoxically avoid 4th ed chat, but I want it bad.

    Votes: 8 2.3%
  • I'm one of those goofballs who picks the non-responsive poll option.

    Votes: 38 11.1%


(he, him)
I voted for the last option, which I took to be a long winded way of saying 'other', because none of the other choices seemed to fit my position.

I want a 4e eventually, but I dn't think the time is yet. I like to speculate about the next edition of D&D, and talk about what we would like to see. I have no interest in reading yet again about how the sky is falling and 4e will be here by the end of next week.

Whenever it arrives, I'll probably pick it up (the core rules at least). The only thing that would prevent that is if the predictions that it will cease to be a RPG are true, but since they are based on zero evidence, I believe that when I see it.


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First Post
Herremann the Wise said:
I think a lot of people will be in a similar boat even though at the moment they are saying they would not touch it with a barge pole. For those really passionate about the current edition, I expect that this passion will transfer to 4th quite easily in the end. There will simply be too much curiosity and interest for them. Only those apathetic to D&D or those who have moved on to other systems won't be caught by the perceived WotC "trap".

I suppose what I'm saying is that I see a lot of the closed minds that have appeared on this thread and others given time will eventually open and open wide.

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise

That was just what I was thinking ;) :)


Herremann the Wise said:
I suppose what I'm saying is that I see a lot of the closed minds that have appeared on this thread and others given time will eventually open and open wide.

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise

That's because A) Closed wallet=closed mind and B) Another few large boxes to put away the 3E books to make room for 4E books is an experience some people (such as myself) don't want to put up with...again

I am pretty passionate about the game and 3E, but as much as I keep hearing people say the naysayers will be drawn to 4E like a moth to a flame, I really don't see that happening. At least with me. It was very, and I mean very, hard for me and my gaming group to switch from 2E to 3E. Heck, I lost some good players from the change. I am not about to do that again.

Plus there is the fact that if I do move to 4E, what's the point? 5E is going to be in the works and then I'll have to move, yet, again. Sorry, 3E is where I stay put for life. :p
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Not that I voted (sorry), but it would take a massively improved game to get me to switch. Not because I'm some kind of purist (IMO, that would mean sticking staunchly to OD&D), but because I've sunk trememdous amounts of money (compared to my income) into the current edition. I greatly enjoyed 2E (which is where I really got my gaming start, though I did play OD&D first), but I only had four books, total, so the transition was easy and 3E made some really elegant changes.

Now I have sixty plus books and haven't even started to use them all (not to mention all the ogl and d20 variants that I own but haven't had the time to run).

I might buy 4E out of curiousity like I did nWoD, but realistically, it would take noone I know continuing to play 3.x or a radical improvement of game mechanics for me to seriously entertain switching.

In terms of hints of major changes to the style of the system (minis required; random, collectable rules supliments), I can remember when WoTC bought TSR and then the 3e rumours started pouring out. I didn't have reliable internet then, so I don't know if this sentiment was what was milled about here, but my group was terrified they would incorporate M:tG cards as integral to the system. Of course, when the book actually came out, we all switched pretty quickly, even those among us who had nearly every 2E book. So maybe the new system (whenever it comes out) will lure me in.

Well that's enough rambling.


First Post
Just like any other game, I would look through it first, maybe buy it and see if I think it's improved the game. If it has, I'm switching. If not, I have plenty of 3.5 books to use.

I'm not going to reject it out of hand until I see it, though.


Personally I don't think there will be a 4th edition. At least not under Hasbro's watch. I think the task of launching a profitable edition of the game in light of a fractured market that is "partially" insulated by the OGL will bring them to the conclusion that the Brand of D&D is only valuable under a Boutique label and they will sell the rights.

This is a niche market that does not play to Hasbro's strength with limited appeal (due to licensing rights and a diluted brand) to various multimedia applications.

In short, the amount of money you can make from this thing that is D&D does not significantly impact the top line or bottom line revenue of a company the size of Hasbro.

I don't have an issue with the business side of our hobby. I think a profit margin is a valuable thing when it comes to fostering an interest in servicing our community.

So I will reserve judgment on 4e until after the brand is sold.

I give it 24 months at most.


First Post
Driddle said:
It's pretty darn common to talk up what 4th edition could or should involve when and if it's ever released. Fun, fun stuff. Wacky good times.

But, honestly, for all the hopeful discussion of improvements, are you really, truly ready to let go of the current edition and embrace new material? Or are you still in the land of theory and potential?
You forgot my option. "There is no freaking 4th Edition and won't be soon, and ENWorld is working themselves up over nothing because they are all rumormongers with nothing to do."

If they came out with 4e tommorow, I'd buy it just to spite these threads! :)
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Like I said to my DM, Obscure, " I don't think I want to get into 4e. Maybe I'd buy the Core Rulebooks, and maybe I'd keep buying Eberron for the fluff, but other than that, forget it. "

For 3e and v3.5, I have a total of 16 hardcovers and one softcover, all WotC (BESM 3e I think may be my first non-D&D RPG book I'll have bought, other than the Palladium Ninja book that I got with my 1e books at a garage sale. I still lament the loss of GoO, and I think I would of finally picked up BESM 3e even if they weren't closing their doors. The fact that this may be the last edition locks it in for me, as I've always had some interest). Anyway, of the rest, I may eventually get Stormwrack and Sandstorm (I have Frostburn, I chose that one to satisfy national image) and any other environment books, and Cityscape interests me, but even at this point, none of the class books really interest me. I'll continue to buy every Eberron book that comes out (I'm a bit of a sucker, and I buy all the novels too). Other than that, there isn't much really. Well, maybe I should buy Expanded Psionics Handbook, because it ties into Eberron, but thats older... The point is, I don't have quite as much money to burn as I'd like, especially right now, and I am also a collector type. So, that means I won't touch the complete series with a 10' foot pole. The books I would likely buy right now are the great standalone books or ones that I can some how justify outside of their " group " (like I have Draconomicon, because it's iconic, but I won't be getting any of the other type books). Err... end nonsense...


First Post
We're pretty much moving toward all OGL anyway.
As a bunch of grognards, we translate our past to present gaming as follows:

O/AD&D --> C&C
Classic Traveller --> T20 or the Avenger Classic Traveller current playtest
Top Secret --> Spycraft 2.0 or True20
Champions --> M&M2e
Anything Else --> True20, Risus, Wushu, or Active Exploits

Bring on the 4thEd, we won't even notice...

Voidrunner's Codex

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