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4th Edition Custom Monk PDF


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This is a class that my former DM, Burnicus, and I created. We had a player whose 3.5 character was a monk and was disappointed when that class wasn't included in 4e. As it seems now that it won't be featured at all in the near future, I thought I'd post it here. Please check it out and tell me what you think about it, as our player seems to REALLY enjoy it!

UPDATE: Updated the PDF to Version 2!


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I like the ideas, here's a few thing i noticed:

If the monk is a defender, it really should be able to mark more then once an encounter. That's what defenders do. Some of the things in this class seem more like other roles, so it could be kind of a mixed role class, but if it's going to be a defender to start with it needs more marking.

The ability to add wisdom as well as int/dex to AC is possibly a bit much, especially when combined with the +3 AC from cloth. The monk would have AC not unlike a swordmage's at first, but at higher levels it would easily get out of hand.

The ki slash at will power (as well as the other ki based powers) will still become inaccurate even with the ki practitioner feat, because it gives only half the bonuses powers with weapon/implement keywords get. Am i missing somthing?

Anyway, good concept.


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This really is more of a mixed class, we only put "Defender" for the sake of having something to call it, honestly. When we made this class, what we did was look at several of the other classes (Cleric, Ranger, Rogue, and maybe Fighter I think) and alter some of their powers to fit the "Monk" style.

As far as the AC goes, I felt it necessary to let them add their Wisdom to it because, let's face it, if the player is going to possibly acting as a Defender, they are going to need some serious help. Cloth provides no bonus to AC, and even allowing them the +3 from "Fearless Defender" doesn't make it even with chain or anything heavier. Basically it makes cloth armor as strong as hide, which is still pretty weak for someone who may be playing a Defender roll.

Thanks for the input though!



I just wanted to point out that there will be a playtest article in Dragon magazine in May that will introduce a complete 1-30 build for the monk and that the monk is confirmed as one of the classes that will appear in PHB III next year.


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I just wanted to point out that there will be a playtest article in Dragon magazine in May that will introduce a complete 1-30 build for the monk and that the monk is confirmed as one of the classes that will appear in PHB III next year.

Hooray! The monk was my favorite 3.5 class! I can't wait for that! :D


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Thoughts on Monks

Great build Arius_de_Galdri, that looks like a lot of work. I've been looking for a place to brain-dump my thoughts on monk builds, and I think this is probably it. Most of my "monk" connotations are built out of kung-fu flicks and video games, so I can see where the D&D designers might go another way, but here's my take.

The Monk's "weapon" is the universe, and classically evolves through a progression of her body, to her whole environment, to, eventually, her enemies themselves.

I think "Defender" might actually be the appropriate role, where the monk controlls a battlefield through positioning, so there are throws, trips, pushing moves, position changes, acrobatics etc. This is kind of the "Jackie Chan" approach, where he mostly avoids hits, uses his opponents against each other, etc.

A monk can also be like, say, Rocky. A brute force that will not go down, and delivers crushing blow after crushing blow, but this role is somewhat filled by other classes, so there may not be a need to have a barefisted fighter.

I like that you embraced the positioning dimension so well in your build, with the knockback, and prone attacks (perhaps an ability to get UP from prone easily should be added), especially switch-strike. I also liked the movement abilities: leaping, climbing, and weaving through mobs, that was pretty awesome.

Cold Ki is particularly ingenious, inasmuch as it turns the tables and instead of the monk moving faster, the opponents' movement is inhibited. Maybe you could add a balancing Fire Ki, which would add elemental variation to the same outcome, with slightly different direct effects?

I think the point made before about marking multiple targets is a good one, and any way to kind of embrace the current 4e mechanics is probably worth looking at.

That said, I think there are a few things in my monk mythology that I'd love to see added:

1) Throws. Instead of switch-strike, how about a special throw, that bypasses some of the difficulties posed to other classes when grappling. I've seen martial artists "throw" an opponent without even using their hands.
2) Multi-directional opponent movement. Instead of just knocking an opponent "away", maybe a roundhouse kick can knock an opponent into an adjacent square.
3) Opponent collisions. I don't know the 4e rules very well, but I was really hoping to see monks kick, throw, and punch opponents into each other. Whether for damage, knockdown, or just crowd management, I think that's a very exciting and vital contribution to position management

and finally

4) Parrying/Reversal. In almost every kung-fu movie there's a scene where the protagonist is surrounded by opponents, who, in D&D style, attack one at a time, whereupon the monk beats them senseless one at a time. I think a similar set of abilities would be great for gameplay, if appropriately balanced.

First off, maybe the monk spends his standard action assuming a defensive stance, and gains a bonus defense to each attack that round, where if the attacker fails by more than a given amount, the monk either does some damage in return, or shifts that opponent/himself.

Second, if there's just one attacker, perhaps the monk can prepare for a strike and attempt a straight-up reversal, with more opportunity to do damage.

I think these skills might make for good encounter/daily powers, or perhaps they can scale with level. In either case, they should make for excellent crowd control, and provide other party members with good opportunities to attack.


(I wonder what this kind of monk would make a good partner for a rogue who could backstab...)

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