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D&D 5E 4th level spells suck


First Post
Is it only me, or they really suck? The selection is really weak, especially after the galore of 3rd level awesomeness, and while there is a few powerful, and cool spell, I always have trouble finding which to pick.

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It's the level of stoneskin, dimension door, greater invisibility, ice storm, and other great spells. I don't feel that way about 4th level spells at all.


First Post
Greater Invisibility - Give the rogue a minute of hiding without cover, lots of sneak attack damage
Banishment - Take an enemy out of the fight
Divination - Ask a for advice on anything within the next seven days, can be cast as a ritual
Conjure Minor Elementals/Woodland Beings - Break the action economy, tons of disposable meat shields
Wall of Fire - If this doesn't lock down a battlefield, I don't know what does. The downside is that lots of creatures resist/are immune to fire.
Confusion - Affects multiple opponents (10 foot radius, great if enemies are sitting around a campfire/playing cards/grouped up)
Evard's Black Tentacles - Restrain multiple foes, requires action to have a chance to escape, deals mild damage. Great if you have a grappler able to toss people into it.
Fire Shield - Hurts anyone who hits you in melee for ten minutes, no concentration. Downside is that only wizards get it, and they generally shouldn't be getting that close to enemies.

While fourth level spells are definitely kinder to wizards, I didn't see any full casters with less than two spells I would consider good. There weren't any direct damage spells that stood out to me, but a lot of effects that could be very useful.


The good news is, unlike previous editions, you can always use your 4th level slots to cast superpowered versions of lower level spells.


Steeliest of the dragons
To whose 4th level spells are you speaking? Since there are 8 of 12 classes using spells/separate spell lists in this edition.

the Jester


Freedom of movement, compulsion, confusion, greater invisibility, polymorph, bansihment, conjure (x), wall of fire, ice storm, stoneskin, dimension door, arcane eye, Evard's black tentacles and fire shield are all fourth level spells, and they all look pretty good to me at a glance.

the Jester

It's just that 4th level spells are usually heavier on the utility than they are on the blasting.

The point about using lower-level spells in higher level slots is a good one, too.

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