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5 Lessons for DMs from the LOST Series Bible

JJ Abrams made TV history with his groundbreaking series LOST -- and, love it or hate it, it's hard to argue that the show wasn't a significant accomplishment on Network TV, a landscape dominated by reality programming and multi-camera, laugh-track powered sitcoms. Just this past Thursday, BoingBoing.com noted the appearance online of a PDF of the original LOST series bible[ ]. It's a 27 page document addressed to the folks who will be supporting and working on the show, and as interesting as it is on it's own, there are some really important messages to take away for Dungeon Masters of all stripes.

JJ Abrams made TV history with his groundbreaking series LOST -- and, love it or hate it, it's hard to argue that the show wasn't a significant accomplishment on Network TV, a landscape dominated by reality programming and multi-camera, laugh-track powered sitcoms.

Just this past Thursday, BoingBoing.com noted the appearance online of a PDF of the original LOST series bible[ ]. It's a 27 page document addressed to the folks who will be supporting and working on the show, and as interesting as it is on it's own, there are some really important messages to take away for Dungeon Masters of all stripes.

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So here goes:

1. Be Bold

When you're planning your campaign, or planning an adventure within an existing campaign, don't hold back. Imagine stories that you would tell if there were no limitations.

Abrams faced serious limitations -- budget, for one thing. Studios want shows that can be produced on a soundstage, where expenses can be controlled. And you can see some of Abrams' efforts to convince the studio folks that he was going to try to manage those costs:

Our idea is to build a jungle inside a soundstage. And in this patch of jungle, our characters will begin to build their own "mini" sets. Call it a primitive "Melrose Place.

And, if you watched the series, you remember that a lot of the interaction took place within their home camp, especially during that first season, but it never felt like a soundstage, and as the season went on, more and more of the show took place in a wide variety of locations.

For your own games, don't worry about things like how you'll manage to handle encounters as you imagine them -- if you can imagine a scene where the PCs wind up riding dragons into battle, and it makes sense, run with it, and trust yourself to come up with a way to stage the encounter.

Your only limitation should be your imagination -- and that should be no limitation at all.

2. Your Characters are the story

From the PDF:

At the end of the day,. LOST will sink or swim purely on the merit of its characters…and taking a page from the successful playbook of Reality Television, we've stocked our island with the ingredients for limitless conflict. No Conflict, No Drama.

Your campaign -- and your adventures -- should be an expression of your characters -- PCs and NPCs. Players that give you strong backgrounds are asking you to include those backgrounds in your campaign -- and you're absolutely required to do so. By the same token, your important NPCs should have a bit of backstory that informs who they are and what they're going to be looking for in your story.

But more importantly, think about how you can build conflicts into PCs and NPCs for your game -- and turn those conflicts into stories. If you've got a barbarian who loves to drink beer, you're going to need an NPC teetotaler cleric -- either as a PC or an NPC.

At the same time, your PCs may have stories which are not completely revealed at first. Using Jack as a model, here's what the show bible says about him: "…much of Jack's past is shrouded in mystery. Simply put, out's not something he likes to talk about -- but if he did, it would certainly explain his tattoos."

As a DM, given that in a PC background, aren't your wheels spinning already?

3. Mystery is engaging

Few shows have excited so much speculation about the inherent mysteries that LOST did.

Which brings us to what may be the key ingredient for LOST --


The hope is that every episode will be anchored by some type of MYSTERY -- an event or task that gives each episode a driving investigative thread, even if that mystery is as simple as figuring out why there is seemingly no fresh water on the island, why everyone is getting sick, or where one of our characters has disappeared to.

For an RPG -- at least, for most RPGs before Gumshoe -- mysteries were a tough thing to include -- and games like 4e that excelled at combat and encounter design tended to sideline mystery as a compelling game element.

But the mysteries that LOST spun for it's audience were a critical part of what kept the show in people's minds from one week to the next. Watercooler debates about the nature of the island, the polar bear, the Dharma institute, and Locke's apparent mystical connection to the island -- those rivaled Facebook as a productivity sink at most workplaces.

What if your home game could keep your players just as engaged between sessions -- just as intrigued by the mysteries they're caught within.

4. Don't limit yourself to one type of story

The third part of the show bible includes a discussion of the sorts of stories that they could tell -- basically thumbnails for a wide variety of episodes they might shoot. Some sound like the seeds of episodes we saw -- others obviously didn't make it out of the writer's room, but the collection is a great example of the creative range that's possible, even within what could be a limited setting.

The key to many of them, goes back to my second point - character. Check out a couple of excerpts:

In an attempt to find common ground with Walt, Michael ventures into the jungle to find his son's pet Labrador. Upon locating Vincent, Michael is surprised to see that not only has the fog's ear been bitten off, but the bite marks appear to be human.

Sawyer's Deal
Having cornered the market on alcohol by liberating all the booze from the fuselage, Sawyer refuses to turn over some of his booty to Jack, who needs it for his makeshift infirmary…but when Sawyer finds himself in that same infirmary after a run-in with a wild boar, the 'negotiations' take on a whole new tack. "

These -- like a great many of the 30 sample stories in the bible -- are examples of different potential story lines that come directly out of the characters and the drama they bring to the show. The same thing can be true of your PCs and NPCs if you take the time to develop the conflicts and tensions that exist between them.

If you're looking for ideas for building that sort of conflict between your players, take a look at an old column of mine that details using Fiasco as a tool for building those connections between characters [http://www.enworld.org/forum/content.php?574-Gamehackery ]

5. You Don't Need to have it all figured out at the start

One of the most fascinating things, reading this document, is that even though they're clearly holding some of their ideas back from the reader, they did not have the whole thing figured out when they started out.

Sure, there are things in the document that would not play out until several seasons into the show. But there are clearly details -- big, important things - that were left to figure out as they went along.

In other cases, there are signs here of things that changed by the time the show aired. Take Hurley, for example. The bio for him in the bible describes him as "born into a vast Puerto Rican family" who had "parlayed his skills into a career in asset recovery -- a Repo Man able to talk anyone out of anything." That's a lot different from the character who had been in a mental hospital and used the island's secret sequence of numbers to win the lottery.

In your own games, anything that is not nailed down already in the player's information is entirely free to change -- and anything they know already could also change, for a variety of reasons. Don't allow yourself to be trapped by past ideas -- if you come up with a better one, find a way to make it work, even if it means putting Hurley in the nuthouse.


So. That's what I'm getting out of it. What do YOU think are the most important lessons to be learned from LOST?

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Absolutely... though not a flawless one. I've been rewatching the show over the past few months, and am now in the middle of the final season. And while much of the story is still solid, in retrospect it's quite obvious that certain changes in cast must have dramatically changed the story (mostly the replacement of Sinclair, but also Ivanova's departure). I would very much know how the original story was supposed to play out.

What I got out of B5 when I ran a B5 as D&D campaign was to have an overall plan, but to be adaptive to player choices and PC departures.

Which is basically what happened when Sinclair and Ivanova left. JMS had players leave the campaign, so he had to be flexible enough to fix it.

this is where making it up as you go has some value, in that you are theoretically making the next parts mesh with what has gone before and what the PCs actually want to do.

But I don't think that can be the entire foundation, as we saw with BSG, it yields a flimsy construction.

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First Post
That might be the key to where Lost went wrong.

In their effort to be sneaky, they would show enough info to form one view of what's going on, but then they'd pull the rug out and negate all that investment that the viewers built up.

What it sounds like you've done is after a bit of congealing process, you've decided to stick with a "truth" and leave it there.

I think that's a decent way to use "make it up as you go" without letting it spoil the final product.

Absolutely, a congealing process.

I think it also helps with RL-based player churn, because if some players leave the game for whatever reason (or if there is ever a TPK),new players/characters are not required to follow the same narrative (in the gameworld reality the demon cult is still there, it's just no longer part of the new plotline, whatever that may turn out to be). Again, I really believe in playing the game > planning the game.


Absolutely... though not a flawless one. I've been rewatching the show over the past few months, and am now in the middle of the final season. And while much of the story is still solid, in retrospect it's quite obvious that certain changes in cast must have dramatically changed the story (mostly the replacement of Sinclair, but also Ivanova's departure). I would very much know how the original story was supposed to play out.

While that happened (the telepath lady who got her mind recorded in the first or second season left for example so that plot was left unfinished and instead of using that recording to de-program her she turned out to be a spy and killed) the final season was more a product of the channel ordering another season in the last minute when the story was already finished, so JMS had to cobble something together.


While that happened (the telepath lady who got her mind recorded in the first or second season left for example so that plot was left unfinished and instead of using that recording to de-program her she turned out to be a spy and killed) the final season was more a product of the channel ordering another season in the last minute when the story was already finished, so JMS had to cobble something together.
The show was supposed to go five seasons, but wasn't renewed for the fifth until after the fourth season was finished. So JMS had to end it a year early. But he said that he'd tied up 90% of the loose ends, leaving the other 10% unfinished in case something happened where he could do so. And it did. Oh, and the spy was originally supposed to be Laurel Takashima, but the actress only did the pilot movie.


First Post
In my current campaign, one of the major plot elements (a demonic conspiracy) started as a red herring. The players got into it, so I kept on picking at it, and two years later, now I know it's a real thing. That likely could not have happened without actually playing the game.
Yep! That's exactly the kind of thing that happened several times in my campaign, too. Basically, if you realize that the players seem to be more interested in following up something you only planned as a minor distraction from the 'real' goal, just switch gears and change things so that the 'minor distraction' becomes an important part of the 'main story' and put the formerly 'real goal' on the backburner or drop it entirely.


While that happened...

The show was supposed to...

Indeed, I'm aware of some of the changes that were made, and some of the reasons why. B5 was the first show that I really followed on the internet as well as on TV, so I kept track of quite a bit of the behind-the-scenes stuff. Still, I would very much like to know exactly how it was all originally intended to go down - and, to the best of my knowledge, JMS has never revealed that in full. :)


All of that makes sense in terms of pure storytelling, but I think in D&D (and to a lesser extent, TV), it's important to not know everything ahead of time, both so the experience of playing the game/telling the story can mean something, but also so that other people can be allowed to influence the outcome.

Note that having a fixed answer to some or all of the mysteries doesn't mean the outcome is fixed. There's no guarantee that the PCs will learn the answer, or perhaps not all of it, or they might not learn it in time. Plus, of course, it says nothing whatsoever about how the PCs learn the answers, nor what they do with the information once they've got it.

One recent example from my just-ended campaign - having uncovered one of the more prominent members of the Cult of the Dragon Below, rather than expose said person, my PCs proceeded to blackmail that character, thus gaining themselves a mole within the enemy camp. I certainly didn't expect that!

A question for you: in a dungeon-crawl, would you place a secret door in the dungeon in response to the Rogue deciding to search for one? Why (not)?

What I got out of B5 when I ran a B5 as D&D campaign was to have an overall plan, but to be adaptive to player choices and PC departures.

Which is basically what happened when Sinclair and Ivanova left. JMS had players leave the campaign, so he had to be flexible enough to fix it.

this is where making it up as you go has some value, in that you are theoretically making the next parts mesh with what has gone before and what the PCs actually want to do.

Sure, I get that. And, as a result of the PCs changing their direction, some or all of the mysteries may never get resolved, some encounters may never come up, and entire chunks of material may never see play. Fortunately, I have excellent recycling facilities. :)

But what I don't generally* do is change the answer to puzzles/mysteries in response to PC actions, largely because changing the outcome at one point would have knock-on effects further down the line.

* Of course, there was that one time when a player pointed out that the NPC in question couldn't have done what I'd set up for him to do. I don't claim to be perfect. :)

Nr 5 is completely and utterly wrong. This is exactly what killed LOST. That the writers themselves had no idea whats going on which made the series more absurd with every season to the point were the viewers stopped to care after they realized that there is no hidden truth to be discovered and instead just random events mashed together by the writers which can never be resolved in a plausible way.
Worse. As the show developed a large and very earnest following the show-runners began facing questions by the fans who were happily and rabidly engaged in actually TRYING to figure out what the meaning of it all was. They obviously did NOT have answers to give them, much less to attempt to hide from them or misdirect them about. So they LIED. They were faced directly with the growing and fairly common conclusion by fans (myself among them) who said, "They're all dead." To which they were told, "No. That's not it." The response was, "Well, they're obviously in some kind of Limbo then." And they said, "No that's not it either." And then when the show wraps up it turns out that's EXACTLY what the solution was.

The show meandered and lost focus (and lost a LOT of otherwise dedicated viewers) BECAUSE the show-runners had NO IDEA where they were actually going with anything. And "Lost" did not break new ground here. "X-Files" had been doing it already for years, they just did it with a slightly different approach, trading back and forth between "mystery of the week" episodes and "story arc-related" episodes. Long before "Lost" came along I ran just such a campaign. It was not intentionally based on the X-Files model but that's certainly how it turned out and I referred to it that way; it was D&D-meets-the-X-Files. Layer after layer of mystery and conundrum, and plot twists and reversals. It was a great way to BUILD interest and get players hooked, but after a while players - and viewers - want to see that the show is GOING SOMEWHERE and not just aimlessly meandering. When I finally decided that my campaign needed to wind down so I could start another one (and do it better) I found that nothing made sense. I COULDN'T tie it all together because I'd simply created too many conflicting and contradictory elements. There ultimately was nothing for it but to openly inform players outside the game that, "No, that element actually means nothing," or, "That element actually has to mean something completely different," in order for THEM to make sense if it at all. And I was still leaving tons of questions unanswered and that became very unsatisfying for both them and myself. And I knew I was in trouble when the players all stopped watching the X-Files and stated that they did so for reasons that would eventually have them stop wanting to play in my similarly constructed campaign - no answers to ANY of the myriad mysteries, just more questions, more mysteries, or yet another now-tired and trite twist or reversal.

No, indeed. Not having an idea of where you're going to end up with your campaign (or with your TV show) is a BAD way to proceed. There is nothing wrong as such with a mystery wrapped in a conundrum surrounded by enigmas - but only if you can eventually see it sensibly and satisfactorily solved.


I think some of the problem with making it up as you go, is running in that mode for too long.

Sometime by season 2 of Lost, the writers should have locked in what's really going on Dharma Initiative, now defunct, remaining renegade members of the Initiative are "protecting" the island.

And the remaining 1-2 seasons show that info being revealed, dealt with and series ended.

Instead of the continuous pile-on of "even more drama" or new characters with "new drama"

This would have let them organically brew their secret sauce, but putting a limit on it before it gets out of hand.

The show (or game) needs to shift gears from "we don't know what's going on" to "we've got some ideas" to "we've figured it all out"

to fail to change the mode of the setting, is to fail to grow the characters. The whole point of serial television is that the past matters and the characters evolve. But it is a failure to accept that when the writers don't shift out of the early stage to the next.


First Post
Now I also agree with that Janx. There is a time sensitivity involved: a game may end earlier than expected and it can be very frustrating to have mysteries never even getting close to being resolved, all because Henry is now working the nightshift, Susan is having a baby and Rick is moving out of town to go to school, pretty much ending the current gaming group.

A TV show's run may be shorter than expected as well.

All considered it's more preferable to have resolutions sooner than later. Which means that you do still have to make decisons, even if you don't know the answers in the beginning.

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