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50 hobgoblins xp question?


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I want to throw a battle with 50+ hobgoblins (normal) against the party (6 12th-lvl characters). I realize that they aren't worth any xp due to their low CR. But considering that there are 50 of them, should they be worth something?

I don't want to give them levels or templates, I just want a slaughter. But it will drain the P's resources a little so should that be worth some amount of xp?

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10 to 12 CR½ creatures is about an EL 6.

So, 50 CR½ creatures are about 5 EL 6 encounters.

a CR6 creature is worth 450 XP to a 12th level character.

5 CR6 creatures are thus worth 2250XP to a 12th level character

2250 / 6 = 375XP per character.

Which represent ~3% of the XP needed to go up to level 13.



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Also, by the CR to EL table in the DMG, there is a paragraph explaining that the chart only goes up to 10-12 (CR x) = (EL y) because any encounter composed of 13+ of the same low-CR creature are probably going to be handled very easily by the party, at almost no risk to themselves, and as we all know, no risk = no XP. It further states that any such encounter is going to have to be carefully considered by the GM as to XP awards. What I would do in this situation is think about how challenged the party is going to be by the Hobgoblins, then equate that to a % of a level. What i mean is something like "Hrm.. these 50 hobgoblins are probably going to teach the party a lesson that will inspire them about 5% of the way to the next level." Then figure out what 5% of XP from 12 to 13 is, and award that to your players. Hope that helps.


12th level party? 6th level spells? That should take only a spell or two to clean up.

I tend to run a combat like this through in my mind. If the combat lasts less than a round, I give no experience. If it lasts longer, I look to see what I expect the PCs to do to expend resources. A fireball plus a few great cleaves at the end of a charge from the barbarian would probably not be worth any experience for a 6th level party. OTOH, if they will have to resort to a couple rounds of real combat to take down that many foes, I'll toss the PCs a bone.


First Post
I agree. I didn't say 50 stupid hobgoblins. They'll be dispersed, willing to use grappling, arrow fire at spell casters, etc. They'll be fodder in that they'll probably go down in 1 shot.


12th level PCs? versus 50 hobgoblins? I'm sorry. That is a matter of a spell or two. I've played in and run a lot of games. This is how that would play out against a typical 4 PC 12th level party (druid, wizard, rogue, barbarian).

The hobgoblins are hiding in a forested region where they can be spread out, use cover and get a good shot at the PCs. They want the best chance of hiding, so each of them takes 10 on their hide check for a 13 hide result. The rogue, with max ranks in spot and no wisdom bonus, will likely spot them from a great distance - his spot check 30 feet + (10' X d20). This will be a very long throw for the standard hobgoblin javelins ...

After warning his allies quietly (which the hobogoblins will be unable to hear from that distance), the druid begins casting. The hobgoblins might throw some javelins ... or not. It doesn't really matter. They'll need 20s to hit. 2 or 3 might make contact for 10 to 12 damage.

The druid finishes his spell (a 5th level spell - SNA V) and summons a large air elemental which proceeds to whirlwind and begin sucking up the hobgoblins. It can go 20 squares this round. Let's say that it just reaches them without getting any in its whirlwind. The hobgoblins attack back by throwing their javelins. They need 18s to hit, so about 7 of them will connect. Of course, most of those deal no damage due to the DR 5/-. The elemental takes a few points of damage.

The rogue, druid and barbarian pick a few off with arrows and slings. The wizard and his familiar argue over whether they should waste a fireball on them and decide to ready an action to fireball the first collection of 15 or more that form in a small area.

Then, the elemental goes. It can move 40 squares. Can you say 'Hoover?'. 10 to 20 hobgoblins die in its whirlwind. The druid gets bored and kills a pair with his sling.

At this point, the hobgoblins are down to 1/2 their numbers (or less) and would likely flee. The air elemental would easily pick them off. The archery and slings of the druids would get more. If they happenned to group up for a massive charge, the wizard wastes a fireball to end them.

A spell ... or perhaps two. A few points of damage. That is it.

Even if the entire party went melee (except the wizard, perhaps), the battle would only last a few rounds and the party would only absorb a few hundred attacks, each with a 1 in 20 chance of connecting for 4 or 5 average damage. 40 or 50 total points of damage. One mass cure light will clean that up.

Could the battle go worse for the PCs? Yes. Would it be likely to do so? No. I've used these types of battles often. Few of my campaigns go by without some massive war breaking out. 50 beat humanoids are just nothing compared to the simple power of a 12th level party.

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