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D&D 5E 5e Borderlands? Help wanted.


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Can y'all help me with some information and inspiration, please?

Info: Does anyone know where I can find 5e statblocks for Borderlands monsters?

Inspiration: I'm looking ideas on how to fit Borderlands game maps in a megadungeon.

TS;WE? (Too short, want explanation?)

I'm building a megadungeon based on a couple ideas. One of my players, when he tried DMing, began running a campaign based on an anime about a sadsack adventurer who tried to make his fame - and win the love of some great adventurer - in a megadungeon under the city. Success is measured by reaching lower levels of the dungeon, by beating boss monsters, etc.

And I'm intending to make the dungeon a little silly by creating areas of the dungeon drawn from the Borderlands videogames.

Like, the Fridge is an absolutely perfect map to use. Its direct line from entrance to exit means that the area can be mostly bypassed by delvers heading deeper into the dungeon. And the various side paths provide the fodder for exploration and destinations for quests to be placed. I've doubled down on the cold, though. That direct path from entrance to exit is filled with a perpetual, supernatural storm fueled by the very cold part of Elemental Chaos, and so is dangerous all by itself. (Ooh! That storm is mostly an ice storm; every once in a while, maybe it's a firestorm. Evil!)

I intend to populate the Borderlands levels with borderlands monsters. There will be crystalisks and rakks in my Fridge. And psychos and bandits, too, though I'm thinking they will just be underdark goblinoids, orcs and the like.

Anyway. I'm looking for thoughts on which Borderlands maps would make good dungeon levels, and how they could be tweaked a little, like adding the elemental storm to the Fridge. The Wildlife Preservation Center, Caustic Caverns, and Krom's Canyon are the maps that leap to mind. (Yes, I'm happy to draw from all 3 games). Ideas? Please.

TL;DR? I warned you! And thank you.


My longest post ever.

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Goodman Games is doing a 5e version of this ... Might want to check that out when it comes out

.... OK i need to read better. You meant BOARDERLANDS the first person shooter game.

I remember a thread for 3.5 about suggestions ... and I think there was some 4e monster conversions but I haven't seen anything for 5e.

I would start with making a list of all the creatures/enemies and then look through the various books for things that feel similar and just do a name swap. Anything that doesn't work, either tweak something that is close or start designing.

Why not just map it one to one with how the maps line up in the actual games with portals to the other areas?


First Post
Starfinder rules might work a bit better for this as the rules already account for weapons having levels. Cool idea overall.


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Starfinder rules might work a bit better for this as the rules already account for weapons having levels. Cool idea overall.

I'm not planning on going that deep into simulating the game. That said, I did try making a few magic crossbows inspired by the various manufacturers and elements.

These were the first, rough draft:

Slagged Crossbow (Recharge 6). The wielder of this weapon can cause a bolt loaded in this weapon to become slagged. A creature hit by the slagged bolt must make a DC 11 Constitution save to avoid being slagged. A slagged creature gains vulnerability to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. The target can make a new Constitution saving throw at the start of each of its turn to end the slagged condition.

Maliwan Inferno. Bolts fired from this crossbow deal 1d8 piercing damage plus 1d8 fire damage. However, the wielder does not add his Dexterity modifier to damage.

Dahl Hydra. This crossbow can be loaded with 3 bolts that can be fired all at once as a single attack. Each bolt must target the same creature. Make an attack roll for each bolt. The wielder can apply his Deterity bonus to only damage roll.

Torgue Blastbow. Bolts fired from this bow explode on a successful attack. The target and every creature within 5 feet of the target takes 2d6 force damage must make a DC 11 Reflex save. Each creature takes an additional 2d6 force damage, or half that amount on a successful save.


First Post
Why not just map it one to one with how the maps line up in the actual games with portals to the other areas?
I don't really want to use that much of it. I'm afraid that with that much Borderlands, it'll overwhelm the rest of what I'm going for. (And I think that it would start to lose its fun factor with over use.)

I remember a thread for 3.5 about suggestions ... and I think there was some 4e monster conversions but I haven't seen anything for 5e.

I would start with making a list of all the creatures/enemies and then look through the various books for things that feel similar and just do a name swap. Anything that doesn't work, either tweak something that is close or start designing.

Aye. I've started doing that. The adult skags are reflavoured and slightly modified dire wolves. The basic spiderant is pretty much just the giant spider. And though I haven't got to them yet, the monster manual's girallon will serve just fine for the Bonerfarts.

But there's a lot of work still to go and I'm hoping someone else has done it. :blush:

Oh, and thanks for the 4e suggestion. I just found a skag statblock and 8t's confirmed that the tongue lash I gave mine is a reasonable inclusion:

Medium beast, unaligned
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 40 ft.
14 15 12 1 12 6
+2 +2 +1 -5 +1 -2
Damage Resistances Piercing and slashing
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages -
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Tongue Lash. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

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