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D&D 5E 5E has brought this old gmaer back to D&D after 8 years!


Hello ENWorld!
I'm an older gamer brought back to the D&D family by the awesomeness that is 5E!
I started RPGing back with 1E and Lone Wolf books (yes, they count!) I then played the heck out of 2E for a decade, and then 3E for a chunk of a decade, until the math started to bring me down. In my quest to simplify and bring back that old school feel, I tried to make rules lite and math lite homebrew systems for 8 years. My attempts were bad.. and broken.... But now 5E is here and has brought with it that streamlined math with an old school feel that I was after!
Is anyone else here an old D&D gamer, brought back into the family because of the awesomeness of 5E?
Or does anyine else just want to be happy with me that D&D brings people like me back?

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aramis erak

Hello ENWorld!

Hello, Mavkatzer!

Hello ENWorld!
I'm an older gamer brought back to the D&D family by the awesomeness that is 5E!
Older is such a relative term...

Is anyone else here an old D&D gamer, brought back into the family because of the awesomeness of 5E?
Or does anyine else just want to be happy with me that D&D brings people like me back?

I started with a mix of AD&D and Moldvay's red Basic Set, which was brand new to the market, tho' I'd seen a copy of Holmes' Basic Set a year prior. I've done a bit of many editions; I was unimpressed with 4E, and 3.5 was not fixing what I disliked of 3.0, while not fixing what I felt was needed.

My other fantasy favorites include WFRP 1E, The Fantasy Trip, Tunnels and Trolls, Burning Wheel, and Arrowflight.

5E is excellent - fast, light, flexible. Enough structure to help players build quickly, enough flexibility to not be a straightjacket. Not quite as "pick-up and go" as T&T or WFRP 1E, but almost, and with "Fifth Edition Character Sheet" by Walter Kammerer, I can get a new player up and playing in 10 minutes... or less.

Just to be clear - my longest break without a game was under 3 months... Basic Training.
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First Post
I think that EN World has a good spread, from people started playing in the seventies to people started playing yesterday.

If you liked Lone Wolf I recommend the multiplayer game

Me, I started with ADnD in the eigthies, sldo dabbling in a lot of other games like RQ, CoC, Rolemaster and GURPS.
But I continued with DnD when ADnD2 and DnD3 released.
I skipped DnD4 (not my cup of tea), instead jumped the OSR-wagon with games like OSRIC, Swords & Wizardry, Labyrinth Lord, Deliving Deeper and Lamentations of the Flame Princess (LotFP).

I was very sceptic when WotC announced DnD5 and they said it was for players of all older editions. But I really like what I see and am currently working with my 5E-houserules to get the Old Scool-feel that I like.

My fellow player in my LotFP-group are still sceptic towards 5E, but I try to convince them to at least try it out once


Steeliest of the dragons
Welcome back to the table! :D

Introduced (with Holmes) and fell in love/got my own as Mentzer's red box Basic was hitting the shelves here too and 5e is the first [published] D&D I've seen in over a decade (other than tinkering and re-tinkering my own homebrew: campaign setting and game system) that has interested/really gotten me excited in that creative "let's play some D&D!" way at all.

And welcome to EN World. We are a diverse (and often strongly opined) bunch, as [MENTION=9636]Anth[/MENTION] said, with a broad swathe of experiences. But [normally] do not bite. ;)

Have some start up XP.
--Steel Dragons


I'll see your 8 years and raise you 12, for a total of 20 :) The last D&D product I bought was in the 90s. Started in 1981 and played the :):):):) out of D&D all the way up to...well...now I guess. Just that after I got my hybrid of 1e with some 2e rules, that's where I kept playing. 3e and the numbers bloat didn't seem that appealing (and all the discussions that popped up re: optimize your PC or you're harming your party REALLY turned me off of it), and 4e didn't feel anything like D&D to me except name only.

But 5e feels to me as a natural progression after AD&D. I'm really enjoying it, and the most important thing is that it allows me to play the style of D&D I want. Really, the entire design team deserves credit for this one.


I'm a returning lapsed gamer as well. Red Box, 1e and 2e for many years. A series of moves kept me from playing for a long time. Bought 3e and 4e, but they didn't really appeal to me. I was working on a heartbreaker when I found the playtest rules and dove right in. Loving every minute of 5e play.


Welcome back!

I can't say I've been away for any amount of time since I started with 3e and have been following the hobby through it's ups and downs, but I can definitely relate to your happiness with 5th!

3e/3.5 was my first real jaunt into tabletop RPGs and while I cut my teeth on it I can't say that's the most enjoyable out of all of the games that I have played. I've actually played more 4e than anything else but that was more from a lack of alternatives than actual preference. But now the more I read of 5th the more hope I have for the eventual revitalization of the hobby as a whole. Simply the amount of play testing that went on for this edition and the idea that the game's creators were willing to truly listen to and incorporate the feedback provided by the players is a testament to the label being in the right hands. Hopefully they will continue to follow that model for years to come.

But I digress - again, welcome back and know that you're not alone in your enjoyment of the new (old? who cares!) D&D.


I started in 1e, but does it count for the all the original Rose Estes Endless Quests as my truly first introduction to D&D? God i loved those.


First Post
I started in 1e, but does it count for the all the original Rose Estes Endless Quests as my truly first introduction to D&D? God i loved those.

I really loved the art in those early Endless Quest books. Return to Brookmere, which features art by comic artist Timothy Truman, has THE definitive version of the Gnoll that has never been matched since, IMO.

Oh, and Welcome, Mavkatzer! :cool:

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