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5e. homerbrew class. the Titan Fist. wip. (now also includes it as a monk path)


​Hiya! So this is my class, the titan fist. It is supposed to be a character who works off of brute strength and unarmered combat, a master of battlefield control with things like shoving and grappling. This is what I got so far, what do you think? Any suggestions?
Here is some fluff, it is setting specific, without it just play this class as a normal melee brawler

When the first halflings came to the giant lands, they were almost wiped out. They were weak, and the titanic monsters in this new land were far to big for them to handle, they only managed to survive at all by hiding in underground burrows, yet even in their burrows they were not always safe. The legend of the titan fists begins one day when a burrow was assaulted by a deadly red dragon, all the might of the burrow fought against the beast with spears and swords, yet it was to no avail.

Almost every halfling in that burrow was killed, finally it came to a point where the only one left fighting was a young halfling who history only remembers as the Dragon-Puncher. He alone faced the dragon, and he was losing. The dragon swiped, expecting to deliver the final hit, and he hit, yet oddly the Dragon-Puncher remained unharmed. His flesh glowed with holy might and the dragon realized what was going on, the ghosts of those that had been killed that day were protecting the Dragon-Puncher, giving him their collective strength. The Dragon-Puncher also realized this, and he did the act that would mark his name down in history, he punched the dragon. The collective might of all of the burrow in one fist was to strong for the dragon, and that single hit killed it. And thus, the first titan fist rose to power.

That is what the titan fist is, a melee brawler granted strength by the spiritual might of halflings that died violent deaths and chose to give their power to help protect the halfling race, as well as the power of every dead titan puncher. Races besides halflings can become titan punchers, however it is rare.
Class features

Hit dice; 1d10 per titan level.
hit points at first level; 1d10+con modifier
hit points after first level; 1d10 (or 6) + your con modifer for levels after first

armor; light
weapons; simple
tools; none
Saving throws; Strength constitution
Skills; pick three from athletics, animal handling, stealth, intimidation, perception, religion, persuasion

Unarmored defense.
At first level. while you are not wearing any armor, your armor class equals 10 + your dexterity modifier + your constitution modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit

God fist
At 1st level your pure strength training has improved your body in fabulous ways
you can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike, this changes with your titan level as shown in the God Fist column of the titan Table. (this die is the same as the monk unarmed attack die and stacks with it)

you gain expertise in the athletics skill

you're carrying capacity is doubled.

You count as medium for the purpose of who you can grapple, people who grapple you still treat you as your actual size.]. Starting at level 9 you are treated as large. Starting at level 15 you are treated as huge. And starting at level 20 you are treated as gargantuan and no longer age.

Master of combat
starting at second level you have become greater at manipulating the battle field

when you shove someone you may choose to move them 10 feet in a straight line instead of the normal 5 or instead you can have the character be pushed 5 feet and get knocked prone.

when you grapple someone if you beat them by more than 5 the target is also treated as restrained instead of just grappled (although they can still break out of it like a grapple)

Extra attack
one at fith level

Ability score improvement,
the normal not rogue or fighter one

Raging roar
Starting at level 7 once per short rest you can spend your action to unleash a wrathful roar. Doing this unleashes you of all status effects and everyone within 20 feet makes a charisma save vs your intimidation and if they fail they are frightened for 5 turns.

Ground stomp
Starting at level 11 you can as an action stomp the ground. You make a strength(athletics) check contrasted by the dexterity(acrobatics) check of anyone within 10 feet, everyone who fails is knocked prone , if any of them are already knocked prone than they roll with advantage and if they fail they are stunned for one turn, if they succeed they stand back up automatically.

Speedy fist.
Starting at level 13 you can shove or grapple as a bonus action.

Avatar of battle
at 17th level, you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non magical weapons



Master of flesh
Starting at level 1, You can now use your god fist dice for all strength weapon attacks, including melee weapons(should you somehow gain proficiency with them) and improvised weapons(for example, corpses)

You gain proficy in improvised weapons and your enemies. When you use an enemy (alive or dead) you may treat it as a weapon with bludgeoning damage equal to your god fist dice, as well as the thrown property (range 20/60). When you use a living enemy this way they also take half the damage they deal. Please note that you can also use allies or anyone else this way.

Crazy strong.
you can no longer be over encumbered and can carry anything less than 100 times your weight. You have advantage on strength checks made to push, pull, lift, or break objects.

Mad craze
Beginning at level 10, after you hit an enemy you may choose to enter a mad craze. While in this mad craze your movement speed increases by 10 feet if you aren’t wearing armor and if you damage that reduces you below 0 hit points you do not go down until the end of your next turn. This mad craze ends at the end of your next turn, but you may continue it by hitting another enemy. In addition if you kill an enemy while in a mad craze you regain 1d4 hit point

Blood for the blood god skulls for the skull throne
.Starting at level 14 I can’t think of anything so pick one of the totem barbarian capstones I suppose.

future subclasses will be one that uses battle-master maneuvers and one that uses magic.

edit; On recomendation I also tried it as a monk path, what do you think?

[h=2]Way of the Titan fist[/h]Monks of the way of the titan fist are halflings (and members of the other races who take a test) who have sworn to defend the halfling race against the giant monstrosities of the giant lands. Each titan fist gains there ki and strength not from simple mediation, but is instead granted there power by the spirits of every dead halfling who died fighting the monstrosities they defend against and chose to lend them aid. This granted strength gives them special abilities to fight against giant monsters, as well as letting them call upon the dead halflings for help.

Big help from tiny hands
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd levvel, you can use your ki to deplicate the effects of certain spells, as an action you can spend 2 points to cast, enlarge/reduce, sheild, or hunter's mark as level 2 spells withought providing material components.

in addition you gain proficient in the athletics skill, and expertise with athletics rolls vs opponents larger than you're base size(such as grappling or shoving)

Tiny titan
starting at level 6 you can grapple and shove opponents larger than you could normally. When you try to grapple opponents larger than you, you may do so, however your opponent has advantage against you.

Ask those who have gone before you
starting at level 11, you can cast commune as a ritual. When you do so you ask not a god, but instead the spirits of all the halflings you draw your power from.

Summon the spirits.
Starting at level 17 you can spend 6 ki points to summon 4 halfling guardians. The guardians disappear when they drop to 0 hit points or when you dismiss it. You can only have eight guardians up at a time. The guardians are friendly to you and your companions for the duration. Roll initiative for the guardians, which have their own turn. they obeys any verbal command that you issue to them (no action required by you) if you don't issue them a command they defends themself from hostile creatures but takes no actions. You may dismiss them whenever you want.
The halfling guardians are halfling thugs except with no heavy cross bow, but are undead and can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. They take 5(1d10) force damage if they end there turn inside an object.
what do you think? not satisfied with the level 17 ability but other than that it seems pretty good, any ideas for the 17th level ability?

which is better? monk or class?
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the Jester

This reads like a monk variant more than a base class all its own, to me. I don't think it has sufficient identity to stand on its own. You might consider reworking it as a monk path.


Just wanted to let you know it is very hard to read your text when one has a black background, here is how you can fix it: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?348563-Dark-Text-on-a-Dark-Background-Tutorial

It is just a formatting issue. When you make the change it will be black on a white background and light gray on a black background.

did that fix it?

This reads like a monk variant more than a base class all its own, to me. I don't think it has sufficient identity to stand on its own. You might consider reworking it as a monk path.

hmm good idea. Any ideas what it might be though? Like abilities? The entire thing around this class was supposed to be able to grapple gigantic monsters, because you know it is for fighting in the giant lands where the smallest thing besides halflings are large size, but that might be a bit much for a monk path. Any ideas what abilities it might have?

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