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[5E] [OOC] JM's A Bit of Trouble (Closed)

Steve Gorak

Hey Guys,

Im still here, just been busy. I’m switching concepts because since we have a wizard in the group, I find the novelty of a dedicated ritual casting warlock a bit overshadowed.No biggie though, because I have a character I love, in another game, that’s winding down: a noble lore bard.
I’ll tweak him for this setting, but the basic story is that he’s human, with a great great great Elven grandmother, still alive and matriarch of his noble house. As a young buck of 16, he was invited to go visit his Elven family (there were rumours that a few maidens had to be supported by the family because they bore his bastards, nothing confirmed though). As luck would have it, These elves happened to be in the groaning forest. After a few years with the elves, he was invited to go and explore the world (the elders didn’t like how this young elf blooded human was attracting the attention of a few Elven maidens). He set out to live a bit with friendly nearby lizard folks, to learn their tales and their music. This is how he met the group.

He will be a NG human, inspiring leader feat, support character.
does this work?


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Swithun will happily spar with Surina when he has time. He's stoic and a bit aloof, and his customs can seem a bit strange to humans, but he's honest and friendly, if somewhat overly serious.


Bards are great! I hope you enjoy them.

So what details should I know regarding Anna and how best to integrate her? Apologies if they were brought up already; it's been a busy week and I'm not fully caught up.

He set out to live a bit with friendly nearby lizard folks, to learn their tales and their music.

Not really. There were no friendly nearby lizard folks until the party arrived. Those lizardfolk are only neutral at the moment. They are glad the humans got rid of their rival. But they aren't ready for humans spending a lot of time among them. It would be a good character a year from now. But now, not so much. (IOW, if your character is going to spend time with the lizardfolk, they won't be in Bit to hang out with the party in the fall.)

Steve Gorak

Not really. There were no friendly nearby lizard folks until the party arrived. Those lizardfolk are only neutral at the moment. They are glad the humans got rid of their rival. But they aren't ready for humans spending a lot of time among them. It would be a good character a year from now. But now, not so much. (IOW, if your character is going to spend time with the lizardfolk, they won't be in Bit to hang out with the party in the fall.)

ok, just trying for a hook. So after the elves, he could have gone to Bit, hung out with one of the noble families there (related to his house), and they were getting tired of giving him patronage, and asked for his “help” to support the efforts of the party. Would that work? If not, do you have any recommendations?



I think that Frost would feel a bit uncomfortable in a house or appartment. She is more likely found in army camps or under a tree somewhere. That said, if there is a hot bath in the offering ... only a barbarian would turn down the offer of a hot bath.

OK, I am going to throw some connection ideas out there. Free free to amend, adapt or reject.

Morning is as likely as not to be up for some sparring. Morning is range fighter, not a melee fighter. Against Swithun or Surina she would spend most of the time back peddling while throwing stones and sticks at more powerful fighters. And laughing. Or cursing when knocked on her ass. If Anna is interested, Morning would be keen to learn how to use a sling.

If there is training going on in the army, Winter would offer to help. Archery probably, throwing weapons maybe. If Klebba is still training, they could meet then.


Steve Gorak

Character’s up in the RG. Sorry for the formatting, I did it on my phone and can’t seem to be able to change it.
Backstory hooks are welcome, hopefully this will be ironed out soon.
Comments are welcome. I went with both the actor (for fun) and inspiring leader feats, at the cost of a starting Cha of 16.


I didn't read you background close enough. You don't have to "go to the Elves". Everett (lost party member) is 4th or 5th in line to one of the noble families of Bit. He's also an Elf. So if you want to be 353rd in line for the Tommilson family, go right ahead. Most people just move on. But this does get you in proximity of the party as the party is well-acquainted with Everett.

Frost was not offered a home. Frost was not part of the group that liberated the villagers.

If you hang out with the army, you won't be in Bit. Being in Bit, as I asked, means leaving the army to do its thing. (And its thing is really just being a garrison.)

Steve Gorak

I didn't read you background close enough. You don't have to "go to the Elves". Everett (lost party member) is 4th or 5th in line to one of the noble families of Bit. He's also an Elf. So if you want to be 353rd in line for the Tommilson family, go right ahead. Most people just move on. But this does get you in proximity of the party as the party is well-acquainted with Everett.

Hey JM,

Thanks for the idea, I really like it. Here is what I propose: Everett is the nephew of Theremin’s noble house’s matriarch. So this makes him Theremin’s great, great uncle. The matriarch is an older elf, I picture her at about 220 years old, and is the sister of Everett’s mother. Theremin, as a child, travelled with his great, great great grandmother a few times to Bit, and had fond memories of the people and the place. This is why he came back as an adult, and was disappointed his favorite gguncle wasn’t there, and came looking for him.

I do like the idea of him having spent some time with the groaning forest’s elves, again introduced by the matriarch and ties through the nobility (nobles are pretty much all related), mainly because he’s a noble from a more distant kingdom, and it would be nice give him some local ties/connections.

i view him as high mobility (second in line to the throne of his kingdom, but this will never come into play aside from the noble background’s standard feature), but he was never interested in politics and favoured the arts.

as far as the actual meeting with the group, I’m absolutely open to suggestions. Theremin is very well equipped to be an excellent spy, so perhaps his aid was requested by house Tommilson, and of course he accepted noblesse oblige.
what do you think?
thanks again and cheers,


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