[5e] Spell & Crossbones


Queen of Everything
As the person who brings that fact up the most, I know what you mean! If the GM wants the drunkards to go to bed and sleep it off, I'm down with that.

But otherwise there is no way in hell they are getting Katerina to bed.

Off to Shenanigans!!!

...okay if everyone insists we skip over to the next day, that's fine. I was thinking a little group role playing would be fun, and while we are at the tavern we can recruit crew and gather information, particularly rumors of what the other ship - Captain Wallace- is up to.

[MENTION=20005]Matthan[/MENTION] Has Blaise been to the safehouse yet?

[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION], do you recall where we slept the previous night? Or was it not specified?

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Okay, first let me state that, for the record, Blaise is pro-shenanigans. He has even been known to proceed with general tomfoolery.

However, I think there are several compelling in-story reasons that Blaise would not want to go after the djab tonight.

1. Kat and Zef are both drunk. Kat has lost her sense of subtlety and good sense and Zef is drunk enough to be unconscious. Neither of which is what you want from your fellow ghostbusters.

2. We can't go straight for the djab. We have to meet with Blackbeard first and navigate another conversation with him. If we go there now, our captain will make a fool of herself and our reputation will be soused before we even get a ship. Do we really want Blackbeard to think us so stupid as to go to a negotiation drunk?

3. We have new information on the djab. Van Djik said that this bokor, Sambo, is behind the curse. That's a lead worth following up on. He may not be on the island (but he could be!), but anything we find out could help us with the curse.

As for timeline stuff, Blaise joined up earlier today. He has not been to the safehouse or spent an evening with the crew (but what a day!).


Queen of Everything
[5e] Spell & Crossbones (recruiting 1-2)

No, no, no, no Djab and no Blackbeard.

As far as anyone knows, they haven't found anything, treasure wise. They'll have to go "searching" tomorrow. We'll figure out what we actually want to do the next day - go searching for the other two parts of the treasure, gather supplies for djab fighting, look for the bokor - do we have reason to do this or should we do it to gather information on the djab he summoned?

Noooo... Kat would want to go to the Tavern. You missed out on tavern shenanigans last time around (insult arm wrestling anyone? Lol). Drunk people do not make good decisions but I'm certain she will want to continue her drunken shenanigans.

As I mentioned, it might be fun to role play some fun for a bit, and to role play with each other. Aside from that, the Tavern is where we hire people, gather info and pick up on rumors, and who knows what other fun stuff our gracious GM might find for us there. We could even check in with our benefactor.

So a short interlude only was what I was thinking. We definitely can't go djab hunting and even in her drunkenness Kat is not THAT stupid.

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First Post
Going after the djab is going to require some prep work, and everyone will need to be on point. We're not doing it with two people down and on impulse. :)

Queenie's idea of RP is sound!


I need to go back and reread the treasure scene. Van Djik mentioned three treasures and three islands. Apparently, we only found one piece of a puzzle. But! We don't have to go treasure hunting tomorrow unless we want to make sure we got everything from that cave. The rest of the treasure seems to be elsewhere.

We also can keep the book if we want. We can turn the key over to Blackbeard. We only needed to complete one of the tasks. We did both. If I remember correctly, the treasure we found was locked and trapped. We didn't have this key so we ended up fighting a chain.

A thought that just hit me, presumably Blackbeard is having us followed in some way at least while we're in town. I would wager that he knows that we have visited Van Djik after going off into the countryside. We need to consider the narrative we're spinning. Right now we can say that we went treasure hunting because we didn't want to risk Yellow Fever. After we failed to turn up anything, we resigned ourselves to speaking with Van Djik and got the key. Then, we turn the key over to Blackbeard and admit that we couldn't find the treasure. If we add in another trip to the countryside (to go treasure hunting), Blackbeard might suspect that we are trying to rob his treasure from him and give him a key to a looted chest (which we are, but we don't want him to think that until he has to).

As for the bokor, it's an avenue to look at. Blaise will probably spend some time this evening trying to see if he can turn anything up on him. If nothing else, Blaise wants to buy him a drink. It may not pan out at all. It's a long shot whether he's on the island or not. The only way that I can imagine him being around is if he wanted to watch Van Djik die which is not impossible. If he's here, he may be holed up with the escaped slaves that I want to find and recruit. It may just be a rabbit trail for now, but it shouldn't take to long to know whether there is anything of value to it or not.

Blaise is good with tavern shenanigans. I thought you wanted to keep pushing after the ship. That's what he would resist. Past that, the night is young!


Going after the djab is going to require some prep work, and everyone will need to be on point. We're not doing it with two people down and on impulse. :)

Queenie's idea of RP is sound!

On the one hand, if they're blacked out drunk they can't do much in a fight. OTOH, if they're blacked out drunk they can't be possessed! Pro/con. ;)

The djab *is* a serious challenge, both to PCs and to players. That's all I'll say.


OK. [MENTION=61026]tuxgeo[/MENTION] if you are really interested in joining the game, let's see if we can pin some things down about your character.

There seem to be 2 different stories you're contemplating?

1. A sailor who was aboard La Gloriosa at one point (or otherwise connected to it), possibly wrongly accused of being in league with Baron de Pointis during raid on Cartagena. Seeks La Gloriosa to clear his name of false allegation (and possibly to get justice against de Pointis?). Very clear backstory/arc, very poignant and unique from other PCs, I like it a lot.

2. A former crew member of The Coral Curse who sought out La Gloriosa before...presumably for gold & glory? Unclear. That venture failed disastrously, however, and now he's seeking La Gloriosa again to redeem his reputation. Fits in well with the current story, very much an unlucky / black spot / "worst pirate ever" vibe, I like it.

Either works. Which of these two appeals to you more? Go with that. That should help pin down a lot about your PC and your connection to other PCs.

It looks as though the ship duty of First Mate might be appropriate: not too highly ranked, still learning some of the complexities of operating a ship without being a total newbie at it.

For the record, if you're thinking #2 Van Djik mentioned his old mate "Beck"...could be a nickname...could be an English given name. Could by an NPC or your PC.

A large ship may have several mates serving aboard it, hence the designation “first mate.” The first mate acts as apprentice to the sailing master and boatswain. Their responsibilities include the fitting out of the vessel, examining whether it is sufficiently provided with ropes, pulleys, sails, and all other rigging necessary for the voyage, hoisting the anchor, and at port seeing to the care of the sails, yards, mooring, anchor, and cables of the ship. Proficiency in watercraft is recommended.

As for connections to other PCs in the party are concerned, I think I would need to get buy-in from the respective players of the other PCs in order to establish any such connections. Here are the ideas I have along those lines right now:

Which story (see above) you go with will definitely influence this, but here are my thoughts...

A connection to Old Zef would be easy if they have a mutual friend, or if they both served under Blackheart. (Hmm. Blackheart was Spanish. That might be difficult to arrange if my guy is English -- which he doesn't need to be.)
-- or maybe Blackheart sank enough English ships, and mercifully saved (or took as galley slaves) enough floating survivors of those sinkings that this guy met Old Zef then. I'm open to suggestions.
-- or maybe Blackheart didn't always sink the ships immediately: maybe he first incapacitated them and boarded them, taking the crew as prisoners or replacement crew, and looted the ships before sinking them. . . .

With #1, the Zeeland Bellows (artifact made by Old Zef's father) were purportedly aboard La Gloriosa when it vanished, so your character could have been involved after being falsely accused...maybe sabotaging them during his getaway (though not before recognizing the dwarven family name of Old Zef's family upon it – not sure what that would be [MENTION=2820]Fenris[/MENTION] ). Or some variation of that theme.

With #2, going the "also served under Blackheart" route like you describe makes sense. In that case, I think you'd want to come up with a reason why he has been estranged from Old Zef and Katerina.

A connection to Katarina would be harder due to her having grown up to adulthood so recently: my guy would have had to be very close to her family, or her childhood, to have known her except by reputation. (However, a connection to Old Zef might substitute for that.)

With #1, being a Spaniard or a Frenchman allied with the Spanish, he would have heard of the dread pirate Blackheart striking against the Spanish Main. Maybe after fleeing his false accusal, he ends up trying to find Blackheart, discovers the old pirate is dead (allegedly) but has a daughter seeking to rally a crew. Could make for an interesting first meeting!

With #2, what you describe makes sense, though he would have known her as a kid definitely as Katerina sailed with her father.

Since Etienne is new to the area, I don't see much there: he's just arrived in the Caribbean (?), so we would have to work something out. Or -- check that. Etienne has Contacts among the natives. Is my guy a native, or a half-breed living among them? (I think this may depend on whether other connections can be defined.)
[MENTION=6787234]peterka99[/MENTION] is playing Etienne as a "fish out of water" type character, so don't worry about any connection there unless it comes naturally.

A connection to Blaise? Maybe this guy got rather intensely interviewed by Blaise about having crewed on a ship that ran slaves, before this guy gave that work up as a bad job? (Maybe the reason he gave up crewing for such voyages?)

With #1, you could have witnessed or had contact with one of the "soul gems" (is that what you were calling it [MENTION=20005]Matthan[/MENTION] ? there were supposed to be two of them?) that Blaise contacted; this gem would have been loaded onto La Gloriosa before it fled the raid on Cartagena. That could be a very interesting and possibly conflicted bond between your PCs...if it fit what [MENTION=20005]Matthan[/MENTION] and you have in mind for your characters.

With #2, well, having served aboard The Coral Curse means you were tied to the whole incident with Van Djik's rescuing/taking of the slaves and leaving other slaves to drown. It was a very tense controversial moment on the ship that likely split the opinions of many of the crew. So even if you and Blaise don't know each other yet, that could make for an interesting conversation with a lot of pathos when you do meet...could easily see your PCs developing a close bond because or it...or even becoming allied rivals/foils if their views were divergent.

A connection to Nia? I would need a lot of help on that one, since she's apparently arrived in the Antilles very recently, so their paths might not have crossed before. (I doubt this character is "The White Whale.") Or else my guy needs some connection to Voodoo or Loa or Druidry, so they have something in common? (Not the Druidic language, unless it can come from the "extra language" available from the setting.) (?)

Well...if you're going with a Spanish PC (#1 or #2)...there's a HUGE potential for linking up with Nia's background... quoting the relevant section...I think [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] intended this as an open plot hook rather than implying that, for example, Blackbeard was the "spanish captain" in question?

[SECTION]Nia was the youngest daughter of the chieftain of a small island village in the Carribean. She both idolized her older sister, Inka, who was apprenticed to the village 'witch,' a woman of significant powers and skilled in the calling of voodoo loa spirits. Nia was still quite young when Inka ran off with some Spanish pirate, abandoning her people in the process. Nia had to grow up in a hurry to fill her shoes, and though it was a struggle she rose to the challenge. To add insult to injury, not so very long afterward that Spanish captain brought Inka back...for burial. Her father the chief, consumed by wrath, demanded that Gertie, the village witch, curse that captain. It was done, and despite them forbidding her, Nia found a place to watch in secret. It was terrifying, but it felt right. It was justice. It was like Gertie always said, that which you do comes back to you. Actions and consequences. It was the way of things, and it was right.[/SECTION]

Alternately, you could go for a less tangible more supernatural connection via the Loas...Nia isn't a "druid" in the European sense of the word, and the "Druidic" language in this case we've treated more as a speaking in tongues that the Loa understand. That was a genius idea from [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] that really evoked the ecstatic nature of Voodoo religion, with possession by Loas being a significant part of that spiritual path. So IF it fit your Sorcerer PC to be calling upon Loas (or even dark spirits called djab), then there's a potential for connection...it would need to be fleshed out.
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First Post
I think the idea with Nia's background is that the Spanish captain that got cursed by Gertie was Kat's father.

The idea being that Nia and Kat are bound by fate, by that curse. It also establishes a blood relation between Nia and Kat that neither is aware of.


First Post
Etienne already met a native tribe on the island a few hours ago. Maybe your character is from the village he impressed him enough to make him come and see the Big French Bear ... Taino tribe if my memory is still good....

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